Ask Ethan #103: Have We Solved The Black Hole Information Paradox? (Synopsis) [Starts With A Bang]

“Thus it seems Einstein was doubly wrong when he said, God does not play dice. Not only does God definitely play dice, but He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can’t be seen.” –Stephen Hawking

You’ve no doubt heard that Stephen Hawking is claiming that the black hole information paradox has now been resolved, with the information encoded on the event horizon and then onto the outgoing radiation via a new mechanism that he’ll detail in a paper due out next month, along with collaborators Malcom Perry and Andrew Strominger.

Image credit: TU Wien.

Image credit: TU Wien.

Only, that’s not really what’s happening here. While he does have a new idea and there is a paper coming out, its contents do not solve the information paradox, but merely provide a hypothesis as to how it may be solved in the future.

Image credit:  Dr. Rubens C. Reis, via

Image credit: 
Dr. Rubens C. Reis, via

Come get all the available details here on this edition of Ask Ethan.

from ScienceBlogs

“Thus it seems Einstein was doubly wrong when he said, God does not play dice. Not only does God definitely play dice, but He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can’t be seen.” –Stephen Hawking

You’ve no doubt heard that Stephen Hawking is claiming that the black hole information paradox has now been resolved, with the information encoded on the event horizon and then onto the outgoing radiation via a new mechanism that he’ll detail in a paper due out next month, along with collaborators Malcom Perry and Andrew Strominger.

Image credit: TU Wien.

Image credit: TU Wien.

Only, that’s not really what’s happening here. While he does have a new idea and there is a paper coming out, its contents do not solve the information paradox, but merely provide a hypothesis as to how it may be solved in the future.

Image credit:  Dr. Rubens C. Reis, via

Image credit: 
Dr. Rubens C. Reis, via

Come get all the available details here on this edition of Ask Ethan.

from ScienceBlogs

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