STEM Is Not an Alien Menace [Uncertain Principles]

Everybody and their extended families has been sharing around the Fareed Zakaria piece on liberal education. This, as you might imagine, is relevant to my interests. So I wrote up a response over at Forbes.

The basic argument of the response is the same thing I’ve been relentlessly flogging around here for a few years: that while I’m all for a broad education, the notion that studying a STEM subject and studying “the human condition” are in opposition or even cleanly separable is just foolish. But it’s a great excuse to start that argument at Forbes, so…

from ScienceBlogs

Everybody and their extended families has been sharing around the Fareed Zakaria piece on liberal education. This, as you might imagine, is relevant to my interests. So I wrote up a response over at Forbes.

The basic argument of the response is the same thing I’ve been relentlessly flogging around here for a few years: that while I’m all for a broad education, the notion that studying a STEM subject and studying “the human condition” are in opposition or even cleanly separable is just foolish. But it’s a great excuse to start that argument at Forbes, so…

from ScienceBlogs

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