Hunter’s Moon photos: Best of 2021

Hunter's Moon photos: Large moon ascending above the ocean.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Ragini Chaturvedi was at Old Bridge, New Jersey when she captured this image of the rising, nearly full moon. She wrote: “This evening’s almost full moon rise at 99.5 % illumination. Hunter Moon, across the Belt of Venus, right above the horizon.” Thank you, Ragini! All full moons look full for several nights in a row. But it’s a characteristic of the Hunter’s Moon to rise around the time of sunset – in twilight – for several evenings in a row. Lots of opportunities for great Hunter’s Moon photos!

Hunter’s Moon photos

As autumn advances in the Northern Hemisphere, the full Hunter’s Moon illuminates the world for several nights around October 20, 2021. We’ll be adding Hunter’s Moon photos from the EarthSky Community to this post. Submit your image here.

Full moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Steve Price in Draper, Utah caught this image of the moon on October 19, 2021 with a Meade 8-inch LX200 Telescope and a Google Pixel phone. Thank you, Steve.
Hunter's Moon photos: The nearly full moon poised atop a crane extending from the roof of a tall building.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Vermont Coronel Jr. in Quezon City, Philippines, caught the full-looking moon October 19, 2021. And he wrote: “A lunar flavored lollipop, perhaps?” Thank you, Vermont.
Large, bright, nearly full moon surrounded by glowing clouds.
View larger at EarthSky Community Photos. | Raul Cortes in Monterrey, Mexico, captured this bright moon photo on October 17, 2021 when the moon was still waxing toward full. He wrote: “It was cloudy and windy. I took this photo and the low shutter speed, and the moving clouds created this effect.” Thank you, Raul!

Bottom line: Photos of the 2021 Hunter’s Moon, from the EarthSky Community.

Read more: The full Hunter’s Moon is October 20

Submit your Hunter’s Moon photo to EarthSky

The post Hunter’s Moon photos: Best of 2021 first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky
Hunter's Moon photos: Large moon ascending above the ocean.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Ragini Chaturvedi was at Old Bridge, New Jersey when she captured this image of the rising, nearly full moon. She wrote: “This evening’s almost full moon rise at 99.5 % illumination. Hunter Moon, across the Belt of Venus, right above the horizon.” Thank you, Ragini! All full moons look full for several nights in a row. But it’s a characteristic of the Hunter’s Moon to rise around the time of sunset – in twilight – for several evenings in a row. Lots of opportunities for great Hunter’s Moon photos!

Hunter’s Moon photos

As autumn advances in the Northern Hemisphere, the full Hunter’s Moon illuminates the world for several nights around October 20, 2021. We’ll be adding Hunter’s Moon photos from the EarthSky Community to this post. Submit your image here.

Full moon.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Steve Price in Draper, Utah caught this image of the moon on October 19, 2021 with a Meade 8-inch LX200 Telescope and a Google Pixel phone. Thank you, Steve.
Hunter's Moon photos: The nearly full moon poised atop a crane extending from the roof of a tall building.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Vermont Coronel Jr. in Quezon City, Philippines, caught the full-looking moon October 19, 2021. And he wrote: “A lunar flavored lollipop, perhaps?” Thank you, Vermont.
Large, bright, nearly full moon surrounded by glowing clouds.
View larger at EarthSky Community Photos. | Raul Cortes in Monterrey, Mexico, captured this bright moon photo on October 17, 2021 when the moon was still waxing toward full. He wrote: “It was cloudy and windy. I took this photo and the low shutter speed, and the moving clouds created this effect.” Thank you, Raul!

Bottom line: Photos of the 2021 Hunter’s Moon, from the EarthSky Community.

Read more: The full Hunter’s Moon is October 20

Submit your Hunter’s Moon photo to EarthSky

The post Hunter’s Moon photos: Best of 2021 first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky

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