The Pre-School Social Event of the Season [Uncertain Principles]

The Pip’s birthday was yesterday, but we’re having his birthday party today, because that’s when the indoor playground was available. He had two requests for his birthday: that we have a party at Tumbling Tykes, and that one friend in particular be invited. So, well, we’re having his party at Tumbling Tykes, and his buddy D. will be there. along with 9-10 other friends from day care.

This post is mostly an excuse to post this graphic of the invitation, because I’m proud of my rudimentary design skillz:

The Pip's having a birthday party.

The Pip’s having a birthday party.

And also to say that this is about all you’re getting out of me today, because little-kid party. On the heels of a rotten cold earlier this week, and with SteelyKid possibly coming down with the same bug…

Morituri te salutamus, and all that.

from ScienceBlogs

The Pip’s birthday was yesterday, but we’re having his birthday party today, because that’s when the indoor playground was available. He had two requests for his birthday: that we have a party at Tumbling Tykes, and that one friend in particular be invited. So, well, we’re having his party at Tumbling Tykes, and his buddy D. will be there. along with 9-10 other friends from day care.

This post is mostly an excuse to post this graphic of the invitation, because I’m proud of my rudimentary design skillz:

The Pip's having a birthday party.

The Pip’s having a birthday party.

And also to say that this is about all you’re getting out of me today, because little-kid party. On the heels of a rotten cold earlier this week, and with SteelyKid possibly coming down with the same bug…

Morituri te salutamus, and all that.

from ScienceBlogs

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