This Week in EPA Science

By Kacey Fitzpatrickresearch_recap_250

Do your Halloween weekend plans involve zombies, aliens, monsters, or other forms of science fiction? Mix it up with some real science! Here’s the latest in EPA research.

Science and Environmental Justice
This week EPA released the EJ 2020 Action Agenda, outlining our strategic plan to advance environmental justice for the next five years and set a course for greatly reducing environmental health disparities for generations to come. Learn how EPA researchers are supporting the agenda in the blog EPA Science: Providing the Foundation for Environmental Justice.

DIY Air Monitoring
EPA’s online Air Sensor Toolbox puts air measurement capabilities into the hands of citizen scientists. We recently updated the Toolbox with additional information and a new look for even easier navigation. Learn more about the update in the blog DIY Air Monitoring: Check out the Online Air Sensor Toolbox First.

Pathways to Urban Sustainability
A new National Academy of Sciences Report, sponsored in part by EPA, offers a road map and recommendations to help U.S. cities work toward a more sustainable future. Learn about some of these recommendations in the blog Key Recommendations of National Academy of Sciences Report: Pathways to Urban Sustainability.

Bringing Insights from Social Science to Environmental Science and Policy
Robert B. Richardson and Courtney Flint, members of EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors, recently held a workshop on the integration of behavioral and social sciences into environmental policy and management at EPA. Learn more about the workshop in the blog Bringing Insights from Social Science to Environmental Science and Policy.

Filling the Gaps in Environmental Science with Big Data
At EPA we have a large computational science effort that focuses on predicting exposure and toxicity for the thousands of chemicals present in the environment. EPA has joined the National Consortium for Data Science. The consortium is a collaboration of leaders in various fields that work together to encourage data science research and identify data science challenges. Learn more about this new partnership in the blog Filling the Gaps in Environmental Science with Big Data.

EPA Researchers at Work
Do you ever wonder who’s behind all the amazing science at EPA? Meet some of our researchers! This week we’re highlighting Naomi Detenbeck. Naomi is a problem solver—and that comes across in the work she does. She works on decision-support tools, like the Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool, to find solutions to water management issues. Meet EPA Scientist Naomi Detenbeck!

Need more science? Check out some of these upcoming events at EPA.

About the Author: Kacey Fitzpatrick is a writer on the science communication team in EPA’s Office of Research and Development.

from The EPA Blog

By Kacey Fitzpatrickresearch_recap_250

Do your Halloween weekend plans involve zombies, aliens, monsters, or other forms of science fiction? Mix it up with some real science! Here’s the latest in EPA research.

Science and Environmental Justice
This week EPA released the EJ 2020 Action Agenda, outlining our strategic plan to advance environmental justice for the next five years and set a course for greatly reducing environmental health disparities for generations to come. Learn how EPA researchers are supporting the agenda in the blog EPA Science: Providing the Foundation for Environmental Justice.

DIY Air Monitoring
EPA’s online Air Sensor Toolbox puts air measurement capabilities into the hands of citizen scientists. We recently updated the Toolbox with additional information and a new look for even easier navigation. Learn more about the update in the blog DIY Air Monitoring: Check out the Online Air Sensor Toolbox First.

Pathways to Urban Sustainability
A new National Academy of Sciences Report, sponsored in part by EPA, offers a road map and recommendations to help U.S. cities work toward a more sustainable future. Learn about some of these recommendations in the blog Key Recommendations of National Academy of Sciences Report: Pathways to Urban Sustainability.

Bringing Insights from Social Science to Environmental Science and Policy
Robert B. Richardson and Courtney Flint, members of EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors, recently held a workshop on the integration of behavioral and social sciences into environmental policy and management at EPA. Learn more about the workshop in the blog Bringing Insights from Social Science to Environmental Science and Policy.

Filling the Gaps in Environmental Science with Big Data
At EPA we have a large computational science effort that focuses on predicting exposure and toxicity for the thousands of chemicals present in the environment. EPA has joined the National Consortium for Data Science. The consortium is a collaboration of leaders in various fields that work together to encourage data science research and identify data science challenges. Learn more about this new partnership in the blog Filling the Gaps in Environmental Science with Big Data.

EPA Researchers at Work
Do you ever wonder who’s behind all the amazing science at EPA? Meet some of our researchers! This week we’re highlighting Naomi Detenbeck. Naomi is a problem solver—and that comes across in the work she does. She works on decision-support tools, like the Watershed Management Optimization Support Tool, to find solutions to water management issues. Meet EPA Scientist Naomi Detenbeck!

Need more science? Check out some of these upcoming events at EPA.

About the Author: Kacey Fitzpatrick is a writer on the science communication team in EPA’s Office of Research and Development.

from The EPA Blog

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