Meet Regulus, the Lion’s Heart

In a field of stars, a large, brilliant blue-white star. Above it is a faint horizontal oval smudge of light.

An image of Regulus obtained with a small telescope. The faint smudge above it is the dwarf galaxy Leo I. Image via Fred Espenak.

Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion, is a harbinger of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It creeps higher in the sky with each passing day in March and April as winter favorites like Orion the Hunter descend westward. By May, this brilliant blue-white star is quite conspicuous in the evening sky, as soon as the sun goes down.

On star charts, Regulus – also known as Alpha Leonis – is located at the base of a star pattern that appears like a backwards question mark. This pattern, known as The Sickle, makes up the head and forequarters of Leo the Lion. Ancient Arab stargazers called Regulus by the name Qalb al-Asad, which means Heart of the Lion. It’s also sometimes called Cor Leonis, also meaning the Lion’s Heart. This same name was said to have been given to Richard the Lionhearted (although more frequently in French).

These early astronomers would never have guessed that Regulus is actually a multiple star system with at least four component stars.

A star chart showing the stars in Leo. Lines joining the stars on the right appear like a flipped question mark with Regulus at its base.

A star chart showing the constellation Leo. On the right is a pattern that looks like a flipped question mark, “the Sickle.” This is the most recognizable pattern to look for when trying to locate Leo in the sky. Image via Torsten Bronger / Wikimedia Commons.

Around February 18, Regulus is opposite the sun, rising above the horizon as the sun sets; it is up all night long, reaching its highest point due south at local midnight. By early April, Regulus is well up in the southeast an hour after sunset. By early June, it’s high in the southwest an hour after sunset. And by early July, Regulus is low to the west an hour after sunset. Regulus can be found at some time of night throughout the year except for about a month on either side of August 22, when the sun is located in Regulus’ direction in space.

Solid black circle with white streamers coming out from it and tiny dot nearby.

During the total solar eclipse on Aug 21, 2017, Regulus was visible close to the moon during totality. It’s that little speck of light in the lower left corner. Image via Bernd Thaller/ Flickr.

Regulus is the only 1st magnitude star to sit almost squarely on the ecliptic, which marks the path of the sun, moon and planets across our sky. That means it can be seen from the entire Earth.

Bright planets sometimes pass near Regulus, and every month the moon passes no more than about 5 degrees away. In some years, the moon occults (passes in front of) this star as seen from our earthly vantage point. In fact, Regulus underwent a series of occultations – one during each month that this star was visible – starting on December 18, 2016, and concluding on April 24, 2018. There will be a series of 20 lunar occultations of Regulus, starting on July 26, 2025, and ending on December 27, 2026.

At about 79 light-years away, Regulus is a multiple system with at least four component stars. The main star, called Regulus A, is large and blue, with a spectral type of B8 IVn. Its surface temperature averages about 12,460 Kelvin (roughly 21,970 degrees F or 12,190 degrees C), much higher than the sun’s surface temperature of 5,778 Kelvin (9,941 °F or 5,505 °C). Regulus A is 3.8 times the mass of the sun, about three times as wide, and almost 288 times brighter.

A very rapid rotation rate of 16 hours causes Regulus A’s equatorial region to bulge, making it appear oblate – shaped like an egg – in contrast to our spherical-shaped sun, which rotates once every 25 days at its equator. If Regulus rotated just a bit faster, the star would fly apart. Regulus is not the only star known to spin so fast that it has an oblate shape. The stars Altair and Achernar are also fast spinners with flattened shapes.

An egg-shaped spheroid with a much smaller sphere at the lower right.

A computer generated model of Regulus created in 2005 by Georgia State University’s Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA). A model of the sun is shown next to it for scale. The high rotation rate of Regulus creates pronounced equatorial bulging such that its diameter across its equator is one-third longer than its north-south diameter. Image via Wenjin Huang/ Georgia State University/ NSF.

Through a moderately large telescope, Regulus resolves into two objects separated by 176 arc seconds, the brighter one being Regulus A. The fainter one, Regulus B, is a cool “orange” dwarf star with a spectral classification of K2 V; it’s 0.8 times the mass of the sun, half as bright, and has a surface temperature of 4,885 Kelvin (8,333 °F or 4,612 °C).

Regulus B, meanwhile, has its own companion called Regulus C that’s only visible with powerful telescopes. This star, just 1/3 the mass of the sun, is a red dwarf star with a spectral classification of M4 V. Regulus B and C are gravitationally bound to each other; their distances ranged from 4.0 to 2.5 arc seconds between 1867 and 1943. There are no recently available measurements.

The fourth star in the system has never been directly resolved via imaging but its presence is revealed in the spectra of Regulus A. Astronomers think it may be a closely orbiting white dwarf star.

So this is not one solitary star as the eye believes, but at least four. The Regulus system is thought to be more than a billion – that’s 1,000,000,000 – years old. The system, seen from Earth as the single object, Regulus, ranks 21st in the list of brightest stars in the sky.

Antique colored etching of two yellow lions, one much larger, with the constellations' stars superimposed.

The larger lion is the constellation Leo, with the star Regulus at its heart, as depicted on a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825. Above it is the faint constellation Leo Minor. Image via Library of Congress/ Wikimedia Commons.

The name Regulus is from the diminutive form of the Latin rex, and means Little King. Astronomers know Regulus as Alpha Leonis, but in times past it has been known simply as Rex, as well as by kingly names in other languages. It’s not clear how Regulus went from being a king – thought to rule celestial affairs – to being a “little” king. Perhaps the thought was that Leo itself represented the King of Beasts, and there was room for one full king only.

The constellation Leo the Lion, of which Regulus is the most prominent member, is easy to visualize. As mentioned previously, Regulus dots the backwards question mark of stars that outlines the Lion’s head and mane. An easily identifiable triangle depicts the Lion’s hindquarters and tail. There is a great deal of mythology associated with Leo, perhaps the most common tale being that Leo was the Nemean Lion of the Hercules story. It is said that even in South America, some Peruvian Indians knew these stars as the Mountain Lion, whereas in China it was sometimes seen as a horse, and at other times as part of a dragon. Christians in the Middle Ages sometimes referred to it as one of Daniel’s lions.

Regulus’ position is RA: 10h 08m 22.3s, dec: +11° 58′ 02″.

Bottom line: Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion, is associated with the arrival of spring, as it usually rises above the horizon in mid-February. By May, the star is very prominent in our evening sky.

from EarthSky
In a field of stars, a large, brilliant blue-white star. Above it is a faint horizontal oval smudge of light.

An image of Regulus obtained with a small telescope. The faint smudge above it is the dwarf galaxy Leo I. Image via Fred Espenak.

Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion, is a harbinger of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It creeps higher in the sky with each passing day in March and April as winter favorites like Orion the Hunter descend westward. By May, this brilliant blue-white star is quite conspicuous in the evening sky, as soon as the sun goes down.

On star charts, Regulus – also known as Alpha Leonis – is located at the base of a star pattern that appears like a backwards question mark. This pattern, known as The Sickle, makes up the head and forequarters of Leo the Lion. Ancient Arab stargazers called Regulus by the name Qalb al-Asad, which means Heart of the Lion. It’s also sometimes called Cor Leonis, also meaning the Lion’s Heart. This same name was said to have been given to Richard the Lionhearted (although more frequently in French).

These early astronomers would never have guessed that Regulus is actually a multiple star system with at least four component stars.

A star chart showing the stars in Leo. Lines joining the stars on the right appear like a flipped question mark with Regulus at its base.

A star chart showing the constellation Leo. On the right is a pattern that looks like a flipped question mark, “the Sickle.” This is the most recognizable pattern to look for when trying to locate Leo in the sky. Image via Torsten Bronger / Wikimedia Commons.

Around February 18, Regulus is opposite the sun, rising above the horizon as the sun sets; it is up all night long, reaching its highest point due south at local midnight. By early April, Regulus is well up in the southeast an hour after sunset. By early June, it’s high in the southwest an hour after sunset. And by early July, Regulus is low to the west an hour after sunset. Regulus can be found at some time of night throughout the year except for about a month on either side of August 22, when the sun is located in Regulus’ direction in space.

Solid black circle with white streamers coming out from it and tiny dot nearby.

During the total solar eclipse on Aug 21, 2017, Regulus was visible close to the moon during totality. It’s that little speck of light in the lower left corner. Image via Bernd Thaller/ Flickr.

Regulus is the only 1st magnitude star to sit almost squarely on the ecliptic, which marks the path of the sun, moon and planets across our sky. That means it can be seen from the entire Earth.

Bright planets sometimes pass near Regulus, and every month the moon passes no more than about 5 degrees away. In some years, the moon occults (passes in front of) this star as seen from our earthly vantage point. In fact, Regulus underwent a series of occultations – one during each month that this star was visible – starting on December 18, 2016, and concluding on April 24, 2018. There will be a series of 20 lunar occultations of Regulus, starting on July 26, 2025, and ending on December 27, 2026.

At about 79 light-years away, Regulus is a multiple system with at least four component stars. The main star, called Regulus A, is large and blue, with a spectral type of B8 IVn. Its surface temperature averages about 12,460 Kelvin (roughly 21,970 degrees F or 12,190 degrees C), much higher than the sun’s surface temperature of 5,778 Kelvin (9,941 °F or 5,505 °C). Regulus A is 3.8 times the mass of the sun, about three times as wide, and almost 288 times brighter.

A very rapid rotation rate of 16 hours causes Regulus A’s equatorial region to bulge, making it appear oblate – shaped like an egg – in contrast to our spherical-shaped sun, which rotates once every 25 days at its equator. If Regulus rotated just a bit faster, the star would fly apart. Regulus is not the only star known to spin so fast that it has an oblate shape. The stars Altair and Achernar are also fast spinners with flattened shapes.

An egg-shaped spheroid with a much smaller sphere at the lower right.

A computer generated model of Regulus created in 2005 by Georgia State University’s Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA). A model of the sun is shown next to it for scale. The high rotation rate of Regulus creates pronounced equatorial bulging such that its diameter across its equator is one-third longer than its north-south diameter. Image via Wenjin Huang/ Georgia State University/ NSF.

Through a moderately large telescope, Regulus resolves into two objects separated by 176 arc seconds, the brighter one being Regulus A. The fainter one, Regulus B, is a cool “orange” dwarf star with a spectral classification of K2 V; it’s 0.8 times the mass of the sun, half as bright, and has a surface temperature of 4,885 Kelvin (8,333 °F or 4,612 °C).

Regulus B, meanwhile, has its own companion called Regulus C that’s only visible with powerful telescopes. This star, just 1/3 the mass of the sun, is a red dwarf star with a spectral classification of M4 V. Regulus B and C are gravitationally bound to each other; their distances ranged from 4.0 to 2.5 arc seconds between 1867 and 1943. There are no recently available measurements.

The fourth star in the system has never been directly resolved via imaging but its presence is revealed in the spectra of Regulus A. Astronomers think it may be a closely orbiting white dwarf star.

So this is not one solitary star as the eye believes, but at least four. The Regulus system is thought to be more than a billion – that’s 1,000,000,000 – years old. The system, seen from Earth as the single object, Regulus, ranks 21st in the list of brightest stars in the sky.

Antique colored etching of two yellow lions, one much larger, with the constellations' stars superimposed.

The larger lion is the constellation Leo, with the star Regulus at its heart, as depicted on a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825. Above it is the faint constellation Leo Minor. Image via Library of Congress/ Wikimedia Commons.

The name Regulus is from the diminutive form of the Latin rex, and means Little King. Astronomers know Regulus as Alpha Leonis, but in times past it has been known simply as Rex, as well as by kingly names in other languages. It’s not clear how Regulus went from being a king – thought to rule celestial affairs – to being a “little” king. Perhaps the thought was that Leo itself represented the King of Beasts, and there was room for one full king only.

The constellation Leo the Lion, of which Regulus is the most prominent member, is easy to visualize. As mentioned previously, Regulus dots the backwards question mark of stars that outlines the Lion’s head and mane. An easily identifiable triangle depicts the Lion’s hindquarters and tail. There is a great deal of mythology associated with Leo, perhaps the most common tale being that Leo was the Nemean Lion of the Hercules story. It is said that even in South America, some Peruvian Indians knew these stars as the Mountain Lion, whereas in China it was sometimes seen as a horse, and at other times as part of a dragon. Christians in the Middle Ages sometimes referred to it as one of Daniel’s lions.

Regulus’ position is RA: 10h 08m 22.3s, dec: +11° 58′ 02″.

Bottom line: Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion, is associated with the arrival of spring, as it usually rises above the horizon in mid-February. By May, the star is very prominent in our evening sky.

from EarthSky

What is a waxing gibbous moon?

Bright waxing gibbous moon among treetops, with 2 birds flying by.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Deirdre Horan in Dublin, Ireland caught the waxing gibbous moon on April 6, 2020. Thank you, Deirdre!

You’ll see a waxing gibbous moon between a first quarter moon and full moon. The word gibbous comes from a root word that means hump-backed.

People often see a waxing gibbous moon in the afternoon, shortly after moonrise, while it’s ascending in the east as the sun is descending in the west. It’s easy to see a waxing gibbous moon in the daytime because, at this phase of the moon, a respectably large fraction of the moon’s dayside faces our way.

Point of interest on a waxing gibbous moon: Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows) surrounded by the Jura Mountains. Photo via Lunar 101-Moon Book in Toronto, Canada.

Prabhakaran A captured this image on a waxing gibbous moon on November 16, 2018. He wrote: “Three types of land forms make up the moon’s surface: impact craters, maria, highlands. The image above depicts the large crater Plato, whose interior of the crater has smoothed over from old lava flows. A portion of Mare Imbrium – another lava feature – is visible at the right bottom. The lunar surface features many mountains, such as Montes Alpes, which frequently border the maria or seas. Comparing the diameters of the Earth and moon, the lunar mountains are proportionally higher. Mons Pico is an isolated mountain with a height of 2,400 meters [7,900 feet]. It creates an enormous shadow in this picture which shows its height.”

As the moon orbits Earth, it changes phase in an orderly way. Follow these links to understand the various phases of the moon.

New moon
Waxing crescent moon
First quarter moon
Waxing gibbous moon
Full moon
Waning gibbous moon
Last quarter moon
Waning crescent moon

Read more: 4 keys to understanding moon phases

Bottom line: A waxing gibbous moon comes between first quarter moon and full moon. It appears more than half illuminated, but less than full.

Check out EarthSky’s guide to the bright planets.

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from EarthSky
Bright waxing gibbous moon among treetops, with 2 birds flying by.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Deirdre Horan in Dublin, Ireland caught the waxing gibbous moon on April 6, 2020. Thank you, Deirdre!

You’ll see a waxing gibbous moon between a first quarter moon and full moon. The word gibbous comes from a root word that means hump-backed.

People often see a waxing gibbous moon in the afternoon, shortly after moonrise, while it’s ascending in the east as the sun is descending in the west. It’s easy to see a waxing gibbous moon in the daytime because, at this phase of the moon, a respectably large fraction of the moon’s dayside faces our way.

Point of interest on a waxing gibbous moon: Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows) surrounded by the Jura Mountains. Photo via Lunar 101-Moon Book in Toronto, Canada.

Prabhakaran A captured this image on a waxing gibbous moon on November 16, 2018. He wrote: “Three types of land forms make up the moon’s surface: impact craters, maria, highlands. The image above depicts the large crater Plato, whose interior of the crater has smoothed over from old lava flows. A portion of Mare Imbrium – another lava feature – is visible at the right bottom. The lunar surface features many mountains, such as Montes Alpes, which frequently border the maria or seas. Comparing the diameters of the Earth and moon, the lunar mountains are proportionally higher. Mons Pico is an isolated mountain with a height of 2,400 meters [7,900 feet]. It creates an enormous shadow in this picture which shows its height.”

As the moon orbits Earth, it changes phase in an orderly way. Follow these links to understand the various phases of the moon.

New moon
Waxing crescent moon
First quarter moon
Waxing gibbous moon
Full moon
Waning gibbous moon
Last quarter moon
Waning crescent moon

Read more: 4 keys to understanding moon phases

Bottom line: A waxing gibbous moon comes between first quarter moon and full moon. It appears more than half illuminated, but less than full.

Check out EarthSky’s guide to the bright planets.

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from EarthSky

Insects have declined worldwide since 1925

A long, spotted beetle-like insect with little black spheres along its antennae.

A Rosalia longicorn – the chosen insect of 2019 in Hungary by the Hungarian Entomological Society. Image via EPA-EFE/ Peter Komka/ The Conversation.

By Stuart Reynolds, University of Bath

When did you last see a glow worm? Most likely, quite some time ago. Depending on how young you are, you may have never seen one at all. Those light-emitting insects, Wordsworth’s “earthborn stars”, have been declining in the U.K. for decades. That means that scientists now see them in fewer places, and even in those pockets where conditions are right for them, there are fewer of them to be found.

But it isn’t just glow worms that are struggling. You’ll have heard reports that insects are declining in many parts of the world, with fewer of them around and some species disappearing altogether. Many people have noted that the number of “splats” you’re likely to see on a car windscreen in summer is now much lower compared with 20 years ago, and this has even been confirmed by a scientific study. As scientists who study insects, we’re right to be worried, but how sure can we be sure of the general picture if we only have information about particular species in particular places?

An insect with 10 segments, the underside of its back end glowing greenish-yellow, clinging to a grass blade.

Lampyris noctiluca, or the common glow worm of Europe. Image via Igor Krasilov/ Shutterstock

Fortunately, a new study has offered the clearest indication yet of how insects all over the world are faring. The researchers studied data on the numbers and total weight of insects and arachnids (spiders and mites) sampled in 166 long-term surveys. Each of these lasted more than ten years and recorded insects at 1,676 sites in 41 countries on five continents. The earliest record was from 1925, and the most recent from 2018, although most records were dated from 1986 or later.

They estimate that land-based insects, which make up the majority of species, have been declining at nearly 1% per year, or almost 9% per decade. But during the same period, the small proportion of insects which live in freshwater experienced a 1% annual increase, or just over 11% per decade.

A complicated picture

Does this give us cause to be relatively cheerful (or at least, less miserable)? Hardly. While these estimates of how rapidly insect populations are declining are much lower than some previous estimates, it’s still serious. The general rate of decline may be an underestimate, too – most of the long-term data came from protected populations of insects in nature reserves.

Even if you’re not enamored with creepy crawlies, their gradual disappearance from the places they were once numerous is an ongoing crisis for the natural world. Insects and small invertebrates occupy the bottom rungs of most terrestrial ecosystems. As ecologist E.O. Wilson once observed, if you take away the ‘little things that run the world‘ then most of the creatures occupying niches further up the food chain will disappear too, and that includes humans. That’s why a 2017 study in Germany rang so many alarm bells – it reported a 75% decline over 27 years in the local biomass of all kinds of flying insects.

Yellowish splatter mark on glass through which a road is visible.

When was the last time you saw a bug splat on a car windshield? Vesperstock/ Shutterstock

But what does a “general decline” mean? It doesn’t mean that every kind of insect is affected in the same way. Several recent studies have shown that some species are able to prosper while their close relatives die out. A study of wild pollinators (bees and hoverflies) in the UK between 1980 and 2013 showed that around 10% of these insects increased in abundance while more than 30% declined. The insects that did well were crop specialist pollinators, those that didn’t were those specialists that preferred plants pushed out of farmed landscapes.

It’s a complicated picture, but the sheer number of records collected under different conditions from diverse sources in this new study gives grim confirmation that something is very wrong.

What it means for conservation

While the picture of widespread insect declines is becoming a little clearer, we still don’t know the cause. The new study found some evidence that the growth of cities and towns nearby was detrimental to insect abundance. Perhaps surprisingly, there was little evidence for insect populations being harmed by neighboring intensive agriculture, but this might have been because those sites were already depleted of insects when the study began.

There was also no evidence for climate change affecting insect abundance. Terrestrial insects seemed to be worst affected in Europe and North America, with insects in Asia, South America and Oceania showing no great declines. This likely reflects the fact that there’s less information from these places, though. Interestingly, terrestrial insect populations in North America have recovered markedly since 1990, while those in Europe have shrunk still further. There is no obvious explanation for this.

Spotted yellow-orange insect with long legs and large wings.

Mayflies are aquatic insects, which are among the few winners in the new study. Image via Trishazdigilife/ Shutterstock

The apparent healthiness of aquatic insects confirms the results of a recent UK study, which suggested that EU legislation to clean up rivers throughout Europe may be working. Sounds encouraging, but fresh water only covers 2.4% of the Earth’s land surface. The comparative success of aquatic insects doesn’t make up for everywhere else, and it might even conceal the collapse of some water dwellers, like water beetles and the superabundant mayfly swarms of the North American Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi which used to number in the tens of billions but have declined by around 50% in recent years.

The German federal government recently approved €100 million for insect conservation, with a quarter of it going towards research. Knowing where and why certain species are struggling is as important as trying to fix it. Insects are in trouble, but each bug faces its own battle. Support for our arthropod friends will need to be carefully targeted.

Stuart Reynolds, Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Bath

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Bottom line: Insect populations are declining worldwide.

The Conversation

from EarthSky
A long, spotted beetle-like insect with little black spheres along its antennae.

A Rosalia longicorn – the chosen insect of 2019 in Hungary by the Hungarian Entomological Society. Image via EPA-EFE/ Peter Komka/ The Conversation.

By Stuart Reynolds, University of Bath

When did you last see a glow worm? Most likely, quite some time ago. Depending on how young you are, you may have never seen one at all. Those light-emitting insects, Wordsworth’s “earthborn stars”, have been declining in the U.K. for decades. That means that scientists now see them in fewer places, and even in those pockets where conditions are right for them, there are fewer of them to be found.

But it isn’t just glow worms that are struggling. You’ll have heard reports that insects are declining in many parts of the world, with fewer of them around and some species disappearing altogether. Many people have noted that the number of “splats” you’re likely to see on a car windscreen in summer is now much lower compared with 20 years ago, and this has even been confirmed by a scientific study. As scientists who study insects, we’re right to be worried, but how sure can we be sure of the general picture if we only have information about particular species in particular places?

An insect with 10 segments, the underside of its back end glowing greenish-yellow, clinging to a grass blade.

Lampyris noctiluca, or the common glow worm of Europe. Image via Igor Krasilov/ Shutterstock

Fortunately, a new study has offered the clearest indication yet of how insects all over the world are faring. The researchers studied data on the numbers and total weight of insects and arachnids (spiders and mites) sampled in 166 long-term surveys. Each of these lasted more than ten years and recorded insects at 1,676 sites in 41 countries on five continents. The earliest record was from 1925, and the most recent from 2018, although most records were dated from 1986 or later.

They estimate that land-based insects, which make up the majority of species, have been declining at nearly 1% per year, or almost 9% per decade. But during the same period, the small proportion of insects which live in freshwater experienced a 1% annual increase, or just over 11% per decade.

A complicated picture

Does this give us cause to be relatively cheerful (or at least, less miserable)? Hardly. While these estimates of how rapidly insect populations are declining are much lower than some previous estimates, it’s still serious. The general rate of decline may be an underestimate, too – most of the long-term data came from protected populations of insects in nature reserves.

Even if you’re not enamored with creepy crawlies, their gradual disappearance from the places they were once numerous is an ongoing crisis for the natural world. Insects and small invertebrates occupy the bottom rungs of most terrestrial ecosystems. As ecologist E.O. Wilson once observed, if you take away the ‘little things that run the world‘ then most of the creatures occupying niches further up the food chain will disappear too, and that includes humans. That’s why a 2017 study in Germany rang so many alarm bells – it reported a 75% decline over 27 years in the local biomass of all kinds of flying insects.

Yellowish splatter mark on glass through which a road is visible.

When was the last time you saw a bug splat on a car windshield? Vesperstock/ Shutterstock

But what does a “general decline” mean? It doesn’t mean that every kind of insect is affected in the same way. Several recent studies have shown that some species are able to prosper while their close relatives die out. A study of wild pollinators (bees and hoverflies) in the UK between 1980 and 2013 showed that around 10% of these insects increased in abundance while more than 30% declined. The insects that did well were crop specialist pollinators, those that didn’t were those specialists that preferred plants pushed out of farmed landscapes.

It’s a complicated picture, but the sheer number of records collected under different conditions from diverse sources in this new study gives grim confirmation that something is very wrong.

What it means for conservation

While the picture of widespread insect declines is becoming a little clearer, we still don’t know the cause. The new study found some evidence that the growth of cities and towns nearby was detrimental to insect abundance. Perhaps surprisingly, there was little evidence for insect populations being harmed by neighboring intensive agriculture, but this might have been because those sites were already depleted of insects when the study began.

There was also no evidence for climate change affecting insect abundance. Terrestrial insects seemed to be worst affected in Europe and North America, with insects in Asia, South America and Oceania showing no great declines. This likely reflects the fact that there’s less information from these places, though. Interestingly, terrestrial insect populations in North America have recovered markedly since 1990, while those in Europe have shrunk still further. There is no obvious explanation for this.

Spotted yellow-orange insect with long legs and large wings.

Mayflies are aquatic insects, which are among the few winners in the new study. Image via Trishazdigilife/ Shutterstock

The apparent healthiness of aquatic insects confirms the results of a recent UK study, which suggested that EU legislation to clean up rivers throughout Europe may be working. Sounds encouraging, but fresh water only covers 2.4% of the Earth’s land surface. The comparative success of aquatic insects doesn’t make up for everywhere else, and it might even conceal the collapse of some water dwellers, like water beetles and the superabundant mayfly swarms of the North American Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi which used to number in the tens of billions but have declined by around 50% in recent years.

The German federal government recently approved €100 million for insect conservation, with a quarter of it going towards research. Knowing where and why certain species are struggling is as important as trying to fix it. Insects are in trouble, but each bug faces its own battle. Support for our arthropod friends will need to be carefully targeted.

Stuart Reynolds, Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of Bath

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Bottom line: Insect populations are declining worldwide.

The Conversation

from EarthSky

This small asteroid zipped closely past Earth this week

Crosshairs indicate the location of the asteroid in a field of stars.

Asteroid 2020 HS7, via ESA.

The European Space Agency released this image today (April 30, 2020) of small asteroid 2020 HS7, which zipped past Earth shortly before a much larger asteroid – mile-wide 1998 OR2 – but coming much, much closer. The larger asteroid passed us at 16 times the moon’s distance. The smaller asteroid came close enough to sweep near satellites in Earth’s geostationary ring, sweeping by at about 23,000 miles (36,400 km). According to ESA, the small space rock passed only about 750 miles (1200 km) from the nearest satellite. That’s a close shave on the scale outer space!

Read more about 1998 OR2 here.

2020 HS7 is estimated to be between 13 and 24 feet (4 to 8 meters) in diameter. It made its closest approach at 2:51 p.m. EDT (18:51 UTC) on
April 28, 2020. Its passing wasn’t anything unusual. Lindley Johnson, Planetary Defense Officer and Program Executive for the Planetary Defense Coordination Office at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC., explained in a statement:

Small asteroids like 2020 HS7 safely pass by Earth a few times per month. At its closest approach 2020 HS7 will pass Earth by a distance of about 23,000 miles/36,400 km. It poses no threat to our planet, and even if it were on a collision path with Earth it is small enough that it would be disintegrated by our Earth’s atmosphere.

Bottom line: Small asteroid 2020 HS7 sweep close to a satellite in Earth’s geostationary ring on April 28, 2020.

Read more from ESA: Asteroid grazes path of satellites in geostationary ring

Read more from NASA: Small Asteroid to Safely Fly by Earth

from EarthSky
Crosshairs indicate the location of the asteroid in a field of stars.

Asteroid 2020 HS7, via ESA.

The European Space Agency released this image today (April 30, 2020) of small asteroid 2020 HS7, which zipped past Earth shortly before a much larger asteroid – mile-wide 1998 OR2 – but coming much, much closer. The larger asteroid passed us at 16 times the moon’s distance. The smaller asteroid came close enough to sweep near satellites in Earth’s geostationary ring, sweeping by at about 23,000 miles (36,400 km). According to ESA, the small space rock passed only about 750 miles (1200 km) from the nearest satellite. That’s a close shave on the scale outer space!

Read more about 1998 OR2 here.

2020 HS7 is estimated to be between 13 and 24 feet (4 to 8 meters) in diameter. It made its closest approach at 2:51 p.m. EDT (18:51 UTC) on
April 28, 2020. Its passing wasn’t anything unusual. Lindley Johnson, Planetary Defense Officer and Program Executive for the Planetary Defense Coordination Office at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC., explained in a statement:

Small asteroids like 2020 HS7 safely pass by Earth a few times per month. At its closest approach 2020 HS7 will pass Earth by a distance of about 23,000 miles/36,400 km. It poses no threat to our planet, and even if it were on a collision path with Earth it is small enough that it would be disintegrated by our Earth’s atmosphere.

Bottom line: Small asteroid 2020 HS7 sweep close to a satellite in Earth’s geostationary ring on April 28, 2020.

Read more from ESA: Asteroid grazes path of satellites in geostationary ring

Read more from NASA: Small Asteroid to Safely Fly by Earth

from EarthSky

1st quarter moon is April 30

First quarter moon, juxtaposed with a telescopic view of the moon at this phase.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Composite image of a moon nearly at 1st quarter with some of the features you can see on the moon at this phase – captured April 30, 2020 – by our friend Dr Ski in the Philippines. He wrote: ” … 10 hours before 1st quarter and the Lunar V and Lunar X are well defined … ” More about Lunar V and X below. Thank you Dr Ski!

A first quarter moon rises around noon and sets around midnight. You’ll likely spot it in late afternoon or early evening, when it’s at its highest in the sky. At this moon phase, the moon is showing us precisely half of its lighted half. Or you might say that – at first quarter moon – we’re seeing half the moon’s day side.

We call this moon a quarter and not a half because it is one quarter of the way around in its orbit of Earth, as measured from one new moon to the next. Also, although a first quarter moon appears half-lit to us, the illuminated portion we see of a first quarter moon truly is just a quarter. We’re now seeing half the moon’s day side, that is. Another lighted quarter of the moon shines just as brightly in the direction opposite Earth!

And what about the term half moon? That’s a beloved term, but not an official one.

Half of the moon with tiny labeled X and V shapes along straight edge.

Lunar X and Lunar V appear when the moon is near its 1st quarter phase. They aren’t really Xs and Vs on the moon. They’re just high areas, catching sunlight, creating an example of pareidolia on the moon. Aqilla Othman in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, caught them both in May of 2017. Notice that he caught Lunar X and Lunar V.

Closeup of boundary between light and dark areas of the moon with Lunar V and X labeled.

Here’s a closer look at Lunar X and Lunar V. Photo by Izaty Liyana in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. What is Lunar X?

Telescopic closeup of band of mountains on moon with a few large craters.

Tom Wildoner wrote: “One of my favorite areas to photograph on the moon near the 1st quarter! I captured this view of the sun lighting up the mountain range called Montes Apenninus. The moon was casting a nice shadow on the back side of the mountains. This mountain range is about 370 miles (600 km) long with some of the peaks rising as high as 3.1 miles (5 km).”

Bottom line: The next 1st quarter moon will come on April 30, 2020, at 20:39 UTC. As viewed from anywhere on Earth, a 1st quarter moon is at its highest in the sky at sunset, looking like half a pie.

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First quarter moon, juxtaposed with a telescopic view of the moon at this phase.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Composite image of a moon nearly at 1st quarter with some of the features you can see on the moon at this phase – captured April 30, 2020 – by our friend Dr Ski in the Philippines. He wrote: ” … 10 hours before 1st quarter and the Lunar V and Lunar X are well defined … ” More about Lunar V and X below. Thank you Dr Ski!

A first quarter moon rises around noon and sets around midnight. You’ll likely spot it in late afternoon or early evening, when it’s at its highest in the sky. At this moon phase, the moon is showing us precisely half of its lighted half. Or you might say that – at first quarter moon – we’re seeing half the moon’s day side.

We call this moon a quarter and not a half because it is one quarter of the way around in its orbit of Earth, as measured from one new moon to the next. Also, although a first quarter moon appears half-lit to us, the illuminated portion we see of a first quarter moon truly is just a quarter. We’re now seeing half the moon’s day side, that is. Another lighted quarter of the moon shines just as brightly in the direction opposite Earth!

And what about the term half moon? That’s a beloved term, but not an official one.

Half of the moon with tiny labeled X and V shapes along straight edge.

Lunar X and Lunar V appear when the moon is near its 1st quarter phase. They aren’t really Xs and Vs on the moon. They’re just high areas, catching sunlight, creating an example of pareidolia on the moon. Aqilla Othman in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, caught them both in May of 2017. Notice that he caught Lunar X and Lunar V.

Closeup of boundary between light and dark areas of the moon with Lunar V and X labeled.

Here’s a closer look at Lunar X and Lunar V. Photo by Izaty Liyana in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. What is Lunar X?

Telescopic closeup of band of mountains on moon with a few large craters.

Tom Wildoner wrote: “One of my favorite areas to photograph on the moon near the 1st quarter! I captured this view of the sun lighting up the mountain range called Montes Apenninus. The moon was casting a nice shadow on the back side of the mountains. This mountain range is about 370 miles (600 km) long with some of the peaks rising as high as 3.1 miles (5 km).”

Bottom line: The next 1st quarter moon will come on April 30, 2020, at 20:39 UTC. As viewed from anywhere on Earth, a 1st quarter moon is at its highest in the sky at sunset, looking like half a pie.

Check out EarthSky’s guide to the bright planets.

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May 2020 guide to the bright planets

Click the name of a planet to learn more about its visibility in May 2020. Evening planets: Venus and Mercury. Morning planets: Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

Try Stellarium for a precise view of the planets from your location.

Want precise planet rise and set times? Click here for recommended almanacs

Moon and morning planets in predawn/dawn sky.

You can catch all 5 bright planets in May 2020. Use the waning moon to catch the morning planets – Jupiter, Saturn and Mars – from May 11 to 14, 2020. Read more.

Venus in between the bright stars Capella and Betelgeuse at dusk ion May 5, 2020.

During the most of May 2020, the dazzling planet Venus appears between the bright stars Capella and Betelgeuse. Read more.

Mercury beneath Venus in the western sky after sunset in May 2020.

We expect Mercury, the innermost planet, to become visible by mid-May 2020, if not before. Conveniently, the dazzling planet Venus is there to help guide you to Mercury’s place near the horizon. Read more.

Mercury and Venus pair up together in the western evening twilight.

Depending on where you live worldwide, the planets Mercury and Venus will couple up most closely on the sky’s dome on May 21 or May 22, 2020. If you can see Venus, but not Mercury, aim binoculars at Venus to see Mercury and Venus taking stage in a single binocular field. Read more.

Moon and evening planets, Mercury and Venus, adorn the May evening twilight.,

The young waxing crescent moon swings by the two inferior planets – Venus and Mercury – on May 23 and 24, 2020. Read more.

Venus – the brightest planet – blazes mightily in the western sky after sunset. Given clear skies, it’ll be hard to miss Venus, the third-brightest celestial body to light up the heavens, after the sun and moon, respectively. Some sharp-sighted people can even see Venus in a daytime sky.

May 2020 presents the last month for Venus’ reign in the evening sky. Day by day, Venus sinks closer to the glare of sunset, to swing behind the sun on June 3, 2020. After that, Venus transitions over to the morning sky. Look for Venus to reappear in the eastern dawn by around mid-June.

At mid-northern latitudes, Venus sets about 3 1/3 hours after the sun in early May, tapering to about 1/2 hour by the month’s end.

At and near the equator, Venus sets about 2 1/2 hours after the sun in early May, tapering to a bit over 1/3 hour near the month’s end.

At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Venus sets about 1 3/4 hours after the sun in early May, tapering to about 1/3 hour by the month’s end.

Around the world, Venus, in its faster orbit around the sun, comes closer to Earth day by day. Therefore, Venus’ thinning (yet elongating) phase becomes easier and easier to view through the telescope. Venus starts out the month about 25 percent illuminated in sunshine, and finishes the month about 0.5 percent illuminated. Venus’ angular diameter increases by 150% throughout the month, whereas its disk size more than doubles.

This month showcases Venus at its best in the evening sky as viewed through the telescope. Keep in mind, though, that you get a crisper view of Venus’ phase in a twilight or daytime sky than after dark. That’s because Venus’ glare is so overwhelming at nighttime. During the second half of the month, it might even be possible to view the crescent Venus through binoculars.

This month, as Venus sinks closer to the sunset day by day, Mercury will be climbing out of the sunset glare and in the direction of Venus. These two worlds will meet up for a conjunction on May 21, 2020. Once you see Venus, aim binoculars at Venus to spot nearby Mercury and Venus in the same binocular field together. As the evening twilight deepens, chances are that you’ll be able to spot Mercury next to Venus with the eye alone.

Read more: Mercury and Venus pair up at dusk May 21 and 22

Look for the moon in the vicinity of Venus (and Mercury) for several days, starting on or near May 23, 2020.

Mercury enters the evening sky on May 4. However, this world probably won’t be far enough from the sun’s glare to be visible until a week or so later. Fortunately, Venus and Mercury will stage a conjunction on May 21, with Mercury passing one degree to the south of Venus. After their conjunction, Mercury will climb upward day by day while Venus will descend downward. As long as you can catch Venus after sunset, seek for Mercury above Venus with the eye alone or binoculars.

At mid-northern latitudes, Mercury sets about one hour after the sun at mid-month, increasing to nearby 2 hours by early June.

At or near the equator, Mercury sets a bit less than one hour after the sun at mid-month, increasing to 1 2/3 hours by early June.

At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Mercury sets about 1/2 hour after sunset at mid-month, increasing to about 1 1/2 hours by early June.

Look for the young waxing crescent moon to shine in the vicinity of Mercury (and Venus) on May 23 and 24.

Mars is the last of the three bright morning planets to rise in May 2020. Jupiter rises first, closely followed by Saturn, and then a few hours later by Mars. Whereas Jupiter and Saturn almost rise in tandem, Mars is off by itself.

At mid-northern latitudes, Mars rises about two hours after midnight in early May, and about an hour after midnight by the month’s end. By midnight, we mean midway between sunset and sunrise. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Mars comes around the midnight hour throughout the month.

Let the waning crescent moon help guide your eye to Mars for several mornings, centered around May 15.

Mars was in conjunction with the sun – or almost behind the sun as seen from Earth – on September 2, 2019. It was far across the solar system from us at the time. But Earth is now moving toward the red planet, reducing the distance between us and Mars each month. Even so, it’ll be a number of months before we catch Mars, the swiftest-moving superior planet. And so it is, always, for Mars, which alternates years appearing bright in our sky, or faint. 2019 was a dull year, but 2020 will be an exciting one, for Mars!

The excitement will build slowly, though. In May 2020 … you’ll still find Mars respectably bright before dawn. We’ll be rushing along in our smaller, faster orbit, trying to catch up with Mars. As northern summer 2020 approaches, Mars will begin to change. It’ll brighten more dramatically as, finally, Earth begins to close in on Mars. The red planet will appear brightest in our sky and fiery red – around the time of its opposition – when Earth passes between Mars and the sun on October 13, 2020.

3 planets, crescent moon in deep blue sky above telephone lines before sunup on April 15.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | From Paul Armstrong, who took this photo of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter on the morning of April 15, 2020, from Exmoor, UK. Jupiter is at the upper right, Mars at center left, with Saturn in between. In May 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be closer together, whereas Mars will be farther away from Jupiter and Saturn. Thanks, Paul!

Jupiter and Saturn are closely joined at the hip on the sky’s dome, remaining rather close together in the morning sky all month long. Look first for brilliant Jupiter and you’ll find Saturn a short hop to the east of Jupiter. Remember, east is in the direction of sunrise. Although Saturn is easily as bright as a 1st-magnitude star, the ringed planet pales next the the king planet Jupiter, which outshines Saturn by some 15 times.

At mid-northern latitudes, Jupiter and nearby Saturn rise about one hour after midnight in early May, and, by the month’s end, rise about one hour before midnight. By midnight, we mean midway between sunset and sunrise. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Jupiter and Saturn rise at late evening in early May, and around mid-evening by the month’s end.

Mars, which is roughly the same brightness as Saturn, more or less aligns with Jupiter and Saturn in the predawn/dawn sky. However, standoffish Mars is long jump to the east of Jupiter and Saturn, with Saturn shining in between Jupiter and Mars.

Watch for the moon in the vicinity of Jupiter and Saturn for several days, centered on or near May 12 and 13.

What do we mean by bright planet? By bright planet, we mean any solar system planet that is easily visible without an optical aid and that has been watched by our ancestors since time immemorial. In their outward order from the sun, the five bright planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These planets actually do appear bright in our sky. They are typically as bright as – or brighter than – the brightest stars. Plus, these relatively nearby worlds tend to shine with a steadier light than the distant, twinkling stars. You can spot them, and come to know them as faithful friends, if you try.

silhouette of man against the sunset sky with bright planet and crescent moon.

Skywatcher, by Predrag Agatonovic.

Bottom line: May 2020 presents all 5 bright solar system planets. Dazzling Venus is your ticket to finding Mercury in the evening sky, whereas brilliant Jupiter acts as your tour guide to Saturn and Mars in the morning sky. Quite by coincidence, the inferior planets – Mercury and Venus – reign in the evening sky while the superior planets – Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – predominate over the morning sky.

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Click the name of a planet to learn more about its visibility in May 2020. Evening planets: Venus and Mercury. Morning planets: Jupiter, Saturn and Mars.

Try Stellarium for a precise view of the planets from your location.

Want precise planet rise and set times? Click here for recommended almanacs

Moon and morning planets in predawn/dawn sky.

You can catch all 5 bright planets in May 2020. Use the waning moon to catch the morning planets – Jupiter, Saturn and Mars – from May 11 to 14, 2020. Read more.

Venus in between the bright stars Capella and Betelgeuse at dusk ion May 5, 2020.

During the most of May 2020, the dazzling planet Venus appears between the bright stars Capella and Betelgeuse. Read more.

Mercury beneath Venus in the western sky after sunset in May 2020.

We expect Mercury, the innermost planet, to become visible by mid-May 2020, if not before. Conveniently, the dazzling planet Venus is there to help guide you to Mercury’s place near the horizon. Read more.

Mercury and Venus pair up together in the western evening twilight.

Depending on where you live worldwide, the planets Mercury and Venus will couple up most closely on the sky’s dome on May 21 or May 22, 2020. If you can see Venus, but not Mercury, aim binoculars at Venus to see Mercury and Venus taking stage in a single binocular field. Read more.

Moon and evening planets, Mercury and Venus, adorn the May evening twilight.,

The young waxing crescent moon swings by the two inferior planets – Venus and Mercury – on May 23 and 24, 2020. Read more.

Venus – the brightest planet – blazes mightily in the western sky after sunset. Given clear skies, it’ll be hard to miss Venus, the third-brightest celestial body to light up the heavens, after the sun and moon, respectively. Some sharp-sighted people can even see Venus in a daytime sky.

May 2020 presents the last month for Venus’ reign in the evening sky. Day by day, Venus sinks closer to the glare of sunset, to swing behind the sun on June 3, 2020. After that, Venus transitions over to the morning sky. Look for Venus to reappear in the eastern dawn by around mid-June.

At mid-northern latitudes, Venus sets about 3 1/3 hours after the sun in early May, tapering to about 1/2 hour by the month’s end.

At and near the equator, Venus sets about 2 1/2 hours after the sun in early May, tapering to a bit over 1/3 hour near the month’s end.

At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Venus sets about 1 3/4 hours after the sun in early May, tapering to about 1/3 hour by the month’s end.

Around the world, Venus, in its faster orbit around the sun, comes closer to Earth day by day. Therefore, Venus’ thinning (yet elongating) phase becomes easier and easier to view through the telescope. Venus starts out the month about 25 percent illuminated in sunshine, and finishes the month about 0.5 percent illuminated. Venus’ angular diameter increases by 150% throughout the month, whereas its disk size more than doubles.

This month showcases Venus at its best in the evening sky as viewed through the telescope. Keep in mind, though, that you get a crisper view of Venus’ phase in a twilight or daytime sky than after dark. That’s because Venus’ glare is so overwhelming at nighttime. During the second half of the month, it might even be possible to view the crescent Venus through binoculars.

This month, as Venus sinks closer to the sunset day by day, Mercury will be climbing out of the sunset glare and in the direction of Venus. These two worlds will meet up for a conjunction on May 21, 2020. Once you see Venus, aim binoculars at Venus to spot nearby Mercury and Venus in the same binocular field together. As the evening twilight deepens, chances are that you’ll be able to spot Mercury next to Venus with the eye alone.

Read more: Mercury and Venus pair up at dusk May 21 and 22

Look for the moon in the vicinity of Venus (and Mercury) for several days, starting on or near May 23, 2020.

Mercury enters the evening sky on May 4. However, this world probably won’t be far enough from the sun’s glare to be visible until a week or so later. Fortunately, Venus and Mercury will stage a conjunction on May 21, with Mercury passing one degree to the south of Venus. After their conjunction, Mercury will climb upward day by day while Venus will descend downward. As long as you can catch Venus after sunset, seek for Mercury above Venus with the eye alone or binoculars.

At mid-northern latitudes, Mercury sets about one hour after the sun at mid-month, increasing to nearby 2 hours by early June.

At or near the equator, Mercury sets a bit less than one hour after the sun at mid-month, increasing to 1 2/3 hours by early June.

At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Mercury sets about 1/2 hour after sunset at mid-month, increasing to about 1 1/2 hours by early June.

Look for the young waxing crescent moon to shine in the vicinity of Mercury (and Venus) on May 23 and 24.

Mars is the last of the three bright morning planets to rise in May 2020. Jupiter rises first, closely followed by Saturn, and then a few hours later by Mars. Whereas Jupiter and Saturn almost rise in tandem, Mars is off by itself.

At mid-northern latitudes, Mars rises about two hours after midnight in early May, and about an hour after midnight by the month’s end. By midnight, we mean midway between sunset and sunrise. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Mars comes around the midnight hour throughout the month.

Let the waning crescent moon help guide your eye to Mars for several mornings, centered around May 15.

Mars was in conjunction with the sun – or almost behind the sun as seen from Earth – on September 2, 2019. It was far across the solar system from us at the time. But Earth is now moving toward the red planet, reducing the distance between us and Mars each month. Even so, it’ll be a number of months before we catch Mars, the swiftest-moving superior planet. And so it is, always, for Mars, which alternates years appearing bright in our sky, or faint. 2019 was a dull year, but 2020 will be an exciting one, for Mars!

The excitement will build slowly, though. In May 2020 … you’ll still find Mars respectably bright before dawn. We’ll be rushing along in our smaller, faster orbit, trying to catch up with Mars. As northern summer 2020 approaches, Mars will begin to change. It’ll brighten more dramatically as, finally, Earth begins to close in on Mars. The red planet will appear brightest in our sky and fiery red – around the time of its opposition – when Earth passes between Mars and the sun on October 13, 2020.

3 planets, crescent moon in deep blue sky above telephone lines before sunup on April 15.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | From Paul Armstrong, who took this photo of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter on the morning of April 15, 2020, from Exmoor, UK. Jupiter is at the upper right, Mars at center left, with Saturn in between. In May 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be closer together, whereas Mars will be farther away from Jupiter and Saturn. Thanks, Paul!

Jupiter and Saturn are closely joined at the hip on the sky’s dome, remaining rather close together in the morning sky all month long. Look first for brilliant Jupiter and you’ll find Saturn a short hop to the east of Jupiter. Remember, east is in the direction of sunrise. Although Saturn is easily as bright as a 1st-magnitude star, the ringed planet pales next the the king planet Jupiter, which outshines Saturn by some 15 times.

At mid-northern latitudes, Jupiter and nearby Saturn rise about one hour after midnight in early May, and, by the month’s end, rise about one hour before midnight. By midnight, we mean midway between sunset and sunrise. At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Jupiter and Saturn rise at late evening in early May, and around mid-evening by the month’s end.

Mars, which is roughly the same brightness as Saturn, more or less aligns with Jupiter and Saturn in the predawn/dawn sky. However, standoffish Mars is long jump to the east of Jupiter and Saturn, with Saturn shining in between Jupiter and Mars.

Watch for the moon in the vicinity of Jupiter and Saturn for several days, centered on or near May 12 and 13.

What do we mean by bright planet? By bright planet, we mean any solar system planet that is easily visible without an optical aid and that has been watched by our ancestors since time immemorial. In their outward order from the sun, the five bright planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These planets actually do appear bright in our sky. They are typically as bright as – or brighter than – the brightest stars. Plus, these relatively nearby worlds tend to shine with a steadier light than the distant, twinkling stars. You can spot them, and come to know them as faithful friends, if you try.

silhouette of man against the sunset sky with bright planet and crescent moon.

Skywatcher, by Predrag Agatonovic.

Bottom line: May 2020 presents all 5 bright solar system planets. Dazzling Venus is your ticket to finding Mercury in the evening sky, whereas brilliant Jupiter acts as your tour guide to Saturn and Mars in the morning sky. Quite by coincidence, the inferior planets – Mercury and Venus – reign in the evening sky while the superior planets – Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – predominate over the morning sky.

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Will Dragonfly find dust devils on Titan?

Long dark parallel ripples on lighter brown surface.

Titan has vast fields of sand dunes, similar to those on Earth and Mars. New research suggests that dust devils might play a role in their formation. Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/

Dust devils – short-lived whirlwinds filled with dust grains – are common on Earth, and even on Mars, where various rovers and orbiters have observed them many times. Now there’s another world in the solar system where dust devils might roam, according to a new study from researchers at Boise State University in Idaho. It’s Saturn’s large moon, Titan! And NASA’s planned Dragonfly mission – a drone-like flying robot able to perform vertical-takeoffs and landings – will be able to find them.

The intriguing possibility of dust devils on Titan was the subject of a recent post in AGU Blogosphere by Liza Lester of the American Geophysical Union. The new peer-reviewed paper detailing the dust devil research was published in Geophysical Research Letters on March 3, 2020.

From the paper:

Saturn’s moon Titan may host active dust devils, small dust-laden plumes, which could significantly contribute to transport of dust in that moon’s atmosphere. Although the exact nature of dust on Titan is unclear, previous observations confirm that there is actively blowing dust on that world. If dust devils are active on Titan’s surface, NASA’s upcoming Dragonfly mission is likely to encounter them, but dust devils on Titan are unlikely to pose a hazard to the mission.

The arrival of NASA’s Dragonfly mission on Titan in 2034 presents the prospect of probing extraterrestrial vortices in a similar way to these field studies, although encounters will probably occur primarily while Dragonfly is on the ground. However, Titan’s relevant meteorological conditions suggest that vortex encounters, if in-flight, may occur a few times during Dragonfly’s daily flight. The low wind speeds expected for dust devils on Titan mean they will pose little to no hazard to the mission. However, Dragonfly will spend most of its time on the ground, including during Titan’s midday when vortices are most likely to be active, and so encounters will probably occur on the ground every few Earth hours instead. In this case, they will likely resemble encounters on Mars by landed spacecraft. Even then, though, the imagery and meteorological data collected by Dragonfly during encounters may break new ground in aeolian studies by showing how they operate in a new aerodynamic environment.

Orange sphere in crescent phase with smaller, cratered gray sphere in front of it on black background.

Titan with Mimas in the foreground, as seen by Cassini on June 16, 2011. Like Earth and Mars, a new study suggests that Titan has dust devils. Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/ Space Science Institute/

It’s been known for some time now, thanks to the Cassini mission to Saturn and its moons, that Titan has vast expanses of sand dunes (composed of organic hydrocarbon particles, unlike Earth and Mars). Winds on Titan are typically rather weak, but the dune particles do get transported around, and dust devils might be an ideal mechanism for that to happen. As Brian Jackson, a planetary scientist at BSU, said in a statement:

Winds at the surface of Titan are usually very weak. Unless there is a big storm rolling through, there’s probably not that much wind, and so dust devils may be one of the main dust transport mechanisms on Titan, if they exist.

So far, dust devils haven’t actually been seen yet on Titan, but meteorological models, based on data from the Huygens probe which landed on Titan in 2005, suggest they should be possible. Jackson said:

When we plug the numbers in for how much dust the dust devil ought to lift based on the wind speeds we see, they seem to be able to lift more dust than we would expect. There may be some other mechanism which is helping them pull this dust, or the equations are just wrong.

Drone-like machine with four small sets of helicopter blades flying over brownish desert with orangish sky.

Artist’s concept of Dragonfly soaring over Titan’s surface. Image via NASA/ JHUAPL/ NPR.

On Earth, dust devils are very common (I remember even being briefly caught in a small one when I was a kid). In order to get more insight into how earthly dust devils form, Jackson and his colleagues studied ones in southeastern Oregon’s Alvord Desert, using small airborne drones carrying meteorological instruments. Those findings can be compared with observations of dust devils on Mars. According to Jackson:

We can watch dust devils skitter across the surface of Mars and see what their internal structure is like, but that doesn’t tell us how much dust they are lifting. Mars’ atmosphere is really, really dusty and dust plays an important role in the climate. Dust devils are probably, if not the dominant mechanism, one of the most important mechanisms for lofting the dust.

Mars’ atmosphere is extremely thin, yet dust devils can still reach a height of 5 miles (8 km). This is especially true during the Martian summer. Mars is very dusty – dust is literally everywhere – and that dust can be carried all over the planet despite the thinness of the atmosphere. The planet even experiences periodic global dust storms.

So how does this apply to Titan?

Titan has a thick atmosphere. It’s even thicker than Earth’s. But it only has one-seventh the gravity of Earth. Because of this, winds on Titan tend to be a lot gentler than those on Earth or even Mars. Jackson said:

It’s just this enormous, puffy atmosphere. When you’ve got that much air it’s hard to get it churning. So you just don’t usually get big winds on the surface of Titan so far as we know.

Since, as far as we know, Titan doesn’t have raging wind storms, smaller dust devils might be a good way to transport the hydrocarbon particles and create the massive dune fields. In this way, Titan would be similar to Mars, even though there are such large differences in atmospheric density and composition, wind speed and sand composition between the two worlds.

It will be a while before we can learn more about dust devils on Titan, and whether they even do actually exist. Dragonfly doesn’t launch until 2026, and won’t arrive at Titan until 2034. The Cassini mission, which ended in 2017, was the most recent to visit Saturn and its moons, with no other missions upcoming until Dragonfly.

Man with hand on cylinder in classroom with other male and female scientists in background.

Brian Jackson at Boise State University (BSU), the lead author of the new study. Image via BSU.

If Dragonfly does find dust devils, it will be fascinating to compare them to the ones on Earth and Mars. This is especially true since Titan is remarkably similar to Earth in some ways, with its rain, rivers, lakes and seas, albeit composed of liquid methane and ethane instead of water. Combined with the sand dunes, you could almost mistake the landscape seen in images sent back as being on Earth, if it weren’t for the smoggy-looking orange-ish sky. Dust devils would add to that already somewhat eerie – yet oddly reminiscent – alien landscape.

Bottom line: Titan may have dust devils like Earth and Mars, a new study says.

Source: Dust Devils on Titan


from EarthSky
Long dark parallel ripples on lighter brown surface.

Titan has vast fields of sand dunes, similar to those on Earth and Mars. New research suggests that dust devils might play a role in their formation. Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/

Dust devils – short-lived whirlwinds filled with dust grains – are common on Earth, and even on Mars, where various rovers and orbiters have observed them many times. Now there’s another world in the solar system where dust devils might roam, according to a new study from researchers at Boise State University in Idaho. It’s Saturn’s large moon, Titan! And NASA’s planned Dragonfly mission – a drone-like flying robot able to perform vertical-takeoffs and landings – will be able to find them.

The intriguing possibility of dust devils on Titan was the subject of a recent post in AGU Blogosphere by Liza Lester of the American Geophysical Union. The new peer-reviewed paper detailing the dust devil research was published in Geophysical Research Letters on March 3, 2020.

From the paper:

Saturn’s moon Titan may host active dust devils, small dust-laden plumes, which could significantly contribute to transport of dust in that moon’s atmosphere. Although the exact nature of dust on Titan is unclear, previous observations confirm that there is actively blowing dust on that world. If dust devils are active on Titan’s surface, NASA’s upcoming Dragonfly mission is likely to encounter them, but dust devils on Titan are unlikely to pose a hazard to the mission.

The arrival of NASA’s Dragonfly mission on Titan in 2034 presents the prospect of probing extraterrestrial vortices in a similar way to these field studies, although encounters will probably occur primarily while Dragonfly is on the ground. However, Titan’s relevant meteorological conditions suggest that vortex encounters, if in-flight, may occur a few times during Dragonfly’s daily flight. The low wind speeds expected for dust devils on Titan mean they will pose little to no hazard to the mission. However, Dragonfly will spend most of its time on the ground, including during Titan’s midday when vortices are most likely to be active, and so encounters will probably occur on the ground every few Earth hours instead. In this case, they will likely resemble encounters on Mars by landed spacecraft. Even then, though, the imagery and meteorological data collected by Dragonfly during encounters may break new ground in aeolian studies by showing how they operate in a new aerodynamic environment.

Orange sphere in crescent phase with smaller, cratered gray sphere in front of it on black background.

Titan with Mimas in the foreground, as seen by Cassini on June 16, 2011. Like Earth and Mars, a new study suggests that Titan has dust devils. Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/ Space Science Institute/

It’s been known for some time now, thanks to the Cassini mission to Saturn and its moons, that Titan has vast expanses of sand dunes (composed of organic hydrocarbon particles, unlike Earth and Mars). Winds on Titan are typically rather weak, but the dune particles do get transported around, and dust devils might be an ideal mechanism for that to happen. As Brian Jackson, a planetary scientist at BSU, said in a statement:

Winds at the surface of Titan are usually very weak. Unless there is a big storm rolling through, there’s probably not that much wind, and so dust devils may be one of the main dust transport mechanisms on Titan, if they exist.

So far, dust devils haven’t actually been seen yet on Titan, but meteorological models, based on data from the Huygens probe which landed on Titan in 2005, suggest they should be possible. Jackson said:

When we plug the numbers in for how much dust the dust devil ought to lift based on the wind speeds we see, they seem to be able to lift more dust than we would expect. There may be some other mechanism which is helping them pull this dust, or the equations are just wrong.

Drone-like machine with four small sets of helicopter blades flying over brownish desert with orangish sky.

Artist’s concept of Dragonfly soaring over Titan’s surface. Image via NASA/ JHUAPL/ NPR.

On Earth, dust devils are very common (I remember even being briefly caught in a small one when I was a kid). In order to get more insight into how earthly dust devils form, Jackson and his colleagues studied ones in southeastern Oregon’s Alvord Desert, using small airborne drones carrying meteorological instruments. Those findings can be compared with observations of dust devils on Mars. According to Jackson:

We can watch dust devils skitter across the surface of Mars and see what their internal structure is like, but that doesn’t tell us how much dust they are lifting. Mars’ atmosphere is really, really dusty and dust plays an important role in the climate. Dust devils are probably, if not the dominant mechanism, one of the most important mechanisms for lofting the dust.

Mars’ atmosphere is extremely thin, yet dust devils can still reach a height of 5 miles (8 km). This is especially true during the Martian summer. Mars is very dusty – dust is literally everywhere – and that dust can be carried all over the planet despite the thinness of the atmosphere. The planet even experiences periodic global dust storms.

So how does this apply to Titan?

Titan has a thick atmosphere. It’s even thicker than Earth’s. But it only has one-seventh the gravity of Earth. Because of this, winds on Titan tend to be a lot gentler than those on Earth or even Mars. Jackson said:

It’s just this enormous, puffy atmosphere. When you’ve got that much air it’s hard to get it churning. So you just don’t usually get big winds on the surface of Titan so far as we know.

Since, as far as we know, Titan doesn’t have raging wind storms, smaller dust devils might be a good way to transport the hydrocarbon particles and create the massive dune fields. In this way, Titan would be similar to Mars, even though there are such large differences in atmospheric density and composition, wind speed and sand composition between the two worlds.

It will be a while before we can learn more about dust devils on Titan, and whether they even do actually exist. Dragonfly doesn’t launch until 2026, and won’t arrive at Titan until 2034. The Cassini mission, which ended in 2017, was the most recent to visit Saturn and its moons, with no other missions upcoming until Dragonfly.

Man with hand on cylinder in classroom with other male and female scientists in background.

Brian Jackson at Boise State University (BSU), the lead author of the new study. Image via BSU.

If Dragonfly does find dust devils, it will be fascinating to compare them to the ones on Earth and Mars. This is especially true since Titan is remarkably similar to Earth in some ways, with its rain, rivers, lakes and seas, albeit composed of liquid methane and ethane instead of water. Combined with the sand dunes, you could almost mistake the landscape seen in images sent back as being on Earth, if it weren’t for the smoggy-looking orange-ish sky. Dust devils would add to that already somewhat eerie – yet oddly reminiscent – alien landscape.

Bottom line: Titan may have dust devils like Earth and Mars, a new study says.

Source: Dust Devils on Titan


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