Arc and 2 sundogs over Illinois

Photo by Russ Adams.

Russ Adams in Pike County, Illinois caught this beautiful scene on December 22, 2016. The upside-down rainbow-like arc above is called a circumzenithal arc. The circle around the setting sun is called a 22-degree halo, and this halo has two sun dogs, or bright spots, visible on it.

Amazing and beautiful catch, Russ! Thank you.

Click here to learn the names of the parts of ice halos.

from EarthSky

Photo by Russ Adams.

Russ Adams in Pike County, Illinois caught this beautiful scene on December 22, 2016. The upside-down rainbow-like arc above is called a circumzenithal arc. The circle around the setting sun is called a 22-degree halo, and this halo has two sun dogs, or bright spots, visible on it.

Amazing and beautiful catch, Russ! Thank you.

Click here to learn the names of the parts of ice halos.

from EarthSky

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