These new maps show 16 years of ice sheet loss

A new study, published April 30, 2020 in Science, used an advanced Earth-observing laser instrument aboard a satellite to make precise, detailed measurements of how the elevation of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have changed between 2003 and 2019.

The study results show that small gains of ice in East Antarctica are dwarfed by massive losses in West Antarctica. According to the scientists, the net loss of ice from Antarctica, along with Greenland’s shrinking ice sheet, has been responsible for 0.55 inches (14 millimeters) of sea level rise between 2003 and 2019 – slightly less than a third of the total amount of sea level rise observed in the world’s oceans.

The findings compared the recent data from NASA’s Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite 2 (ICESat-2), launched in 2018, with measurements taken by the original ICESat from 2003 to 2009.

Using data from the ICESat and ICESat-2 laser altimeters, scientists precisely measured how much ice has been lost from ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland between 2003 and 2019. The Antarctic Peninsula, seen here, was one of the fastest changing regions of the continent. Image via NASA/ K. Ramsayer

The study found that Greenland’s ice sheet lost an average of 200 gigatons of ice per year, and Antarctica’s ice sheet lost an average of 118 gigatons of ice per year.

How much ice is that? One gigaton of ice is enough to fill 400,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools or cover New York’s Central Park in ice more than 1,000 feet (300 meters) thick, reaching higher than the Chrysler Building.

The new data comes from what NASA describes as its most advanced Earth-observing laser instrument ever flown in space:

ICESat-2’s instrument is a laser altimeter, which sends 10,000 pulses of light a second down to Earth’s surface, and times how long it takes to return to the satellite – to within a billionth of a second. The instrument’s pulse rate allows for a dense map of measurement over the ice sheet; its high precision allows scientists to determine how much an ice sheet changes over a year to within an inch.

The researchers took tracks of earlier ICESat measurements and overlaid the tracks of ICESat-2 measurements from 2019, and took data from the tens of millions of sites where the two data sets intersected. That gave them the elevation change, but to get to how much ice has been lost, the researchers developed a new model to convert volume change to mass change. The model calculated densities across the ice sheets to allow the total mass loss to be calculated.

Greenland. Image via NASA

Ben Smith is a glaciologist at the University of Washington and lead author of the new paper. Smith said in a statement:

If you watch a glacier or ice sheet for a month, or a year, you’re not going to learn much about what the climate is doing to it. We now have a 16-year span between ICESat and ICESat-2 and can be much more confident that the changes we’re seeing in the ice have to do with the long-term changes in the climate.

Bottom line: New maps made using satellite data show 16 years of ice sheet loss on Antarctic and Greenland.

Source: Pervasive ice sheet mass loss reflects competing ocean and atmosphere processes


from EarthSky

A new study, published April 30, 2020 in Science, used an advanced Earth-observing laser instrument aboard a satellite to make precise, detailed measurements of how the elevation of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have changed between 2003 and 2019.

The study results show that small gains of ice in East Antarctica are dwarfed by massive losses in West Antarctica. According to the scientists, the net loss of ice from Antarctica, along with Greenland’s shrinking ice sheet, has been responsible for 0.55 inches (14 millimeters) of sea level rise between 2003 and 2019 – slightly less than a third of the total amount of sea level rise observed in the world’s oceans.

The findings compared the recent data from NASA’s Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite 2 (ICESat-2), launched in 2018, with measurements taken by the original ICESat from 2003 to 2009.

Using data from the ICESat and ICESat-2 laser altimeters, scientists precisely measured how much ice has been lost from ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland between 2003 and 2019. The Antarctic Peninsula, seen here, was one of the fastest changing regions of the continent. Image via NASA/ K. Ramsayer

The study found that Greenland’s ice sheet lost an average of 200 gigatons of ice per year, and Antarctica’s ice sheet lost an average of 118 gigatons of ice per year.

How much ice is that? One gigaton of ice is enough to fill 400,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools or cover New York’s Central Park in ice more than 1,000 feet (300 meters) thick, reaching higher than the Chrysler Building.

The new data comes from what NASA describes as its most advanced Earth-observing laser instrument ever flown in space:

ICESat-2’s instrument is a laser altimeter, which sends 10,000 pulses of light a second down to Earth’s surface, and times how long it takes to return to the satellite – to within a billionth of a second. The instrument’s pulse rate allows for a dense map of measurement over the ice sheet; its high precision allows scientists to determine how much an ice sheet changes over a year to within an inch.

The researchers took tracks of earlier ICESat measurements and overlaid the tracks of ICESat-2 measurements from 2019, and took data from the tens of millions of sites where the two data sets intersected. That gave them the elevation change, but to get to how much ice has been lost, the researchers developed a new model to convert volume change to mass change. The model calculated densities across the ice sheets to allow the total mass loss to be calculated.

Greenland. Image via NASA

Ben Smith is a glaciologist at the University of Washington and lead author of the new paper. Smith said in a statement:

If you watch a glacier or ice sheet for a month, or a year, you’re not going to learn much about what the climate is doing to it. We now have a 16-year span between ICESat and ICESat-2 and can be much more confident that the changes we’re seeing in the ice have to do with the long-term changes in the climate.

Bottom line: New maps made using satellite data show 16 years of ice sheet loss on Antarctic and Greenland.

Source: Pervasive ice sheet mass loss reflects competing ocean and atmosphere processes


from EarthSky

Why more Eta Aquariid meteors in Southern Hemisphere?

Eta Aquarid meteor shower in 2015 from Atacama Desert thanks to our friend Yuri Beletsky! Visit Yuri on Facebook.

Eta Aquarid meteor shower in 2015 from Chile’s Atacama Desert. Composite image by Yuri Beletsky.

The famous Eta Aquariid meteor shower – one of the year’s major meteor showers – peaks every year in early May. In 2020, the peak centers around May 5. This shower is known to be richer as seen from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere than from the Northern Hemisphere. Why?

If you traced the paths of Eta Aquarid meteors backward on the sky’s dome, you’d find that these meteors appear to stream from an asterism, or recognizable pattern of stars, known as the Water Jar in the constellation Aquarius.

This spot in the sky is the radiant point of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower. The meteors seem to emanate from the vicinity of the Water Jar, before spreading out and appearing in all parts of the sky.

The radiant point of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower is near the famous Water Jar asterism of the constellation Aquarius.

The radiant point of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower is near the famous Water Jar asterism of the constellation Aquarius.

Because the Water Jar is on the celestial equator – an imaginary great circle directly above the Earth’s equator – the radiant of the Eta Aquarid shower rises due east as seen from all over the world. Moreover, the radiant rises at about the same time worldwide, around 1:40 a.m. local time (2:40 a.m. Daylight Saving Time) in early May, around the shower’s typical peak date.

So you’d think the shower would be about the same as seen from around the globe.

But it’s not. The reason it’s not is that sunrise comes later to the Southern Hemisphere (where it’s autumn in May) and earlier to the Northern Hemisphere (where it’s spring in May).

Later sunrise means more dark time to watch meteors. And it also means the radiant point of the Eta Aquarid shower has a chance to climb higher into the predawn sky as seen from more southerly latitudes. That’s why the tropics and southern temperate latitudes tend to see more Eta Aquarid meteors than we do at mid-northern latitudes.

Cruise to a southerly latitude, anyone?

Everything you need to know: Eta Aquarid meteor shower

Eta Aquarius in 2013 by Colin Legg

Eta Aquarids in 2013 by Colin Legg in Australia.

Bottom line: Everyone around the globe can enjoy the Eta Aquariid meteor shower in early May. Best for the Southern Hemisphere! Peak in 2020 is on or near the morning of May 5.

Read more: EarthSky’s annual meteor shower guide

from EarthSky
Eta Aquarid meteor shower in 2015 from Atacama Desert thanks to our friend Yuri Beletsky! Visit Yuri on Facebook.

Eta Aquarid meteor shower in 2015 from Chile’s Atacama Desert. Composite image by Yuri Beletsky.

The famous Eta Aquariid meteor shower – one of the year’s major meteor showers – peaks every year in early May. In 2020, the peak centers around May 5. This shower is known to be richer as seen from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere than from the Northern Hemisphere. Why?

If you traced the paths of Eta Aquarid meteors backward on the sky’s dome, you’d find that these meteors appear to stream from an asterism, or recognizable pattern of stars, known as the Water Jar in the constellation Aquarius.

This spot in the sky is the radiant point of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower. The meteors seem to emanate from the vicinity of the Water Jar, before spreading out and appearing in all parts of the sky.

The radiant point of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower is near the famous Water Jar asterism of the constellation Aquarius.

The radiant point of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower is near the famous Water Jar asterism of the constellation Aquarius.

Because the Water Jar is on the celestial equator – an imaginary great circle directly above the Earth’s equator – the radiant of the Eta Aquarid shower rises due east as seen from all over the world. Moreover, the radiant rises at about the same time worldwide, around 1:40 a.m. local time (2:40 a.m. Daylight Saving Time) in early May, around the shower’s typical peak date.

So you’d think the shower would be about the same as seen from around the globe.

But it’s not. The reason it’s not is that sunrise comes later to the Southern Hemisphere (where it’s autumn in May) and earlier to the Northern Hemisphere (where it’s spring in May).

Later sunrise means more dark time to watch meteors. And it also means the radiant point of the Eta Aquarid shower has a chance to climb higher into the predawn sky as seen from more southerly latitudes. That’s why the tropics and southern temperate latitudes tend to see more Eta Aquarid meteors than we do at mid-northern latitudes.

Cruise to a southerly latitude, anyone?

Everything you need to know: Eta Aquarid meteor shower

Eta Aquarius in 2013 by Colin Legg

Eta Aquarids in 2013 by Colin Legg in Australia.

Bottom line: Everyone around the globe can enjoy the Eta Aquariid meteor shower in early May. Best for the Southern Hemisphere! Peak in 2020 is on or near the morning of May 5.

Read more: EarthSky’s annual meteor shower guide

from EarthSky

This month’s full moon comes on May 6-7

Diagram showing a full moon on the opposite side of Earth from the sun.

A full moon is opposite the sun. We see all of its dayside. Illustration via Bob King.

The moon appears full to the eye for two to three nights. However, astronomers regard the moon as full at a precisely defined instant, when the moon is exactly 180 degrees opposite the sun in ecliptic longitude. This week, the moon will look full on Wednesday evening, but the instant of full moon happens Thursday morning at 10:45 UTC (5:45 a.m. CDT). Translate UTC to your time.

It’s that feature of a full moon – the fact that it’s opposite the sun as viewed from Earth – that causes a full moon to look full.

Full moon reflecting in a bay, with a very small couple embracing in the lower left corner.

A kiss under the full moon of November 3, 2017, via our friend Steven Sweet of Lunar 101-Moon Book. He was at Port Credit, a neighborhood in the city of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada … at the mouth of the Credit River on the north shore of Lake Ontario.

Why does a full moon look full? Remember that half the moon is always illuminated by the sun. That lighted half is the moon’s day side. In order to appear full to us on Earth, we have to see the entire day side of the moon. That happens only when the moon is opposite the sun in our sky. So a full moon looks full because it’s opposite the sun.

That’s also why every full moon rises in the east around sunset – climbs highest up for the night midway between sunset and sunrise (around midnight) – and sets around sunrise. Stand outside tonight around sunset and look for the moon. Sun going down while the moon is coming up? That’s a full moon, or close to one.

Just be aware that the moon will look full for at least a couple of night around the instant of full moon.

Read more: What are the full moon names?

Often, you’ll find two different dates on calendars for the date of full moon. That’s because some calendars list moon phases in Coordinated Universal Time, also called Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). And other calendars list moon phases in local time, a clock time of a specific place, usually the place that made and distributed the calendars. Translate UTC to your local time.

Want to know the instant of full moon in your part of the world, as well as the moonrise and moonset times? Visit Sunrise Sunset Calendars, remembering to check the moon phases plus moonrise and moonset boxes.

If a full moon is opposite the sun, why doesn’t Earth’s shadow fall on the moon at every full moon? The reason is that the moon’s orbit is tilted by 5.1 degrees with respect to Earth’s orbit around the sun. At every full moon, Earth’s shadow sweeps near the moon. But, in most months, there’s no eclipse.

Oblique diagram of earth, sun, moon orbits. Moon orbit slightly slanted in relation to Earth's.

A full moon normally passes above or below Earth’s shadow, with no eclipse. Illustration by Bob King.

As the moon orbits Earth, it changes phase in an orderly way. Follow these links to understand the various phases of the moon.

New moon
Waxing crescent moon
First quarter moon
Waxing gibbous moon
Full moon
Waning gibbous moon
Last quarter moon
Waning crescent moon

Bottom line: A full moon looks full because it’s opposite the sun. Its lighted face is turned entirely in Earth’s direction. The next full moon is Thursday, May 7, at 10:45 UTC.

Read more: 4 keys to understanding moon phases

from EarthSky
Diagram showing a full moon on the opposite side of Earth from the sun.

A full moon is opposite the sun. We see all of its dayside. Illustration via Bob King.

The moon appears full to the eye for two to three nights. However, astronomers regard the moon as full at a precisely defined instant, when the moon is exactly 180 degrees opposite the sun in ecliptic longitude. This week, the moon will look full on Wednesday evening, but the instant of full moon happens Thursday morning at 10:45 UTC (5:45 a.m. CDT). Translate UTC to your time.

It’s that feature of a full moon – the fact that it’s opposite the sun as viewed from Earth – that causes a full moon to look full.

Full moon reflecting in a bay, with a very small couple embracing in the lower left corner.

A kiss under the full moon of November 3, 2017, via our friend Steven Sweet of Lunar 101-Moon Book. He was at Port Credit, a neighborhood in the city of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada … at the mouth of the Credit River on the north shore of Lake Ontario.

Why does a full moon look full? Remember that half the moon is always illuminated by the sun. That lighted half is the moon’s day side. In order to appear full to us on Earth, we have to see the entire day side of the moon. That happens only when the moon is opposite the sun in our sky. So a full moon looks full because it’s opposite the sun.

That’s also why every full moon rises in the east around sunset – climbs highest up for the night midway between sunset and sunrise (around midnight) – and sets around sunrise. Stand outside tonight around sunset and look for the moon. Sun going down while the moon is coming up? That’s a full moon, or close to one.

Just be aware that the moon will look full for at least a couple of night around the instant of full moon.

Read more: What are the full moon names?

Often, you’ll find two different dates on calendars for the date of full moon. That’s because some calendars list moon phases in Coordinated Universal Time, also called Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). And other calendars list moon phases in local time, a clock time of a specific place, usually the place that made and distributed the calendars. Translate UTC to your local time.

Want to know the instant of full moon in your part of the world, as well as the moonrise and moonset times? Visit Sunrise Sunset Calendars, remembering to check the moon phases plus moonrise and moonset boxes.

If a full moon is opposite the sun, why doesn’t Earth’s shadow fall on the moon at every full moon? The reason is that the moon’s orbit is tilted by 5.1 degrees with respect to Earth’s orbit around the sun. At every full moon, Earth’s shadow sweeps near the moon. But, in most months, there’s no eclipse.

Oblique diagram of earth, sun, moon orbits. Moon orbit slightly slanted in relation to Earth's.

A full moon normally passes above or below Earth’s shadow, with no eclipse. Illustration by Bob King.

As the moon orbits Earth, it changes phase in an orderly way. Follow these links to understand the various phases of the moon.

New moon
Waxing crescent moon
First quarter moon
Waxing gibbous moon
Full moon
Waning gibbous moon
Last quarter moon
Waning crescent moon

Bottom line: A full moon looks full because it’s opposite the sun. Its lighted face is turned entirely in Earth’s direction. The next full moon is Thursday, May 7, at 10:45 UTC.

Read more: 4 keys to understanding moon phases

from EarthSky

Eta Aquariids before dawn May 4, 5, 6

Image at top: Eta Aquariid meteors over the Atacama Desert in 2015, via Yuri Beletsky.

Before dawn these next several mornings – May 4, 5 and 6, 2020 – meteors from the annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower will be will flying, though in the glaring light of the almost-full waxing gibbous moon. We expect the morning of May 5 to showcase the peak number of meteors. But try the morning before and after as well, as this meteor shower has a relatively broad peak. The morning before (May 4, 2020) might be the best of these upcoming three days, because the moon will set at an earlier hour on May 4. Even so, you won’t have much moon-free viewing time before dawn on May 4.

Click here to find out when the moon sets in your sky, remembering to check the moonrise and moonset box.

Although the shower can be seen from all parts of Earth, the Eta Aquariids are especially fine from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, and from the more southerly latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Appreciably north of 40 degrees north latitude (the latitude of Denver, Colorado; Beijing, China; and Madrid, Spain), the meteors are few and far between. The reason has to do with the time of twilight and sunrise on the various parts of Earth. To learn more, check this post on why more Eta Aquariid meteors are visible in the Southern Hemisphere.

It also helps to know that – as seen from all parts of Earth – the dark hour before dawn typically presents the greatest number of Eta Aquariid meteors.

Want to know when morning dawn first starts to light up your sky? Click here and remember to check the astronomical twilight box.

Composite image of several meteors streaking across a starry sky.

The shower’s peak was likely May 5, 2019 before dawn, but you might catch some meteors on May 6, too. Colin Legg at Mount Augustus National Park in Western Australia caught these meteors on May 5. This image is a composite of 5 frames. Colin wrote: “Hello from Mt Augustus. Thought I’d post last nights Eta Aquarids collection. In total I captured 8 meteors pointing south and 12 facing east @ 14 mm.” Thanks, Colin!

Like most meteors in annual showers, the Eta Aquariids are debris left behind by a comet, and, in this case, it’s a very famous comet indeed. Every year, as Earth passes through the orbital path of Comet Halley, bit and pieces shed by this comet burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere as Eta Aquariid meteors.

May 6, 2017 – Eta Aquariid captured at Mount Bromo (4K timelapse) from Justin Ng Photo on Vimeo.

Under ideal conditions, the Eta Aquariid meteor shower produces up to 20 to 40 meteors per hour. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, and you have a very dark sky, you might see that many since this year, in 2019, there is no moon to ruin the show.

And, as always for meteor-watching, be sure to avoid city lights …

Diagram of stars making a square with star names marked.

You don’t need to find the radiant of the Eta Aquariid shower to watch this meteor shower. But if you’re interested in locating it, use the Great Square of Pegasus to star-hop to the radiant of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower. Read more.

Bottom line: In 2020, the Eta Aquariid meteor shower produces the most meteors before dawn on May 5, thoughin a moonlit sky.

Read more: Where’s the radiant point for the Eta Aquariid meteor shower?

Read more: Everything you need to know: Eta Aquariid meteor shower

Read more: EarthSky’s meteor shower guide for 2019

from EarthSky

Image at top: Eta Aquariid meteors over the Atacama Desert in 2015, via Yuri Beletsky.

Before dawn these next several mornings – May 4, 5 and 6, 2020 – meteors from the annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower will be will flying, though in the glaring light of the almost-full waxing gibbous moon. We expect the morning of May 5 to showcase the peak number of meteors. But try the morning before and after as well, as this meteor shower has a relatively broad peak. The morning before (May 4, 2020) might be the best of these upcoming three days, because the moon will set at an earlier hour on May 4. Even so, you won’t have much moon-free viewing time before dawn on May 4.

Click here to find out when the moon sets in your sky, remembering to check the moonrise and moonset box.

Although the shower can be seen from all parts of Earth, the Eta Aquariids are especially fine from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, and from the more southerly latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Appreciably north of 40 degrees north latitude (the latitude of Denver, Colorado; Beijing, China; and Madrid, Spain), the meteors are few and far between. The reason has to do with the time of twilight and sunrise on the various parts of Earth. To learn more, check this post on why more Eta Aquariid meteors are visible in the Southern Hemisphere.

It also helps to know that – as seen from all parts of Earth – the dark hour before dawn typically presents the greatest number of Eta Aquariid meteors.

Want to know when morning dawn first starts to light up your sky? Click here and remember to check the astronomical twilight box.

Composite image of several meteors streaking across a starry sky.

The shower’s peak was likely May 5, 2019 before dawn, but you might catch some meteors on May 6, too. Colin Legg at Mount Augustus National Park in Western Australia caught these meteors on May 5. This image is a composite of 5 frames. Colin wrote: “Hello from Mt Augustus. Thought I’d post last nights Eta Aquarids collection. In total I captured 8 meteors pointing south and 12 facing east @ 14 mm.” Thanks, Colin!

Like most meteors in annual showers, the Eta Aquariids are debris left behind by a comet, and, in this case, it’s a very famous comet indeed. Every year, as Earth passes through the orbital path of Comet Halley, bit and pieces shed by this comet burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere as Eta Aquariid meteors.

May 6, 2017 – Eta Aquariid captured at Mount Bromo (4K timelapse) from Justin Ng Photo on Vimeo.

Under ideal conditions, the Eta Aquariid meteor shower produces up to 20 to 40 meteors per hour. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, and you have a very dark sky, you might see that many since this year, in 2019, there is no moon to ruin the show.

And, as always for meteor-watching, be sure to avoid city lights …

Diagram of stars making a square with star names marked.

You don’t need to find the radiant of the Eta Aquariid shower to watch this meteor shower. But if you’re interested in locating it, use the Great Square of Pegasus to star-hop to the radiant of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower. Read more.

Bottom line: In 2020, the Eta Aquariid meteor shower produces the most meteors before dawn on May 5, thoughin a moonlit sky.

Read more: Where’s the radiant point for the Eta Aquariid meteor shower?

Read more: Everything you need to know: Eta Aquariid meteor shower

Read more: EarthSky’s meteor shower guide for 2019

from EarthSky

Star-hop to the Hunting Dogs

Tonight, find the Hunting Dogs. The chart above looks directly overhead at nightfall or early evening in May, as seen from a mid-latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s as if we’re viewing the sky from the comfort of a reclining lawn chair, with our feet pointing southward. The constellation Leo the Lion stands high in the southern sky, while the upside-down Big Dipper is high in the north. Notice the Big Dipper and Leo. You can use them to star-hop to to the constellation Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs.

Many people know how to find Polaris, the North Star, by drawing a line through the Big Dipper pointer stars, Dubhe and Merak. You can also find Leo by drawing a line through these same pointer stars, but in the opposite direction.

Extend a line from the star Alkaid in the Big Dipper to the star Denebola in Leo. One-third the way along this line, you’ll see Cor Caroli, Canes Venatici’s brightest star. A telescope reveals that Cor Caroli is a binary star – two stars orbiting a common center of mass.

How a binary star reveals its mass

The two component stars are an estimated 675 astronomical units (AU) apart with an orbital period of around 8,300 years. Given this information, astronomers can figure out the combined mass of Cor Caroli in solar masses with this equation: mass = a3/p2, whereby a = mean distance = 675 AU, and p = orbital period = 8,300 years. If you do the calculations, you’ll find that Cor Caroli has about 4.46 times the mass of our sun.

Cor Caroli (Latin for “Heart of Charles”) is named in honor of England’s King Charles I, who had his head cut off in 1649. The name first appeared on English star maps in the late 1600s as Cor Caroli Regis Martyris (“Heart of Charles the Martyr King”). King Charles II, the son of King Charles I, founded the Royal Greenwich Observatory in 1675.

Star chart with stars black on white background of constellation Canes Venatici.

If you’re familiar with the constellation Leo the Lion, you can star-hop to Cor Caroli by drawing an imaginary line from the star Alkaid of the Big Dipper to the Leo star Denebola. This image is via Wikimedia Commons.

Bottom line: Star-hop to Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs, tonight! You can do it, if you can find the constellation Leo and the famous Big Dipper asterism.

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from EarthSky

Tonight, find the Hunting Dogs. The chart above looks directly overhead at nightfall or early evening in May, as seen from a mid-latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s as if we’re viewing the sky from the comfort of a reclining lawn chair, with our feet pointing southward. The constellation Leo the Lion stands high in the southern sky, while the upside-down Big Dipper is high in the north. Notice the Big Dipper and Leo. You can use them to star-hop to to the constellation Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs.

Many people know how to find Polaris, the North Star, by drawing a line through the Big Dipper pointer stars, Dubhe and Merak. You can also find Leo by drawing a line through these same pointer stars, but in the opposite direction.

Extend a line from the star Alkaid in the Big Dipper to the star Denebola in Leo. One-third the way along this line, you’ll see Cor Caroli, Canes Venatici’s brightest star. A telescope reveals that Cor Caroli is a binary star – two stars orbiting a common center of mass.

How a binary star reveals its mass

The two component stars are an estimated 675 astronomical units (AU) apart with an orbital period of around 8,300 years. Given this information, astronomers can figure out the combined mass of Cor Caroli in solar masses with this equation: mass = a3/p2, whereby a = mean distance = 675 AU, and p = orbital period = 8,300 years. If you do the calculations, you’ll find that Cor Caroli has about 4.46 times the mass of our sun.

Cor Caroli (Latin for “Heart of Charles”) is named in honor of England’s King Charles I, who had his head cut off in 1649. The name first appeared on English star maps in the late 1600s as Cor Caroli Regis Martyris (“Heart of Charles the Martyr King”). King Charles II, the son of King Charles I, founded the Royal Greenwich Observatory in 1675.

Star chart with stars black on white background of constellation Canes Venatici.

If you’re familiar with the constellation Leo the Lion, you can star-hop to Cor Caroli by drawing an imaginary line from the star Alkaid of the Big Dipper to the Leo star Denebola. This image is via Wikimedia Commons.

Bottom line: Star-hop to Canes Venatici, the Hunting Dogs, tonight! You can do it, if you can find the constellation Leo and the famous Big Dipper asterism.

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from EarthSky

Comet Halley’s 2 meteor showers

Diagram showing orbits of planets and long ellipse of Comet Halley's orbit.

Comet Halley’s position in May 2020. The view is from the north side of the solar system. Although the planets orbit our sun in a counterclockwise direction, Comet Halley orbits clockwise. Click here for Comet Halley’s present position or to change the date to view its position in any chosen year.

Halley’s Comet, proud parent of two meteor showers, swings into the inner solar system about every 76 years. At such times, the sun’s heat causes the comet to loosen its icy grip over its mountain-sized conglomeration of ice, dust and gas. At each pass near the sun, the crumbly comet sheds a fresh trail of debris into its orbital stream. It lost about 1/1,000th of its mass during its last flyby in 1986. It’s because comets like Halley are so crumbly that we see annual meteor showers, like the Eta Aquariid meteor shower that’s going on now.

Keep reading to learn more about Comet Halley, the meteor showers it spawns, and about how astronomers calculate the velocities of meteors streaking across our sky.

Long streak with bright rounded end on star field.

Comet Halley on May 29, 1910 via Wikimedia Commons.

Bright oblong with fainter tail against dense star field.

Kuiper Airborne Observatory acquired this image of Comet Halley in April 1986, as the comet crossed in front of the Milky Way. Image via NASA.

Comet Halley’s 2 meteor showers. Because Comet Halley has circled the sun innumerable times over countless millennia, cometary fragments litter its orbit. That’s why the comet doesn’t need to be anywhere near the Earth or the sun in order to produce a meteor shower. Instead, whenever our Earth in its orbit intersects Comet Halley’s orbit, cometary bits and pieces – oftentimes no larger than grains of sand or granules of gravel – smash into Earth’s upper atmosphere, to vaporize as fiery streaks across our sky: meteors.

It so happens we intersect Comet Halley’s orbit not once, but twice each year. In early May, we see bits of this comet as the annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower.

Then some six months later, in October, Earth in its orbit again intersects the orbital path of Comet Halley. This time around, these broken-up chunks from Halley’s Comet burn up in Earth’s atmosphere as the annual Orionid meteor shower.

By the way, these small fragments are called meteoroids when in outer space, and meteors when they vaporize in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Meteors in annual showers – made from the icy debris of comets – don’t hit the ground. They vaporize high in Earth’s atmosphere. The more rocky or metallic meteors are what sometimes hit the ground intact, and then they are called meteorites.

Water Jar and meteor shower radiant marked on constellation Aquarius diagram.

Eta Aquariid meteors appear to radiate from near a famous asterism – or noticeable star pattern – called the Water Jar in Aquarius. The shower is coming up on the mornings of May 4, 5 and 6, 2019.

Where is Comet Halley now? Often, astronomers like to give distances of solar system objects in terms of astronomical units (AU), which is the sun-Earth distance. Comet Halley lodges 0.587 AU from the sun at its closest point to the sun (perihelion) and 35.3 AU at its farthest point (aphelion).

In other words, Halley’s Comet resides about 60 times farther from the sun at its closest than it does at its farthest.

It was last at perihelion in 1986, and will again return to perihelion in 2061.

At present, Comet Halley lies outside the orbit of Neptune, and not far from its aphelion point. See the image at the top of this post – for May 2019 – via Fourmilab.

Even so, meteroids swim throughout Comet Halley’s orbital stream, so each time Earth crosses the orbit of Halley’s Comet, in May and October, these meteoroids turn into incandescent meteors once they plunge into the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Sideways diagram of planetary and comet orbits in green to left and blue to right.

Sideways view shows that the orbit of Halley’s Comet is highly inclined to the plane of the ecliptic. Green color depicts the part of orbit to the south of the ecliptic (Earth-sun orbital plane) while the blue highlights the part of the orbit to the north of the ecliptic.

Of course, Comet Halley isn’t the only comet that produces a major meteor shower …

Parent bodies of other major meteor showers

Meteor Shower Parent Body Semi-major axis Orbital Period Perihelion Aphelion
Quadrantids 2003 EH1 (asteroid) 3.12 AU 5.52 years 1.19 AU 5.06 AU
Lyrids Comet Thatcher 55.68 AU 415 years 0.92 AU 110 AU
Eta Aquariids Comet 1/P Halley 17.8 AU 75.3 years 0.59 AU 35.3 AU
Delta Aquariids Comet 96P/Machholz 3.03 AU 5.28 years 0.12 AU 5.94 AU
Perseids Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle 26.09 AU 133 years 0.96 AU 51.23 AU
Draconids Comet 21P/Giacobini–Zinner 3.52 AU 6.62 years 1.04 AU 6.01 AU
Orionids Comet 1/P Halley 17.8 AU 75.3 years 0.59 AU 35.3 AU
Taurids Comet 2P/Encke 2.22 AU 3.30 years 0.33 AU 4.11 AU
Leonids Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle 10.33 AU 33.22 years 0.98 AU 19.69 AU
Geminids 3200 Phaethon (asteroid) 1.27 AU 1.43 years 0.14 AU 2.40 AU

How fast do meteors from Comet Halley travel? If we can figure how fast Comet Halley travels at the Earth’s distance from the sun, we should also be able to figure out how fast these meteors fly in our sky.

Some of you may know that a solar system body, such as a planet or comet, goes faster in its orbit as it nears the sun and more slowly in its orbit as it gets farther away. Halley’s Comet swings inside the orbit of Venus at perihelion – the comet’s nearest point to the sun. At aphelion – its most distant point – Halley’s Comet goes all the way beyond the orbit of Neptune, the solar system’s outermost (known) planet.

Orbits with arrows pointing direction of planet and comet travel.

In this diagram, we’re looking down upon the north side of the solar system plane. The planets revolve around the sun counterclockwise, and Halley’s Comet revolves around the sun clockwise.

When the meteoroids from the orbital stream of Halley’s Comet streak across the sky as Eta Aquariid or Orionid meteors, we know these meteoroids/meteors have to be one astronomical unit (Earth’s distance) from the sun. It might be tempting to assume that these meteoroids at one astronomical unit from the sun travel through space at the same speed Earth does: 67,000 miles per hour (108,000 km/h).

However, the velocity of these meteoroids through space does not equal that of Earth at the Earth’s distance from the sun. For that to happen, Earth and Halley’s Comet would have to orbit the sun in the same period of time. But the orbital periods of Earth and Comet Halley are vastly different. Earth takes one year to orbit the sun whereas Halley’s Comet takes about 76 years.

However, thanks to the great genius, Isaac Newton, we can compute the velocity of these meteoroids/meteors at the Earth’s distance from the sun by using Newton’s Vis-viva equation, his poetic rendition of instantaneous motion.

The answer, giving the velocity of these meteoroids through space at the Earth’s distance from the sun, is virtually at our fingertips. All we need to know is Comet Halley’s semi-major axis (mean distance from the sun) in astronomical units. Here you have it:

Comet Halley’s semi-major axis = 17.8 astronomical units.

Diagram: semi major and semi mind axes and foci of wide ellipse.

Once we know is a comet’s semi-major axis in astronomical units, we can compute its velocity at any distance from the sun with the easy-to-use Vis-viva equation. The sun resides at one of the two foci of the comet’s elliptical orbit.

In the easy-to-use Vis-viva equation below, r = distance from sun in astronomical units, and a = semi-major axis of Comet Halley’s orbit in astronomical units. In other words, r = 1 AU and a = 17.8 AU.

Vis-viva equation (r = distance from sun = 1 AU; and a = semi-major axis = 17.8 AU):

Velocity = 67,000 x the square root of (2/r – 1/a)
Velocity = 67,000 x the square root of (2/1 – 1/17.8)
Velocity = 67,000 x the square root of (2 – 0.056)
Velocity = 67,000 x the square root of 1.944
Velocity = 67,000 x 1.39
Velocity = 93,130 miles per hour or 25.87 miles per second

The above answer gives the velocity of these meteoroids through space at the Earth’s distance from the sun. However, if these meteoroids were to hit Earth’s atmosphere head-on, that would push the velocity up to an incredible 160,130 miles per hour (257,704 km/h) because 93,130 + 67,000 = 160,130. NASA gives the velocity for the Eta Aquariid meteors and Orionid meteors at 148,000 miles per hour (238,000 km/h), which suggests the collision of these meteoroids/meteors with Earth is not all that far from head-on.

We can also use the Vis-viva equation to find out the velocity of Halley’s Comet (or its meteoroids) at the perihelion distance of 0.59 AU and aphelion distance of 35.3 AU.

Perihelion velocity = 122,331 miles per hour (200,000 km/h)

Aphelion velocity = 1,464 miles per hour (2,400 km/h)

Elliptical cometary orbit showing tail sticking outward from sun.

Comets develop gas and dust tails as they approach the sun. Depending on the comet, the comet can orbit the sun counter-clockwise (as above) or clockwise (as Comet Halley does). Read more: Why do comets develop tails?

Bottom line: The famous Comet Halley spawns the Eta Aquariids – going on now – and the Orionids in October. Plus where the comet is now, parent bodies of other meteor showers … and Isaac Newton’s Vis-viva equation, his poetic rendition of instantaneous motion.

from EarthSky
Diagram showing orbits of planets and long ellipse of Comet Halley's orbit.

Comet Halley’s position in May 2020. The view is from the north side of the solar system. Although the planets orbit our sun in a counterclockwise direction, Comet Halley orbits clockwise. Click here for Comet Halley’s present position or to change the date to view its position in any chosen year.

Halley’s Comet, proud parent of two meteor showers, swings into the inner solar system about every 76 years. At such times, the sun’s heat causes the comet to loosen its icy grip over its mountain-sized conglomeration of ice, dust and gas. At each pass near the sun, the crumbly comet sheds a fresh trail of debris into its orbital stream. It lost about 1/1,000th of its mass during its last flyby in 1986. It’s because comets like Halley are so crumbly that we see annual meteor showers, like the Eta Aquariid meteor shower that’s going on now.

Keep reading to learn more about Comet Halley, the meteor showers it spawns, and about how astronomers calculate the velocities of meteors streaking across our sky.

Long streak with bright rounded end on star field.

Comet Halley on May 29, 1910 via Wikimedia Commons.

Bright oblong with fainter tail against dense star field.

Kuiper Airborne Observatory acquired this image of Comet Halley in April 1986, as the comet crossed in front of the Milky Way. Image via NASA.

Comet Halley’s 2 meteor showers. Because Comet Halley has circled the sun innumerable times over countless millennia, cometary fragments litter its orbit. That’s why the comet doesn’t need to be anywhere near the Earth or the sun in order to produce a meteor shower. Instead, whenever our Earth in its orbit intersects Comet Halley’s orbit, cometary bits and pieces – oftentimes no larger than grains of sand or granules of gravel – smash into Earth’s upper atmosphere, to vaporize as fiery streaks across our sky: meteors.

It so happens we intersect Comet Halley’s orbit not once, but twice each year. In early May, we see bits of this comet as the annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower.

Then some six months later, in October, Earth in its orbit again intersects the orbital path of Comet Halley. This time around, these broken-up chunks from Halley’s Comet burn up in Earth’s atmosphere as the annual Orionid meteor shower.

By the way, these small fragments are called meteoroids when in outer space, and meteors when they vaporize in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Meteors in annual showers – made from the icy debris of comets – don’t hit the ground. They vaporize high in Earth’s atmosphere. The more rocky or metallic meteors are what sometimes hit the ground intact, and then they are called meteorites.

Water Jar and meteor shower radiant marked on constellation Aquarius diagram.

Eta Aquariid meteors appear to radiate from near a famous asterism – or noticeable star pattern – called the Water Jar in Aquarius. The shower is coming up on the mornings of May 4, 5 and 6, 2019.

Where is Comet Halley now? Often, astronomers like to give distances of solar system objects in terms of astronomical units (AU), which is the sun-Earth distance. Comet Halley lodges 0.587 AU from the sun at its closest point to the sun (perihelion) and 35.3 AU at its farthest point (aphelion).

In other words, Halley’s Comet resides about 60 times farther from the sun at its closest than it does at its farthest.

It was last at perihelion in 1986, and will again return to perihelion in 2061.

At present, Comet Halley lies outside the orbit of Neptune, and not far from its aphelion point. See the image at the top of this post – for May 2019 – via Fourmilab.

Even so, meteroids swim throughout Comet Halley’s orbital stream, so each time Earth crosses the orbit of Halley’s Comet, in May and October, these meteoroids turn into incandescent meteors once they plunge into the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Sideways diagram of planetary and comet orbits in green to left and blue to right.

Sideways view shows that the orbit of Halley’s Comet is highly inclined to the plane of the ecliptic. Green color depicts the part of orbit to the south of the ecliptic (Earth-sun orbital plane) while the blue highlights the part of the orbit to the north of the ecliptic.

Of course, Comet Halley isn’t the only comet that produces a major meteor shower …

Parent bodies of other major meteor showers

Meteor Shower Parent Body Semi-major axis Orbital Period Perihelion Aphelion
Quadrantids 2003 EH1 (asteroid) 3.12 AU 5.52 years 1.19 AU 5.06 AU
Lyrids Comet Thatcher 55.68 AU 415 years 0.92 AU 110 AU
Eta Aquariids Comet 1/P Halley 17.8 AU 75.3 years 0.59 AU 35.3 AU
Delta Aquariids Comet 96P/Machholz 3.03 AU 5.28 years 0.12 AU 5.94 AU
Perseids Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle 26.09 AU 133 years 0.96 AU 51.23 AU
Draconids Comet 21P/Giacobini–Zinner 3.52 AU 6.62 years 1.04 AU 6.01 AU
Orionids Comet 1/P Halley 17.8 AU 75.3 years 0.59 AU 35.3 AU
Taurids Comet 2P/Encke 2.22 AU 3.30 years 0.33 AU 4.11 AU
Leonids Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle 10.33 AU 33.22 years 0.98 AU 19.69 AU
Geminids 3200 Phaethon (asteroid) 1.27 AU 1.43 years 0.14 AU 2.40 AU

How fast do meteors from Comet Halley travel? If we can figure how fast Comet Halley travels at the Earth’s distance from the sun, we should also be able to figure out how fast these meteors fly in our sky.

Some of you may know that a solar system body, such as a planet or comet, goes faster in its orbit as it nears the sun and more slowly in its orbit as it gets farther away. Halley’s Comet swings inside the orbit of Venus at perihelion – the comet’s nearest point to the sun. At aphelion – its most distant point – Halley’s Comet goes all the way beyond the orbit of Neptune, the solar system’s outermost (known) planet.

Orbits with arrows pointing direction of planet and comet travel.

In this diagram, we’re looking down upon the north side of the solar system plane. The planets revolve around the sun counterclockwise, and Halley’s Comet revolves around the sun clockwise.

When the meteoroids from the orbital stream of Halley’s Comet streak across the sky as Eta Aquariid or Orionid meteors, we know these meteoroids/meteors have to be one astronomical unit (Earth’s distance) from the sun. It might be tempting to assume that these meteoroids at one astronomical unit from the sun travel through space at the same speed Earth does: 67,000 miles per hour (108,000 km/h).

However, the velocity of these meteoroids through space does not equal that of Earth at the Earth’s distance from the sun. For that to happen, Earth and Halley’s Comet would have to orbit the sun in the same period of time. But the orbital periods of Earth and Comet Halley are vastly different. Earth takes one year to orbit the sun whereas Halley’s Comet takes about 76 years.

However, thanks to the great genius, Isaac Newton, we can compute the velocity of these meteoroids/meteors at the Earth’s distance from the sun by using Newton’s Vis-viva equation, his poetic rendition of instantaneous motion.

The answer, giving the velocity of these meteoroids through space at the Earth’s distance from the sun, is virtually at our fingertips. All we need to know is Comet Halley’s semi-major axis (mean distance from the sun) in astronomical units. Here you have it:

Comet Halley’s semi-major axis = 17.8 astronomical units.

Diagram: semi major and semi mind axes and foci of wide ellipse.

Once we know is a comet’s semi-major axis in astronomical units, we can compute its velocity at any distance from the sun with the easy-to-use Vis-viva equation. The sun resides at one of the two foci of the comet’s elliptical orbit.

In the easy-to-use Vis-viva equation below, r = distance from sun in astronomical units, and a = semi-major axis of Comet Halley’s orbit in astronomical units. In other words, r = 1 AU and a = 17.8 AU.

Vis-viva equation (r = distance from sun = 1 AU; and a = semi-major axis = 17.8 AU):

Velocity = 67,000 x the square root of (2/r – 1/a)
Velocity = 67,000 x the square root of (2/1 – 1/17.8)
Velocity = 67,000 x the square root of (2 – 0.056)
Velocity = 67,000 x the square root of 1.944
Velocity = 67,000 x 1.39
Velocity = 93,130 miles per hour or 25.87 miles per second

The above answer gives the velocity of these meteoroids through space at the Earth’s distance from the sun. However, if these meteoroids were to hit Earth’s atmosphere head-on, that would push the velocity up to an incredible 160,130 miles per hour (257,704 km/h) because 93,130 + 67,000 = 160,130. NASA gives the velocity for the Eta Aquariid meteors and Orionid meteors at 148,000 miles per hour (238,000 km/h), which suggests the collision of these meteoroids/meteors with Earth is not all that far from head-on.

We can also use the Vis-viva equation to find out the velocity of Halley’s Comet (or its meteoroids) at the perihelion distance of 0.59 AU and aphelion distance of 35.3 AU.

Perihelion velocity = 122,331 miles per hour (200,000 km/h)

Aphelion velocity = 1,464 miles per hour (2,400 km/h)

Elliptical cometary orbit showing tail sticking outward from sun.

Comets develop gas and dust tails as they approach the sun. Depending on the comet, the comet can orbit the sun counter-clockwise (as above) or clockwise (as Comet Halley does). Read more: Why do comets develop tails?

Bottom line: The famous Comet Halley spawns the Eta Aquariids – going on now – and the Orionids in October. Plus where the comet is now, parent bodies of other meteor showers … and Isaac Newton’s Vis-viva equation, his poetic rendition of instantaneous motion.

from EarthSky

Find the radiant point for the Eta Aquariid meteor shower

Eta Aquariid meteors appear to radiate from near a famous asterism – or noticeable star pattern – called the Water Jar in Aquarius.

The annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower peaks in a few more days, and people will inevitably ask about its radiant point. That’s point in the sky from which meteors in annual showers appear to radiate.

You don’t have to locate the radiant to watch the Eta Aquariid meteors. Instead, the meteors will appear unexpectedly in all parts of the sky. Yet if you traced their paths backwards, all of these meteors would appear to radiate from a single point in our sky, from a Y-shaped group of stars – an asterism – called the Water Jar in the constellation Aquarius.

The Y-shaped Water Jar marks the radiant of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower. Notice the bright star Fomalhaut. It can guide your eye to much-fainter Aquarius.

Aquarius is faint. You’ll need a dark sky to spot it. The bright star Fomalhaut in the constellation Pisces Austrinus, the Southern Fish, is near it and can guide your eye. On old star charts, the Aquarius the Water Carrier is often pictured pouring water into the open mouth of the Southern Fish, from the Water Jar. In a very dark sky, you can see a zigzag line of star leading downward from the Water Jar to the star Fomalhaut.

Or try star-hopping to the Water Jar from the Great Square of Pegasus (see star chart below). Four medium-bright stars mark the corners of the Square. Looking eastward in the hour or two before sunup in May, the Great Square of Pegasus glitters like a celestial baseball diamond. Imagine the bottom star as home base. Draw a line from the third base star through the first base star, then go twice that distance to locate the star Sadal Melik in Aquarius.

To the lower left of Sadal Melik is the small Y-shaped Water Jar, marking the approximate radiant of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower.

Use the Great Square of Pegasus to star-hop to the radiant of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower.

Bottom line: Eta Aquariid meteors radiate from the Water Jar in the constellation Aquarius. Just remember, you don’t need to know the shower’s radiant point to watch the meteors!

from EarthSky

Eta Aquariid meteors appear to radiate from near a famous asterism – or noticeable star pattern – called the Water Jar in Aquarius.

The annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower peaks in a few more days, and people will inevitably ask about its radiant point. That’s point in the sky from which meteors in annual showers appear to radiate.

You don’t have to locate the radiant to watch the Eta Aquariid meteors. Instead, the meteors will appear unexpectedly in all parts of the sky. Yet if you traced their paths backwards, all of these meteors would appear to radiate from a single point in our sky, from a Y-shaped group of stars – an asterism – called the Water Jar in the constellation Aquarius.

The Y-shaped Water Jar marks the radiant of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower. Notice the bright star Fomalhaut. It can guide your eye to much-fainter Aquarius.

Aquarius is faint. You’ll need a dark sky to spot it. The bright star Fomalhaut in the constellation Pisces Austrinus, the Southern Fish, is near it and can guide your eye. On old star charts, the Aquarius the Water Carrier is often pictured pouring water into the open mouth of the Southern Fish, from the Water Jar. In a very dark sky, you can see a zigzag line of star leading downward from the Water Jar to the star Fomalhaut.

Or try star-hopping to the Water Jar from the Great Square of Pegasus (see star chart below). Four medium-bright stars mark the corners of the Square. Looking eastward in the hour or two before sunup in May, the Great Square of Pegasus glitters like a celestial baseball diamond. Imagine the bottom star as home base. Draw a line from the third base star through the first base star, then go twice that distance to locate the star Sadal Melik in Aquarius.

To the lower left of Sadal Melik is the small Y-shaped Water Jar, marking the approximate radiant of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower.

Use the Great Square of Pegasus to star-hop to the radiant of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower.

Bottom line: Eta Aquariid meteors radiate from the Water Jar in the constellation Aquarius. Just remember, you don’t need to know the shower’s radiant point to watch the meteors!

from EarthSky