Like coastlines? You’ll like this video

If you like science, and you like spending a day along a coastline – and if you live in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska – this citizen science project might be for you. It’s called COASST, and it’s a group of scientists and volunteers who monitor beach-cast seabird carcasses to learn more about bird populations in their local ecosystems.

Julia K. Parrish, the Executive Director of COASST, explains it all in this video.

It looks really worthwhile, plus like a lot of fun!

Visit COASST’s website.

from EarthSky

If you like science, and you like spending a day along a coastline – and if you live in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska – this citizen science project might be for you. It’s called COASST, and it’s a group of scientists and volunteers who monitor beach-cast seabird carcasses to learn more about bird populations in their local ecosystems.

Julia K. Parrish, the Executive Director of COASST, explains it all in this video.

It looks really worthwhile, plus like a lot of fun!

Visit COASST’s website.

from EarthSky

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