See it! Mars meets the Sisters

Mars and the Pleiades in the west after sunset.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Dennis Chabot in Rehoboth, Massachusetts – of POSNE NightSky – caught Mars and the Pleiades on April 1, 2019. Thank you, Dennis!

Red Mars and dipper-shaped Pleiades on either side of the top of a pyramid-shaped tree.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Dr Ski in Valencia, Philippines caught Mars and the Pleiades on March 30, 2019.

A closeup view of the dipper-shaped Pleiades and red Mars.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Steven Sweet in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada – of Lunar 101 Moon Book – caught Mars and the Pleiades on March 25, 2019. Thank you, Steven.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Dr. Ski also caught Mars and the Pleiades on March 25, 2019. Notice the Pleiades are shjaped like a tiny dipper. And notice Mars is red in color. Now notice the V-shaped cluster of stars above them. In skylore, these stars represent the Pleiades half-sisters, called the Hyades. Thanks, Dr. Ski!

Bottom line: Photos from the EarthSky Community of Mars and the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, in late March and early April, 2019.

from EarthSky
Mars and the Pleiades in the west after sunset.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Dennis Chabot in Rehoboth, Massachusetts – of POSNE NightSky – caught Mars and the Pleiades on April 1, 2019. Thank you, Dennis!

Red Mars and dipper-shaped Pleiades on either side of the top of a pyramid-shaped tree.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Dr Ski in Valencia, Philippines caught Mars and the Pleiades on March 30, 2019.

A closeup view of the dipper-shaped Pleiades and red Mars.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Steven Sweet in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada – of Lunar 101 Moon Book – caught Mars and the Pleiades on March 25, 2019. Thank you, Steven.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Dr. Ski also caught Mars and the Pleiades on March 25, 2019. Notice the Pleiades are shjaped like a tiny dipper. And notice Mars is red in color. Now notice the V-shaped cluster of stars above them. In skylore, these stars represent the Pleiades half-sisters, called the Hyades. Thanks, Dr. Ski!

Bottom line: Photos from the EarthSky Community of Mars and the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, in late March and early April, 2019.

from EarthSky

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