Last night’s moon blotted out Saturn. Pics here!

Moon blotted out Saturn: Crescent moon and Saturn, annotated, with Saturn some distance from the dark edge of the moon.
Raúl Cortés wrote, “In Norway, it was possible to see Saturn occultation. Here, the moon is getting close to Saturn.”

Last night’s moon passed in front of Saturn, creating an occultation visible from Europe, Africa, western Russia and eastern Greenland. Elsewhere in the world, a close conjunction between the moon and Saturn was widely sen. EarthSky’s Raúl Cortés – and others int he EarthSky community – caught the show. Photos here. 

When the moon blotted out Saturn

Crescent moon and Saturn, annotated, with Saturn close to the dark edge of the moon.
Just before the occultation. “Closer and closer,” Raúl Cortés wrote.
Crescent moon and Saturn, with Saturn behind the moon.
The moon is in front of Saturn. Raúl Cortés explained, “And now Saturn is gone, out of view. A star to the right of the moon indicates where Saturn may be behind the moon.”
Crescent moon and Saturn, annotated, with Saturn emerging from the lighted edge of the moon.
The occultatioan ends. Raúl Cortés wrote, “And finally the moment when the planet came out at sight from occultation behind the moon.”

Bottom line: Photos of the January 4, 2025 occultation of Saturn by the moon.

The post Last night’s moon blotted out Saturn. Pics here! first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky
Moon blotted out Saturn: Crescent moon and Saturn, annotated, with Saturn some distance from the dark edge of the moon.
Raúl Cortés wrote, “In Norway, it was possible to see Saturn occultation. Here, the moon is getting close to Saturn.”

Last night’s moon passed in front of Saturn, creating an occultation visible from Europe, Africa, western Russia and eastern Greenland. Elsewhere in the world, a close conjunction between the moon and Saturn was widely sen. EarthSky’s Raúl Cortés – and others int he EarthSky community – caught the show. Photos here. 

When the moon blotted out Saturn

Crescent moon and Saturn, annotated, with Saturn close to the dark edge of the moon.
Just before the occultation. “Closer and closer,” Raúl Cortés wrote.
Crescent moon and Saturn, with Saturn behind the moon.
The moon is in front of Saturn. Raúl Cortés explained, “And now Saturn is gone, out of view. A star to the right of the moon indicates where Saturn may be behind the moon.”
Crescent moon and Saturn, annotated, with Saturn emerging from the lighted edge of the moon.
The occultatioan ends. Raúl Cortés wrote, “And finally the moment when the planet came out at sight from occultation behind the moon.”

Bottom line: Photos of the January 4, 2025 occultation of Saturn by the moon.

The post Last night’s moon blotted out Saturn. Pics here! first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky

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