August 1 supermoon gallery from our readers

Did you catch the full supermoon on August 1, 2023? If you didn’t see it, don’t worry, you have two more chances coming up! At the end of August we will have another full supermoon (which is also a blue supermoon). And September will have a supermoon, too. For now, though, enjoy the video above, or, if you prefer, these terrific pictures of the August 1 supermoon from the EarthSky community.

August supermoon photo gallery

Full golden supermoon over night cityscape.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Kamala Venkatesh of San Diego, California, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Kamala wrote: “Normally, I like to capture my full moon in a rural setting. But given that the moon rose much later than sunset, I preferred to shoot it against our beautiful skyline. I had researched the location using the app PhotoPills, and it surely rose where the app had predicted. If you didn’t see the Sturgeon supermoon, there’s one coming up at the end of August.” Thank you, Kamala!
Dark night scene with the brilliant, distant moon reflecting in water.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Cecille Kennedy of Lincoln City, Oregon, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Cecille wrote: “The 1st full supermoon in August casting moonlight on the lake. The moon rays are visible on the hilltops and there is a vertical ray faintly visible also. The night is quiet except for the geese cackling now and then; there is hardly any wind. What a beautiful night!” Thank you, Cecille!
Dark blue night scene with orange full moon on the horizon behind a sailboat.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Mickey Walters of Jamestown, Rhode Island, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Mickey wrote: “Sturgeon Full Moon from Narragansett Bay, overlooking Newport, Rhode Island.” Thank you, Mickey!
Full yellow supermoon over lighted structures and trees in the foreground.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Chix RC of San Pedro, California, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Chix wrote: “Sturgeon Moon rising … the 1st supermoon this month.” Thank you, Chix!

More full moon photos

Full moon in distant cloudy sky from city balcony.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | EarthSky’s own Raúl Cortés of Monterrey, Mexico, captured this image of the full supermoon on August 1, 2023. Thank you, Raúl!
Hazy dark sky with a large, bright orange moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Mohammad Adeel of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Mohammad wrote: “First supermoon of August rising over the western horizon through haze and a thin layer of clouds, appearing as bands over the lunar surface. Supermoon is the term given to a full moon that is a bit closer to Earth than its usual distance. It appears a bit bigger and brighter in the sky (14% larger and 30% brighter than usual). This month has another rare supermoon on August 30, which will be a ‘blue moon’. It has nothing to do with the color blue.” Thank you, Mohammad!
Glowing full moon over dark cityscape with a minaret.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Osama Fathi of Cairo, Egypt, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Osama wrote: “Super full moons can appear 7 to 14% larger than regular full moons. They’re particularly stunning when close to the horizon above the Nile.” They certainly are stunning. Thank you, Osama!

Bright full supermoon on August 1

Framed image of large, bright full moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Cathy Adams of St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Cathy wrote: “Tonight’s full moon. I was going to take my scope out … but little Stinky the skunk was only a few feet away, and I decided we were doing just fine as we were.” Thank you, Cathy!
Full moon with very sharp features in black and white.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Bill Hood of Gardena, California, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Bill wrote: “For processing, I used Photoshop with a heavy hand on the clarity slider to create the contrast seen in the image. I combined 5 consecutive images (top 4 layers set to 20% opacity) to smooth out the random pixel noise caused by the clarity slider.” Thank you, Bill!
Bright white, slightly hazy supermoon with puffy, translucent clouds.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Tameem Altameemi of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Tameem wrote: “I photographed the moon before the sky got full of clouds … the moon is in perihelion, at a distance of 357,550 km (222,171 mi).” Thank you, Tameem!

Full moon brightness

Large pink supermoon and smaller white micromoon partly overlaid on it.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Tameem Altameemi of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, made this composite image and wrote: “I photographed the moon today, August 1, 2023, in perihelion, at a distance of 357,550 km. And I photographed the moon on February 5, 2023, when it was at aphelion 401,751 km. I took them with the same telescope and camera, showing the difference between them.” Thank you, Tameem!
Giant yellow full supermoon with leafy branches silhouetted on it.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Chantal Torchia of Old Bridge, New Jersey, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Chantal wrote: “The gorgeous Full Sturgeon Moon … also a supermoon. Couldn’t look away!” Thank you, Chantal!
Full white moon with marked features on black background.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Lorraine Boyd of Delmar, New York, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Lorraine wrote: “The Full Sturgeon Moon, also the first of 2 supermoons in August 2023. The official term for a supermoon is a ‘perigean full moon’. It was such a beautiful, finally very cool, clear night.” Thank you, Lorraine!
Bright orange moon in partly cloudy sky, with one cloud bisecting the moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Villiam Hansen in Bornholm, Denmark wrote of the August 1, 2023, full supermoon: “Went close to our highest tower (Bornholmertårnet) on the island and hoped the clouds were gentle. This is the result.” Thank you, Villam!

Bottom line: Enjoy these great photos of the August supermoon. It’s the 2nd of four supermoons in a row. August will have one more supermoon and September will have one.

The post August 1 supermoon gallery from our readers first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky

Did you catch the full supermoon on August 1, 2023? If you didn’t see it, don’t worry, you have two more chances coming up! At the end of August we will have another full supermoon (which is also a blue supermoon). And September will have a supermoon, too. For now, though, enjoy the video above, or, if you prefer, these terrific pictures of the August 1 supermoon from the EarthSky community.

August supermoon photo gallery

Full golden supermoon over night cityscape.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Kamala Venkatesh of San Diego, California, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Kamala wrote: “Normally, I like to capture my full moon in a rural setting. But given that the moon rose much later than sunset, I preferred to shoot it against our beautiful skyline. I had researched the location using the app PhotoPills, and it surely rose where the app had predicted. If you didn’t see the Sturgeon supermoon, there’s one coming up at the end of August.” Thank you, Kamala!
Dark night scene with the brilliant, distant moon reflecting in water.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Cecille Kennedy of Lincoln City, Oregon, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Cecille wrote: “The 1st full supermoon in August casting moonlight on the lake. The moon rays are visible on the hilltops and there is a vertical ray faintly visible also. The night is quiet except for the geese cackling now and then; there is hardly any wind. What a beautiful night!” Thank you, Cecille!
Dark blue night scene with orange full moon on the horizon behind a sailboat.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Mickey Walters of Jamestown, Rhode Island, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Mickey wrote: “Sturgeon Full Moon from Narragansett Bay, overlooking Newport, Rhode Island.” Thank you, Mickey!
Full yellow supermoon over lighted structures and trees in the foreground.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Chix RC of San Pedro, California, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Chix wrote: “Sturgeon Moon rising … the 1st supermoon this month.” Thank you, Chix!

More full moon photos

Full moon in distant cloudy sky from city balcony.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | EarthSky’s own Raúl Cortés of Monterrey, Mexico, captured this image of the full supermoon on August 1, 2023. Thank you, Raúl!
Hazy dark sky with a large, bright orange moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Mohammad Adeel of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Mohammad wrote: “First supermoon of August rising over the western horizon through haze and a thin layer of clouds, appearing as bands over the lunar surface. Supermoon is the term given to a full moon that is a bit closer to Earth than its usual distance. It appears a bit bigger and brighter in the sky (14% larger and 30% brighter than usual). This month has another rare supermoon on August 30, which will be a ‘blue moon’. It has nothing to do with the color blue.” Thank you, Mohammad!
Glowing full moon over dark cityscape with a minaret.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Osama Fathi of Cairo, Egypt, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Osama wrote: “Super full moons can appear 7 to 14% larger than regular full moons. They’re particularly stunning when close to the horizon above the Nile.” They certainly are stunning. Thank you, Osama!

Bright full supermoon on August 1

Framed image of large, bright full moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Cathy Adams of St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Cathy wrote: “Tonight’s full moon. I was going to take my scope out … but little Stinky the skunk was only a few feet away, and I decided we were doing just fine as we were.” Thank you, Cathy!
Full moon with very sharp features in black and white.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Bill Hood of Gardena, California, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Bill wrote: “For processing, I used Photoshop with a heavy hand on the clarity slider to create the contrast seen in the image. I combined 5 consecutive images (top 4 layers set to 20% opacity) to smooth out the random pixel noise caused by the clarity slider.” Thank you, Bill!
Bright white, slightly hazy supermoon with puffy, translucent clouds.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Tameem Altameemi of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Tameem wrote: “I photographed the moon before the sky got full of clouds … the moon is in perihelion, at a distance of 357,550 km (222,171 mi).” Thank you, Tameem!

Full moon brightness

Large pink supermoon and smaller white micromoon partly overlaid on it.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Tameem Altameemi of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, made this composite image and wrote: “I photographed the moon today, August 1, 2023, in perihelion, at a distance of 357,550 km. And I photographed the moon on February 5, 2023, when it was at aphelion 401,751 km. I took them with the same telescope and camera, showing the difference between them.” Thank you, Tameem!
Giant yellow full supermoon with leafy branches silhouetted on it.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Chantal Torchia of Old Bridge, New Jersey, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Chantal wrote: “The gorgeous Full Sturgeon Moon … also a supermoon. Couldn’t look away!” Thank you, Chantal!
Full white moon with marked features on black background.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Lorraine Boyd of Delmar, New York, captured this image on August 1, 2023. Lorraine wrote: “The Full Sturgeon Moon, also the first of 2 supermoons in August 2023. The official term for a supermoon is a ‘perigean full moon’. It was such a beautiful, finally very cool, clear night.” Thank you, Lorraine!
Bright orange moon in partly cloudy sky, with one cloud bisecting the moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Villiam Hansen in Bornholm, Denmark wrote of the August 1, 2023, full supermoon: “Went close to our highest tower (Bornholmertårnet) on the island and hoped the clouds were gentle. This is the result.” Thank you, Villam!

Bottom line: Enjoy these great photos of the August supermoon. It’s the 2nd of four supermoons in a row. August will have one more supermoon and September will have one.

The post August 1 supermoon gallery from our readers first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky

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