This Week in EPA Science

By Kacey FitzpatrickResearch Recap logo with a holiday wreath in the center

Kick off your holiday weekend with some science! Here’s the latest in EPA research.

New CompTox Approach Targets Thyroid
We are exposed to chemicals everyday— either through chemicals in the environment, in our food or water, or by using consumer products. EPA evaluates these chemicals to help protect our health. Recent EPA research in this area is focused on evaluating chemicals for thyroid disruption. Learn more about this research in the blog New CompTox Approach Targets Thyroid.

Taking Air Sensors to Communities
EPA has a team of people working to make low-cost air monitoring tools more accessible for people and their communities. EPA provides resources to help people find the right tool to use and to make sure they’re using it correctly. Learn more about these resources in the blog Taking Air Sensors to Communities.

A Vision for Citizen Science at EPA
Citizen science broadens environmental protection by enabling people to work together with government and other institutions toward shared goals. EPA’s Acting Deputy Administrator Stan Meiburg recently discussed a report outlining the transformational potential of citizen science in the blog Environmental Protection Belongs to the Public: A Vision for Citizen Science at EPA.

About the Author: Kacey Fitzpatrick is a writer on the science communication team in EPA’s Office of Research and Development.

from The EPA Blog

By Kacey FitzpatrickResearch Recap logo with a holiday wreath in the center

Kick off your holiday weekend with some science! Here’s the latest in EPA research.

New CompTox Approach Targets Thyroid
We are exposed to chemicals everyday— either through chemicals in the environment, in our food or water, or by using consumer products. EPA evaluates these chemicals to help protect our health. Recent EPA research in this area is focused on evaluating chemicals for thyroid disruption. Learn more about this research in the blog New CompTox Approach Targets Thyroid.

Taking Air Sensors to Communities
EPA has a team of people working to make low-cost air monitoring tools more accessible for people and their communities. EPA provides resources to help people find the right tool to use and to make sure they’re using it correctly. Learn more about these resources in the blog Taking Air Sensors to Communities.

A Vision for Citizen Science at EPA
Citizen science broadens environmental protection by enabling people to work together with government and other institutions toward shared goals. EPA’s Acting Deputy Administrator Stan Meiburg recently discussed a report outlining the transformational potential of citizen science in the blog Environmental Protection Belongs to the Public: A Vision for Citizen Science at EPA.

About the Author: Kacey Fitzpatrick is a writer on the science communication team in EPA’s Office of Research and Development.

from The EPA Blog

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