Study: Seattle becomes like San Jose, Portland like Sacramento under climate change

If humans continue pumping carbon into the atmosphere at the rate we are, Seattleites in 80 years will be turning on their heaters less and air conditioners more … though not a lot more. In fact, they’ll be living a lot like present day San Jose-ites.

… at least as far as dealing with average outdoor temperatures, reports a recent study published in Scientific Reports.

We'll be using these more than our heaters by 2099.

We’ll be using these more than our heaters by 2099.

Basically, the researchers looked at how climate change under the go-as-we-are scenario will change how often we need to crank on the heat or the air conditioner to keep our homes at 65 degrees. Then they compared the number of days in the past one would have put on heat or air with the number of days of such activity by the end of this century and found, essentially, that higher temperatures move north.

So, Seattle (152 sunny days) puts on the heat less and the air a bit more to become like present-day San Jose (257 sunny days); Portland, Ore., (144 sunny days) becomes more like Sacramento (269 sunny days); San Francisco like L.A.; New York like Oklahoma City; Denver like Raleigh, NC. And so on.

That sounds great for Seattle … until you consider … *drums beating slowly and ominously in the background*:

Well, be that as it may. It’s still nice to consider more sunny days. Unless, of course, you think about all those people in San Diego who are cranking on the air conditioner a lot more moving north … and L.A. moving north and San Fran moving north and so on.

Our results could be potentially useful for assisting residents with the selection of housing locations in the present and future, taking into consideration potential effects of global warming on residential building heating and cooling demand and associated outdoor thermal comfort.

— Write the researchers.

The study was conducted by climate scientist Ken Caldeira of Stanford University’s Carnegie Institute of Science and a high school student interning in his lab, Yana Petri.

Jake Ellison can be reached at 206-448-8334 or Follow Jake on Twitter at Also, swing by and *LIKE* his page on Facebook.
If Google Plus is your thing, check out our science coverage here.

from The Big Science Blog

If humans continue pumping carbon into the atmosphere at the rate we are, Seattleites in 80 years will be turning on their heaters less and air conditioners more … though not a lot more. In fact, they’ll be living a lot like present day San Jose-ites.

… at least as far as dealing with average outdoor temperatures, reports a recent study published in Scientific Reports.

We'll be using these more than our heaters by 2099.

We’ll be using these more than our heaters by 2099.

Basically, the researchers looked at how climate change under the go-as-we-are scenario will change how often we need to crank on the heat or the air conditioner to keep our homes at 65 degrees. Then they compared the number of days in the past one would have put on heat or air with the number of days of such activity by the end of this century and found, essentially, that higher temperatures move north.

So, Seattle (152 sunny days) puts on the heat less and the air a bit more to become like present-day San Jose (257 sunny days); Portland, Ore., (144 sunny days) becomes more like Sacramento (269 sunny days); San Francisco like L.A.; New York like Oklahoma City; Denver like Raleigh, NC. And so on.

That sounds great for Seattle … until you consider … *drums beating slowly and ominously in the background*:

Well, be that as it may. It’s still nice to consider more sunny days. Unless, of course, you think about all those people in San Diego who are cranking on the air conditioner a lot more moving north … and L.A. moving north and San Fran moving north and so on.

Our results could be potentially useful for assisting residents with the selection of housing locations in the present and future, taking into consideration potential effects of global warming on residential building heating and cooling demand and associated outdoor thermal comfort.

— Write the researchers.

The study was conducted by climate scientist Ken Caldeira of Stanford University’s Carnegie Institute of Science and a high school student interning in his lab, Yana Petri.

Jake Ellison can be reached at 206-448-8334 or Follow Jake on Twitter at Also, swing by and *LIKE* his page on Facebook.
If Google Plus is your thing, check out our science coverage here.

from The Big Science Blog

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