Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy New Year [Respectful Insolence]

To all those who come here regularly for a dose of Insolence, Respectful or otherwise, skepticism and science, best holiday wishes for whatever end-of-year holidays you might celebrate. I’ll probably be on a less intensive schedule until after the New Year, depending on things go, but I’ll definitely be back after Boxing Day.

In the meantime…one of my all time favorite Christmas performances, and, yes, heathen that I’ve become, I still enjoy it immensely every year. This year, it’s particularly poignant, given that we lost David Bowie, who was one of my very favorite artists and had been since I was in high school.

from ScienceBlogs

To all those who come here regularly for a dose of Insolence, Respectful or otherwise, skepticism and science, best holiday wishes for whatever end-of-year holidays you might celebrate. I’ll probably be on a less intensive schedule until after the New Year, depending on things go, but I’ll definitely be back after Boxing Day.

In the meantime…one of my all time favorite Christmas performances, and, yes, heathen that I’ve become, I still enjoy it immensely every year. This year, it’s particularly poignant, given that we lost David Bowie, who was one of my very favorite artists and had been since I was in high school.

from ScienceBlogs

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