Comet A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS made a great evening appearance for us in October, becoming visible with the eye alone. The comet is now headed away from Earth, but the Virtual Telescope Project is letting you get a goodbye glimpse this Christmas. Join in at 17:00 UTC (11:00 a.m. CST) on December 23, 2024, at the Virtual Telescope site to watch a live view of the departing comet.
And you can see the comet in the pics below. People around the globe captured fantastic images of Comet A3 just after sunset. Check out some of the great images from our EarthSky community here. And see even more pics in this video.
Comet A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS made a great evening appearance for us in October, becoming visible with the eye alone. The comet is now headed away from Earth, but the Virtual Telescope Project is letting you get a goodbye glimpse this Christmas. Join in at 17:00 UTC (11:00 a.m. CST) on December 23, 2024, at the Virtual Telescope site to watch a live view of the departing comet.
And you can see the comet in the pics below. People around the globe captured fantastic images of Comet A3 just after sunset. Check out some of the great images from our EarthSky community here. And see even more pics in this video.
We’d be remiss to have the holiday season pass by without showcasing the lovely Christmas Tree Cluster. The area of sky in this photo goes by a number of names, including the Christmas Tree Cluster, the Cone Nebula and NGC 2264. The image above shows a region of space about 30 light-years across. Astronomers at ESO’s La Silla Observatory, in the Atacama Desert of Chile, captured this image. It includes the cone-shaped gas cloud at bottom, a profusion of red gas, plus bright, sparkling, bluish-white baubles … that is, stars.
The Christmas Tree Cluster lies in the direction of the constellation Monoceros the Unicorn. Monoceros rises in December not long after Orion the Hunter. The Christmas Tree Cluster is about halfway between two bright stars you might know: reddish Betelgeuse in the shoulder of Orion and Procyon in Canis Minor.
You can view the Christmas Tree Cluster tonight! At magnitude 3.9, it’s visible without optical aid, but binoculars will give you a better look. Can you make out the Christmas tree shape with binoculars? Let us know in the comments below.
Just in time for the holidays, the Christmas Tree Cluster. Its stars trace out a tree shape, the bright blue star is the trunk. Above it is the Cone Nebula. To its lower left is the Fox Fur Nebula. Had to toss 1/2 the last 2 night's 120, 5 min LRGB exposures bc of bad conditions.
Bottom line: The Christmas Tree Cluster is a collection of sparking bluish-white stars. It is above a cone-shaped cloud of gas in the direction of the constellation Monoceros the Unicorn.
We’d be remiss to have the holiday season pass by without showcasing the lovely Christmas Tree Cluster. The area of sky in this photo goes by a number of names, including the Christmas Tree Cluster, the Cone Nebula and NGC 2264. The image above shows a region of space about 30 light-years across. Astronomers at ESO’s La Silla Observatory, in the Atacama Desert of Chile, captured this image. It includes the cone-shaped gas cloud at bottom, a profusion of red gas, plus bright, sparkling, bluish-white baubles … that is, stars.
The Christmas Tree Cluster lies in the direction of the constellation Monoceros the Unicorn. Monoceros rises in December not long after Orion the Hunter. The Christmas Tree Cluster is about halfway between two bright stars you might know: reddish Betelgeuse in the shoulder of Orion and Procyon in Canis Minor.
You can view the Christmas Tree Cluster tonight! At magnitude 3.9, it’s visible without optical aid, but binoculars will give you a better look. Can you make out the Christmas tree shape with binoculars? Let us know in the comments below.
Just in time for the holidays, the Christmas Tree Cluster. Its stars trace out a tree shape, the bright blue star is the trunk. Above it is the Cone Nebula. To its lower left is the Fox Fur Nebula. Had to toss 1/2 the last 2 night's 120, 5 min LRGB exposures bc of bad conditions.
Bottom line: The Christmas Tree Cluster is a collection of sparking bluish-white stars. It is above a cone-shaped cloud of gas in the direction of the constellation Monoceros the Unicorn.
Orion the Hunter is arguably the most recognizable constellation in the world. Orion lies on the celestial equator, making it visible from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Orion’s shape is easy to pick out because of its many bright stars and signature Orion’s Belt: three stars close together in a nearly straight line.
In many drawings of the constellation Orion, the Hunter looks to be battling his neighbor, Taurus the Bull. Yet there is no such story in the mythology of Orion. Some stories have Orion pursuing the seven sisters of the Pleiades, which is a star cluster in the constellation Taurus. On the other side of Orion are his hunting dogs, Canis Major and Canis Minor (not to be confused with Canes Venatici, a different constellation with the actual nickname of the Hunting Dogs).
Mythology says that a scorpion killed Orion; that’s why Orion is on one side of the sky while Scorpius the Scorpion is on the opposite side. As Scorpius is about to rise in the east, Orion makes a hurried exit from the sky in the west.
Brightest stars in Orion
The brightest star in Orion is the bluish Rigel, which marks his western knee or foot. Rigel is a blue supergiant 770 light-years away with a magnitude of 0.2. Rigel is the seventh brightest star in the entire sky. The star marking the other knee or foot of Orion is Saiph, a magnitude 2.1 star. It’s a blue supergiant, 720 light-years distant.
The second brightest star in Orion is reddish-orange Betelgeuse, which marks one shoulder. Betelgeuse is the 10th brightest star in the sky at magnitude 0.5. It’s a red supergiant 550 light-years away and a whopping 800 times larger than our sun. If we substituted Betelgeuse for our sun, it would swallow up all the inner planets.
The third brightest star of Orion, which marks his other shoulder, is Bellatrix. Bellatrix, a blue supergiant shining at magnitude 1.6, is the 22nd brightest star in the sky and lies 245 light-years away.
Other stars in Orion
Extending out from Bellatrix is Orion’s arm, where he is holding either a shield or an animal, depending on the artist’s concept. The brighter stars marking this object are all of 3rd and 4th magnitude.
Extending upward from Betelgeuse is Orion’s other arm, which holds a club or sword. The brightest stars in the arm and club are all 4th magnitude.
The stars that make up Orion’s head are a test of your sky’s darkness. They range from 3rd magnitude to 6th magnitude. The more stars you can see, the better your skies are.
The stars in the Sword that hangs down from the Belt are part of the Orion Nebula (M42). Yes, you can see the nebula, or cloud of gas, without optical aid as a hazy, 4th-magnitude patch. Using magnification reveals a quadruple star at the center of the nebula. These four newborn stars – the Trapezium Cluster – light up their dusty cocoon, making its glow visible to us here on Earth, a vast 1,400 light-years away.
The famous Horsehead Nebula lies near the Belt star Alnitak. This dark nebula is a faint target even for most amateur telescopes; your best bet is to view it in a picture compliments of an astrophotographer. (Learn more about dark nebulae.)
Along Orion’s side between Alnitak and Betelgeuse (but closer to the belt stars) is the 8th-magnitude nebula M78. M78 has the awkward title of “brightest diffuse reflection nebula in the sky.” One more notable nebula in Orion is near Rigel and crosses into Eridanus the River. IC 2118, the Witch Head Nebula, is extremely faint but also extremely large, spanning six full moons.
More EarthSky Community Photos of Orion
Bottom line: Orion the Hunter may be the most recognizable constellation in the world. It’s visible from the north in winter and from the south in summer. And it’s full of many deep-sky treasures.
Orion the Hunter is arguably the most recognizable constellation in the world. Orion lies on the celestial equator, making it visible from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Orion’s shape is easy to pick out because of its many bright stars and signature Orion’s Belt: three stars close together in a nearly straight line.
In many drawings of the constellation Orion, the Hunter looks to be battling his neighbor, Taurus the Bull. Yet there is no such story in the mythology of Orion. Some stories have Orion pursuing the seven sisters of the Pleiades, which is a star cluster in the constellation Taurus. On the other side of Orion are his hunting dogs, Canis Major and Canis Minor (not to be confused with Canes Venatici, a different constellation with the actual nickname of the Hunting Dogs).
Mythology says that a scorpion killed Orion; that’s why Orion is on one side of the sky while Scorpius the Scorpion is on the opposite side. As Scorpius is about to rise in the east, Orion makes a hurried exit from the sky in the west.
Brightest stars in Orion
The brightest star in Orion is the bluish Rigel, which marks his western knee or foot. Rigel is a blue supergiant 770 light-years away with a magnitude of 0.2. Rigel is the seventh brightest star in the entire sky. The star marking the other knee or foot of Orion is Saiph, a magnitude 2.1 star. It’s a blue supergiant, 720 light-years distant.
The second brightest star in Orion is reddish-orange Betelgeuse, which marks one shoulder. Betelgeuse is the 10th brightest star in the sky at magnitude 0.5. It’s a red supergiant 550 light-years away and a whopping 800 times larger than our sun. If we substituted Betelgeuse for our sun, it would swallow up all the inner planets.
The third brightest star of Orion, which marks his other shoulder, is Bellatrix. Bellatrix, a blue supergiant shining at magnitude 1.6, is the 22nd brightest star in the sky and lies 245 light-years away.
Other stars in Orion
Extending out from Bellatrix is Orion’s arm, where he is holding either a shield or an animal, depending on the artist’s concept. The brighter stars marking this object are all of 3rd and 4th magnitude.
Extending upward from Betelgeuse is Orion’s other arm, which holds a club or sword. The brightest stars in the arm and club are all 4th magnitude.
The stars that make up Orion’s head are a test of your sky’s darkness. They range from 3rd magnitude to 6th magnitude. The more stars you can see, the better your skies are.
The stars in the Sword that hangs down from the Belt are part of the Orion Nebula (M42). Yes, you can see the nebula, or cloud of gas, without optical aid as a hazy, 4th-magnitude patch. Using magnification reveals a quadruple star at the center of the nebula. These four newborn stars – the Trapezium Cluster – light up their dusty cocoon, making its glow visible to us here on Earth, a vast 1,400 light-years away.
The famous Horsehead Nebula lies near the Belt star Alnitak. This dark nebula is a faint target even for most amateur telescopes; your best bet is to view it in a picture compliments of an astrophotographer. (Learn more about dark nebulae.)
Along Orion’s side between Alnitak and Betelgeuse (but closer to the belt stars) is the 8th-magnitude nebula M78. M78 has the awkward title of “brightest diffuse reflection nebula in the sky.” One more notable nebula in Orion is near Rigel and crosses into Eridanus the River. IC 2118, the Witch Head Nebula, is extremely faint but also extremely large, spanning six full moons.
More EarthSky Community Photos of Orion
Bottom line: Orion the Hunter may be the most recognizable constellation in the world. It’s visible from the north in winter and from the south in summer. And it’s full of many deep-sky treasures.
Bottom line: Some people like to mark the solstice with a special sunset view, or marking of shadows, or party! Personal solstices from the EarthSky community, here.
Bottom line: Some people like to mark the solstice with a special sunset view, or marking of shadows, or party! Personal solstices from the EarthSky community, here.
The December solstice (winter for the Northern Hemisphere, summer for the Southern Hemisphere) will take place at 9:21 UTC on December 21, 2024. That’s 3:21 a.m. CST.
Later, in 2025, the March equinox (start of spring for the Northern Hemisphere, autumn for the Southern Hemisphere) takes place at 9:01 UTC, March 20 (4:01 a.m. CDT).
As an illustration, a solstice marks the sun’s southernmost and northernmost points in our sky. An equinox, meanwhile, marks when the sun crosses over the Earth’s equator.
In addition, the fact that Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres have their summers and winters at opposite times of the year provides a clue to the reason for Earth’s seasons. That reason is Earth’s 23 1/2-degree tilt on its axis. It’s natural, of course, to think our world’s seasons result from our changing distance from the sun. But we’re closer to the sun in northern winter, and farther from the sun in northern summer. So, it’s not Earth’s distance from the sun that causes the seasons to change. Instead, on our tilted world, the angle of sunlight striking your location shifts in a yearly cycle, as we travel around the sun.
The photos and video on this page – from NASA – show Earth’s solstices and equinoxes from space. They can help you visualize why our seasons unfold as they do, continuously, throughout each year.
Viewing the solstices and equinoxes from space
EUMETSAT‘s Meteosat-9 (a weather satellite) captured the four views above of Earth from geosynchronous orbit in 2010 and 2011. A satellite in geosynchronous orbit stays over the same point on Earth all the time. And the images above show how sunlight fell on the Earth on December 21, 2010 (upper left), March 20, 2011 (upper right), June 21, 2011 (lower left), and September 20, 2011 (lower right). Also, each image was taken at 6:12 a.m. local time.
Around 6 a.m. local time each day, the sun, Earth, and any geosynchronous satellite form a right angle. Thus, affording a straight-down view of Earth’s terminator line, that is, the line between our world’s day and night sides. The shape of this line between night and day varies with the seasons. And as a result, causes different lengths of days and differing amounts of warming sunshine.
However, while the line is actually a curve because the Earth is round, satellite images show it in two dimensions only.
The terminator
On March 21 and September 23, the terminator is a straight north-south line, and the sun sits directly above the equator. Then, on December 21, the sun resides directly over the Tropic of Capricorn when viewed from the ground, and sunlight spreads over more of the Southern Hemisphere. Next, on June 21, the sun sits above the Tropic of Cancer, spreading more sunlight in the north.
Bottom line: A video from NASA shows how sunlight falls on Earth’s surface during the solstices and equinoxes, as seen by the weather satellite Meteosat-9 in 2010 and 2011.
The December solstice (winter for the Northern Hemisphere, summer for the Southern Hemisphere) will take place at 9:21 UTC on December 21, 2024. That’s 3:21 a.m. CST.
Later, in 2025, the March equinox (start of spring for the Northern Hemisphere, autumn for the Southern Hemisphere) takes place at 9:01 UTC, March 20 (4:01 a.m. CDT).
As an illustration, a solstice marks the sun’s southernmost and northernmost points in our sky. An equinox, meanwhile, marks when the sun crosses over the Earth’s equator.
In addition, the fact that Earth’s Northern and Southern Hemispheres have their summers and winters at opposite times of the year provides a clue to the reason for Earth’s seasons. That reason is Earth’s 23 1/2-degree tilt on its axis. It’s natural, of course, to think our world’s seasons result from our changing distance from the sun. But we’re closer to the sun in northern winter, and farther from the sun in northern summer. So, it’s not Earth’s distance from the sun that causes the seasons to change. Instead, on our tilted world, the angle of sunlight striking your location shifts in a yearly cycle, as we travel around the sun.
The photos and video on this page – from NASA – show Earth’s solstices and equinoxes from space. They can help you visualize why our seasons unfold as they do, continuously, throughout each year.
Viewing the solstices and equinoxes from space
EUMETSAT‘s Meteosat-9 (a weather satellite) captured the four views above of Earth from geosynchronous orbit in 2010 and 2011. A satellite in geosynchronous orbit stays over the same point on Earth all the time. And the images above show how sunlight fell on the Earth on December 21, 2010 (upper left), March 20, 2011 (upper right), June 21, 2011 (lower left), and September 20, 2011 (lower right). Also, each image was taken at 6:12 a.m. local time.
Around 6 a.m. local time each day, the sun, Earth, and any geosynchronous satellite form a right angle. Thus, affording a straight-down view of Earth’s terminator line, that is, the line between our world’s day and night sides. The shape of this line between night and day varies with the seasons. And as a result, causes different lengths of days and differing amounts of warming sunshine.
However, while the line is actually a curve because the Earth is round, satellite images show it in two dimensions only.
The terminator
On March 21 and September 23, the terminator is a straight north-south line, and the sun sits directly above the equator. Then, on December 21, the sun resides directly over the Tropic of Capricorn when viewed from the ground, and sunlight spreads over more of the Southern Hemisphere. Next, on June 21, the sun sits above the Tropic of Cancer, spreading more sunlight in the north.
Bottom line: A video from NASA shows how sunlight falls on Earth’s surface during the solstices and equinoxes, as seen by the weather satellite Meteosat-9 in 2010 and 2011.
The South Pole-Aitken basin is the largest impact crater on the moon. Its 1,550-mile (2,500-km) expanse also makes it one of the largest known impact craters in the solar system.
Scientists thought the basin was oval in shape. This is the shape that would form if the impacting asteroid hit the moon at a low angle.
But a new study shows the massive crater is more circular. The researchers studied mountains around the edge of the basin to determine its original shape.
South Pole-Aitken basin is the moon’s largest crater
The moon is covered in craters. The South Pole-Aitken basin is the largest crater on the moon, resulting from a massive impact billions of years ago. It sits on the moon’s far side, stretching from the South Pole to a crater named Aitken, thus its name. For a long time, scientists thought this huge crater was oval-shaped, forming when an asteroid hit the moon at a shallow angle. But on December 6, 2024, a research team led by the University of Maryland said the basin is more circular than scientists previously thought.
The finding, based on data from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), also has implications for NASA’s plans to send astronauts to the lunar South Pole as part of the Artemis missions.
The researchers published their peer-reviewed results in Earth and Planetary Science Letters on November 28, 2024. The paper will also be in Volume 650 of the journal, on January 25, 2025.
Moon’s largest crater rounder than previously thought
The South Pole-Aitken basin is enormous, about 1,550 miles (2,500 km) across. In fact, that’s nearly a quarter of the circumference of the moon. It’s one of the largest known impact craters in the solar system.
Scientists thought the basin was more oval shaped than circular. That would mean the impacting asteroid that created it hit the lunar surface at a shallow angle. But the new study suggests the crater is rounder. Hannes Bernhardt, an assistant research scientist in the University of Maryland’s Department of Geology is the lead author. He said:
It’s challenging to study the South Pole-Aitken basin holistically due to its sheer enormousness, which is why scientists are still trying to learn its shape and size. In addition, 4 billion years have passed since the basin was originally formed and many other impacts have obscured its original appearance. Our work challenges many existing ideas about how this massive impact occurred and distributed materials, but we are now a step closer to better understand the moon’s early history and evolution over time.
Mountains provide a clue
So, how did the researchers determine the basin is more circular? They used high-resolution images from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to study mountain formations around the edge of the basin. They found more than 200 of these mountain formations. The scientists think they’re remnants from the original impact. The new data revealed something interesting. If the original impact likely created a more circular crater, it would have spread debris across the moon’s South Pole, where the Artemis astronauts will land. As Bernhardt said:
A rounder, more circular shape indicates that an object struck the moon’s surface at a more vertical angle, possibly similar to dropping a rock straight down onto the ground. This circular impact implies that debris from the impact is more equally distributed around it than was originally thought, which means that Artemis astronauts or robots in the South Pole region may be able to closely study rocks from deep within the moon’s mantle or crust; materials that are typically impossible for us to access.
Insight into the moon’s origin
Being able to study these rocks is good news for the upcoming Artemis missions. They could provide valuable clues about the moon’s interior and how the moon first formed. The impact would have sprayed material from the moon’s lower crust and upper mantle. Much of that material should still be sitting on the surface, waiting for astronauts or robots to collect samples for study. As Bernhardt noted:
One of the most exciting implications of our research is how it is applicable to missions to the moon and beyond. Astronauts exploring the lunar South Pole might have easier access to ancient lunar materials that could help us understand how the moon and our solar system came to be.
Chandrayaan-3 mission findings support new study
In addition, India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission landed near the lunar South Pole on August 23, 2023. Among its findings, the rover discovered minerals that indicated impact debris came from the mantle close to the South Pole. This supported the theory that the impact was more head-on than at an angle.
In 2019, scientists reported the discovery of an unusual large mass of material beneath the South Pole-Aitken basin. It likely extends more than 200 miles (320 km) deep. Scientists think it consists of metal and leftover material from the asteroid impact that created the basin.
Bottom line: The South Pole-Aitken basin is the moon’s largest crater. Scientists have thought it was oval-shaped, but a new study suggests it’s more circular.
The South Pole-Aitken basin is the largest impact crater on the moon. Its 1,550-mile (2,500-km) expanse also makes it one of the largest known impact craters in the solar system.
Scientists thought the basin was oval in shape. This is the shape that would form if the impacting asteroid hit the moon at a low angle.
But a new study shows the massive crater is more circular. The researchers studied mountains around the edge of the basin to determine its original shape.
South Pole-Aitken basin is the moon’s largest crater
The moon is covered in craters. The South Pole-Aitken basin is the largest crater on the moon, resulting from a massive impact billions of years ago. It sits on the moon’s far side, stretching from the South Pole to a crater named Aitken, thus its name. For a long time, scientists thought this huge crater was oval-shaped, forming when an asteroid hit the moon at a shallow angle. But on December 6, 2024, a research team led by the University of Maryland said the basin is more circular than scientists previously thought.
The finding, based on data from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), also has implications for NASA’s plans to send astronauts to the lunar South Pole as part of the Artemis missions.
The researchers published their peer-reviewed results in Earth and Planetary Science Letters on November 28, 2024. The paper will also be in Volume 650 of the journal, on January 25, 2025.
Moon’s largest crater rounder than previously thought
The South Pole-Aitken basin is enormous, about 1,550 miles (2,500 km) across. In fact, that’s nearly a quarter of the circumference of the moon. It’s one of the largest known impact craters in the solar system.
Scientists thought the basin was more oval shaped than circular. That would mean the impacting asteroid that created it hit the lunar surface at a shallow angle. But the new study suggests the crater is rounder. Hannes Bernhardt, an assistant research scientist in the University of Maryland’s Department of Geology is the lead author. He said:
It’s challenging to study the South Pole-Aitken basin holistically due to its sheer enormousness, which is why scientists are still trying to learn its shape and size. In addition, 4 billion years have passed since the basin was originally formed and many other impacts have obscured its original appearance. Our work challenges many existing ideas about how this massive impact occurred and distributed materials, but we are now a step closer to better understand the moon’s early history and evolution over time.
Mountains provide a clue
So, how did the researchers determine the basin is more circular? They used high-resolution images from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to study mountain formations around the edge of the basin. They found more than 200 of these mountain formations. The scientists think they’re remnants from the original impact. The new data revealed something interesting. If the original impact likely created a more circular crater, it would have spread debris across the moon’s South Pole, where the Artemis astronauts will land. As Bernhardt said:
A rounder, more circular shape indicates that an object struck the moon’s surface at a more vertical angle, possibly similar to dropping a rock straight down onto the ground. This circular impact implies that debris from the impact is more equally distributed around it than was originally thought, which means that Artemis astronauts or robots in the South Pole region may be able to closely study rocks from deep within the moon’s mantle or crust; materials that are typically impossible for us to access.
Insight into the moon’s origin
Being able to study these rocks is good news for the upcoming Artemis missions. They could provide valuable clues about the moon’s interior and how the moon first formed. The impact would have sprayed material from the moon’s lower crust and upper mantle. Much of that material should still be sitting on the surface, waiting for astronauts or robots to collect samples for study. As Bernhardt noted:
One of the most exciting implications of our research is how it is applicable to missions to the moon and beyond. Astronauts exploring the lunar South Pole might have easier access to ancient lunar materials that could help us understand how the moon and our solar system came to be.
Chandrayaan-3 mission findings support new study
In addition, India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission landed near the lunar South Pole on August 23, 2023. Among its findings, the rover discovered minerals that indicated impact debris came from the mantle close to the South Pole. This supported the theory that the impact was more head-on than at an angle.
In 2019, scientists reported the discovery of an unusual large mass of material beneath the South Pole-Aitken basin. It likely extends more than 200 miles (320 km) deep. Scientists think it consists of metal and leftover material from the asteroid impact that created the basin.
Bottom line: The South Pole-Aitken basin is the moon’s largest crater. Scientists have thought it was oval-shaped, but a new study suggests it’s more circular.