A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
The Figure is from paper #16.
Climate change impacts
1. Inundation of a low-lying urban atoll island: Majuro, Marshall Islands
"The ocean-facing shorelines of Majuro experience frequent inundation caused by swell waves generated by distant storms from both the north and the south Pacific Ocean. In some instances, complete overwashing of the island by swell waves has been reported. Less frequent, although potentially far more damaging, are inundation events associated with typhoons and tropical storms, with the most recent in 1997. Inundation along the sheltered lagoon-facing shoreline of Majuro has occurred in the absence of waves due to the coincidence of high sea levels during La Niña conditions and seasonally high tides, as in 2011."
2. Assessing heat-related health risk in Europe via the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) (open access)
"An increase in heat stress up to 1 °C is observed during recent decades."
3. Impacts of rainfall extremes on wheat yield in semi-arid cropping systems in eastern Australia
6. Exposure, vulnerability, and adaptation of major maize-growing areas to extreme temperature
7. Tracing back to move ahead: a review of development pathways that constrain adaptation futures
"Total benefits of public adaptation options planned in advance could reach €31.2 billion for the period 2010–2100, i.e. €69,000 per inhabitant (in the study area) in 2010 or €135 million/km of coastline."
12. Impact assessment of climate change on rice yields using the ORYZA model in the Sichuan Basin, China
14. How well do meteorological indicators represent agricultural and forest drought across Europe? (open access)
15. Implications of projected climate change on winter road systems in Ontario’s Far North, Canada
"Results of the FDD threshold measure indicated that climate conditions would possibly be unfavorable during the winter road construction period by mid-century for Moosonee and Kapuskasing and for Lansdowne House and Red Lake by the end of the century. For Big Trout Lake, on the other hand, climate conditions are expected to remain favorable for the winter road construction through the end of 2100."
16. The implications of the United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change for globally significant biodiversity areas (open access)
"We find that without mitigation, on average 33% of each conservation area can act as climate refugium (or 18% if species are unable to disperse), whereas if warming is constrained to 2 °C, the average area of climate refuges doubles to 67% of each conservation area (or, without dispersal, more than doubles to 56% of each area). If the country pledges are fulfilled, an intermediate estimate of 47–52% (or 31–38%, without dispersal) is obtained."
18. Climate change: potential implications for Ireland’s biodiversity
"The models predicted an average habitat loss of 35% (22%–55%) by 2100, mainly due to an increase in temperature during the reproductive season. An increase in habitat fragmentation was reflected in a 43% decrease in patch size, a 17% increase in the number of habitat patches and a 34% increase in inter-patch distance."
20. Quantifying climate–growth relationships at the stand level in a mature mixed-species conifer forest
22. How Temperature, Pond-Drying, and Nutrients Influence Parasite Infection and Pathology
24. Over-calcified forms of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in high-CO2 waters are not preadapted to ocean acidification (open access)
"More generally, these results suggest that oceanic planktonic microorganisms, despite their rapid turnover and large population sizes, do not necessarily exhibit adaptations to naturally high-CO2 upwellings, and this ubiquitous coccolithophore may be near the limit of its capacity to adapt to ongoing ocean acidification."
25. Impact of dynamic vegetation phenology on the simulated pan-Arctic land surface state
28. Effect of drought on productivity in a Costa Rican tropical dry forest (open access)
Other impacts
Climate change mitigation
34. The Risk of Termination Shock From Solar Geoengineering (open access)
35. Political ecology of Costa Rica’s climate policy: contextualizing climate governance
37. The effect of symbolic racism on environmental concern and environmental action
38. City-networks, global climate governance, and the road to 1.5 °C
39. Silent transformation to 1.5°C — with China's encumbered leading
- • Historical Western thought is not good at thinking about movement and change.
- • China is culturally gifted to think about transformation and transition.
- • Silent transformations involve both modification and continuation at the same time.
- • Ordinary people are able to lead ordinary actions and get extraordinary results.
- • China must be understood and recognized as a strategic partner in the 1.5°C goal."
40. Environmental justice and the expanding geography of wind power conflicts
41. Investing for rapid decarbonization in cities (open access)
42. Carbon Tax, Emission Standards, and Carbon Leak Under Price Competition
43. A sunny future: expert elicitation of China's solar photovoltaic technologies (open access)
44. Improvement of economic traits and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in sheep and goats in Central Asia
45. Marginal cost to increase soil organic carbon using no-till on U.S. cropland
46. Co-controlling CO2 and NOx emission in China's cement industry: An optimal development pathway study (open access)
47. Oil palm land conversion in Pará, Brazil, from 2006–2014: evaluating the 2010 Brazilian Sustainable Palm Oil Production Program (open access)
Climate change
48. On climate prediction: how much can we expect from climate memory?
Temperature, precipitation, and wind
49. Time scales and sources of European temperature variability
"We find that eastern Europe is dominated by sub‐decadal SAT variability associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation, whereas interdecadal and multi‐decadal SAT variability over northern and southern Europe are thermodynamically driven by ocean temperature anomalies. Our results provide evidence that temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic Ocean are advected over land by the mean westerly winds, and, hence, provide a mechanism through which ocean temperature controls the variability and provides predictability of European SAT."
51. Observed and modelled temperature and precipitation extremes over Southeast Asia from 1972 to 2010
52. The sea surface temperature configuration of Greenland Sea–subpolar region of North Atlantic and the summer rainfall anomaly in low-latitude highlands of China (open access)
55. Historical simulations and climate change projections over India by NCAR CCSM4: CMIP5 vs. NEX-GDDP
57. Changes in a suite of indicators of extreme temperature and precipitation under 1.5 and 2 degrees warming (open access)
58. Changes in duration of dry and wet spells associated with air temperatures in Russia (open access)
59. Near-surface temperature inversion during summer at Summit, Greenland, and its relation to MODIS-derived surface temperatures (open access)
61. Maps of wind hazard over South Eastern South America considering climate change
Extreme events
62. ENSO and IOD analysis on the occurrence of floods in Pakistan
"During the study period maximum number of floods was observed during summer monsoon season. However, further analysis shows that after 1970, Pakistan observed the highest percentage of floods occurred per year during El Nino, Non-ENSO and positive IOD years."
63. Effects of hurricane Odile on the infrastructure of Baja California Sur, Mexico
66. Spatiotemporal variations of aridity in Iran using high-resolution gridded data
67. Defining single extreme weather events in a climate perspective
68. Quantitative observations on tropical cyclone tracks in the Arabian Sea
69. Defining Flood Zone Transitions in Low-Gradient Coastal Regions
70. Cold-season Tornado Risk Communication: Case Studies from November 2016 –February 2017
71. Distributed probability of slope failure in Thailand under climate change (open access)
72. Concurrent Changes to Hadley Circulation and the Meridional Distribution of Tropical Cyclones
Forcings and feedbacks
73. Carbon dioxide physiological forcing dominates projected Eastern Amazonian drying
"We find that increasing carbon dioxide reduces east Amazonian rainfall, and this is due to the response of plant stomata to carbon dioxide. Plant stomata do not open as wide when carbon dioxide is increased, which is known as the physiological effect. The physiological effect reduces evaporation from plants which means there is less moisture available to fuel rainfall. We construct a simple model to estimate future rainfall changes over the Amazon to help fully understand the importance of physiological effects. The simple model shows that the physiological effect of carbon dioxide is the main driver of future drying over the eastern Amazon. This implies that future changes in rainfall are independent of how much the climate warms."
74. Influence of geomagnetic activity on mesopause temperature over Yakutia (open access)
75. How a European network may help with estimating methane emissions on the French national scale (open access)
76. Antarctic summer sea ice trend in the context of high latitude atmospheric circulation changes
77. Can Barents Sea ice decline in spring enhance summer hot drought events over northeastern China?
78. Episodic Reversal of Autumn Ice Advance Caused by Release of Ocean Heat in the Beaufort Sea
"We observed a four‐day storm event in the western Arctic Ocean in October 2015 with strong winds (up to 20 m/s) and large waves (over four meters). As a result, heat from the upper ocean was mixed to the surface, melting approximately 5‐cm thick ice over a vast area. This event temporarily reversed autumn ice advance and resulted in a thinner winter ice cover."
79. Wave Attenuation and Gas Exchange Velocity in Marginal Sea Ice Zone
80. Impact of rheology on probabilistic forecasts of sea ice trajectories: application for search and rescue operations in the Arctic (open access)
83. Reversal of Increasing Tropical Ocean Hypoxia Trends with Sustained Climate Warming
"In tropical intermediate waters between 200m and 1000m, the model predicts a steady decline of O2 and an expansion of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) during the 21st century. By 2150, however, the trend reverses with oxygen concentration increasing and OMZ volume shrinking through 2300." ... "The tropical O2recovery is caused mainly by reductions in tropical biological export, coupled with a modest increase in ventilation after 2200. The time-evolving oxygen distribution impacts marine nitrogen cycling, with potentially important climate feedbacks."
84. Extreme sea level implications of 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, and 2.5 °C temperature stabilization targets in the 21st and 22nd centuries (open access)
85. Observation-Driven Estimation of the Spatial Variability of 20th Century Sea Level Rise
86. What are the implications of sea-level rise for a 1.5, 2 and 3 °C rise in global mean temperatures in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and other vulnerable deltas? (open access)
87. Sea-Level Trend Uncertainty With Pacific Climatic Variability and Temporally-Correlated Noise
Carbon cycle
88. The eMLR(C*) method to determine decadal changes in the global ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
89. Minor contribution of small thaw ponds to the pools of carbon and methane in the inland waters of the permafrost-affected part of the Western Siberian Lowland (open access)
90. A spatial assessment of the forest carbon budget for Ukraine (open access)
"The application of both stock-based and flux-based methods shows that Ukrainian forests have served as a net carbon sink, absorbing 11.4 ± 1.7 Tg C year−1 in 2010, which is around 25% less than the official values reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change."
Atmospheric and oceanic circulation
91. Influence of Barrier Wind Forcing on Heat Delivery Towards the Greenland Ice Sheet
92. Spectral signatures of moisture-convection feedbacks over the Indian Ocean
93. Ocean-atmosphere feedback during extreme rainfall events in eastern Northeast Brazil
Other papers
Environmental issues
94. Amphibian recovery after a decrease in acidic precipitation
95. Lack of cool, not warm, extremes distinguishes late 20th Century climate in 979-year Tasmanian summer temperature reconstruction (open access)
"The reconstructions highlight the occurrence of numerous individual years, especially in the 15th−17th Centuries, for which temperatures were comparable with those of the late 20th Century. The 1950−1999 period, however, stands out as the warmest 50-year period on average for the past 979 years, with a sustained shift away from relatively low mean temperatures, the length of which is unique in the 979-year record."
98. Large changes in sea ice triggered by small changes in Atlantic water temperature
99. Hydrological and climate changes in southeast Siberia over the last 33 kyr
from Skeptical Science http://ift.tt/2FYEycD
A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
The Figure is from paper #16.
Climate change impacts
1. Inundation of a low-lying urban atoll island: Majuro, Marshall Islands
"The ocean-facing shorelines of Majuro experience frequent inundation caused by swell waves generated by distant storms from both the north and the south Pacific Ocean. In some instances, complete overwashing of the island by swell waves has been reported. Less frequent, although potentially far more damaging, are inundation events associated with typhoons and tropical storms, with the most recent in 1997. Inundation along the sheltered lagoon-facing shoreline of Majuro has occurred in the absence of waves due to the coincidence of high sea levels during La Niña conditions and seasonally high tides, as in 2011."
2. Assessing heat-related health risk in Europe via the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) (open access)
"An increase in heat stress up to 1 °C is observed during recent decades."
3. Impacts of rainfall extremes on wheat yield in semi-arid cropping systems in eastern Australia
6. Exposure, vulnerability, and adaptation of major maize-growing areas to extreme temperature
7. Tracing back to move ahead: a review of development pathways that constrain adaptation futures
"Total benefits of public adaptation options planned in advance could reach €31.2 billion for the period 2010–2100, i.e. €69,000 per inhabitant (in the study area) in 2010 or €135 million/km of coastline."
12. Impact assessment of climate change on rice yields using the ORYZA model in the Sichuan Basin, China
14. How well do meteorological indicators represent agricultural and forest drought across Europe? (open access)
15. Implications of projected climate change on winter road systems in Ontario’s Far North, Canada
"Results of the FDD threshold measure indicated that climate conditions would possibly be unfavorable during the winter road construction period by mid-century for Moosonee and Kapuskasing and for Lansdowne House and Red Lake by the end of the century. For Big Trout Lake, on the other hand, climate conditions are expected to remain favorable for the winter road construction through the end of 2100."
16. The implications of the United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change for globally significant biodiversity areas (open access)
"We find that without mitigation, on average 33% of each conservation area can act as climate refugium (or 18% if species are unable to disperse), whereas if warming is constrained to 2 °C, the average area of climate refuges doubles to 67% of each conservation area (or, without dispersal, more than doubles to 56% of each area). If the country pledges are fulfilled, an intermediate estimate of 47–52% (or 31–38%, without dispersal) is obtained."
18. Climate change: potential implications for Ireland’s biodiversity
"The models predicted an average habitat loss of 35% (22%–55%) by 2100, mainly due to an increase in temperature during the reproductive season. An increase in habitat fragmentation was reflected in a 43% decrease in patch size, a 17% increase in the number of habitat patches and a 34% increase in inter-patch distance."
20. Quantifying climate–growth relationships at the stand level in a mature mixed-species conifer forest
22. How Temperature, Pond-Drying, and Nutrients Influence Parasite Infection and Pathology
24. Over-calcified forms of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in high-CO2 waters are not preadapted to ocean acidification (open access)
"More generally, these results suggest that oceanic planktonic microorganisms, despite their rapid turnover and large population sizes, do not necessarily exhibit adaptations to naturally high-CO2 upwellings, and this ubiquitous coccolithophore may be near the limit of its capacity to adapt to ongoing ocean acidification."
25. Impact of dynamic vegetation phenology on the simulated pan-Arctic land surface state
28. Effect of drought on productivity in a Costa Rican tropical dry forest (open access)
Other impacts
Climate change mitigation
34. The Risk of Termination Shock From Solar Geoengineering (open access)
35. Political ecology of Costa Rica’s climate policy: contextualizing climate governance
37. The effect of symbolic racism on environmental concern and environmental action
38. City-networks, global climate governance, and the road to 1.5 °C
39. Silent transformation to 1.5°C — with China's encumbered leading
- • Historical Western thought is not good at thinking about movement and change.
- • China is culturally gifted to think about transformation and transition.
- • Silent transformations involve both modification and continuation at the same time.
- • Ordinary people are able to lead ordinary actions and get extraordinary results.
- • China must be understood and recognized as a strategic partner in the 1.5°C goal."
40. Environmental justice and the expanding geography of wind power conflicts
41. Investing for rapid decarbonization in cities (open access)
42. Carbon Tax, Emission Standards, and Carbon Leak Under Price Competition
43. A sunny future: expert elicitation of China's solar photovoltaic technologies (open access)
44. Improvement of economic traits and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in sheep and goats in Central Asia
45. Marginal cost to increase soil organic carbon using no-till on U.S. cropland
46. Co-controlling CO2 and NOx emission in China's cement industry: An optimal development pathway study (open access)
47. Oil palm land conversion in Pará, Brazil, from 2006–2014: evaluating the 2010 Brazilian Sustainable Palm Oil Production Program (open access)
Climate change
48. On climate prediction: how much can we expect from climate memory?
Temperature, precipitation, and wind
49. Time scales and sources of European temperature variability
"We find that eastern Europe is dominated by sub‐decadal SAT variability associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation, whereas interdecadal and multi‐decadal SAT variability over northern and southern Europe are thermodynamically driven by ocean temperature anomalies. Our results provide evidence that temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic Ocean are advected over land by the mean westerly winds, and, hence, provide a mechanism through which ocean temperature controls the variability and provides predictability of European SAT."
51. Observed and modelled temperature and precipitation extremes over Southeast Asia from 1972 to 2010
52. The sea surface temperature configuration of Greenland Sea–subpolar region of North Atlantic and the summer rainfall anomaly in low-latitude highlands of China (open access)
55. Historical simulations and climate change projections over India by NCAR CCSM4: CMIP5 vs. NEX-GDDP
57. Changes in a suite of indicators of extreme temperature and precipitation under 1.5 and 2 degrees warming (open access)
58. Changes in duration of dry and wet spells associated with air temperatures in Russia (open access)
59. Near-surface temperature inversion during summer at Summit, Greenland, and its relation to MODIS-derived surface temperatures (open access)
61. Maps of wind hazard over South Eastern South America considering climate change
Extreme events
62. ENSO and IOD analysis on the occurrence of floods in Pakistan
"During the study period maximum number of floods was observed during summer monsoon season. However, further analysis shows that after 1970, Pakistan observed the highest percentage of floods occurred per year during El Nino, Non-ENSO and positive IOD years."
63. Effects of hurricane Odile on the infrastructure of Baja California Sur, Mexico
66. Spatiotemporal variations of aridity in Iran using high-resolution gridded data
67. Defining single extreme weather events in a climate perspective
68. Quantitative observations on tropical cyclone tracks in the Arabian Sea
69. Defining Flood Zone Transitions in Low-Gradient Coastal Regions
70. Cold-season Tornado Risk Communication: Case Studies from November 2016 –February 2017
71. Distributed probability of slope failure in Thailand under climate change (open access)
72. Concurrent Changes to Hadley Circulation and the Meridional Distribution of Tropical Cyclones
Forcings and feedbacks
73. Carbon dioxide physiological forcing dominates projected Eastern Amazonian drying
"We find that increasing carbon dioxide reduces east Amazonian rainfall, and this is due to the response of plant stomata to carbon dioxide. Plant stomata do not open as wide when carbon dioxide is increased, which is known as the physiological effect. The physiological effect reduces evaporation from plants which means there is less moisture available to fuel rainfall. We construct a simple model to estimate future rainfall changes over the Amazon to help fully understand the importance of physiological effects. The simple model shows that the physiological effect of carbon dioxide is the main driver of future drying over the eastern Amazon. This implies that future changes in rainfall are independent of how much the climate warms."
74. Influence of geomagnetic activity on mesopause temperature over Yakutia (open access)
75. How a European network may help with estimating methane emissions on the French national scale (open access)
76. Antarctic summer sea ice trend in the context of high latitude atmospheric circulation changes
77. Can Barents Sea ice decline in spring enhance summer hot drought events over northeastern China?
78. Episodic Reversal of Autumn Ice Advance Caused by Release of Ocean Heat in the Beaufort Sea
"We observed a four‐day storm event in the western Arctic Ocean in October 2015 with strong winds (up to 20 m/s) and large waves (over four meters). As a result, heat from the upper ocean was mixed to the surface, melting approximately 5‐cm thick ice over a vast area. This event temporarily reversed autumn ice advance and resulted in a thinner winter ice cover."
79. Wave Attenuation and Gas Exchange Velocity in Marginal Sea Ice Zone
80. Impact of rheology on probabilistic forecasts of sea ice trajectories: application for search and rescue operations in the Arctic (open access)
83. Reversal of Increasing Tropical Ocean Hypoxia Trends with Sustained Climate Warming
"In tropical intermediate waters between 200m and 1000m, the model predicts a steady decline of O2 and an expansion of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) during the 21st century. By 2150, however, the trend reverses with oxygen concentration increasing and OMZ volume shrinking through 2300." ... "The tropical O2recovery is caused mainly by reductions in tropical biological export, coupled with a modest increase in ventilation after 2200. The time-evolving oxygen distribution impacts marine nitrogen cycling, with potentially important climate feedbacks."
84. Extreme sea level implications of 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, and 2.5 °C temperature stabilization targets in the 21st and 22nd centuries (open access)
85. Observation-Driven Estimation of the Spatial Variability of 20th Century Sea Level Rise
86. What are the implications of sea-level rise for a 1.5, 2 and 3 °C rise in global mean temperatures in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna and other vulnerable deltas? (open access)
87. Sea-Level Trend Uncertainty With Pacific Climatic Variability and Temporally-Correlated Noise
Carbon cycle
88. The eMLR(C*) method to determine decadal changes in the global ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
89. Minor contribution of small thaw ponds to the pools of carbon and methane in the inland waters of the permafrost-affected part of the Western Siberian Lowland (open access)
90. A spatial assessment of the forest carbon budget for Ukraine (open access)
"The application of both stock-based and flux-based methods shows that Ukrainian forests have served as a net carbon sink, absorbing 11.4 ± 1.7 Tg C year−1 in 2010, which is around 25% less than the official values reported to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change."
Atmospheric and oceanic circulation
91. Influence of Barrier Wind Forcing on Heat Delivery Towards the Greenland Ice Sheet
92. Spectral signatures of moisture-convection feedbacks over the Indian Ocean
93. Ocean-atmosphere feedback during extreme rainfall events in eastern Northeast Brazil
Other papers
Environmental issues
94. Amphibian recovery after a decrease in acidic precipitation
95. Lack of cool, not warm, extremes distinguishes late 20th Century climate in 979-year Tasmanian summer temperature reconstruction (open access)
"The reconstructions highlight the occurrence of numerous individual years, especially in the 15th−17th Centuries, for which temperatures were comparable with those of the late 20th Century. The 1950−1999 period, however, stands out as the warmest 50-year period on average for the past 979 years, with a sustained shift away from relatively low mean temperatures, the length of which is unique in the 979-year record."
98. Large changes in sea ice triggered by small changes in Atlantic water temperature
99. Hydrological and climate changes in southeast Siberia over the last 33 kyr
from Skeptical Science http://ift.tt/2FYEycD
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