Yet more misc [Stoat]

Fun in comet land. The great silences of space give one pause for thought in the face of the chatter and noise of Earth. Speaking of which:

Paul Mason (who he?) says:

By neoliberalism I mean the global capitalist system shaped around a core of neoliberal practices and institutions, themselves guided by a widespread and spontaneously reproduced ideology, and ruled by an elite which acts in a neoliberal way, whatever conflciting and moderating ideas it holds in its head.

Which is woolly thinking. Or, from any true definitional viewpoint, utter drivel. But typical of the Left talking about Neoliberalism; its like the denialists talking about CAGW. Timmy, of course shreds it.

2-year At some point in the recent Greek crisis I realised that money talks, and instead of looking at fluff from commentators and the like, I should just look at bond yields as a proxy for what the market thought was going on. Not that the market knows everything, of course, but people with billions at stake have enough to pay smart people to spend lots of time thinking about what is likely to happen. Inlined is the 2 year bond, annotated using Wiki’s helpful timeline to supplement my fallible memory. The pic is nicked from, who I’m sure won’t mind if I credit them. Anyway, yields go up when people are worried (about things like the govt defaulting), and down when people are happier. They’re now lower than they’ve been all year: a sign of confidence (despite Timmy). And that pic is a day or so old; we’re now down to 13% as confidence increases further, despite Timmy’s naysaying. He’s missing the point, somewhat unusually for a normally perceptive person. Perhaps blinded by his politics.

Yet another way of knowing that GW isn’t from the sun. This one features Leif Svalgaard, who I don’t know much, but when I used to comment at WUWT he was often in the comments, pointing out that the solarists were wrong, because what they thought about the solar series was wrong; and they didn’t like it up them.

A submerged monolith in the Sicilian Channel (central Mediterranean Sea): Evidence for Mesolithic human activity is almost like the start of some sci-fi story. But alas it is just a mesolithic monolith.

VV has a nice article on the history of Temperature scales and the dry virtues of metrology.

Wiki has been debating denialism: There is dispute over the significance of WUWT being described as a climate change denialist blog, particularly in the lede. The RFC has now been closed by a neutral admin. Option 1 (Omit all mention of the fact that this is described as a climate denialist blog) is rejected; but there’s no clear consensus between 2 (Use the self-identification, climate skeptic, but note the accusations of denialism, with attribution) and 3 (Go with denialist).

Has there been a hiatus? asks Kevin E. Trenberth. He doesn’t give a clear answer. The perception of whether or not there was a hiatus depends on how the temperature record is partitioned suggests he thinks there is no objective answer. But The increasing gap between model expectations and observed temperatures provides further grounds for concluding that there has been a hiatus comes out rather more strongly towards “yes there was”. Or then again The combination of decadal variability and a trend from increasing greenhouse gases makes the GMST record more like a rising staircase than a monotonic rise. Meh. I don’t think its terribly important any more. I’m in the no-real-hiatus camp, FWIW.

from ScienceBlogs

Fun in comet land. The great silences of space give one pause for thought in the face of the chatter and noise of Earth. Speaking of which:

Paul Mason (who he?) says:

By neoliberalism I mean the global capitalist system shaped around a core of neoliberal practices and institutions, themselves guided by a widespread and spontaneously reproduced ideology, and ruled by an elite which acts in a neoliberal way, whatever conflciting and moderating ideas it holds in its head.

Which is woolly thinking. Or, from any true definitional viewpoint, utter drivel. But typical of the Left talking about Neoliberalism; its like the denialists talking about CAGW. Timmy, of course shreds it.

2-year At some point in the recent Greek crisis I realised that money talks, and instead of looking at fluff from commentators and the like, I should just look at bond yields as a proxy for what the market thought was going on. Not that the market knows everything, of course, but people with billions at stake have enough to pay smart people to spend lots of time thinking about what is likely to happen. Inlined is the 2 year bond, annotated using Wiki’s helpful timeline to supplement my fallible memory. The pic is nicked from, who I’m sure won’t mind if I credit them. Anyway, yields go up when people are worried (about things like the govt defaulting), and down when people are happier. They’re now lower than they’ve been all year: a sign of confidence (despite Timmy). And that pic is a day or so old; we’re now down to 13% as confidence increases further, despite Timmy’s naysaying. He’s missing the point, somewhat unusually for a normally perceptive person. Perhaps blinded by his politics.

Yet another way of knowing that GW isn’t from the sun. This one features Leif Svalgaard, who I don’t know much, but when I used to comment at WUWT he was often in the comments, pointing out that the solarists were wrong, because what they thought about the solar series was wrong; and they didn’t like it up them.

A submerged monolith in the Sicilian Channel (central Mediterranean Sea): Evidence for Mesolithic human activity is almost like the start of some sci-fi story. But alas it is just a mesolithic monolith.

VV has a nice article on the history of Temperature scales and the dry virtues of metrology.

Wiki has been debating denialism: There is dispute over the significance of WUWT being described as a climate change denialist blog, particularly in the lede. The RFC has now been closed by a neutral admin. Option 1 (Omit all mention of the fact that this is described as a climate denialist blog) is rejected; but there’s no clear consensus between 2 (Use the self-identification, climate skeptic, but note the accusations of denialism, with attribution) and 3 (Go with denialist).

Has there been a hiatus? asks Kevin E. Trenberth. He doesn’t give a clear answer. The perception of whether or not there was a hiatus depends on how the temperature record is partitioned suggests he thinks there is no objective answer. But The increasing gap between model expectations and observed temperatures provides further grounds for concluding that there has been a hiatus comes out rather more strongly towards “yes there was”. Or then again The combination of decadal variability and a trend from increasing greenhouse gases makes the GMST record more like a rising staircase than a monotonic rise. Meh. I don’t think its terribly important any more. I’m in the no-real-hiatus camp, FWIW.

from ScienceBlogs

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