Best photos: Moon and Jupiter June 2023

The moon is just light-seconds away. And Jupiter – the biggest planet in our solar system – is light-minutes away. But they orbit around the sun on nearly the same plane. So sometimes we see them pass close in our sky. On the morning of June 14, 2023, the moon and Jupiter were near one another, as seen by people around the globe. It was beautiful! Here are some of the best photos of that event from the EarthSky community.

Waning moon and bright planet.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Faisal Mohammad in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, caught the moon and Jupiter on June 14, 2023. Thank you, Faisal!
Waning moon and bright planet.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Swami Krishnananda in Shimla, India, on the morning of June 14, 2023. He wrote: “This morning the sky was clear. And I could see the crest of the moon along with Jupiter. I was tempted to take this shot before it would disappear behind the clouds, which are constantly there in this time of untimely rains and storms.” Thank you, Swami Krishnananda!
Crescent moon and bright planet, framed by trees.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Sudhir Sharma in Stormville, New York, caught this lovely view of the moon and Jupiter on June 14, 2023. Thank you, Sudhir!
Telescopic image of waning crescent moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | LaDonna Calvert in Island, Kentucky, caught this beautiful shot of the waning crescent moon, just before dawn on June 14, 2023. Thank you, La Donna!
Waning moon, rising behind a hill.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | EarthSky’s Raul Cortes – one of the authors of EarthSky’s daily sun post – caught the rising moon just coming out from behind Horse Saddle Hill in Monterrey, Mexico, on June 14, 2023. Thank you, Raul!

Bottom line: Moon and Jupiter photos – June 14, 2023 – from the EarthSky community. Thanks to all who submitted! Submit your photo here.

The post Best photos: Moon and Jupiter, June 2023 first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky

The moon is just light-seconds away. And Jupiter – the biggest planet in our solar system – is light-minutes away. But they orbit around the sun on nearly the same plane. So sometimes we see them pass close in our sky. On the morning of June 14, 2023, the moon and Jupiter were near one another, as seen by people around the globe. It was beautiful! Here are some of the best photos of that event from the EarthSky community.

Waning moon and bright planet.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Faisal Mohammad in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, caught the moon and Jupiter on June 14, 2023. Thank you, Faisal!
Waning moon and bright planet.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Swami Krishnananda in Shimla, India, on the morning of June 14, 2023. He wrote: “This morning the sky was clear. And I could see the crest of the moon along with Jupiter. I was tempted to take this shot before it would disappear behind the clouds, which are constantly there in this time of untimely rains and storms.” Thank you, Swami Krishnananda!
Crescent moon and bright planet, framed by trees.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Sudhir Sharma in Stormville, New York, caught this lovely view of the moon and Jupiter on June 14, 2023. Thank you, Sudhir!
Telescopic image of waning crescent moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | LaDonna Calvert in Island, Kentucky, caught this beautiful shot of the waning crescent moon, just before dawn on June 14, 2023. Thank you, La Donna!
Waning moon, rising behind a hill.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | EarthSky’s Raul Cortes – one of the authors of EarthSky’s daily sun post – caught the rising moon just coming out from behind Horse Saddle Hill in Monterrey, Mexico, on June 14, 2023. Thank you, Raul!

Bottom line: Moon and Jupiter photos – June 14, 2023 – from the EarthSky community. Thanks to all who submitted! Submit your photo here.

The post Best photos: Moon and Jupiter, June 2023 first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky

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