Zimbabwe sunset and young moon

November 19, 2017 sunset by Peter Lowenstein in Mutare, Zimbabwe. Photos on this page: Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ60 in sunset and night scenery modes.

Half an hour after sunset on November 19, the very young crescent moon slowly became visible above a veil of thin cloud just to the right of a fan of broad crepuscular rays (see photos below). The moon gradually became brighter as darkness approached, and it descended towards the distant horizon behind Chikanga Township.

Thankfully have the photography and surrounding natural beauty to help keep my mind off the precarious situation here.

Read more: Behind Mugabe’s Rapid Fall: A Firing, a Feud and a First Lady

Crepuscular rays following November 19 sunset, by Peter Lowenstein.

View larger. | Young moon comes into view after sunset. Photo by Peter Lowenstein.

November 19 young moon behind a veil of clouds, by Peter Lowenstein.

November 19 young moon above Chikanga Township, by Peter Lowenstein.

Bottom line: November 19, 2017 sunset and young moon photos from Mutare, Zimbabwe.

from EarthSky http://ift.tt/2mGLpxW

November 19, 2017 sunset by Peter Lowenstein in Mutare, Zimbabwe. Photos on this page: Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ60 in sunset and night scenery modes.

Half an hour after sunset on November 19, the very young crescent moon slowly became visible above a veil of thin cloud just to the right of a fan of broad crepuscular rays (see photos below). The moon gradually became brighter as darkness approached, and it descended towards the distant horizon behind Chikanga Township.

Thankfully have the photography and surrounding natural beauty to help keep my mind off the precarious situation here.

Read more: Behind Mugabe’s Rapid Fall: A Firing, a Feud and a First Lady

Crepuscular rays following November 19 sunset, by Peter Lowenstein.

View larger. | Young moon comes into view after sunset. Photo by Peter Lowenstein.

November 19 young moon behind a veil of clouds, by Peter Lowenstein.

November 19 young moon above Chikanga Township, by Peter Lowenstein.

Bottom line: November 19, 2017 sunset and young moon photos from Mutare, Zimbabwe.

from EarthSky http://ift.tt/2mGLpxW

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