Coronavirus reports: “As a Black man with advanced prostate cancer, who wouldn’t be worried?”

Alfred speaking on the radio.

Earlier this month, Public Health England published a long-awaited report on how factors like age, ethnicity and sex are linked to a person’s risk of COVID-19.

The report confirmed what many news headlines had already implied – that COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities, and seems to be exacerbating many other existing health inequalities too.

And while a follow-up report has gone into more detail about why inequalities might exist between ethnic groups, there are still some unanswered questions.

We spoke to Anisha and Alfred about the latest findings.

Anisha: “We need to deal with health inequalities”

Anisha wearing PPE

Anisha wearing PPE for a clinic.

Anisha, a GP who has had bowel cancer, was concerned when the COVID-19 figures started to come out. “As someone who is BAME and working in the frontline of the health service I thought, how scared should I be?”

A particular worry for Anisha was that, after being diagnosed with bowel cancer in September 2018, some of her cancer treatment could make her more vulnerable to the virus. “As I am of Asian origin and have had cancer treatment myself not so long ago, I did think whether I should be working, but only for a split-second. This is my job and I want to be here.”

And it’s not just Anisha who’s worried, the headlines about increased risk of COVID-19 are creating huge anxiety in Black, Asian and other minority ethnic communities.

“There are so many unknowns about what is going on. Is it related to genetics? Vitamin D? Is it cultural or socio-economic? Is it due to barriers to health messages?

“There was talk in the latest government report of issues like people not asking for PPE. The answers are going to be so complex.”

But even though the figures have so far raised more questions than they’ve answered, Anisha feels it’s important to get them out there.

“The reason that we can even ask some of these questions is because of the statistics that are coming out around COVID-19 – these statistics are being monitored so closely for so many reasons, and health inequalities are being highlighted immediately.”

The next step for Anisha is for governments and health services to learn from them. “As a GP, I am a health provider, and we need to deal with health inequalities – it’s our job.”

“Within BAME communities, we know that there can be different challenges around health messaging, and extra work is needed on education.

“There can be stigma around certain illnesses, and around treatments, lack of knowledge of symptoms, and fear, as well as generational attitudes to talking about health. These may lead to later diagnosis of a wide range of illnesses, including cancer.”

And while, as a disease, COVID-19 is very different to cancer, Anisha thinks that it shows how much work is needed to break down these inequalities.

“The fact that we are even talking about these issues is a good thing – it is something that has needed to change.”

Alfred: “As a Black man with advanced prostate cancer, who wouldn’t be worried?”

Alfred on a walk.

Alfred on one of his daily walks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alfred is having treatment for advanced prostate cancer. “I had to go into hospital during lockdown because I was feeling unwell and needed to be checked out. I was given a COVID-19 test and, when it came back as clear, I was so relieved.”

“As a Black man with advanced prostate cancer, and hearing all the stats since the start of COVID-19, who wouldn’t be worried?”

Alfred says that while the COVID-19 test results provided some relief, the concern lingers. “With the lockdown relaxing, I am so worried about further waves of COVID-19.”

“I have heard so many people in BAME communities who have been affected by COVID-19. It has spread so much fear.”

Like Anisha, Alfred has questions about the figures. “The COVID-19 statistics are showing problems, but they need to be investigated further. Are there specific cultural issues that are important within those groups too? We have not got to the bottom of the causation. There are more questions.”

And for Alfred, it’s bigger than COVID-19. “When I was in hospital, a doctor was talking about people coming to hospital being diagnosed with cancer later. It was a reminder that cancer has not gone away, and the inequalities within BAME communities exist in cancer too.”

He’s concerned that further waves of COVID-19 could compound issues. “BAME people could be more affected, and they could also be more affected by the backlog in cancer too – how many more things do we need to deal with?”

“When it comes to health messaging, there are trust issues. Whether it’s from Number 10, the Department of Health or charities, health advice needs to be backed up by investment in reaching communities. You have to listen to people who have experience of communities and harness these experiences to make an impact.”

For Alfred, working with people from different communities is essential to health initiatives. “Whether that’s about COVID-19 or cancer, if you aren’t doing it right, you won’t get far.”

Tom Bourton is a media volunteer liaison manager at Cancer Research UK

Thanks to Anisha and Alfred for sharing their experiences with our Media Volunteer Liaison team. Anisha is also on Instagram as @doctorsgetcancertoo

If you would like to share your story with us, please visit our website. And if you have questions about cancer, you can talk to our nurses Monday to Friday, 9-5pm, on freephone 0808 800 4040.

from Cancer Research UK – Science blog
Alfred speaking on the radio.

Earlier this month, Public Health England published a long-awaited report on how factors like age, ethnicity and sex are linked to a person’s risk of COVID-19.

The report confirmed what many news headlines had already implied – that COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities, and seems to be exacerbating many other existing health inequalities too.

And while a follow-up report has gone into more detail about why inequalities might exist between ethnic groups, there are still some unanswered questions.

We spoke to Anisha and Alfred about the latest findings.

Anisha: “We need to deal with health inequalities”

Anisha wearing PPE

Anisha wearing PPE for a clinic.

Anisha, a GP who has had bowel cancer, was concerned when the COVID-19 figures started to come out. “As someone who is BAME and working in the frontline of the health service I thought, how scared should I be?”

A particular worry for Anisha was that, after being diagnosed with bowel cancer in September 2018, some of her cancer treatment could make her more vulnerable to the virus. “As I am of Asian origin and have had cancer treatment myself not so long ago, I did think whether I should be working, but only for a split-second. This is my job and I want to be here.”

And it’s not just Anisha who’s worried, the headlines about increased risk of COVID-19 are creating huge anxiety in Black, Asian and other minority ethnic communities.

“There are so many unknowns about what is going on. Is it related to genetics? Vitamin D? Is it cultural or socio-economic? Is it due to barriers to health messages?

“There was talk in the latest government report of issues like people not asking for PPE. The answers are going to be so complex.”

But even though the figures have so far raised more questions than they’ve answered, Anisha feels it’s important to get them out there.

“The reason that we can even ask some of these questions is because of the statistics that are coming out around COVID-19 – these statistics are being monitored so closely for so many reasons, and health inequalities are being highlighted immediately.”

The next step for Anisha is for governments and health services to learn from them. “As a GP, I am a health provider, and we need to deal with health inequalities – it’s our job.”

“Within BAME communities, we know that there can be different challenges around health messaging, and extra work is needed on education.

“There can be stigma around certain illnesses, and around treatments, lack of knowledge of symptoms, and fear, as well as generational attitudes to talking about health. These may lead to later diagnosis of a wide range of illnesses, including cancer.”

And while, as a disease, COVID-19 is very different to cancer, Anisha thinks that it shows how much work is needed to break down these inequalities.

“The fact that we are even talking about these issues is a good thing – it is something that has needed to change.”

Alfred: “As a Black man with advanced prostate cancer, who wouldn’t be worried?”

Alfred on a walk.

Alfred on one of his daily walks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alfred is having treatment for advanced prostate cancer. “I had to go into hospital during lockdown because I was feeling unwell and needed to be checked out. I was given a COVID-19 test and, when it came back as clear, I was so relieved.”

“As a Black man with advanced prostate cancer, and hearing all the stats since the start of COVID-19, who wouldn’t be worried?”

Alfred says that while the COVID-19 test results provided some relief, the concern lingers. “With the lockdown relaxing, I am so worried about further waves of COVID-19.”

“I have heard so many people in BAME communities who have been affected by COVID-19. It has spread so much fear.”

Like Anisha, Alfred has questions about the figures. “The COVID-19 statistics are showing problems, but they need to be investigated further. Are there specific cultural issues that are important within those groups too? We have not got to the bottom of the causation. There are more questions.”

And for Alfred, it’s bigger than COVID-19. “When I was in hospital, a doctor was talking about people coming to hospital being diagnosed with cancer later. It was a reminder that cancer has not gone away, and the inequalities within BAME communities exist in cancer too.”

He’s concerned that further waves of COVID-19 could compound issues. “BAME people could be more affected, and they could also be more affected by the backlog in cancer too – how many more things do we need to deal with?”

“When it comes to health messaging, there are trust issues. Whether it’s from Number 10, the Department of Health or charities, health advice needs to be backed up by investment in reaching communities. You have to listen to people who have experience of communities and harness these experiences to make an impact.”

For Alfred, working with people from different communities is essential to health initiatives. “Whether that’s about COVID-19 or cancer, if you aren’t doing it right, you won’t get far.”

Tom Bourton is a media volunteer liaison manager at Cancer Research UK

Thanks to Anisha and Alfred for sharing their experiences with our Media Volunteer Liaison team. Anisha is also on Instagram as @doctorsgetcancertoo

If you would like to share your story with us, please visit our website. And if you have questions about cancer, you can talk to our nurses Monday to Friday, 9-5pm, on freephone 0808 800 4040.

from Cancer Research UK – Science blog

Find the Summer Triangle

Constellations Cygnus, Aquila, Lyra labeled, and stars Vega, Deneb, Altair labeled on sky photo.

The Summer Triangle is made of 3 bright stars – Vega, Deneb and Altair – in 3 different constellations. Image via our friend Susan Gies Jensen in Odessa, Washington.

It’s summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are long, the sun is at its most intense for the year, the weather is warm. And the summer sky is with us, too. The famous Summer Triangle is ascending in the eastern sky on these June and July evenings.

The Summer Triangle isn’t a constellation. It’s an asterism, or noticeable pattern of stars. This pattern consists of three bright stars in three separate constellations – Deneb in the constellation Cygnus the Swan, Vega in the constellation Lyra the Harp, and Altair in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.

Learn to recognize the Summer Triangle asterism now, and you can watch it all summer as it shifts higher in the east, then finally appears high overhead in the late northern summer and early northern autumn sky.

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How to find the Summer Triangle. As night falls in June or July, look east for a sparkling blue-white star. That will be Vega, in Lyra. Reigning at the apex of the celebrated Summer Triangle, Vega is also the brightest of the Summer Triangle’s three stars, which are all bright enough to be seen from many light-polluted cities.

Look to the lower right of Vega to locate the Summer Triangle’s second brightest star. That’s Altair, the brightest star in the constellation Aquila the Eagle. A ruler (12 inches, 30 cm) held at arm’s length fills the gap between these two stars.

Look to the lower left of Vega for another bright star – Deneb, the brightest in the constellation Cygnus the Swan and the third brightest in the Summer Triangle. An outstretched hand at arm’s length approximates the distance from Vega to Deneb.

It’s difficult to convey the huge size of the Summer Triangle asterism. But you’ll see it. These three bright stars – Vega, Deneb and Altair – will become summertime favorites.

Diagram of triangle with labeled bright stars at each corner.

The Summer Triangle, ascending in the east on June evenings.

Summer Triangle as a road map to the Milky Way. If you’re lucky enough to be under a dark starry sky on a moonless night, you’ll see the great swath of stars passing between the Summer Triangle stars Vega and Altair. The star Deneb bobs in the middle of this river of stars, which arcs across dark summer skies. This sky river is, of course, the edgewise view into our own Milky Way galaxy. Although every star that you see with the unaided eye is a member of the Milky Way, at this time of year we can see clearly into the galaxy’s flat disk, where most of the stars congregate. By August and September, we have a good view toward the galaxy’s center.

Once you master the Summer Triangle, you can always locate the Milky Way on a clear, dark night. How about making the most of a dark summer night to explore this band of stars – this starlit boulevard with its celestial delights? Use binoculars to reel in the gossamer beauty of it all, the haunting nebulae and bejeweled star clusters along the starlit trail.

Starry sky photo with triangle and wide foggy stripe, the Milky Way.

Scott MacNeill of Exit Pupil Creative Workshop captured this photo of the Summer Triangle, constellation Hercules, bright Milky Way, and the bright red star Antares among more.

Summer Triangle as nature’s seasonal calendar. The Summer Triangle serves as a stellar calendar, marking the seasons. When the stars of the Summer Triangle light up the eastern twilight dusk in middle to late June, it’s a sure sign of the change of seasons, of spring giving way to summer. However, when the Summer Triangle is seen high in the south to overhead at dusk and early evening, the Summer Triangle’s change of position indicates that summer has ebbed into fall.

Wide foggy stripe with dark streak running down middle straight though triangle and Cassiopeia.

View larger. | Great Rift of Milky Way passes through the constellation Cassiopeia and the Summer Triangle.

A word about asterisms. As we mentioned above, asterisms aren’t constellations; they’re just patterns on the sky’s dome. Constellations generally come to us from ancient times. In the 1930s, the International Astronomical Union officially drew the boundaries of the 88 constellations we recognize today.

Meanwhile, you can make up and name your own asterisms, in much the same way you can recognize shapes in puffy clouds on a summer day.

Some asterisms are so obvious that they’re recognized around the world. The Summer Triangle is one of these.

Triangle, plus stars of constellations Cygnus, Aquila, and Lyra above top of glass pyramid.

Summer Triangle and the top of the Louvre Pyramid from EarthSky Facebook friend VegaStar Carpentier in Paris.

Bottom line: How to find the Summer Triangle asterism, a large pattern made of three bright stars.

from EarthSky
Constellations Cygnus, Aquila, Lyra labeled, and stars Vega, Deneb, Altair labeled on sky photo.

The Summer Triangle is made of 3 bright stars – Vega, Deneb and Altair – in 3 different constellations. Image via our friend Susan Gies Jensen in Odessa, Washington.

It’s summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. The days are long, the sun is at its most intense for the year, the weather is warm. And the summer sky is with us, too. The famous Summer Triangle is ascending in the eastern sky on these June and July evenings.

The Summer Triangle isn’t a constellation. It’s an asterism, or noticeable pattern of stars. This pattern consists of three bright stars in three separate constellations – Deneb in the constellation Cygnus the Swan, Vega in the constellation Lyra the Harp, and Altair in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.

Learn to recognize the Summer Triangle asterism now, and you can watch it all summer as it shifts higher in the east, then finally appears high overhead in the late northern summer and early northern autumn sky.

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How to find the Summer Triangle. As night falls in June or July, look east for a sparkling blue-white star. That will be Vega, in Lyra. Reigning at the apex of the celebrated Summer Triangle, Vega is also the brightest of the Summer Triangle’s three stars, which are all bright enough to be seen from many light-polluted cities.

Look to the lower right of Vega to locate the Summer Triangle’s second brightest star. That’s Altair, the brightest star in the constellation Aquila the Eagle. A ruler (12 inches, 30 cm) held at arm’s length fills the gap between these two stars.

Look to the lower left of Vega for another bright star – Deneb, the brightest in the constellation Cygnus the Swan and the third brightest in the Summer Triangle. An outstretched hand at arm’s length approximates the distance from Vega to Deneb.

It’s difficult to convey the huge size of the Summer Triangle asterism. But you’ll see it. These three bright stars – Vega, Deneb and Altair – will become summertime favorites.

Diagram of triangle with labeled bright stars at each corner.

The Summer Triangle, ascending in the east on June evenings.

Summer Triangle as a road map to the Milky Way. If you’re lucky enough to be under a dark starry sky on a moonless night, you’ll see the great swath of stars passing between the Summer Triangle stars Vega and Altair. The star Deneb bobs in the middle of this river of stars, which arcs across dark summer skies. This sky river is, of course, the edgewise view into our own Milky Way galaxy. Although every star that you see with the unaided eye is a member of the Milky Way, at this time of year we can see clearly into the galaxy’s flat disk, where most of the stars congregate. By August and September, we have a good view toward the galaxy’s center.

Once you master the Summer Triangle, you can always locate the Milky Way on a clear, dark night. How about making the most of a dark summer night to explore this band of stars – this starlit boulevard with its celestial delights? Use binoculars to reel in the gossamer beauty of it all, the haunting nebulae and bejeweled star clusters along the starlit trail.

Starry sky photo with triangle and wide foggy stripe, the Milky Way.

Scott MacNeill of Exit Pupil Creative Workshop captured this photo of the Summer Triangle, constellation Hercules, bright Milky Way, and the bright red star Antares among more.

Summer Triangle as nature’s seasonal calendar. The Summer Triangle serves as a stellar calendar, marking the seasons. When the stars of the Summer Triangle light up the eastern twilight dusk in middle to late June, it’s a sure sign of the change of seasons, of spring giving way to summer. However, when the Summer Triangle is seen high in the south to overhead at dusk and early evening, the Summer Triangle’s change of position indicates that summer has ebbed into fall.

Wide foggy stripe with dark streak running down middle straight though triangle and Cassiopeia.

View larger. | Great Rift of Milky Way passes through the constellation Cassiopeia and the Summer Triangle.

A word about asterisms. As we mentioned above, asterisms aren’t constellations; they’re just patterns on the sky’s dome. Constellations generally come to us from ancient times. In the 1930s, the International Astronomical Union officially drew the boundaries of the 88 constellations we recognize today.

Meanwhile, you can make up and name your own asterisms, in much the same way you can recognize shapes in puffy clouds on a summer day.

Some asterisms are so obvious that they’re recognized around the world. The Summer Triangle is one of these.

Triangle, plus stars of constellations Cygnus, Aquila, and Lyra above top of glass pyramid.

Summer Triangle and the top of the Louvre Pyramid from EarthSky Facebook friend VegaStar Carpentier in Paris.

Bottom line: How to find the Summer Triangle asterism, a large pattern made of three bright stars.

from EarthSky

1st quarter moon is June 28

First quarter moon, juxtaposed with a telescopic view of the moon at this phase.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Composite image of a moon nearly at 1st quarter with some of the features you can see on the moon at this phase – captured April 30, 2020 – by our friend Dr Ski in the Philippines. He wrote: “… 10 hours before 1st quarter and the Lunar V and Lunar X are well defined …” More about Lunar V and X below. Thank you, Dr Ski!

A first quarter moon rises around noon and sets around midnight. You’ll likely spot it in late afternoon or early evening, when it’s at its highest in the sky. At this moon phase, the moon is showing us precisely half of its lighted half. Or you might say that – at first quarter moon – we’re seeing half the moon’s day side.

We call this moon a quarter and not a half because it is one quarter of the way around in its orbit of Earth, as measured from one new moon to the next. Also, although a first quarter moon appears half-lit to us, the illuminated portion we see of a first quarter moon truly is just a quarter. We’re now seeing half the moon’s day side, that is. Another lighted quarter of the moon shines just as brightly in the direction opposite Earth!

And what about the term half moon? That’s a beloved term, but not an official one.

Half of the moon with tiny labeled X and V shapes along straight edge.

Lunar X and Lunar V appear when the moon is near its 1st quarter phase. They aren’t really Xs and Vs on the moon. They’re just high areas, catching sunlight, creating an example of pareidolia on the moon. Aqilla Othman in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, caught them both in May of 2017. Notice that he caught Lunar X and Lunar V.

Closeup of boundary between light and dark areas of the moon with Lunar V and X labeled.

Here’s a closer look at Lunar X and Lunar V. Photo by Izaty Liyana in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. What is Lunar X?

Telescopic closeup of band of mountains on moon with a few large craters.

Tom Wildoner wrote: “One of my favorite areas to photograph on the moon near the 1st quarter! I captured this view of the sun lighting up the mountain range called Montes Apenninus. The moon was casting a nice shadow on the back side of the mountains. This mountain range is about 370 miles (600 km) long with some of the peaks rising as high as 3.1 miles (5 km).”

Bottom line: The next 1st quarter moon will come on June 28, 2020, at 08:15 UTC. That’s 3:15 a.m. CDT.

Read more: Top 4 keys to understanding moon phases

Check out EarthSky’s guide to the bright planets.

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from EarthSky
First quarter moon, juxtaposed with a telescopic view of the moon at this phase.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Composite image of a moon nearly at 1st quarter with some of the features you can see on the moon at this phase – captured April 30, 2020 – by our friend Dr Ski in the Philippines. He wrote: “… 10 hours before 1st quarter and the Lunar V and Lunar X are well defined …” More about Lunar V and X below. Thank you, Dr Ski!

A first quarter moon rises around noon and sets around midnight. You’ll likely spot it in late afternoon or early evening, when it’s at its highest in the sky. At this moon phase, the moon is showing us precisely half of its lighted half. Or you might say that – at first quarter moon – we’re seeing half the moon’s day side.

We call this moon a quarter and not a half because it is one quarter of the way around in its orbit of Earth, as measured from one new moon to the next. Also, although a first quarter moon appears half-lit to us, the illuminated portion we see of a first quarter moon truly is just a quarter. We’re now seeing half the moon’s day side, that is. Another lighted quarter of the moon shines just as brightly in the direction opposite Earth!

And what about the term half moon? That’s a beloved term, but not an official one.

Half of the moon with tiny labeled X and V shapes along straight edge.

Lunar X and Lunar V appear when the moon is near its 1st quarter phase. They aren’t really Xs and Vs on the moon. They’re just high areas, catching sunlight, creating an example of pareidolia on the moon. Aqilla Othman in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, caught them both in May of 2017. Notice that he caught Lunar X and Lunar V.

Closeup of boundary between light and dark areas of the moon with Lunar V and X labeled.

Here’s a closer look at Lunar X and Lunar V. Photo by Izaty Liyana in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. What is Lunar X?

Telescopic closeup of band of mountains on moon with a few large craters.

Tom Wildoner wrote: “One of my favorite areas to photograph on the moon near the 1st quarter! I captured this view of the sun lighting up the mountain range called Montes Apenninus. The moon was casting a nice shadow on the back side of the mountains. This mountain range is about 370 miles (600 km) long with some of the peaks rising as high as 3.1 miles (5 km).”

Bottom line: The next 1st quarter moon will come on June 28, 2020, at 08:15 UTC. That’s 3:15 a.m. CDT.

Read more: Top 4 keys to understanding moon phases

Check out EarthSky’s guide to the bright planets.

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from EarthSky

Epic graduation photo, Alberta, Canada

Young woman in long white dress on white horse under sky with many small, sunlit downward bulges from a dark cloud.

View the full panorama at EarthSky Community Photos. | Photo of recent graduate Cheyann Clarke-Colburne, taken June 13, 2020, by Christy Turner.

Christy Turner captured the photo above of a friend’s daughter – a 2020 graduate, Cheyann Clarke-Colburne – under a lowering sky near Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Christy wrote:

Incredible mammatus clouds and a rainbow help complete a graduation photo shoot. Since Cheyann didn’t get a proper occasion to wear her beautiful graduation gown, we scheduled a photo shoot at her grandparents’ farm. What we didn’t count on was nature delivering up an incredible backdrop post-storm.

Thank you, Christy, and all the best to you, Cheyann!

By the way, in case you’re not familiar with them … mammatus clouds are the pouchlike protrusions hanging from the clouds in the photo above. Most clouds are formed by rising air. But mammatus clouds form when air sinks from a higher layer into a lower layer, bringing ice crystals with it.

Mammatus clouds are typically a short-lived phenomenon. They often last only 10 or 15 minutes, don’t necessarily foretell a storm, and they don’t drop downward to form tornadoes. But they look awesome!

Read more about mammatus clouds and see spectacular photos here

Bottom line: Coolest graduation photo ever! Mammatus clouds – and a rainbow – provide the backdrop.

from EarthSky
Young woman in long white dress on white horse under sky with many small, sunlit downward bulges from a dark cloud.

View the full panorama at EarthSky Community Photos. | Photo of recent graduate Cheyann Clarke-Colburne, taken June 13, 2020, by Christy Turner.

Christy Turner captured the photo above of a friend’s daughter – a 2020 graduate, Cheyann Clarke-Colburne – under a lowering sky near Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Christy wrote:

Incredible mammatus clouds and a rainbow help complete a graduation photo shoot. Since Cheyann didn’t get a proper occasion to wear her beautiful graduation gown, we scheduled a photo shoot at her grandparents’ farm. What we didn’t count on was nature delivering up an incredible backdrop post-storm.

Thank you, Christy, and all the best to you, Cheyann!

By the way, in case you’re not familiar with them … mammatus clouds are the pouchlike protrusions hanging from the clouds in the photo above. Most clouds are formed by rising air. But mammatus clouds form when air sinks from a higher layer into a lower layer, bringing ice crystals with it.

Mammatus clouds are typically a short-lived phenomenon. They often last only 10 or 15 minutes, don’t necessarily foretell a storm, and they don’t drop downward to form tornadoes. But they look awesome!

Read more about mammatus clouds and see spectacular photos here

Bottom line: Coolest graduation photo ever! Mammatus clouds – and a rainbow – provide the backdrop.

from EarthSky

New Exotica Catalog will help guide search for ET

A dish type radio telescope, at night, with a jagged lightning-like line of signal from the stars reaching it.

The Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia is one of the telescopes used by Breakthrough Listen for SETI. Here, an artist has portrayed a signal from a Fast Radio Burst – or FRB – detected by the telescope. FRBs are one of the sorts of objects on the new Breakthrough Listen Exotica list. Image via UC Berkeley.

Are we alone in the universe? That’s one of the biggest, still unanswered questions facing humankind. Now, the Breakthrough Listen initiative has announced the release of a comprehensive Exotica catalog, listing over 700 objects and phenomena in the known universe of potential interest to scientists searching for technosignatures, that is, evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence beyond just the radio signals focused upon in traditional SETI.

Breakthrough Listen says the targets listed in its Exotica catalog will also be useful for the study of astrophysics in general.

A new paper detailing the creation of the list – officially called The Breakthrough Listen Exotic Target Catalog, or Exotica Catalog – was published as a preprint at arXiv on June 23, 2020.

As explained by Breakthrough Listen:

Breakthrough Listen to date has largely focused on the search for ‘life as we know it’ – including Earth-like planets around sun-like stars such as Kepler 160. But what if extraterrestrial intelligences are not like us, but are found in the frigid reaches of the outer solar system, the extreme gravity of neutron stars, the brilliant cores of active galaxies, or the hearts of the richest galaxy clusters? Now we’re announcing an expanded approach, targeting ‘one of everything’ in the universe.

The new Exotica Catalog includes over 700 distinct objects. It has an example of each type in our Prototype sample, extreme objects with record-breaking properties in our Superlative sample, and lingering mysteries in our Anomaly sample. A small Control sample rounds out the list with sky locations we do not expect to be special as a comparison.

With the Exotica catalog, we aim to answer many questions. Have we been looking in the wrong places? Might a few of the objects we think are natural actually be artificial? Could some natural phenomenon or problem with our instruments fool us into thinking we are looking at a signal from an intelligence? What can we learn by using the unique Breakthrough Listen backend to observe the natural world?

Graph with multi-colored boxes and text annotations on white background.

Graph depicting what kinds of target selections are included in the catalog. Image via Lacki et al./ arXiv.

The intention of the catalog is to include “one of everything” in the observable universe. It is the first catalog in recent years to cover the entire vast array of exotic phenomena, from distant galaxies to objects in our own solar system. The idea is that it will serve as a guide for researchers searching for evidence of extraterrestrial life, as well as studying natural astrophysical phenomena. Brian Lacki, a graduate student at Ohio State University and lead author of the new catalog, said in a statement:

Many discoveries in astronomy were not planned. Sometimes a major new discovery was missed when nobody was looking in the right place, because they believed nothing could be found there. This happened with exoplanets, which might have been detected before the 1990s if astronomers looked for solar systems very different than ours. Are we looking in the wrong places for technosignatures? The Exotica Catalog will help us answer that question.

The catalog is not just limited to SETI, though. My hope is that any program with a new capability may use the Exotica catalog as a shakedown cruise around the universe.

Bluish sphere with holes in it, a star in its center, and stars in background.

Artist’s concept of a Dyson sphere megastructure, one type of hypothesized alien technosignature. Image via

While the catalog has over 700 listings, those listings are grouped into four main categories:

  • Prototypes: a list containing at least one example of every known kind of celestial object (apart from those too transient to present realistic observation targets). Planets and moons, stars at every point of their life cycle, galaxies big and small, serene star clusters and blazing quasars, and more are all included in the list.
  • Superlatives: objects with the most extreme properties. These include examples like the hottest planet, stars with unusually high or low metal content, the most distant quasar and fastest-spinning pulsar, and the densest galaxy.
  • Anomalies: enigmatic targets whose behavior is currently not satisfactorily explained. For instance, the famous “Tabby’s Star” with its bizarre dimming behavior; ’Oumuamua, the interstellar object that passed near Earth in 2017; unexplained optical pulses that last mere nanoseconds; and stars with excess infrared radiation that could conceivably be explained as waste heat from alien megastructures.
  • Control sample: a list of sources not expected to produce positive results.
Bluish sphere with 2 light beams coming out of it on dark blue starry background.

Artist’s concept of a pulsar. When pulsars were first discovered, it was thought they might be artificial beacons, but they turned out to be a natural phenomenon. The new catalog will help to better differentiate between natural phenomena and actual artificial artifacts. Image via NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center.

There is also a new classification system for anomalies and new plans for observations of some of these objects based on the catalog.

This catalog is an innovative and welcome addition to the overall SETI effort, as it broadens the focus to many other celestial objects and phenomena, while traditional SETI tended to search only for radio signals, and more recently, light or laser signals. Technosignatures are the new big thing in the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life. But even the search for those until now has focused primarily on looking for evidence of “life as we know it” around nearby stars. According to Andrew Siemion, leader of the Breakthrough Listen science team:

Technosignature searches to date have largely focused on the search for ‘life as we know it’: nearby stars, in particular those known to host planets with the potential for liquid water on their surfaces. The expanded search capabilities that Breakthrough Listen has made possible allow us to consider a much wider range of possible technology-laden environments.

Many bright blobs and spots on a radiating grid with black background.

The Exotica Catalog will include “one of everything” of a wide range of known objects and phenomena in the universe. Image via Goddard Space Flight Center/

Yuri Milner, the founder of Breakthrough Initiatives, also said:

Breakthrough Listen has already greatly expanded the breadth and depth of its search. The publication of this catalog is a new and significant step for the program.

Pete Worden, executive director of Breakthrough Starshot, added:

When it comes to the search for intelligent life, it’s vital to have an open mind. Until we understand more about the forms another civilization and its technology could take, we should investigate all plausible targets. Cataloging them is the first step toward that goal.

No confirmed technosignatures have been found yet, but the new, expanded search is really just beginning. The universe is vast, so it’s logical that finding something conclusive, if it’s out there, might take a long time. The Exotica Catalog will help to narrow down the search to some of the most interesting candidates and locations, and of course, new ones are always been discovered as well. The guiding principle behind it is the concept of “survey breadth,” i.e., the diversity of objects observed during a program. This will help astronomers constrain the project’s focus to the most interesting or promising targets and weed out natural phenomena that could be mistaken for artificial, and vice-versa.

Man in dark t-shirt with dark background.

Brian Lacki of Breakthrough Listen and lead author of the new catalog. Image via CCAPP.

Last February, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) also announced an outline for new approaches to the question of alien intelligence, and how best to look for it. This was a big step away from the old SETI paradigm, and could now be referred to as SETI 2.0.

We don’t know what surprises the new catalog will yield, but it is an exciting venture that just may help scientists determine whether humanity has any intelligent companions out among the stars and galaxies.

Robotic android holding number-covered tablet with radio telescope in background.

Are we alone? Breakthrough Listen’s new Exotica Catalog will help scientists search for technosignatures: signs of past or present intelligent extraterrestrial life. Image via Breakthrough Listen/ Danielle Futselaar/ SETI Institute.

Bottom line: The Breakthrough Listen project has released a new Exotica Catalog with over 700 “one of everything” targets in the universe.

Source: One of Everything: The Breakthrough Listen Exotica Catalog

Via Breakthrough Initiatives

from EarthSky
A dish type radio telescope, at night, with a jagged lightning-like line of signal from the stars reaching it.

The Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia is one of the telescopes used by Breakthrough Listen for SETI. Here, an artist has portrayed a signal from a Fast Radio Burst – or FRB – detected by the telescope. FRBs are one of the sorts of objects on the new Breakthrough Listen Exotica list. Image via UC Berkeley.

Are we alone in the universe? That’s one of the biggest, still unanswered questions facing humankind. Now, the Breakthrough Listen initiative has announced the release of a comprehensive Exotica catalog, listing over 700 objects and phenomena in the known universe of potential interest to scientists searching for technosignatures, that is, evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence beyond just the radio signals focused upon in traditional SETI.

Breakthrough Listen says the targets listed in its Exotica catalog will also be useful for the study of astrophysics in general.

A new paper detailing the creation of the list – officially called The Breakthrough Listen Exotic Target Catalog, or Exotica Catalog – was published as a preprint at arXiv on June 23, 2020.

As explained by Breakthrough Listen:

Breakthrough Listen to date has largely focused on the search for ‘life as we know it’ – including Earth-like planets around sun-like stars such as Kepler 160. But what if extraterrestrial intelligences are not like us, but are found in the frigid reaches of the outer solar system, the extreme gravity of neutron stars, the brilliant cores of active galaxies, or the hearts of the richest galaxy clusters? Now we’re announcing an expanded approach, targeting ‘one of everything’ in the universe.

The new Exotica Catalog includes over 700 distinct objects. It has an example of each type in our Prototype sample, extreme objects with record-breaking properties in our Superlative sample, and lingering mysteries in our Anomaly sample. A small Control sample rounds out the list with sky locations we do not expect to be special as a comparison.

With the Exotica catalog, we aim to answer many questions. Have we been looking in the wrong places? Might a few of the objects we think are natural actually be artificial? Could some natural phenomenon or problem with our instruments fool us into thinking we are looking at a signal from an intelligence? What can we learn by using the unique Breakthrough Listen backend to observe the natural world?

Graph with multi-colored boxes and text annotations on white background.

Graph depicting what kinds of target selections are included in the catalog. Image via Lacki et al./ arXiv.

The intention of the catalog is to include “one of everything” in the observable universe. It is the first catalog in recent years to cover the entire vast array of exotic phenomena, from distant galaxies to objects in our own solar system. The idea is that it will serve as a guide for researchers searching for evidence of extraterrestrial life, as well as studying natural astrophysical phenomena. Brian Lacki, a graduate student at Ohio State University and lead author of the new catalog, said in a statement:

Many discoveries in astronomy were not planned. Sometimes a major new discovery was missed when nobody was looking in the right place, because they believed nothing could be found there. This happened with exoplanets, which might have been detected before the 1990s if astronomers looked for solar systems very different than ours. Are we looking in the wrong places for technosignatures? The Exotica Catalog will help us answer that question.

The catalog is not just limited to SETI, though. My hope is that any program with a new capability may use the Exotica catalog as a shakedown cruise around the universe.

Bluish sphere with holes in it, a star in its center, and stars in background.

Artist’s concept of a Dyson sphere megastructure, one type of hypothesized alien technosignature. Image via

While the catalog has over 700 listings, those listings are grouped into four main categories:

  • Prototypes: a list containing at least one example of every known kind of celestial object (apart from those too transient to present realistic observation targets). Planets and moons, stars at every point of their life cycle, galaxies big and small, serene star clusters and blazing quasars, and more are all included in the list.
  • Superlatives: objects with the most extreme properties. These include examples like the hottest planet, stars with unusually high or low metal content, the most distant quasar and fastest-spinning pulsar, and the densest galaxy.
  • Anomalies: enigmatic targets whose behavior is currently not satisfactorily explained. For instance, the famous “Tabby’s Star” with its bizarre dimming behavior; ’Oumuamua, the interstellar object that passed near Earth in 2017; unexplained optical pulses that last mere nanoseconds; and stars with excess infrared radiation that could conceivably be explained as waste heat from alien megastructures.
  • Control sample: a list of sources not expected to produce positive results.
Bluish sphere with 2 light beams coming out of it on dark blue starry background.

Artist’s concept of a pulsar. When pulsars were first discovered, it was thought they might be artificial beacons, but they turned out to be a natural phenomenon. The new catalog will help to better differentiate between natural phenomena and actual artificial artifacts. Image via NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center.

There is also a new classification system for anomalies and new plans for observations of some of these objects based on the catalog.

This catalog is an innovative and welcome addition to the overall SETI effort, as it broadens the focus to many other celestial objects and phenomena, while traditional SETI tended to search only for radio signals, and more recently, light or laser signals. Technosignatures are the new big thing in the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life. But even the search for those until now has focused primarily on looking for evidence of “life as we know it” around nearby stars. According to Andrew Siemion, leader of the Breakthrough Listen science team:

Technosignature searches to date have largely focused on the search for ‘life as we know it’: nearby stars, in particular those known to host planets with the potential for liquid water on their surfaces. The expanded search capabilities that Breakthrough Listen has made possible allow us to consider a much wider range of possible technology-laden environments.

Many bright blobs and spots on a radiating grid with black background.

The Exotica Catalog will include “one of everything” of a wide range of known objects and phenomena in the universe. Image via Goddard Space Flight Center/

Yuri Milner, the founder of Breakthrough Initiatives, also said:

Breakthrough Listen has already greatly expanded the breadth and depth of its search. The publication of this catalog is a new and significant step for the program.

Pete Worden, executive director of Breakthrough Starshot, added:

When it comes to the search for intelligent life, it’s vital to have an open mind. Until we understand more about the forms another civilization and its technology could take, we should investigate all plausible targets. Cataloging them is the first step toward that goal.

No confirmed technosignatures have been found yet, but the new, expanded search is really just beginning. The universe is vast, so it’s logical that finding something conclusive, if it’s out there, might take a long time. The Exotica Catalog will help to narrow down the search to some of the most interesting candidates and locations, and of course, new ones are always been discovered as well. The guiding principle behind it is the concept of “survey breadth,” i.e., the diversity of objects observed during a program. This will help astronomers constrain the project’s focus to the most interesting or promising targets and weed out natural phenomena that could be mistaken for artificial, and vice-versa.

Man in dark t-shirt with dark background.

Brian Lacki of Breakthrough Listen and lead author of the new catalog. Image via CCAPP.

Last February, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) also announced an outline for new approaches to the question of alien intelligence, and how best to look for it. This was a big step away from the old SETI paradigm, and could now be referred to as SETI 2.0.

We don’t know what surprises the new catalog will yield, but it is an exciting venture that just may help scientists determine whether humanity has any intelligent companions out among the stars and galaxies.

Robotic android holding number-covered tablet with radio telescope in background.

Are we alone? Breakthrough Listen’s new Exotica Catalog will help scientists search for technosignatures: signs of past or present intelligent extraterrestrial life. Image via Breakthrough Listen/ Danielle Futselaar/ SETI Institute.

Bottom line: The Breakthrough Listen project has released a new Exotica Catalog with over 700 “one of everything” targets in the universe.

Source: One of Everything: The Breakthrough Listen Exotica Catalog

Via Breakthrough Initiatives

from EarthSky

Plastic rain: More than 1,000 tons of microplastic rain onto western US

A new study estimates that more than 1,000 tons of microplastics from the air – equivalent to more than 123 million plastic water bottles – rain down onto protected areas in the western U.S. each year.

The discovery of the microplastics was a surprise. A research team was analyzing rainwater samples from national parks and wilderness areas across Colorado, as part of a pilot study on a new type of field equipment. They were shocked to find that the samples contained microplastics – plastic fragments less than 5 mm length – including a rainbow of plastic fibers, as well as beads and shards.

Utah State University Assistant Professor Janice Brahney is lead author of the study, published June 12, 2020 in Science. Brahney said in a statement:

We were shocked at the estimated deposition rates and kept trying to figure out where our calculations went wrong. We then confirmed through 32 different particle scans that roughly 4% of the atmospheric particles analyzed from these remote locations were synthetic polymers.

Mountain, lake and blue sky.

Pictured here, Rocky Mountain National Park, which had the greatest amount microplastics among the national parks and wilderness areas in the study. Image via Utah State University.

The world produced 348 million metric tons of plastic in 2017, and global production shows no sign of slowing down. In the United States, the per capita production of plastic waste is 340 grams per day. Although plastics’ high resilience and longevity make them useful in everyday life, these same properties mean that they fragment into tiny particles – microplastics – rather than degrade in the environment. These microplastics are known to accumulate in wastewaters, rivers, and ultimately the worlds’ oceans – and as Brahney’s team shows, they also accumulate in the atmosphere. Brahney said:

Several studies have attempted to quantify the global plastic cycle but were unaware of the atmospheric limb. Our data show the plastic cycle is reminiscent of the global water cycle, having atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial lifetimes.

Microscope image of microplastics in atmospheric particulate samples. 500 pm. Image via Janice Brahney/ Utah State University.

The researchers examined the source and life history of microplastics that were deposited via rain versus via dry air. They found that nearby cities and population centers were the initial source of plastics in rain. In contrast, plastics from dry air showed indicators of long-range transport associated with large-scale atmospheric patterns. The researchers say this suggests that microplastics are small enough to be carried in the atmosphere across continents.

Most of the plastics deposited in both wet and dry samples were microfibers from clothing and industrial materials. Approximately 30% of the particles were brightly-colored microbeads, but not those commonly associated with personal care products, these microbeads were acrylic and likely derived from industrial paints and coatings. Other particles were fragments of larger pieces of plastic. The report notes:

This result, combined with the size distribution of identified plastics, and the relationship to global-scale climate patterns, suggest that plastic emission sources have extended well beyond our population centers and, through their longevity, spiral through the Earth system.

The researchers made weekly and monthly examinations of wet and dry samples from 11 sites, and estimate that more than 1,000 tons of microplastics are deposited onto protected lands in the western U.S. each year. A staggering 4% of the atmospheric particulates that the researchers identified collected in the samples from these remote locations were plastic polymers.

The ubiquity of miccroplastics in the atmosphere has unknown consequences for human and animal health, but the size ranges the researchers observed were well within that which accumulate in lung tissue.

Source: Plastic rain in protected areas of the United States

Via Utah State University

from EarthSky

A new study estimates that more than 1,000 tons of microplastics from the air – equivalent to more than 123 million plastic water bottles – rain down onto protected areas in the western U.S. each year.

The discovery of the microplastics was a surprise. A research team was analyzing rainwater samples from national parks and wilderness areas across Colorado, as part of a pilot study on a new type of field equipment. They were shocked to find that the samples contained microplastics – plastic fragments less than 5 mm length – including a rainbow of plastic fibers, as well as beads and shards.

Utah State University Assistant Professor Janice Brahney is lead author of the study, published June 12, 2020 in Science. Brahney said in a statement:

We were shocked at the estimated deposition rates and kept trying to figure out where our calculations went wrong. We then confirmed through 32 different particle scans that roughly 4% of the atmospheric particles analyzed from these remote locations were synthetic polymers.

Mountain, lake and blue sky.

Pictured here, Rocky Mountain National Park, which had the greatest amount microplastics among the national parks and wilderness areas in the study. Image via Utah State University.

The world produced 348 million metric tons of plastic in 2017, and global production shows no sign of slowing down. In the United States, the per capita production of plastic waste is 340 grams per day. Although plastics’ high resilience and longevity make them useful in everyday life, these same properties mean that they fragment into tiny particles – microplastics – rather than degrade in the environment. These microplastics are known to accumulate in wastewaters, rivers, and ultimately the worlds’ oceans – and as Brahney’s team shows, they also accumulate in the atmosphere. Brahney said:

Several studies have attempted to quantify the global plastic cycle but were unaware of the atmospheric limb. Our data show the plastic cycle is reminiscent of the global water cycle, having atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial lifetimes.

Microscope image of microplastics in atmospheric particulate samples. 500 pm. Image via Janice Brahney/ Utah State University.

The researchers examined the source and life history of microplastics that were deposited via rain versus via dry air. They found that nearby cities and population centers were the initial source of plastics in rain. In contrast, plastics from dry air showed indicators of long-range transport associated with large-scale atmospheric patterns. The researchers say this suggests that microplastics are small enough to be carried in the atmosphere across continents.

Most of the plastics deposited in both wet and dry samples were microfibers from clothing and industrial materials. Approximately 30% of the particles were brightly-colored microbeads, but not those commonly associated with personal care products, these microbeads were acrylic and likely derived from industrial paints and coatings. Other particles were fragments of larger pieces of plastic. The report notes:

This result, combined with the size distribution of identified plastics, and the relationship to global-scale climate patterns, suggest that plastic emission sources have extended well beyond our population centers and, through their longevity, spiral through the Earth system.

The researchers made weekly and monthly examinations of wet and dry samples from 11 sites, and estimate that more than 1,000 tons of microplastics are deposited onto protected lands in the western U.S. each year. A staggering 4% of the atmospheric particulates that the researchers identified collected in the samples from these remote locations were plastic polymers.

The ubiquity of miccroplastics in the atmosphere has unknown consequences for human and animal health, but the size ranges the researchers observed were well within that which accumulate in lung tissue.

Source: Plastic rain in protected areas of the United States

Via Utah State University

from EarthSky

Watch ISS spacewalk June 26

Astronaut in a white spacesuit, intently working on machinery, against dark background with small orange dots.

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir is pictured during a spacewalk she conducted with NASA astronaut Christina Koch (out of frame) in October 2019 to install new lithium-ion batteries that store and distribute power collected from solar arrays on the station’s Port-6 truss structure. Image via NASA.

On Friday, June 26, 2020, two astronauts will perform the first of a pair of International Space Station (ISS) spacewalks, to replace aging nickel-hydrogen batteries. NASA TV’s live coverage of the spacewalk will begin on Friday at 10:00 UTC (6:00 a.m. EDT). The spacewalk itself will begin at around 11:35 UTC (7:35 a.m. EDT), and will last as long as seven hours. Translate UTC to your time. The second in the pair of spacewalks is scheduled for July 1. Watch here.

On Friday’s spacewalk, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy, the commander of Expedition 63, and Robert Behnken, who joined the crew May 31 after arriving aboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, will begin the replacement of batteries for one of the power channels on the orbiting laboratory.

According to a statement from NASA:

The spacewalking astronauts will replace aging nickel-hydrogen batteries for one of two power channels on the far starboard truss (S6 Truss) of the station with new lithium-ion batteries that arrived to the station on a Japanese cargo ship last month. The battery replacement work is the culmination of power upgrade spacewalks that began in January 2017.

The spacewalkers are following up on the battery swap work that begun last year and continued into January. It’s a complex repair job has been taking place on both the starboard and port sides of the station’s truss structure, where the basketball court-sized solar arrays are located. The solar arrays slowly rotate around the truss structure and track the sun, but are locked into place during the spacewalks.

Cassidy will be extravehicular crew member 1, wearing the spacesuit with red stripes. Behnken will be extravehicular crew member 2, wearing the spacesuit without stripes.

Bottom line: On June 26, 2020, two astronauts will perform the first of a pair of International Space Station (ISS) spacewalks, to replace aging nickel-hydrogen batteries. How to watch.


Via NASA Space Station blog

from EarthSky
Astronaut in a white spacesuit, intently working on machinery, against dark background with small orange dots.

NASA astronaut Jessica Meir is pictured during a spacewalk she conducted with NASA astronaut Christina Koch (out of frame) in October 2019 to install new lithium-ion batteries that store and distribute power collected from solar arrays on the station’s Port-6 truss structure. Image via NASA.

On Friday, June 26, 2020, two astronauts will perform the first of a pair of International Space Station (ISS) spacewalks, to replace aging nickel-hydrogen batteries. NASA TV’s live coverage of the spacewalk will begin on Friday at 10:00 UTC (6:00 a.m. EDT). The spacewalk itself will begin at around 11:35 UTC (7:35 a.m. EDT), and will last as long as seven hours. Translate UTC to your time. The second in the pair of spacewalks is scheduled for July 1. Watch here.

On Friday’s spacewalk, NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy, the commander of Expedition 63, and Robert Behnken, who joined the crew May 31 after arriving aboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, will begin the replacement of batteries for one of the power channels on the orbiting laboratory.

According to a statement from NASA:

The spacewalking astronauts will replace aging nickel-hydrogen batteries for one of two power channels on the far starboard truss (S6 Truss) of the station with new lithium-ion batteries that arrived to the station on a Japanese cargo ship last month. The battery replacement work is the culmination of power upgrade spacewalks that began in January 2017.

The spacewalkers are following up on the battery swap work that begun last year and continued into January. It’s a complex repair job has been taking place on both the starboard and port sides of the station’s truss structure, where the basketball court-sized solar arrays are located. The solar arrays slowly rotate around the truss structure and track the sun, but are locked into place during the spacewalks.

Cassidy will be extravehicular crew member 1, wearing the spacesuit with red stripes. Behnken will be extravehicular crew member 2, wearing the spacesuit without stripes.

Bottom line: On June 26, 2020, two astronauts will perform the first of a pair of International Space Station (ISS) spacewalks, to replace aging nickel-hydrogen batteries. How to watch.


Via NASA Space Station blog

from EarthSky