November guide to the bright planets

At nightfall, from northerly latitudes, Mars is easy to catch in the southern sky (outside the sky chart), while fainter Saturn is moderately easy to spot in the southeast sky. From northerly latitudes, like those in the U.S. and Europe, it’ll be difficult to glimpse the planets Mercury and Jupiter (plus the star Antares) in the glow of evening dusk.

Mars is by far the easiest planet to catch in the evening sky in November, 2018. Saturn, though not as bright as Mars, is also a fine evening object, shining as brilliantly as as 1st-magnitude star. Nominally, Mercury and Jupiter are evening planets for most of the month, until their departure from the evening sky in late November. From northerly latitudes, however, these two worlds follow the sun beneath the horizon shortly after sundown, making Mercury and Jupiter hard to view in the glare of evening dusk. Venus, the brightest planet, puts on a good show in the November morning sky, shining at its brilliant best as the morning “star” as the month draws to a close. Click the name of a planet to learn more about its visibility in November 2018: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Mercury

After a night of watching Taurid meteors, you just might be able to catch the moon and Venus before daybreak on November 4, 5 and 6. Read more.

Venus is the brightest planet, beaming mightily in the east before sunrise. Each day throughout November 2018, this blazing beauty of a planet will rise sooner before sunrise and will brighten all the while. Although Venus will be a fixture of the morning sky until mid-August 2019, it’ll shine at its brightest best as the morning “star” in late November and early December 2018.

Look for the waning crescent moon in the vicinity of Venus before sunrise November 4, 5 and 6, as depicted on the above chart. Venus recently entered the morning sky on October 26, 2018, so in early November, Venus will still be rather low in the eastern sky just before sunrise. Find an unobstructed eastern horizon, and, if you have binoculars, bring them along. Venus will be higher up and easier to view in the morning sky as the month progresses.

At mid-northern latitudes, Venus rises roughly one hour before sunrise by around November 4. By the month’s end, Venus will rise some 3 hours before the sun.

At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Venus rises about one hour before the sunup on or near November 6. By late November, Venus will rise two hours before the sun.

View larger. | No, it’s not the moon. It’s Venus – September 30, 2018 – visible through a small telescope in a crescent phase. Venus is up only shortly after sunset now. It’ll pass between us and the sun on October 26. Photo by Radu Anghel in Bacau, Romania. Thank you, Radu!

Live in the Southern Hemisphere? Given an unobstructed horizon in the direction of sunset, you have a good chance of catching the young waxing crescent moon near the planets Mercury and Jupiter on or near November 9, 2018. Read more.

Jupiter will disappear from the evening sky sometime this month. Day by day, Jupiter falls closer to the setting sun, and sets sooner after sundown. By late November 2018, Jupiter will have passed over into the morning sky.

Jupiter stays out longer after sunset in the Southern Hemisphere. That’s because the ecliptic (pathway of the sun, moon and planets) hits the evening horizon at a steeper angle than at comparable latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere.

For instance, at mid-northern latitudes (United States, mainland Europe, Japan), Jupiter sets about one hour after the sun in early November and then sets with the sun near the month’s end.

In contrast, at temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere (Cape Town, South Africa, and southern Australia), Jupiter sets about 1 1/2 hours after the sun in early November and with the sun near the month’s end.

If you live in the Southern Hemisphere or northern tropics, let the slender waxing crescent moon guide your eye to Jupiter (and Mercury) for several evenings, centered on or around November 9 (see the sky chart above).

The moon will set at early evening, providing dark skies for the North Taurid meteor shower. Read more.

Use Mars to find Saturn in November 2018. Although Mars fades somewhat this month, the red planet remains bright and beautiful, shining more brilliantly than a 1st-magnitude star throughout November 2018. In November, Mars transits – reaches its highest point in the sky – around dusk/nightfall in the Northern Hemisphere, and around sunset in the Southern Hemisphere. Once you see Mars, look for Saturn way below Mars and quite low in the southwest sky.

Click here for a recommended sky almanac providing you with the transit times for Mars.

From mid-northern latitudes, Saturn stays out until around 8 p.m. (9 p.m. daylight saving time) in early November. By the month’s end, Saturn will set around 6 p.m. Mars pretty much sets around midnight all month long.

From temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Saturn sets around 10 to 11 p.m. in early November and around 9 p.m. in late November. Mars stays out until after midnight throughout the month.

You can tell Mars from Saturn because Mars has a reddish color and Saturn looks golden. Binoculars show their colors better than the eye alone.

Watch for the moon to pair up with Saturn on or near November 11 (see sky chart above) and with Mars on or near November 15 (see sky chart below).

Look for the moon in the vicinity of Mars on November 14, 15 and 16. Read more.

Both Mars and Saturn are slowly dimming throughout the month. Because Mars is dimming at a faster rate than Saturn is, Mars appears nearly 3 times brighter than Saturn at the beginning of the month, yet only somewhat more than 1 1/2 times brighter by the month’s end.

Remember Mars’ historically close opposition of August 28, 2003? That year, it was closer and brighter than it had been in some 60,000 years. The July 2018 opposition was the best since 2003.

Click here for more about close and far Mars oppositions

Diagram by Roy L. Bishop. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Used with permission. Visit the RASC estore to purchase the Observer's Handbook, a necessary tool for all skywatchers.

Diagram by Roy L. Bishop. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Used with permission. Visit the RASC estore to purchase the Observer’s Handbook, a necessary tool for all skywatchers. Read more about this image.

Mercury, the innermost planet of the solar system, is an evening planet (at least nominally) for most of the month in November 2018. Mercury’s greatest elongation falls on November 6, 2018, but the Southern Hemisphere has the big advantage over the Northern Hemisphere for spotting Mercury. Even so, try your luck at catching the young moon with Mercury after sunset around November 8, 9 and 10, as shown on the sky chart below.

At northerly latitudes, like those in the US and Europe, it’ll be quite the challenge to spot the young moon, plus the planet Mercury in the glow of evening dusk. Read more.

What do we mean by bright planet? By bright planet, we mean any solar system planet that is easily visible without an optical aid and that has been watched by our ancestors since time immemorial. In their outward order from the sun, the five bright planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These planets actually do appear bright in our sky. They are typically as bright as – or brighter than – the brightest stars. Plus, these relatively nearby worlds tend to shine with a steadier light than the distant, twinkling stars. You can spot them, and come to know them as faithful friends, if you try.

Bottom line: In November 2018, two planets shine in the evening sky all month long: Mars and Saturn. Venus lights up eastern sky before sunrise. Mercury and Jupiter for the most part are lost in the glare of evening dusk, but might be possible to see early in the month, low in evening twilight. Click here for recommended almanacs; they can help you know when the planets rise, transit and set in your sky.

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At nightfall, from northerly latitudes, Mars is easy to catch in the southern sky (outside the sky chart), while fainter Saturn is moderately easy to spot in the southeast sky. From northerly latitudes, like those in the U.S. and Europe, it’ll be difficult to glimpse the planets Mercury and Jupiter (plus the star Antares) in the glow of evening dusk.

Mars is by far the easiest planet to catch in the evening sky in November, 2018. Saturn, though not as bright as Mars, is also a fine evening object, shining as brilliantly as as 1st-magnitude star. Nominally, Mercury and Jupiter are evening planets for most of the month, until their departure from the evening sky in late November. From northerly latitudes, however, these two worlds follow the sun beneath the horizon shortly after sundown, making Mercury and Jupiter hard to view in the glare of evening dusk. Venus, the brightest planet, puts on a good show in the November morning sky, shining at its brilliant best as the morning “star” as the month draws to a close. Click the name of a planet to learn more about its visibility in November 2018: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Mercury

After a night of watching Taurid meteors, you just might be able to catch the moon and Venus before daybreak on November 4, 5 and 6. Read more.

Venus is the brightest planet, beaming mightily in the east before sunrise. Each day throughout November 2018, this blazing beauty of a planet will rise sooner before sunrise and will brighten all the while. Although Venus will be a fixture of the morning sky until mid-August 2019, it’ll shine at its brightest best as the morning “star” in late November and early December 2018.

Look for the waning crescent moon in the vicinity of Venus before sunrise November 4, 5 and 6, as depicted on the above chart. Venus recently entered the morning sky on October 26, 2018, so in early November, Venus will still be rather low in the eastern sky just before sunrise. Find an unobstructed eastern horizon, and, if you have binoculars, bring them along. Venus will be higher up and easier to view in the morning sky as the month progresses.

At mid-northern latitudes, Venus rises roughly one hour before sunrise by around November 4. By the month’s end, Venus will rise some 3 hours before the sun.

At temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Venus rises about one hour before the sunup on or near November 6. By late November, Venus will rise two hours before the sun.

View larger. | No, it’s not the moon. It’s Venus – September 30, 2018 – visible through a small telescope in a crescent phase. Venus is up only shortly after sunset now. It’ll pass between us and the sun on October 26. Photo by Radu Anghel in Bacau, Romania. Thank you, Radu!

Live in the Southern Hemisphere? Given an unobstructed horizon in the direction of sunset, you have a good chance of catching the young waxing crescent moon near the planets Mercury and Jupiter on or near November 9, 2018. Read more.

Jupiter will disappear from the evening sky sometime this month. Day by day, Jupiter falls closer to the setting sun, and sets sooner after sundown. By late November 2018, Jupiter will have passed over into the morning sky.

Jupiter stays out longer after sunset in the Southern Hemisphere. That’s because the ecliptic (pathway of the sun, moon and planets) hits the evening horizon at a steeper angle than at comparable latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere.

For instance, at mid-northern latitudes (United States, mainland Europe, Japan), Jupiter sets about one hour after the sun in early November and then sets with the sun near the month’s end.

In contrast, at temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere (Cape Town, South Africa, and southern Australia), Jupiter sets about 1 1/2 hours after the sun in early November and with the sun near the month’s end.

If you live in the Southern Hemisphere or northern tropics, let the slender waxing crescent moon guide your eye to Jupiter (and Mercury) for several evenings, centered on or around November 9 (see the sky chart above).

The moon will set at early evening, providing dark skies for the North Taurid meteor shower. Read more.

Use Mars to find Saturn in November 2018. Although Mars fades somewhat this month, the red planet remains bright and beautiful, shining more brilliantly than a 1st-magnitude star throughout November 2018. In November, Mars transits – reaches its highest point in the sky – around dusk/nightfall in the Northern Hemisphere, and around sunset in the Southern Hemisphere. Once you see Mars, look for Saturn way below Mars and quite low in the southwest sky.

Click here for a recommended sky almanac providing you with the transit times for Mars.

From mid-northern latitudes, Saturn stays out until around 8 p.m. (9 p.m. daylight saving time) in early November. By the month’s end, Saturn will set around 6 p.m. Mars pretty much sets around midnight all month long.

From temperate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, Saturn sets around 10 to 11 p.m. in early November and around 9 p.m. in late November. Mars stays out until after midnight throughout the month.

You can tell Mars from Saturn because Mars has a reddish color and Saturn looks golden. Binoculars show their colors better than the eye alone.

Watch for the moon to pair up with Saturn on or near November 11 (see sky chart above) and with Mars on or near November 15 (see sky chart below).

Look for the moon in the vicinity of Mars on November 14, 15 and 16. Read more.

Both Mars and Saturn are slowly dimming throughout the month. Because Mars is dimming at a faster rate than Saturn is, Mars appears nearly 3 times brighter than Saturn at the beginning of the month, yet only somewhat more than 1 1/2 times brighter by the month’s end.

Remember Mars’ historically close opposition of August 28, 2003? That year, it was closer and brighter than it had been in some 60,000 years. The July 2018 opposition was the best since 2003.

Click here for more about close and far Mars oppositions

Diagram by Roy L. Bishop. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Used with permission. Visit the RASC estore to purchase the Observer's Handbook, a necessary tool for all skywatchers.

Diagram by Roy L. Bishop. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Used with permission. Visit the RASC estore to purchase the Observer’s Handbook, a necessary tool for all skywatchers. Read more about this image.

Mercury, the innermost planet of the solar system, is an evening planet (at least nominally) for most of the month in November 2018. Mercury’s greatest elongation falls on November 6, 2018, but the Southern Hemisphere has the big advantage over the Northern Hemisphere for spotting Mercury. Even so, try your luck at catching the young moon with Mercury after sunset around November 8, 9 and 10, as shown on the sky chart below.

At northerly latitudes, like those in the US and Europe, it’ll be quite the challenge to spot the young moon, plus the planet Mercury in the glow of evening dusk. Read more.

What do we mean by bright planet? By bright planet, we mean any solar system planet that is easily visible without an optical aid and that has been watched by our ancestors since time immemorial. In their outward order from the sun, the five bright planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These planets actually do appear bright in our sky. They are typically as bright as – or brighter than – the brightest stars. Plus, these relatively nearby worlds tend to shine with a steadier light than the distant, twinkling stars. You can spot them, and come to know them as faithful friends, if you try.

Bottom line: In November 2018, two planets shine in the evening sky all month long: Mars and Saturn. Venus lights up eastern sky before sunrise. Mercury and Jupiter for the most part are lost in the glare of evening dusk, but might be possible to see early in the month, low in evening twilight. Click here for recommended almanacs; they can help you know when the planets rise, transit and set in your sky.

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A eulogy to Guardian's Climate Consensus - the 97%

The Guardian editors recently decided to discontinue their Science and Environment blog networks.  This is the story of Climate Consensus - the 97%.

Way back in 2012, newspapers were struggling to hang on to readers. Blogs were all the rage, and with the stability of the Obama administration, a steadily improving economy, the UK still in the EU (how I long for those good old days), there wasn't today's demand for daily newspapers. Papers were trying to come up with new ideas, and the Guardian editors decided to experiment with international blog networks.

It was a very clever idea. There were lots of smart science and environment bloggers out there, writing on their own blogs for free. By folding them into The Guardian, the paper was able to add their expert analysis. By splitting the ad revenue, they guaranteed some profit for the paper while bringing in new readers for the expert analysis, and the bloggers who previously wrote for free got a bit of pay for their work, plus the prestige of affiliation with The Guardian. It was a win-win.

The experiment worked with the Science blog network, so in late 2012 they decided to expand with an Environment blog network. Over 800 bloggers applied. I had a bit of a foot in the door, because I'd been writing for Skeptical Science for about 2 years. Whenever some prominent climate denier regurgitated a myth that was picked up in the media, I would quickly debunk it at Skeptical Science, and a few times The Guardian picked up and re-published my pieces. So I was a known quantity, and they hired me on along with about 10 other Environment bloggers. Some didn't pan out and dropped off, but several like Graham Readfearn and Martin Lukacs (and of course me and John Abraham) lasted for the long haul. They 'handed us the keys' to our blogs, and off we went.

And it worked great. For over 5 years we provided expert analysis, brought in readers and a bit of profit to the paper, required minimal oversight, and had very few problems. We averaged around 20k views per post, topping out at half a million when I wrote one criticizing Trump's pullout of the Paris agreement. But gradually the editors who launched the blogs moved on. And then we got Trump, and Brexit, and there was so much bullshit 'fake news' out there that people started to value and consume reliable media sources like the NYT, WaPo, and Guardian. With this beefed up readership, they hired more journalists, including on the science and environment beats.

The new editors weren't invested in the blogs and were focused on the expanded traditional reporting. Nobody was keeping an eye on the bloggers, which was fine - we had 5 years of experience and hummed along like a well-tuned EV - but I think they started to worry that we represented some liability. A rogue, unsupervised blogger could cause problems. They didn't want to worry about us, and felt they didn't need us anymore. We were no longer an "exciting new experiment," as one Guardian staffer told us. The experiment had worked! But the editors wanted to move to a new era that focused more on traditional journalism.

So, this summer they decided to discontinue all the blogs by the end of August. Though somehow they forgot to tell a bunch of us Environment bloggers, so we kept writing and publishing, blissfully unaware that we had been laid off months earlier. Ironically, October will end up being one of our blog's most-trafficked months. We had some big stories, two months after we were supposed to have been terminated.

It goes to show how little oversight we needed that none of the editors apparently noticed we were still publishing for nearly 2 months until this week, when we finally got the bad news. But, they did tell us that they value our content, and asked that we continue pitching them stories, albeit on a less frequent basis (approx. monthly rather than weekly, depending on what climate news pops up).

I don't agree with the decision. I think the expert analysis and readership we brought in outweighed any small chance that we could create a significant problem for the paper. But that's the editors' call, and I do appreciate that they want us to keep submitting stories. I'm also glad they've been able to expand their science & environment reporting and that people are reading it.

So, that's the whole story of our Guardian blog. All good things must come to an end. I'll miss it - it was really the perfect platform to communicate what I've learned about climate science and economics and policy and politics, and it was great that they gave us free rein to write whatever we wanted. It was a lot of work, but I loved every minute of it. In all likelihood I'll keep publishing in the paper, unless I find another regular gig elsewhere.

A toast to Climate Consensus - the 97%. I'll miss you!

from Skeptical Science

The Guardian editors recently decided to discontinue their Science and Environment blog networks.  This is the story of Climate Consensus - the 97%.

Way back in 2012, newspapers were struggling to hang on to readers. Blogs were all the rage, and with the stability of the Obama administration, a steadily improving economy, the UK still in the EU (how I long for those good old days), there wasn't today's demand for daily newspapers. Papers were trying to come up with new ideas, and the Guardian editors decided to experiment with international blog networks.

It was a very clever idea. There were lots of smart science and environment bloggers out there, writing on their own blogs for free. By folding them into The Guardian, the paper was able to add their expert analysis. By splitting the ad revenue, they guaranteed some profit for the paper while bringing in new readers for the expert analysis, and the bloggers who previously wrote for free got a bit of pay for their work, plus the prestige of affiliation with The Guardian. It was a win-win.

The experiment worked with the Science blog network, so in late 2012 they decided to expand with an Environment blog network. Over 800 bloggers applied. I had a bit of a foot in the door, because I'd been writing for Skeptical Science for about 2 years. Whenever some prominent climate denier regurgitated a myth that was picked up in the media, I would quickly debunk it at Skeptical Science, and a few times The Guardian picked up and re-published my pieces. So I was a known quantity, and they hired me on along with about 10 other Environment bloggers. Some didn't pan out and dropped off, but several like Graham Readfearn and Martin Lukacs (and of course me and John Abraham) lasted for the long haul. They 'handed us the keys' to our blogs, and off we went.

And it worked great. For over 5 years we provided expert analysis, brought in readers and a bit of profit to the paper, required minimal oversight, and had very few problems. We averaged around 20k views per post, topping out at half a million when I wrote one criticizing Trump's pullout of the Paris agreement. But gradually the editors who launched the blogs moved on. And then we got Trump, and Brexit, and there was so much bullshit 'fake news' out there that people started to value and consume reliable media sources like the NYT, WaPo, and Guardian. With this beefed up readership, they hired more journalists, including on the science and environment beats.

The new editors weren't invested in the blogs and were focused on the expanded traditional reporting. Nobody was keeping an eye on the bloggers, which was fine - we had 5 years of experience and hummed along like a well-tuned EV - but I think they started to worry that we represented some liability. A rogue, unsupervised blogger could cause problems. They didn't want to worry about us, and felt they didn't need us anymore. We were no longer an "exciting new experiment," as one Guardian staffer told us. The experiment had worked! But the editors wanted to move to a new era that focused more on traditional journalism.

So, this summer they decided to discontinue all the blogs by the end of August. Though somehow they forgot to tell a bunch of us Environment bloggers, so we kept writing and publishing, blissfully unaware that we had been laid off months earlier. Ironically, October will end up being one of our blog's most-trafficked months. We had some big stories, two months after we were supposed to have been terminated.

It goes to show how little oversight we needed that none of the editors apparently noticed we were still publishing for nearly 2 months until this week, when we finally got the bad news. But, they did tell us that they value our content, and asked that we continue pitching them stories, albeit on a less frequent basis (approx. monthly rather than weekly, depending on what climate news pops up).

I don't agree with the decision. I think the expert analysis and readership we brought in outweighed any small chance that we could create a significant problem for the paper. But that's the editors' call, and I do appreciate that they want us to keep submitting stories. I'm also glad they've been able to expand their science & environment reporting and that people are reading it.

So, that's the whole story of our Guardian blog. All good things must come to an end. I'll miss it - it was really the perfect platform to communicate what I've learned about climate science and economics and policy and politics, and it was great that they gave us free rein to write whatever we wanted. It was a lot of work, but I loved every minute of it. In all likelihood I'll keep publishing in the paper, unless I find another regular gig elsewhere.

A toast to Climate Consensus - the 97%. I'll miss you!

from Skeptical Science

Kepler planet-hunter retires

Artist’s concept of NASA’s 1st space-based exoplanet hunter, the Kepler space telescope. Image via NASA/ Wendy Stenzel/ Daniel Rutter.

Astronomers only began discovering exoplanets – planets orbiting stars in other solar systems – in the 1990s, after a decades-long search. In this century, the number of known exoplanets has exploded in size, mainly due to this spacecraft, NASA’s Kepler space telescope, which was specifically designed as a planet-hunter. Kepler launched into an Earth-trailing heliocentric (sun-centered) orbit in 2009. Its mission lasted longer than expected, but now – after nine years in deep space – Kepler has run out of fuel needed for further science operations. NASA said this week (October 30, 2018), it has decided to retire the spacecraft within its current, safe orbit, away from Earth.

Kepler leaves a legacy of more than 2,600 planet discoveries outside our solar system. It is now passing the planet-hunting torch to the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), launched last April. TESS builds on Kepler’s foundation with fresh batches of data in its search of planets orbiting some 200,000 of the brightest and nearest stars to the Earth, worlds that can later be explored for signs of life by missions such as NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

A statement from NASA said:

Kepler has opened our eyes to the diversity of planets that exist in our galaxy. The most recent analysis of Kepler’s discoveries concludes that 20 to 50 percent of the stars visible in the night sky are likely to have small, possibly rocky, planets similar in size to Earth, and located within the habitable zone of their parent stars. That means they’re located at distances from their parent stars where liquid water – a vital ingredient to life as we know it – might pool on the planet surface.

The most common size of planet Kepler found doesn’t exist in our solar system – a world between the size of Earth and Neptune – and we have much to learn about these planets. Kepler also found nature often produces jam-packed planetary systems, in some cases with so many planets orbiting close to their parent stars that our own inner solar system looks sparse by comparison.

The Kepler mission’s founding principal investigator, William Borucki, now retired from NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, said:

When we started conceiving this mission 35 years ago, we didn’t know of a single planet outside our solar system. Now that we know planets are everywhere, Kepler has set us on a new course that’s full of promise for future generations to explore our galaxy.

The Kepler space telescope launched from Earth on March 6, 2009. It was designed for an Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit, which gave the spacecraft a thermally stable environment and let it remain on a single pointing for all of the prime Kepler mission. In other words, during its prime mission, Kepler stared at a single patch of sky – with a field of view of 116 square degrees, containing approximately 150,000 stars – measuring star brightnesses within that field over and over, searching for minute dips in starlight that would indicate planets in orbit around their stars.

Does the fact that Kepler found 2,600 planets around those 150,000 stars mean that we can expect only a small fraction of stars to have planets? No, and in fact the opposite is true.

In order to detect planets, Kepler had to see a distant solar system edge-on, so that the planets were passing in front of their stars from Kepler’s point of view. Finding so many edge-on system among Kepler’s original 150,000 stars likely means that our galaxy – which has more than 100 billion stars – is likely have hundreds of billions of planets.

Leslie Livesay, director for astronomy and physics at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who served as Kepler project manager during mission development, said:

The Kepler mission was based on a very innovative design. It was an extremely clever approach to doing this kind of science. There were definitely challenges, but Kepler had an extremely talented team of scientists and engineers who overcame them.

Four years into the Kepler mission, after the primary mission objectives had been met, mechanical failures temporarily halted observations. The mission team was able to devise a fix, switching the spacecraft’s field of view roughly every three months. This enabled an extended mission for the spacecraft, dubbed K2, which lasted as long as the first mission and bumped Kepler’s count of surveyed stars up to more than 500,000. The NASA statement said:

The observation of so many stars has allowed scientists to better understand stellar behaviors and properties, which is critical information in studying the planets that orbit them. New research into stars with Kepler data also is furthering other areas of astronomy, such as the history of our Milky Way galaxy and the beginning stages of exploding stars called supernovae that are used to study how fast the universe is expanding. The data from the extended mission were also made available to the public and science community immediately, allowing discoveries to be made at an incredible pace and setting a high bar for other missions. Scientists are expected to spend a decade or more in search of new discoveries in the treasure trove of data Kepler provided.

Jessie Dotson, Kepler’s project scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, pointed out that discoveries from Kepler are still to come:

We know the spacecraft’s retirement isn’t the end of Kepler’s discoveries. I’m excited about the diverse discoveries that are yet to come from our data and how future missions will build upon Kepler’s results.

Bottom line: NASA has now officially retired the highly successful Kepler planet-hunter, after nine years in space. Much of what we know about exoplanets today comes from the Kepler mission.

Read more: Characteristics of the Kepler space telescope

Visit NASA’s exoplanet archive

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.


from EarthSky

Artist’s concept of NASA’s 1st space-based exoplanet hunter, the Kepler space telescope. Image via NASA/ Wendy Stenzel/ Daniel Rutter.

Astronomers only began discovering exoplanets – planets orbiting stars in other solar systems – in the 1990s, after a decades-long search. In this century, the number of known exoplanets has exploded in size, mainly due to this spacecraft, NASA’s Kepler space telescope, which was specifically designed as a planet-hunter. Kepler launched into an Earth-trailing heliocentric (sun-centered) orbit in 2009. Its mission lasted longer than expected, but now – after nine years in deep space – Kepler has run out of fuel needed for further science operations. NASA said this week (October 30, 2018), it has decided to retire the spacecraft within its current, safe orbit, away from Earth.

Kepler leaves a legacy of more than 2,600 planet discoveries outside our solar system. It is now passing the planet-hunting torch to the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), launched last April. TESS builds on Kepler’s foundation with fresh batches of data in its search of planets orbiting some 200,000 of the brightest and nearest stars to the Earth, worlds that can later be explored for signs of life by missions such as NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

A statement from NASA said:

Kepler has opened our eyes to the diversity of planets that exist in our galaxy. The most recent analysis of Kepler’s discoveries concludes that 20 to 50 percent of the stars visible in the night sky are likely to have small, possibly rocky, planets similar in size to Earth, and located within the habitable zone of their parent stars. That means they’re located at distances from their parent stars where liquid water – a vital ingredient to life as we know it – might pool on the planet surface.

The most common size of planet Kepler found doesn’t exist in our solar system – a world between the size of Earth and Neptune – and we have much to learn about these planets. Kepler also found nature often produces jam-packed planetary systems, in some cases with so many planets orbiting close to their parent stars that our own inner solar system looks sparse by comparison.

The Kepler mission’s founding principal investigator, William Borucki, now retired from NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, said:

When we started conceiving this mission 35 years ago, we didn’t know of a single planet outside our solar system. Now that we know planets are everywhere, Kepler has set us on a new course that’s full of promise for future generations to explore our galaxy.

The Kepler space telescope launched from Earth on March 6, 2009. It was designed for an Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit, which gave the spacecraft a thermally stable environment and let it remain on a single pointing for all of the prime Kepler mission. In other words, during its prime mission, Kepler stared at a single patch of sky – with a field of view of 116 square degrees, containing approximately 150,000 stars – measuring star brightnesses within that field over and over, searching for minute dips in starlight that would indicate planets in orbit around their stars.

Does the fact that Kepler found 2,600 planets around those 150,000 stars mean that we can expect only a small fraction of stars to have planets? No, and in fact the opposite is true.

In order to detect planets, Kepler had to see a distant solar system edge-on, so that the planets were passing in front of their stars from Kepler’s point of view. Finding so many edge-on system among Kepler’s original 150,000 stars likely means that our galaxy – which has more than 100 billion stars – is likely have hundreds of billions of planets.

Leslie Livesay, director for astronomy and physics at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who served as Kepler project manager during mission development, said:

The Kepler mission was based on a very innovative design. It was an extremely clever approach to doing this kind of science. There were definitely challenges, but Kepler had an extremely talented team of scientists and engineers who overcame them.

Four years into the Kepler mission, after the primary mission objectives had been met, mechanical failures temporarily halted observations. The mission team was able to devise a fix, switching the spacecraft’s field of view roughly every three months. This enabled an extended mission for the spacecraft, dubbed K2, which lasted as long as the first mission and bumped Kepler’s count of surveyed stars up to more than 500,000. The NASA statement said:

The observation of so many stars has allowed scientists to better understand stellar behaviors and properties, which is critical information in studying the planets that orbit them. New research into stars with Kepler data also is furthering other areas of astronomy, such as the history of our Milky Way galaxy and the beginning stages of exploding stars called supernovae that are used to study how fast the universe is expanding. The data from the extended mission were also made available to the public and science community immediately, allowing discoveries to be made at an incredible pace and setting a high bar for other missions. Scientists are expected to spend a decade or more in search of new discoveries in the treasure trove of data Kepler provided.

Jessie Dotson, Kepler’s project scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, pointed out that discoveries from Kepler are still to come:

We know the spacecraft’s retirement isn’t the end of Kepler’s discoveries. I’m excited about the diverse discoveries that are yet to come from our data and how future missions will build upon Kepler’s results.

Bottom line: NASA has now officially retired the highly successful Kepler planet-hunter, after nine years in space. Much of what we know about exoplanets today comes from the Kepler mission.

Read more: Characteristics of the Kepler space telescope

Visit NASA’s exoplanet archive

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.


from EarthSky

Why do we love to scream?

Visiting an extreme haunted house can be delightfully terrifying. Image via AP Photos/John Minchillo.

By Margee Kerr, University of Pittsburgh

John Carpenter’s iconic horror film Halloween celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. Few horror movies have achieved similar notoriety, and it’s credited with kicking off the steady stream of slasher flicks that followed.

Audiences flocked to theaters to witness the seemingly random murder and mayhem a masked man brought to a small suburban town, reminding them that picket fences and manicured lawns cannot protect us from the unjust, the unknown or the uncertainty that awaits us all in both life and death. The film offers no justice for the victims in the end, no rebalancing of good and evil.

A new installment of the Halloween franchise brings the action forward to 2018. Image via Universal Pictures.

Why, then, would anyone want to spend their time and money to watch such macabre scenes filled with depressing reminders of just how unfair and scary our world can be?

I’ve spent the past 10 years investigating just this question, finding the typical answer of “Because I like it! It’s fun!” incredibly unsatisfying. I’ve long been convinced there’s more to it than the “natural high” or adrenaline rush many describe – and indeed, the body does kick into “go” mode when you’re startled or scared, amping up not only adrenaline but a multitude of chemicals that ensure your body is fueled and ready to respond. This “fight or flight” response to threat has helped keep humans alive for millennia.

That still doesn’t explain why people would want to intentionally scare themselves, though. As a sociologist, I’ve kept asking “But, why?” After two years collecting data in a haunted attraction with my colleague Greg Siegle, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Pittsburgh, we’ve found the gains from thrills and chills can go further than the natural high.

Around Halloween, some people love to head to haunted attractions like this one in an old Cincinnati schoolhouse. Image via AP Photo/John Minchillo.

Studying fear at a terrifying attraction

To capture in real time what makes fear fun, what motivates people to pay to be scared out of their skin and what they experience when engaging with this material, we needed to gather data in the field. In this case, that meant setting up a mobile lab in the basement of an extreme haunted attraction outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

This adults-only extreme attraction went beyond the typical startling lights and sounds and animated characters found in a family-friendly haunted house. Over the course of about 35 minutes, visitors experienced a series of intense scenarios where, in addition to unsettling characters and special effects, they were touched by the actors, restrained and exposed to electricity. It was not for the faint of heart.

For our study, we recruited 262 guests who had already purchased tickets. Before they entered the attraction, each completed a survey about their expectations and how they were feeling. We had them answer questions again about how they were feeling once they had gone through the attraction.

We also used mobile EEG technology to compare 100 participants’ brainwave activity as they sat through 15 minutes of various cognitive and emotional tasks before and after the attraction.

Guests reported significantly higher mood, and felt less anxious and tired, directly after their trip through the haunted attraction. The more terrifying the better: Feeling happy afterward was related to rating the experience as highly intense and scary. This set of volunteers also reported feeling that they’d challenged their personal fears and learned about themselves.

Analysis of the EEG data revealed widespread decreases in brain reactivity from before to after among those whose mood improved. In other words, highly intense and scary activities – at least in a controlled environment like this haunted attraction – may “shut down” the brain to an extent, and that in turn is associated with feeling better. Studies of those who practice mindfulness meditation have made a similar observation.

Coming out stronger on the other side

Together our findings suggest that going through an extreme haunted attraction provides gains similar to choosing to run a 5K race or tackling a difficult climbing wall. There’s a sense of uncertainty, physical exertion, a challenge to push yourself – and eventually achievement when it’s over and done with.

Fun-scary experiences could serve as an in-the-moment recalibration of what registers as stressful and even provide a kind of confidence boost. After watching a scary movie or going through a haunted attraction, maybe everything else seems like no big deal in comparison. You rationally understand that the actors in a haunted house aren’t real, but when you suspend your disbelief and allow yourself to become immersed in the experience, the fear certainly can feel real, as does the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment when you make it through. As I experienced myself after all kinds of scary adventures in Japan, Colombia and all over the U.S., confronting a horde of zombies can actually make you feel pretty invincible.

Movies like Halloween allow people to tackle the big, existential fears we all have, like why bad things happen without reason, through the protective frame of entertainment. Choosing to do fun, scary activities may also serve as a way to practice being scared, building greater self-knowledge and resilience, similar to rough-and-tumble play. It’s an opportunity to engage with fear on your own terms, in environments where you can push your boundaries, safely. Because you’re not in real danger, and thus not occupied with survival, you can choose to observe your reactions and how your body changes, gaining greater insight to yourself.

Friends stuck together in a ‘Gates of Hell’ haunted house. Image via AP Photo/John Locher.

What it takes to be safely scared

While there are countless differences in the nature, content, intensity and overall quality of haunted attractions, horror movies and other forms of scary entertainment, they all share a few critical components that help pave the way for a fun scary time.

First and foremost, you have to make the choice to engage – don’t drag your best friend with you unless she is also on board. But do try to gather some friends when you’re ready. When you engage in activities with other people, even just watching a movie, your own emotional experience is intensified. Doing intense, exciting and thrilling things together can make them more fun and help create rewarding social bonds. Emotions can be contagious, so when you see your friend scream and laugh, you may feel compelled to do the same.

No matter the potential benefits, horror movies and scary entertainment are not for everyone, and that’s OK. While the fight-or-flight response is universal, there are important differences between individuals – for example, in genetic expressions, environment and personal history – that help explain why some loathe and others love thrills and chills.

Regardless of your taste (or distaste) for all things horror or thrill-related, an adventurous and curious mindset can benefit everyone. After all, we’re the descendants of those who were adventurous and curious enough to explore the new and novel, but also quick and smart enough to run or fight when danger appeared. This Halloween, maybe challenge yourself to at least one fun scary experience and prepare to unleash your inner superhero.

Margee Kerr, Adjunct Professor of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Bottom line: A scientist studies why we like scary movies and haunted house and what it takes to be safely scared.

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.

The Conversation

from EarthSky

Visiting an extreme haunted house can be delightfully terrifying. Image via AP Photos/John Minchillo.

By Margee Kerr, University of Pittsburgh

John Carpenter’s iconic horror film Halloween celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. Few horror movies have achieved similar notoriety, and it’s credited with kicking off the steady stream of slasher flicks that followed.

Audiences flocked to theaters to witness the seemingly random murder and mayhem a masked man brought to a small suburban town, reminding them that picket fences and manicured lawns cannot protect us from the unjust, the unknown or the uncertainty that awaits us all in both life and death. The film offers no justice for the victims in the end, no rebalancing of good and evil.

A new installment of the Halloween franchise brings the action forward to 2018. Image via Universal Pictures.

Why, then, would anyone want to spend their time and money to watch such macabre scenes filled with depressing reminders of just how unfair and scary our world can be?

I’ve spent the past 10 years investigating just this question, finding the typical answer of “Because I like it! It’s fun!” incredibly unsatisfying. I’ve long been convinced there’s more to it than the “natural high” or adrenaline rush many describe – and indeed, the body does kick into “go” mode when you’re startled or scared, amping up not only adrenaline but a multitude of chemicals that ensure your body is fueled and ready to respond. This “fight or flight” response to threat has helped keep humans alive for millennia.

That still doesn’t explain why people would want to intentionally scare themselves, though. As a sociologist, I’ve kept asking “But, why?” After two years collecting data in a haunted attraction with my colleague Greg Siegle, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Pittsburgh, we’ve found the gains from thrills and chills can go further than the natural high.

Around Halloween, some people love to head to haunted attractions like this one in an old Cincinnati schoolhouse. Image via AP Photo/John Minchillo.

Studying fear at a terrifying attraction

To capture in real time what makes fear fun, what motivates people to pay to be scared out of their skin and what they experience when engaging with this material, we needed to gather data in the field. In this case, that meant setting up a mobile lab in the basement of an extreme haunted attraction outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

This adults-only extreme attraction went beyond the typical startling lights and sounds and animated characters found in a family-friendly haunted house. Over the course of about 35 minutes, visitors experienced a series of intense scenarios where, in addition to unsettling characters and special effects, they were touched by the actors, restrained and exposed to electricity. It was not for the faint of heart.

For our study, we recruited 262 guests who had already purchased tickets. Before they entered the attraction, each completed a survey about their expectations and how they were feeling. We had them answer questions again about how they were feeling once they had gone through the attraction.

We also used mobile EEG technology to compare 100 participants’ brainwave activity as they sat through 15 minutes of various cognitive and emotional tasks before and after the attraction.

Guests reported significantly higher mood, and felt less anxious and tired, directly after their trip through the haunted attraction. The more terrifying the better: Feeling happy afterward was related to rating the experience as highly intense and scary. This set of volunteers also reported feeling that they’d challenged their personal fears and learned about themselves.

Analysis of the EEG data revealed widespread decreases in brain reactivity from before to after among those whose mood improved. In other words, highly intense and scary activities – at least in a controlled environment like this haunted attraction – may “shut down” the brain to an extent, and that in turn is associated with feeling better. Studies of those who practice mindfulness meditation have made a similar observation.

Coming out stronger on the other side

Together our findings suggest that going through an extreme haunted attraction provides gains similar to choosing to run a 5K race or tackling a difficult climbing wall. There’s a sense of uncertainty, physical exertion, a challenge to push yourself – and eventually achievement when it’s over and done with.

Fun-scary experiences could serve as an in-the-moment recalibration of what registers as stressful and even provide a kind of confidence boost. After watching a scary movie or going through a haunted attraction, maybe everything else seems like no big deal in comparison. You rationally understand that the actors in a haunted house aren’t real, but when you suspend your disbelief and allow yourself to become immersed in the experience, the fear certainly can feel real, as does the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment when you make it through. As I experienced myself after all kinds of scary adventures in Japan, Colombia and all over the U.S., confronting a horde of zombies can actually make you feel pretty invincible.

Movies like Halloween allow people to tackle the big, existential fears we all have, like why bad things happen without reason, through the protective frame of entertainment. Choosing to do fun, scary activities may also serve as a way to practice being scared, building greater self-knowledge and resilience, similar to rough-and-tumble play. It’s an opportunity to engage with fear on your own terms, in environments where you can push your boundaries, safely. Because you’re not in real danger, and thus not occupied with survival, you can choose to observe your reactions and how your body changes, gaining greater insight to yourself.

Friends stuck together in a ‘Gates of Hell’ haunted house. Image via AP Photo/John Locher.

What it takes to be safely scared

While there are countless differences in the nature, content, intensity and overall quality of haunted attractions, horror movies and other forms of scary entertainment, they all share a few critical components that help pave the way for a fun scary time.

First and foremost, you have to make the choice to engage – don’t drag your best friend with you unless she is also on board. But do try to gather some friends when you’re ready. When you engage in activities with other people, even just watching a movie, your own emotional experience is intensified. Doing intense, exciting and thrilling things together can make them more fun and help create rewarding social bonds. Emotions can be contagious, so when you see your friend scream and laugh, you may feel compelled to do the same.

No matter the potential benefits, horror movies and scary entertainment are not for everyone, and that’s OK. While the fight-or-flight response is universal, there are important differences between individuals – for example, in genetic expressions, environment and personal history – that help explain why some loathe and others love thrills and chills.

Regardless of your taste (or distaste) for all things horror or thrill-related, an adventurous and curious mindset can benefit everyone. After all, we’re the descendants of those who were adventurous and curious enough to explore the new and novel, but also quick and smart enough to run or fight when danger appeared. This Halloween, maybe challenge yourself to at least one fun scary experience and prepare to unleash your inner superhero.

Margee Kerr, Adjunct Professor of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Bottom line: A scientist studies why we like scary movies and haunted house and what it takes to be safely scared.

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.

The Conversation

from EarthSky

Zoom-in on the Ghost Nebula

Just in time for Halloween, zoom in on the nebula, or space cloud made of gas and dust, known as IC 63, sometimes called the Ghost Nebula. It’s about 550 light-years from us, in the direction to the constellation Cassiopeia the Queen. It looks ghostlike in telescopic images, such as the new one by the Hubble Space Telescope, shown below.

Like any respectable ghost, IC 63 is also slowly melting away; that is, it’s dissipating due to intense radiation from a nearby unpredictably variable star, Gamma Cassiopeiae, aka Gamma Cas. Did we say nearby? We meant several light-years away.

Yet – even from this distance – Gamma Cas is profoundly affecting the Ghost Nebula.

ghost nebula

Hubble Space Telescope view of IC-63, nicknamed the Ghost Nebula. Via NASA/ESA/Hubble.

NASA explained in a statement:

Gamma Cassiopeiae is a blue-white subgiant variable star that is surrounded by a gaseous disk. This star is 19 times more massive and 65 000 times brighter than our sun. It also rotates at the incredible speed of 1 milllion miles per hour [1.6 million kilometers per hour] — more than 200 times faster than our parent star. This frenzied rotation gives it a squashed appearance. The fast rotation causes eruptions of mass from the star into a surrounding disk. This mass loss is related to the observed brightness variations.

On autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll easily see the constellation Cassiopeia as M- or W-shaped star pattern, ascending in the northeast.

The colors in the Ghost Nebula show how the nebula is affected by the powerful radiation from the distant star. NASA said:

The hydrogen within IC 63 is being bombarded with ultraviolet radiation from Gamma Cassiopeiae, causing its electrons to gain energy which they later release as hydrogen-alpha radiation — visible in red in [the Hubble image above].

This hydrogen-alpha radiation makes IC 63 an emission nebula, but we also see blue light in this image. This is light from Gamma Cassiopeiae that has been reflected by dust particles in the nebula, meaning that IC 63 is also a reflection nebula.

This colorful and ghostly nebula is slowly dissipating under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from Gamma Cassiopeiae. However, IC 63 is not the only object under the influence of the mighty star. It is part of a much larger nebulous region surrounding Gamma Cassiopeiae that measures approximately two degrees on the sky — roughly four times as wide as the full moon.

Read more via Hubble Space Telescope

ground-based view of ghost nebula

Ground-based view of the sky around the Ghost Nebula. The bright star is Gamma Cassiopeiae. Via ESA/Hubble/NASA/ Digitized Sky Survey 2/Davide de Martin.

Bottom line:

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.

from EarthSky

Just in time for Halloween, zoom in on the nebula, or space cloud made of gas and dust, known as IC 63, sometimes called the Ghost Nebula. It’s about 550 light-years from us, in the direction to the constellation Cassiopeia the Queen. It looks ghostlike in telescopic images, such as the new one by the Hubble Space Telescope, shown below.

Like any respectable ghost, IC 63 is also slowly melting away; that is, it’s dissipating due to intense radiation from a nearby unpredictably variable star, Gamma Cassiopeiae, aka Gamma Cas. Did we say nearby? We meant several light-years away.

Yet – even from this distance – Gamma Cas is profoundly affecting the Ghost Nebula.

ghost nebula

Hubble Space Telescope view of IC-63, nicknamed the Ghost Nebula. Via NASA/ESA/Hubble.

NASA explained in a statement:

Gamma Cassiopeiae is a blue-white subgiant variable star that is surrounded by a gaseous disk. This star is 19 times more massive and 65 000 times brighter than our sun. It also rotates at the incredible speed of 1 milllion miles per hour [1.6 million kilometers per hour] — more than 200 times faster than our parent star. This frenzied rotation gives it a squashed appearance. The fast rotation causes eruptions of mass from the star into a surrounding disk. This mass loss is related to the observed brightness variations.

On autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll easily see the constellation Cassiopeia as M- or W-shaped star pattern, ascending in the northeast.

The colors in the Ghost Nebula show how the nebula is affected by the powerful radiation from the distant star. NASA said:

The hydrogen within IC 63 is being bombarded with ultraviolet radiation from Gamma Cassiopeiae, causing its electrons to gain energy which they later release as hydrogen-alpha radiation — visible in red in [the Hubble image above].

This hydrogen-alpha radiation makes IC 63 an emission nebula, but we also see blue light in this image. This is light from Gamma Cassiopeiae that has been reflected by dust particles in the nebula, meaning that IC 63 is also a reflection nebula.

This colorful and ghostly nebula is slowly dissipating under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from Gamma Cassiopeiae. However, IC 63 is not the only object under the influence of the mighty star. It is part of a much larger nebulous region surrounding Gamma Cassiopeiae that measures approximately two degrees on the sky — roughly four times as wide as the full moon.

Read more via Hubble Space Telescope

ground-based view of ghost nebula

Ground-based view of the sky around the Ghost Nebula. The bright star is Gamma Cassiopeiae. Via ESA/Hubble/NASA/ Digitized Sky Survey 2/Davide de Martin.

Bottom line:

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.

from EarthSky

Tricks that animals play

Eastern gray squirrel. Image credit: Fyn Kynd via Flickr.

On Halloween, children shout trick or treat hoping to score some candy. While this is all fun and games for us humans, for some animals, tricks are essential to their survival. Below, meet three animals that excel at playing tricks on others.

Eastern gray squirrel. In preparation for a long, cold winter, the eastern gray squirrel will gather up nuts and bury them in the ground where they can be dug up and consumed later when food is scarce. Scientists refer to this nut store as a cache, and a gray squirrel cache can be spread out over several acres. Unfortunately, these nuts are sometimes stolen by other squirrels and birds who witness a nut being buried. To combat the thievery, the eastern gray squirrel will often create a fake cache. It does so by digging a hole and filling it in without ever depositing a nut—a squirrel may do this several times before or after actually burying a nut. This trick is used to confuse the would-be thieves and protect their winter food supply.

Margay. Image credit: Malene Thyssen via Wikimedia.

Margay. The margay is a small wildcat that lives in the jungles of Central and South America. Scientists once observed a margay making vocalizations similar to a baby tamarin monkey, which piqued their interest because the cats are known to prey on tamarins. While this sound successfully attracted adult monkeys into the cat’s range, the cat did not catch a monkey that day. Still, scientists suspect that this sinister trick is an effective hunting strategy. It is not presently known how common this vocal mimicry behavior is among margays.

Female brown-headed cowbird. Image credit: Dick Daniels via Wikimedia.

Brown-headed cowbird. The brown-headed cowbird is native to North America, and it is a master at deception. Female cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of other species and are often successful at tricking these other birds into raising their young. Scientists call a bird who engages in this type of behavior a “brood parasite.” While a few birds can recognize the foreign egg of a cowbird in their nest and discard it, many cannot. Cowbirds are known to parasitize the nests of more than 220 species of birds.

Happy Halloween from all of us at EarthSky! If you know of any other interesting tricks that animals play, we would love to hear about them in the comments.

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.

Bottom line: Three animals that play tricks to survive.

from EarthSky

Eastern gray squirrel. Image credit: Fyn Kynd via Flickr.

On Halloween, children shout trick or treat hoping to score some candy. While this is all fun and games for us humans, for some animals, tricks are essential to their survival. Below, meet three animals that excel at playing tricks on others.

Eastern gray squirrel. In preparation for a long, cold winter, the eastern gray squirrel will gather up nuts and bury them in the ground where they can be dug up and consumed later when food is scarce. Scientists refer to this nut store as a cache, and a gray squirrel cache can be spread out over several acres. Unfortunately, these nuts are sometimes stolen by other squirrels and birds who witness a nut being buried. To combat the thievery, the eastern gray squirrel will often create a fake cache. It does so by digging a hole and filling it in without ever depositing a nut—a squirrel may do this several times before or after actually burying a nut. This trick is used to confuse the would-be thieves and protect their winter food supply.

Margay. Image credit: Malene Thyssen via Wikimedia.

Margay. The margay is a small wildcat that lives in the jungles of Central and South America. Scientists once observed a margay making vocalizations similar to a baby tamarin monkey, which piqued their interest because the cats are known to prey on tamarins. While this sound successfully attracted adult monkeys into the cat’s range, the cat did not catch a monkey that day. Still, scientists suspect that this sinister trick is an effective hunting strategy. It is not presently known how common this vocal mimicry behavior is among margays.

Female brown-headed cowbird. Image credit: Dick Daniels via Wikimedia.

Brown-headed cowbird. The brown-headed cowbird is native to North America, and it is a master at deception. Female cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of other species and are often successful at tricking these other birds into raising their young. Scientists call a bird who engages in this type of behavior a “brood parasite.” While a few birds can recognize the foreign egg of a cowbird in their nest and discard it, many cannot. Cowbirds are known to parasitize the nests of more than 220 species of birds.

Happy Halloween from all of us at EarthSky! If you know of any other interesting tricks that animals play, we would love to hear about them in the comments.

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.

Bottom line: Three animals that play tricks to survive.

from EarthSky

Pleiades star cluster, aka Seven Sisters

The Pleiades star cluster, by Ernie Rossi in Florida. Russ Drum submitted it and wrote: “The Pleiades (aka the Seven Sisters) is an open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus the Bull. It’s also known as the Halloween Cluster because it’s almost overhead in the sky at midnight on Halloween, October 31.”

The Pleiades star cluster – also known as the Seven Sisters or M45 – is visible from virtually every part of the globe. It can be seen from as far north as the North Pole, and farther south than the southernmost tip of South America. It looks like a tiny misty dipper of stars.

If you’re familiar with the famous constellation Orion, it can help you be sure you’ve found the Pleiades. See the three stars in a row in Orion? That’s Orion’s Belt. Draw a line through these stars to the V-shaped pattern of stars with a bright star in its midst. The V-shaped pattern is the Face of Taurus the Bull. The bright star in the V – called Aldebaran – depicts the Bull’s Eye. A bit past Aldebaran, you’ll see the Pleiades cluster, which marks the Bull’s Shoulder.

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.

If you can find the prominent constellation Orion, you can find the Pleiades. Orion’s Belt points to the bright reddish star Aldebaran … then generally toward the Pleiades.

The Pleiades and Aldebaran. star name Aldebaran comes from an Arabic word for follower. It’s thought to be a reference to this star’s forever chasing the Pleiades across the heavens. As a general rule, the Pleiades cluster rises into the eastern sky before Aldebaran rises, and sets in the west before Aldebaran sets.

The only exception to this rule happens at far southern latitudes – for example, at South America’s Tierra del Fuego – where the Pleiades rise a short while after Aldebaran rises.

In our Northern Hemispheres skies, the Pleiades cluster is associated with the winter season. It’s easy to imagine this misty patch of icy-blue suns as hoarfrost clinging to the dome of night. Frosty November is often called the month of the Pleiades, because it’s at this time that the Pleiades shine from dusk until dawn. But you can see the Pleiades cluster in the evening sky well into April.

Tom Wildoner captured this image on October 31, 2016, too. He wrote:

Tom Wildoner in Weatherly, Pennsylvania captured this image on October 31, 2016. He wrote: “It shows the Seven Sisters, Pleiades star cluster rising in the east behind some maple trees still sporting some late leaves.”

Legend of the Lost Pleiad. Most people see 6, not 7, Pleiades stars in a dark country sky.

However, the story about the lost 7th Pleiad harbors a universal theme. The astronomer Robert Burnham Jr. found the lost Pleaid myth prevalent in the star lore of European, African, Asian, Indonesian, Native American and Aboriginal Australian populations.

Moreover, Burnham suggested that the “lost Pleiad” may have basis in fact. After all, modern astronomy has found that the 7th brightest Pleiades star – Pleione – is a complicated and hard-to-understand “shell star” that goes through numerous permutations. These changes cause this star to vary in brightness.

Plus people with exceptional eyesight have been known to see many more stars in the Pleiades cluster. Claims go up as high as 20 stars. Agnes Clerke, an astronomer and writer in the late 1800s, reported that Michael Maestlin, the mentor of Johannes Kepler, mapped out 11 Pleiades stars before the invention of the telescope.

To see more than 6 or 7 Pleaides stars, you must have very good eyesight (or a pair of binoculars). And you must be willing to spend time under a dark, moonless sky. Stephen O’Meara, a dark-sky connoisseur, claims that eyes dark-adapted for 30 minutes are 6 times more sensitive to light than eyes dark-adapted for 15 minutes. The surest way to see additional Pleiades stars is to look at this cluster through binoculars or low power in a telescope.

The Lost Pleiad, a painting by French artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905). Image via Wikimedia Commons.

Pleiades as calendar, in history and in modern science. Historically, the Pleiades have served as a calendar for many civilizations. The Greek name “Pleiades” probably means “to sail.” In the ancient Mediterranean world, the day that the Pleaides cluster first appeared in the morning sky before sunrise announced the opening of the navigation season.

The modern-day festival of Halloween originates from an old Druid rite that coincided with the midnight culmination of the Pleiades cluster. It was believed that the veil dividing the living from the dead is at its thinnest when the Pleaides culminates – reaches its highest point in the sky – at midnight.

On a lighter note, the Zuni of New Mexico call the Pleiades the “Seed Stars,” because this cluster’s disappearance in the evening sky every spring signals the seed-planting season.

In both myth and science, the Pleiades are considered to be sibling stars. Modern astronomers say the Pleiades stars were born from the same cloud of gas and dust some 100 million years ago. This gravitationally bound cluster of several hundred stars looms some 430 light-years distant, and these sibling stars drift through space together at about 25 miles per second. Many of these Pleiades stars shine hundreds of times more brightly than our sun.

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The Pleiades - aka the Seven Sisters - captured by Greg Hogan in Kathleen, Georgia on October 31, 2016.

The Pleiades – aka the Seven Sisters – captured by Greg Hogan in Kathleen, Georgia on October 31, 2016.

Bottom line: November is often called the month of the Pleiades – or Seven Sisters – because it’s at this time that the Pleiades shine from dusk until dawn.

from EarthSky

The Pleiades star cluster, by Ernie Rossi in Florida. Russ Drum submitted it and wrote: “The Pleiades (aka the Seven Sisters) is an open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus the Bull. It’s also known as the Halloween Cluster because it’s almost overhead in the sky at midnight on Halloween, October 31.”

The Pleiades star cluster – also known as the Seven Sisters or M45 – is visible from virtually every part of the globe. It can be seen from as far north as the North Pole, and farther south than the southernmost tip of South America. It looks like a tiny misty dipper of stars.

If you’re familiar with the famous constellation Orion, it can help you be sure you’ve found the Pleiades. See the three stars in a row in Orion? That’s Orion’s Belt. Draw a line through these stars to the V-shaped pattern of stars with a bright star in its midst. The V-shaped pattern is the Face of Taurus the Bull. The bright star in the V – called Aldebaran – depicts the Bull’s Eye. A bit past Aldebaran, you’ll see the Pleiades cluster, which marks the Bull’s Shoulder.

The 2019 lunar calendars are here! Order yours before they’re gone. Makes a great gift.

If you can find the prominent constellation Orion, you can find the Pleiades. Orion’s Belt points to the bright reddish star Aldebaran … then generally toward the Pleiades.

The Pleiades and Aldebaran. star name Aldebaran comes from an Arabic word for follower. It’s thought to be a reference to this star’s forever chasing the Pleiades across the heavens. As a general rule, the Pleiades cluster rises into the eastern sky before Aldebaran rises, and sets in the west before Aldebaran sets.

The only exception to this rule happens at far southern latitudes – for example, at South America’s Tierra del Fuego – where the Pleiades rise a short while after Aldebaran rises.

In our Northern Hemispheres skies, the Pleiades cluster is associated with the winter season. It’s easy to imagine this misty patch of icy-blue suns as hoarfrost clinging to the dome of night. Frosty November is often called the month of the Pleiades, because it’s at this time that the Pleiades shine from dusk until dawn. But you can see the Pleiades cluster in the evening sky well into April.

Tom Wildoner captured this image on October 31, 2016, too. He wrote:

Tom Wildoner in Weatherly, Pennsylvania captured this image on October 31, 2016. He wrote: “It shows the Seven Sisters, Pleiades star cluster rising in the east behind some maple trees still sporting some late leaves.”

Legend of the Lost Pleiad. Most people see 6, not 7, Pleiades stars in a dark country sky.

However, the story about the lost 7th Pleiad harbors a universal theme. The astronomer Robert Burnham Jr. found the lost Pleaid myth prevalent in the star lore of European, African, Asian, Indonesian, Native American and Aboriginal Australian populations.

Moreover, Burnham suggested that the “lost Pleiad” may have basis in fact. After all, modern astronomy has found that the 7th brightest Pleiades star – Pleione – is a complicated and hard-to-understand “shell star” that goes through numerous permutations. These changes cause this star to vary in brightness.

Plus people with exceptional eyesight have been known to see many more stars in the Pleiades cluster. Claims go up as high as 20 stars. Agnes Clerke, an astronomer and writer in the late 1800s, reported that Michael Maestlin, the mentor of Johannes Kepler, mapped out 11 Pleiades stars before the invention of the telescope.

To see more than 6 or 7 Pleaides stars, you must have very good eyesight (or a pair of binoculars). And you must be willing to spend time under a dark, moonless sky. Stephen O’Meara, a dark-sky connoisseur, claims that eyes dark-adapted for 30 minutes are 6 times more sensitive to light than eyes dark-adapted for 15 minutes. The surest way to see additional Pleiades stars is to look at this cluster through binoculars or low power in a telescope.

The Lost Pleiad, a painting by French artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905). Image via Wikimedia Commons.

Pleiades as calendar, in history and in modern science. Historically, the Pleiades have served as a calendar for many civilizations. The Greek name “Pleiades” probably means “to sail.” In the ancient Mediterranean world, the day that the Pleaides cluster first appeared in the morning sky before sunrise announced the opening of the navigation season.

The modern-day festival of Halloween originates from an old Druid rite that coincided with the midnight culmination of the Pleiades cluster. It was believed that the veil dividing the living from the dead is at its thinnest when the Pleaides culminates – reaches its highest point in the sky – at midnight.

On a lighter note, the Zuni of New Mexico call the Pleiades the “Seed Stars,” because this cluster’s disappearance in the evening sky every spring signals the seed-planting season.

In both myth and science, the Pleiades are considered to be sibling stars. Modern astronomers say the Pleiades stars were born from the same cloud of gas and dust some 100 million years ago. This gravitationally bound cluster of several hundred stars looms some 430 light-years distant, and these sibling stars drift through space together at about 25 miles per second. Many of these Pleiades stars shine hundreds of times more brightly than our sun.

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The Pleiades - aka the Seven Sisters - captured by Greg Hogan in Kathleen, Georgia on October 31, 2016.

The Pleiades – aka the Seven Sisters – captured by Greg Hogan in Kathleen, Georgia on October 31, 2016.

Bottom line: November is often called the month of the Pleiades – or Seven Sisters – because it’s at this time that the Pleiades shine from dusk until dawn.

from EarthSky