New research, December 10-16, 2018

A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.

Climate change impacts 


Estimates of present and future asthma emergency department visits associated with exposure to oak, birch, and grass pollen in the United States (open access)

Global wheat production with 1.5 and 2.0°C above pre‐industrial warming

Terror Management Theory and mortality awareness: A missing link in climate response studies?

Diurnal temperature range and mortality in Tabriz (the northwest of Iran)

Explaining differential vulnerability to climate change: A social science review (open access)

Climate change impacts on hydrological services in southern California (open access)

Adaptations to extreme storm events by conservation organizations

Insignificant effect of climate change on winter haze pollution in Beijing (open access)

Cork rings suggest how to manage Quercus suber to mitigate the effects of climate changes

Salt intrusion adaptation measures for sustainable agricultural development under climate change effects: a case of ca mau peninsula, vietnam (open access)

Why could the coffee crop endure climate change and global warming to a greater extent than previously estimated? (open access)

Past and future changes in regional crop water requirements in Northwest China

Using a Multi-Year Temporal Climate Analogue Approach to Assess Climate Change Impacts on Park Visitation

Economic Growth Effects of Alternative Climate Change Impact Channels in Economic Modeling

Promise and paradox of metropolitan regional climate adaptation

A community-based evaluation of population growth and agro-pastoralist resilience in Sub-Saharan drylands


Declining population trends of European mountain birds (open access)

Projected changes in wind assistance under climate change for nocturnally migrating bird populations (open access)

Weather effects on birds of different size are mediated by long‐term climate and vegetation type in endangered temperate woodlands (open access)

Is arctic greening consistent with the ecology of tundra? Lessons from an ecologically informed mass balance model (open access)

Global NDVI patterns in response to atmospheric water vapor anomalies over the Indo-Pacific warm pool during Apr-May-June

Long-term changes on estuarine ciliates linked with modifications on wind patterns and water turbidity

Cane toads (Rhinella marina) rely on water access, not drought tolerance, to invade xeric Australian environments

Long-term wood anatomical time series of two ecologically contrasting tropical tree species reveal differential hydraulic adjustment to climatic stress

Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees

Chilling and forcing temperatures interact to predict the onset of wood formation in Northern Hemisphere conifers

Fire deficits have increased drought‐sensitivity in dry conifer forests; fire frequency and tree‐ring carbon isotope evidence from Central Oregon

Geographical adaptation prevails over species‐specific determinism in trees’ vulnerability to climate change at Mediterranean rear‐edge forests

Naturalized distributions show that climatic disequilibrium is structured by niche size in pines (Pinus L.)

Temporal patterns of phytoplankton phenology across high latitude lakes unveiled by long-term time series of satellite data (open access)

Ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 using airborne remote sensing at Mammoth Mountain, California (open access)

Vegetation Response to Rising CO2 Impacts Extreme Temperatures

Other impacts

Attribution of the influence of human‐induced climate change on an extreme fire season (open access)

A social-ecological network approach for understanding wildfire risk governance

Climate change mitigation

Climate change communication

Unintended Effects of Emphasizing the Role of Climate Change in Recent Natural Disasters

Researching Visual Representations of Climate Change

Harvesting the Wind: Analyzing Television News Coverage of Wind Energy

Understanding Key Informant Experiences and Perceptions of the 2016 Drought and Wildfires in Western North Carolina, USA

Cognitive drivers, and the effect of information on climate change adaptive behaviour in Fiji Islands

Climate change beliefs, concerns, and attitudes of beef cattle producers in the Southern Great Plains

Climate Policy

Transitional Restricted Linkage Between Emissions Trading Schemes (open access)

Energy production

Greenhouse gas emission accounting approaches in electricity generation systems: a review

Which provincial administrative regions in China should reduce their coal consumption? An environmental energy input requirement function based analysis

Emission savings

Pathway to domestic natural rubber production: a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment of the first guayule automobile tire manufactured in the United States

Global outsourcing of carbon emissions 1995–2009: A reassessment (open access)

Biochar improved rice yield and mitigated CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy field under controlled irrigation in the Taihu Lake Region of China


Potential of storing gas with high CO2 content in salt caverns built in ultra‐deep water in Brazil

Climate change

A global assessment of Indigenous community engagement in climate research (open access)

Temperature, precipitation, wind

Homogenization of Monthly Ground Surface Temperature in China during 1961–2016 and Performances of GLDAS Reanalysis Products (open access)

Elevation‐dependent warming in the Swiss Alps 1981‐2017: features, forcings and feedbacks

Anthropogenic and natural drivers of a strong winter urban heat island in a typical Arctic city (open access)

Improved representation of ocean heat content in energy balance models

Causes and evolution of the southeastern tropical Atlantic warm event in early 2016

Increased Occurrence of Record‐wet and Record‐dry Months Reflect Changes in Mean Rainfall

Observed, stochastically simulated, and projected precipitation variability in Pakistan

Multidecadal to centennial surface wintertime wind variability over Northeastern North America via statistical downscaling

Extreme events

Increasingly powerful tornadoes in the United States

Factors influencing the seasonal predictability of Northern hemisphere severe winter storms

Hazards and reflection on Fangshan District extreme rainstorm of July 21, 2012, the urban mountainous region of Beijing, North China

How Long Does a Fifteen Year Drought Last? On the Correlation of Rare Events

Storms Producing Large Accumulations of Small Hail

Summer Arctic Cold Anomaly Dynamically Linked to East Asian Heat Waves

Forcings and feedbacks

Estimations of indirect and direct anthropogenic dust emission at the global scale

Quantifying uncertainty from aerosol and atmospheric parameters and their impact on climate sensitivity

Cloud Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Implications for Future Feedbacks in the CESM1 Climate Model


Widespread potential for seawater infiltration on Antarctic ice shelves (open access)

Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, over the next 100 years using various ice flow models, ice shelf melt scenarios and basal friction laws (open access)

Detecting the statistical significance of the trends in the Antarctic sea ice extent: an indication for a turning point

Robustness of the stratospheric pathway in linking the Barents-Kara Sea sea ice variability to the mid-latitude circulation in CMIP5 models

Heterogeneous changes in western North American glaciers linked to decadal variability in zonal wind strength

Glacial and geomorphic effects of a supraglacial lake drainage and outburst event, Everest region, Nepal Himalaya (open access)

Snowpack Change From 1982 to 2016 Over Conterminous United States (open access)


Contributions of atmospheric forcing and chaotic ocean variability to regional sea level trends over 1993‐2015 

Freshwater export in the East Greenland Current freshens the North Atlantic

Atmospheric and oceanic circulation

Thermodynamic Control on the Poleward shift of the Extratropical Jet in Climate Change Simulations: The Role of Rising High Clouds and their Radiative Effects

The Circulation Response to Volcanic Eruptions: The Key Roles of Stratospheric Warming and Eddy Interactions

Exploiting the abrupt 4×CO2 scenario to elucidate tropical expansion mechanisms

Projections of East Asian summer monsoon under 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming goals

Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing

Atmospheric origins of variability in the South Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

ITCZ width controls on Hadley cell extent and eddy-driven jet position, and their response to warming

On the Mechanisms of Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulation in Warm Climate

Pacific influences on the meridional temperature transport of the Indian Ocean

How the Yermak Pass Branch regulates Atlantic Water inflow to the Arctic Ocean

Carbon and nitrogen cycles

Air‐Sea CO2 Flux Estimates in Stratified Arctic Coastal Waters: How Wrong Can We Be?

Underestimated ecosystem carbon turnover time and sequestration under the steady state assumption: a perspective from long‐term data assimilation

Soil moisture variability intensifies and prolongs eastern Amazon temperature and carbon cycle response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation

Other papers

General climate science

Short‐Term Impacts of the Mega‐Urbanizations of New Delhi and Los Angeles between 2000 and 2009


Millennial-scale Holocene hydrological changes in the northeast Atlantic: New insights from ‘La Grande Vasière’ mid-shelf mud belt

Ocean carbon inventory under warmer climate conditions – the case of the Last Interglacial (open access)

Documentary data and the study of past droughts: a global state of the art (open access)

Trees record changes of the temperate glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau: Potential and uncertainty

Remobilization of old permafrost carbon to Chukchi Sea sediments during the end of the last deglaciation

Late-Holocene subtropical mangrove dynamics in response to climate change during the last millennium

Other environmental issues 

China’s air pollution crisis: Science and policy perspectives

from Skeptical Science

A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.

Climate change impacts 


Estimates of present and future asthma emergency department visits associated with exposure to oak, birch, and grass pollen in the United States (open access)

Global wheat production with 1.5 and 2.0°C above pre‐industrial warming

Terror Management Theory and mortality awareness: A missing link in climate response studies?

Diurnal temperature range and mortality in Tabriz (the northwest of Iran)

Explaining differential vulnerability to climate change: A social science review (open access)

Climate change impacts on hydrological services in southern California (open access)

Adaptations to extreme storm events by conservation organizations

Insignificant effect of climate change on winter haze pollution in Beijing (open access)

Cork rings suggest how to manage Quercus suber to mitigate the effects of climate changes

Salt intrusion adaptation measures for sustainable agricultural development under climate change effects: a case of ca mau peninsula, vietnam (open access)

Why could the coffee crop endure climate change and global warming to a greater extent than previously estimated? (open access)

Past and future changes in regional crop water requirements in Northwest China

Using a Multi-Year Temporal Climate Analogue Approach to Assess Climate Change Impacts on Park Visitation

Economic Growth Effects of Alternative Climate Change Impact Channels in Economic Modeling

Promise and paradox of metropolitan regional climate adaptation

A community-based evaluation of population growth and agro-pastoralist resilience in Sub-Saharan drylands


Declining population trends of European mountain birds (open access)

Projected changes in wind assistance under climate change for nocturnally migrating bird populations (open access)

Weather effects on birds of different size are mediated by long‐term climate and vegetation type in endangered temperate woodlands (open access)

Is arctic greening consistent with the ecology of tundra? Lessons from an ecologically informed mass balance model (open access)

Global NDVI patterns in response to atmospheric water vapor anomalies over the Indo-Pacific warm pool during Apr-May-June

Long-term changes on estuarine ciliates linked with modifications on wind patterns and water turbidity

Cane toads (Rhinella marina) rely on water access, not drought tolerance, to invade xeric Australian environments

Long-term wood anatomical time series of two ecologically contrasting tropical tree species reveal differential hydraulic adjustment to climatic stress

Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees

Chilling and forcing temperatures interact to predict the onset of wood formation in Northern Hemisphere conifers

Fire deficits have increased drought‐sensitivity in dry conifer forests; fire frequency and tree‐ring carbon isotope evidence from Central Oregon

Geographical adaptation prevails over species‐specific determinism in trees’ vulnerability to climate change at Mediterranean rear‐edge forests

Naturalized distributions show that climatic disequilibrium is structured by niche size in pines (Pinus L.)

Temporal patterns of phytoplankton phenology across high latitude lakes unveiled by long-term time series of satellite data (open access)

Ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 using airborne remote sensing at Mammoth Mountain, California (open access)

Vegetation Response to Rising CO2 Impacts Extreme Temperatures

Other impacts

Attribution of the influence of human‐induced climate change on an extreme fire season (open access)

A social-ecological network approach for understanding wildfire risk governance

Climate change mitigation

Climate change communication

Unintended Effects of Emphasizing the Role of Climate Change in Recent Natural Disasters

Researching Visual Representations of Climate Change

Harvesting the Wind: Analyzing Television News Coverage of Wind Energy

Understanding Key Informant Experiences and Perceptions of the 2016 Drought and Wildfires in Western North Carolina, USA

Cognitive drivers, and the effect of information on climate change adaptive behaviour in Fiji Islands

Climate change beliefs, concerns, and attitudes of beef cattle producers in the Southern Great Plains

Climate Policy

Transitional Restricted Linkage Between Emissions Trading Schemes (open access)

Energy production

Greenhouse gas emission accounting approaches in electricity generation systems: a review

Which provincial administrative regions in China should reduce their coal consumption? An environmental energy input requirement function based analysis

Emission savings

Pathway to domestic natural rubber production: a cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment of the first guayule automobile tire manufactured in the United States

Global outsourcing of carbon emissions 1995–2009: A reassessment (open access)

Biochar improved rice yield and mitigated CH4 and N2O emissions from paddy field under controlled irrigation in the Taihu Lake Region of China


Potential of storing gas with high CO2 content in salt caverns built in ultra‐deep water in Brazil

Climate change

A global assessment of Indigenous community engagement in climate research (open access)

Temperature, precipitation, wind

Homogenization of Monthly Ground Surface Temperature in China during 1961–2016 and Performances of GLDAS Reanalysis Products (open access)

Elevation‐dependent warming in the Swiss Alps 1981‐2017: features, forcings and feedbacks

Anthropogenic and natural drivers of a strong winter urban heat island in a typical Arctic city (open access)

Improved representation of ocean heat content in energy balance models

Causes and evolution of the southeastern tropical Atlantic warm event in early 2016

Increased Occurrence of Record‐wet and Record‐dry Months Reflect Changes in Mean Rainfall

Observed, stochastically simulated, and projected precipitation variability in Pakistan

Multidecadal to centennial surface wintertime wind variability over Northeastern North America via statistical downscaling

Extreme events

Increasingly powerful tornadoes in the United States

Factors influencing the seasonal predictability of Northern hemisphere severe winter storms

Hazards and reflection on Fangshan District extreme rainstorm of July 21, 2012, the urban mountainous region of Beijing, North China

How Long Does a Fifteen Year Drought Last? On the Correlation of Rare Events

Storms Producing Large Accumulations of Small Hail

Summer Arctic Cold Anomaly Dynamically Linked to East Asian Heat Waves

Forcings and feedbacks

Estimations of indirect and direct anthropogenic dust emission at the global scale

Quantifying uncertainty from aerosol and atmospheric parameters and their impact on climate sensitivity

Cloud Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Implications for Future Feedbacks in the CESM1 Climate Model


Widespread potential for seawater infiltration on Antarctic ice shelves (open access)

Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, over the next 100 years using various ice flow models, ice shelf melt scenarios and basal friction laws (open access)

Detecting the statistical significance of the trends in the Antarctic sea ice extent: an indication for a turning point

Robustness of the stratospheric pathway in linking the Barents-Kara Sea sea ice variability to the mid-latitude circulation in CMIP5 models

Heterogeneous changes in western North American glaciers linked to decadal variability in zonal wind strength

Glacial and geomorphic effects of a supraglacial lake drainage and outburst event, Everest region, Nepal Himalaya (open access)

Snowpack Change From 1982 to 2016 Over Conterminous United States (open access)


Contributions of atmospheric forcing and chaotic ocean variability to regional sea level trends over 1993‐2015 

Freshwater export in the East Greenland Current freshens the North Atlantic

Atmospheric and oceanic circulation

Thermodynamic Control on the Poleward shift of the Extratropical Jet in Climate Change Simulations: The Role of Rising High Clouds and their Radiative Effects

The Circulation Response to Volcanic Eruptions: The Key Roles of Stratospheric Warming and Eddy Interactions

Exploiting the abrupt 4×CO2 scenario to elucidate tropical expansion mechanisms

Projections of East Asian summer monsoon under 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming goals

Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing

Atmospheric origins of variability in the South Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

ITCZ width controls on Hadley cell extent and eddy-driven jet position, and their response to warming

On the Mechanisms of Pacific Decadal Oscillation Modulation in Warm Climate

Pacific influences on the meridional temperature transport of the Indian Ocean

How the Yermak Pass Branch regulates Atlantic Water inflow to the Arctic Ocean

Carbon and nitrogen cycles

Air‐Sea CO2 Flux Estimates in Stratified Arctic Coastal Waters: How Wrong Can We Be?

Underestimated ecosystem carbon turnover time and sequestration under the steady state assumption: a perspective from long‐term data assimilation

Soil moisture variability intensifies and prolongs eastern Amazon temperature and carbon cycle response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation

Other papers

General climate science

Short‐Term Impacts of the Mega‐Urbanizations of New Delhi and Los Angeles between 2000 and 2009


Millennial-scale Holocene hydrological changes in the northeast Atlantic: New insights from ‘La Grande Vasière’ mid-shelf mud belt

Ocean carbon inventory under warmer climate conditions – the case of the Last Interglacial (open access)

Documentary data and the study of past droughts: a global state of the art (open access)

Trees record changes of the temperate glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau: Potential and uncertainty

Remobilization of old permafrost carbon to Chukchi Sea sediments during the end of the last deglaciation

Late-Holocene subtropical mangrove dynamics in response to climate change during the last millennium

Other environmental issues 

China’s air pollution crisis: Science and policy perspectives

from Skeptical Science

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