Explore the Lagoon Nebula, Messier 8

Lagoon Nebula: Chart showing the teapot and M8 and M20 above.
You’ll find M8 in a dark sky near the spout of the Teapot in Sagittarius. Notice the 3 westernmost (right-hand) stars of the Teapot’s spout … then get ready to star-hop! Use binoculars. And go about twice the spout’s distance upward, until a bright hazy object glares at you in your binoculars. That’ll be the Lagoon Nebula (M8), which is visible to the unaided eye on a dark, moonless night. For reference, keep in mind that a binocular field commonly spans 5 to 6 degrees of sky.

A pair of binoculars can bring the Lagoon Nebula from 5,000 light-years away right into your own backyard. M8 or Messier 8 is the formal designation for this nebula, which is a large gas cloud within our Milky Way galaxy. The Lagoon Nebula is barely visible to the human eye under good conditions, but glorious with a dark sky and a bit of optical aid. Look for M8 a few degrees above and to the right of the Teapot asterism in the constellation Sagittarius.

How to find the Lagoon Nebula

You can enjoy great views of M8, but first you have to find it. Let’s start with when to look. For the Northern Hemisphere, mid-summer to mid-fall are ideal. (Or Southern Hemisphere mid-winter to mid-spring.) By early July each year, this object is crossing the meridian – appearing highest in the sky – at midnight. By early September it’s crossing the meridian as darkness falls, making it prime for early evening observations.

A celestial cloud of swirling gases, concentric pink ruffles containing patch of very bright stars.
This is Messier 8 – aka M8 or the Lagoon Nebula – as captured by the VLT Survey Telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. This giant cloud of gas and dust is creating intensely bright young stars and is home to young stellar clusters. Through your binoculars, the cloud won’t look so detailed, but it is still very beautiful. Image via ESO/ VPHAS+ team/ Messier-Objects.com.

Next, pick a night close to new moon and an observing spot that is far from interfering lights to ensure a dark sky and optimal viewing conditions. Visit EarthSky’s Best Places to Stargaze page to find a good viewing location near you.

Then, look for the constellation Sagittarius, which marks the direction of the center of our Milky Way galaxy. You’ll be looking southward in the evening from Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. If you’re in Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, look northward, closer to overhead, and turn the charts below upside-down. Want a more exact location for Sagittarius? We hear good things about Stellarium, which will let you set a date and time from your exact location on the globe.

Star chart with constellation Sagittarius and many Messier objects marked.
This chart shows one of the most star-rich regions of the Milky Way galaxy, toward the galaxy’s center, in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. If you look closely, you can pick out M8 on this chart. A line drawn from Phi Sgr through Lambda Sgr and onward approximately as far as those two stars are apart will lead to the general area of M8. Chart via astronomy.com.

What you’ll see

The Lagoon Nebula spans an area of sky about three times the size of the full moon. The largest and brightest of a number of nebulosities in and around Sagittarius, it’s widely visible throughout populated areas of North America. Due to its location in the sky (-24 degrees declination), observers farther south see it even higher in the sky, which is better for observing.

As just a very faint patch to the unaided eye, the nebula takes on an oblong shape in binoculars. A brighter nucleus (the so-called “hourglass”) is visible on one side, separated by a dark rift from an open star cluster on the other side. Unlike the published timed-exposure photographs, to the unaided eye the faint nebulosity appears grayish with little if any hint of color.

Starry field with pink blob near bottom and blue and pink upper right.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Ken Chan in Portola Valley, California, captured this photo of the Lagoon and Trifid nebulas on August 7, 2021. Thank you, Ken!

M8 is about 5,000 light-years away, and roughly 130 light-years in length. The Lagoon Nebula is an emission nebula: Composed primarily of hydrogen, much of it ionized (heated or energized) by radiation from the nearby young and massive star Herschel 36. It’s also a star-forming region, or stellar nursery, a place where new stars are being born. An open star cluster – NGC 6530 – of young, hot, blue stars just a few million years old lies in this region. In addition to these young stars, there are also many dark Bok globules (dark nebulae) of condensing gas and dust on their way to becoming protostars and ultimately full-fledged stars like those already formed nearby.

Orange orb at center, red and blue nebula on left, large red blob at right.
View larger. | This image can give you an idea of how large the Lagoon Nebula is. Mars is the very bright orange object in the center of this photo, taken March 19, 2018. The Trifid Nebula is on the left, and the Lagoon Nebula is on the right, in this photo by Muzamir Mazlan. Read more about this image.

Early observations of the Lagoon

While the fanciful name Lagoon might suggest a mythical origin, there is no known mythology associated directly with this interstellar cloud. The name apparently refers to the shape with the dark lane through the middle, not unlike two lagoons separated by a sandbar. While visible to the unaided eye and therefore certainly seen in antiquity, there is no known mention of this nebula until 1654, when Sicilian astronomer Giovanni Battista Hodierna recorded his observations of the star cluster within the nebula.

The area was observed by several other astronomers, including Charles Messier in 1764, after which it ultimately also became known as Messier 8, or M8, the eighth object in Messier’s catalog.

The Lagoon Nebula’s approximate center position is RA: 18h 04m, declination: -24° 22′.

Pink cloud with bright stars in the middle.
Scott MacNeill captured this beautiful photo of M8 in August 2014. He wrote, “Here’s a fantastic capture of M8 – The Lagoon Nebula – I shot at Frosty Drew Observatory in Charlestown, Rhode Island, USA … I focused on M8 for a while as it was looking so sexy!”

Bottom line: The Lagoon Nebula, or Messier 8, is a large emission nebula in the constellation Sagittarius that observers can explore with binoculars.

Read more: Find the Teapot, and look toward the galaxy’s center

Read more: M20 is the Trifid Nebula

The post Explore the Lagoon Nebula, Messier 8 first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky https://ift.tt/3lPYXnK
Lagoon Nebula: Chart showing the teapot and M8 and M20 above.
You’ll find M8 in a dark sky near the spout of the Teapot in Sagittarius. Notice the 3 westernmost (right-hand) stars of the Teapot’s spout … then get ready to star-hop! Use binoculars. And go about twice the spout’s distance upward, until a bright hazy object glares at you in your binoculars. That’ll be the Lagoon Nebula (M8), which is visible to the unaided eye on a dark, moonless night. For reference, keep in mind that a binocular field commonly spans 5 to 6 degrees of sky.

A pair of binoculars can bring the Lagoon Nebula from 5,000 light-years away right into your own backyard. M8 or Messier 8 is the formal designation for this nebula, which is a large gas cloud within our Milky Way galaxy. The Lagoon Nebula is barely visible to the human eye under good conditions, but glorious with a dark sky and a bit of optical aid. Look for M8 a few degrees above and to the right of the Teapot asterism in the constellation Sagittarius.

How to find the Lagoon Nebula

You can enjoy great views of M8, but first you have to find it. Let’s start with when to look. For the Northern Hemisphere, mid-summer to mid-fall are ideal. (Or Southern Hemisphere mid-winter to mid-spring.) By early July each year, this object is crossing the meridian – appearing highest in the sky – at midnight. By early September it’s crossing the meridian as darkness falls, making it prime for early evening observations.

A celestial cloud of swirling gases, concentric pink ruffles containing patch of very bright stars.
This is Messier 8 – aka M8 or the Lagoon Nebula – as captured by the VLT Survey Telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. This giant cloud of gas and dust is creating intensely bright young stars and is home to young stellar clusters. Through your binoculars, the cloud won’t look so detailed, but it is still very beautiful. Image via ESO/ VPHAS+ team/ Messier-Objects.com.

Next, pick a night close to new moon and an observing spot that is far from interfering lights to ensure a dark sky and optimal viewing conditions. Visit EarthSky’s Best Places to Stargaze page to find a good viewing location near you.

Then, look for the constellation Sagittarius, which marks the direction of the center of our Milky Way galaxy. You’ll be looking southward in the evening from Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. If you’re in Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, look northward, closer to overhead, and turn the charts below upside-down. Want a more exact location for Sagittarius? We hear good things about Stellarium, which will let you set a date and time from your exact location on the globe.

Star chart with constellation Sagittarius and many Messier objects marked.
This chart shows one of the most star-rich regions of the Milky Way galaxy, toward the galaxy’s center, in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. If you look closely, you can pick out M8 on this chart. A line drawn from Phi Sgr through Lambda Sgr and onward approximately as far as those two stars are apart will lead to the general area of M8. Chart via astronomy.com.

What you’ll see

The Lagoon Nebula spans an area of sky about three times the size of the full moon. The largest and brightest of a number of nebulosities in and around Sagittarius, it’s widely visible throughout populated areas of North America. Due to its location in the sky (-24 degrees declination), observers farther south see it even higher in the sky, which is better for observing.

As just a very faint patch to the unaided eye, the nebula takes on an oblong shape in binoculars. A brighter nucleus (the so-called “hourglass”) is visible on one side, separated by a dark rift from an open star cluster on the other side. Unlike the published timed-exposure photographs, to the unaided eye the faint nebulosity appears grayish with little if any hint of color.

Starry field with pink blob near bottom and blue and pink upper right.
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Ken Chan in Portola Valley, California, captured this photo of the Lagoon and Trifid nebulas on August 7, 2021. Thank you, Ken!

M8 is about 5,000 light-years away, and roughly 130 light-years in length. The Lagoon Nebula is an emission nebula: Composed primarily of hydrogen, much of it ionized (heated or energized) by radiation from the nearby young and massive star Herschel 36. It’s also a star-forming region, or stellar nursery, a place where new stars are being born. An open star cluster – NGC 6530 – of young, hot, blue stars just a few million years old lies in this region. In addition to these young stars, there are also many dark Bok globules (dark nebulae) of condensing gas and dust on their way to becoming protostars and ultimately full-fledged stars like those already formed nearby.

Orange orb at center, red and blue nebula on left, large red blob at right.
View larger. | This image can give you an idea of how large the Lagoon Nebula is. Mars is the very bright orange object in the center of this photo, taken March 19, 2018. The Trifid Nebula is on the left, and the Lagoon Nebula is on the right, in this photo by Muzamir Mazlan. Read more about this image.

Early observations of the Lagoon

While the fanciful name Lagoon might suggest a mythical origin, there is no known mythology associated directly with this interstellar cloud. The name apparently refers to the shape with the dark lane through the middle, not unlike two lagoons separated by a sandbar. While visible to the unaided eye and therefore certainly seen in antiquity, there is no known mention of this nebula until 1654, when Sicilian astronomer Giovanni Battista Hodierna recorded his observations of the star cluster within the nebula.

The area was observed by several other astronomers, including Charles Messier in 1764, after which it ultimately also became known as Messier 8, or M8, the eighth object in Messier’s catalog.

The Lagoon Nebula’s approximate center position is RA: 18h 04m, declination: -24° 22′.

Pink cloud with bright stars in the middle.
Scott MacNeill captured this beautiful photo of M8 in August 2014. He wrote, “Here’s a fantastic capture of M8 – The Lagoon Nebula – I shot at Frosty Drew Observatory in Charlestown, Rhode Island, USA … I focused on M8 for a while as it was looking so sexy!”

Bottom line: The Lagoon Nebula, or Messier 8, is a large emission nebula in the constellation Sagittarius that observers can explore with binoculars.

Read more: Find the Teapot, and look toward the galaxy’s center

Read more: M20 is the Trifid Nebula

The post Explore the Lagoon Nebula, Messier 8 first appeared on EarthSky.

from EarthSky https://ift.tt/3lPYXnK

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