CRISPR gene editing: new chapter in cancer research or blot in the ethical copybook?


The first draft of the human genome was published 16 years ago. And since then, scientists have scoured its three billion-odd letters for clues to cancer’s origins.

To carry out this biological text-analysis, researchers have employed virtually every method of manipulating DNA they can get their hands on, learning a huge amount along the way. They’ve torn out pages, spell-checked lines, written in the margins of cellular history, and stuck bits back in – all in the hope of understanding how genes work and, crucially, how they can go wrong.

But to do this scientists have relied on some imperfect, albeit vital, lab tools, which can be expensive and labour-intensive. And this has meant that entire research groups have often been limited to studying single genes.

Add to this the fact that many cancers’ root cause lies in combinations of multiple faulty genes, and it’s clear there’s a long way to go. While the previous generation of gene editing techniques have helped scientists document many chapters of cancer’s history, it’s fair to say the ink would also sometimes run, or glued pages might slip.

So the precise function of many genes – and, importantly, how they collude with others in cancer – has been left unclear and smudged.

But in the last 12 months, a potential solution to these challenges has emerged. Labs across the world are trading in their weathered toolkits in exchange for something much shinier.

And it’s called CRISPR.

Short for ‘Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats’, the technique promises a cheaper, quicker and more accurate way of studying the inner workings of our genes – a bit like exchanging a stone tablet and chisel for a fast laptop running modern publishing software.

But, as with any new technology, there are important considerations before making the trade – and these are all the more important if the technique becomes something that could be used to permanently change humanity’s DNA.

There are tough ethical questions, some of which have been in the spotlight today as the Human Fertility and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has given a licence to UK researchers at London’s Francis Crick Institute, allowing them to study human development by genetically altering human embryos donated from couples undergoing IVF.

But while our scientists aren’t doing research that involves editing human embryos (and away from the associated debate), they are already putting the technology to work on lab-grown cancer cells and other more conventional research models. And this is showing extraordinary potential to transform research on cancer.


The DNA code. Credit: Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Until recently, researchers working with cells in the lab, or with animals, had a handful of DNA editing approaches to choose from.

In cancer cells, for example, they might insert short chunks of genetic material into the cells, designed to seek out and switch off genes.

But there were problems. Sometimes these approaches would miss the target, or hit another gene at the same time. This made interpreting the results tricky, and experiments would become more cumbersome and time-consuming as extra checks were put in place to ensure the results were true.

There were also efficiency problems, meaning that the gene might not be fully switched off. Again, this would make monitoring the effects of these changes difficult.

While improvements arose as scientists turned to newer proteins, able to snip away chunks of DNA and replace them with different ones, these techniques were expensive to set up, and very complicated to use. So they never really caught on.

And researchers working with mice could use techniques to insert edited DNA into the animals’ stem cells, using these to develop genetically-engineered animals.

But, once again, there have been problems. While researchers have learned a lot from this technique, it doesn’t always work, and it’s time-consuming to develop.

Here’s where CRISPR comes in.

What is CRISPR anyway?

We have bacteria’s immune systems to thank for CRISPR.

And behind the acronym sit two molecules, which effectively work as a pair of scissors and a microscopic sat nav.

The ‘scissors’ are a protein called Cas9, which can chop up DNA. But precisely where it does so is directed by the ‘sat nav’: a short piece of DNA’s molecular cousin, RNA.

These two components evolved to protect against invading viruses, by helping bacteria spot – and destroy – viruses’ DNA.

But researchers have worked out how to isolate and adapt these primeval tools to let them edit any gene they wish, in any cell they like, with unprecedented precision.

First, the RNA sat nav precisely matches up with a particular stretch of DNA. And it brings the Cas9 molecule along with it, allowing the scissors to cut at that exact point in the DNA sequence.

CRISPR’s power as a research tool comes from being able to engineer bespoke versions of the RNA sat nav, allowing Cas9 to be directed to any gene a researcher wishes.

But it’s what happens next that makes the CRISPR system a cellular version of the ‘find & replace’ tool in a word processor: once Cas9 has cut the DNA, the cell’s built-in repair machinery swings into action.

Researchers can use this response to disrupt the gene that has been cut, essentially switching it off to see what happens.

Or they can do more sophisticated experiments that precisely change the DNA code. Here they can make spelling mistakes in a gene, like certain faults seen in cancer cells, which alter the gene’s function rather than merely scrambling it.

It’s hard to overstate how powerful this precision editing could be for lab scientists. “It’s revolutionised the research we are doing,” says Dr Adrian Saurin, a Cancer Research UK-funded expert in cancer cell biology from the University of Dundee.

And this revolution has seen researchers around the world upgrading their old tools to get a more precise look at cancer.

Can CRISPR help us understand cancer?

Genes carry the recipes for proteins, and Saurin’s team want to understand the particular proteins that control when a cell divides – a process that goes haywire in cancer.

“Traditionally we would have had to make cells artificially produce excess amounts of these proteins, and look and see what happened,” says Saurin.

We can observe biology, without artificially interfering with it, and then make changes just to the DNA and examine the consequences

– Dr Adrian Saurin, University of Dundee

“Now, with CRISPR, we can directly edit the DNA inside cells to see what happens to the proteins. We can really change what these proteins are doing and watch them at a natural level inside the cells.”

The implications of this will be enormous, particularly for studying faulty proteins in cancer. “We can observe biology, without artificially interfering with it, and then make changes just to the DNA and examine the consequences,” Saurin adds.

“That’s the only true way to get cause from effect. It’s going to open up a whole load of new questions that we just weren’t able to address before.”

And researchers around the world are already putting the techniques to good work.

Two independent teams – one in Canada and one in the US – recently used CRISPR to switch off almost every gene in a handful of lab-grown cell lines, one by one. This allowed the teams to test how essential each gene is for the cells’ ability to grow. Their analysis included cancer cells, offering one of the most comprehensive pictures to date of how certain genes may be vital in helping these cells grow uncontrollably.

“Those studies were great,” says Saurin. “They were able to use these tools to find genes that only affect the growth of cancer cells, and not healthy ones, which is really important.”

Another study from last year used CRISPR to test whether switching off different genes in cancer cells increased the cells’ ability to spread to the lungs of mice. Led by Professor Feng Zhang, one of several pioneers of CRISPR research, it was a clear example of how the technology could help unpick the complex process of how cancer spreads.

It’s early days, but we’re beginning to see the potential power of CRISPR as a tool to study cancer in the lab. And researchers will now be able to build on these studies and uncover weaknesses in these cells that may lead to new treatments.


Precision editing. Credit: Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0


Away from cells in a dish, there’s also a lot of interest in putting CRISPR to work in developing newer, more efficient ways of studying how different types of cancer develop in organisms. And that’s something Ian Rosewell, who heads up a team at the Francis Crick Institute working on  developing animal models of cancer, is quick to point out.

“In terms of efficiency, we can achieve a faster result, but working with fewer mice,” he says.

This is a really important part of the work they do, following very strict guidelines on finding ways to replace, reduce and refine the work done with animals in research.

So far the team have used the technique to speed-up and hone the work they were already doing. But Rosewell is particularly excited about research that just simply wasn’t possible before.

“The next generation of experiments suddenly look a lot easier. We have the potential to switch multiple genes on or off, introduce multiple different faults in genes we’re interested in, or even make larger scale changes to big chunks of DNA ,” he says.

This type of research will be vital for accurately recreating the complicated genetic picture found in many cancers.

But, as with any new technology, it’s not perfect… yet. And as Rosewell points out, boosting the system’s efficiency and accuracy is a crucial next step. This means addressing the same shortcomings of previous techniques. Researchers need to be sure that the approach is only targeting the gene they’re interested in.

“There are lots more developments in the pipeline,” says Rosewell, “so this promises to just keep moving.”

And it already is. Researchers have been combing bacterial immune systems for alternatives to Cas9, which may be more accurate. And while high-level legal debates rage on over who ‘owns’ the technique, a team based in the US recently published a study on an upgrade to Cas9 that could make CRISPR even more efficient.

“In 15-20 years of working in the lab I can’t think of anything that has moved so fast,” says Saurin.

“I’ve only just started my own research group, so I have to think very carefully about what I can afford to do.

“The beauty of this technology is that it’s actually relatively cheap. It’s also really easy to do. And that’s exciting for me, because it means that I can compete with some of the biggest labs in the world. The questions we could ask are endless.”

And it’s this simplicity and cost-effectiveness that has left the door open for people to speculate on what this approach might make possible in the future.

What about treating patients?

CRISPR will undoubtedly speed up research. But with so-called ‘biological’ therapies becoming more and more important, what about using it to create new cancer treatments?

Some of the earliest signs that gene editing might find a use in treating people with cancer have come from the high-profile story of Layla – a young girl with leukaemia treated with an experimental immune therapy at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital in late 2015.

The beauty of this treatment was the fact that the cells were edited in a way to make them invisible to drugs that suppress the patient’s immune system, and also to prevent them attacking normal patient cells

– Professor Adrian Thrasher, Institute of Child Health, London

Her doctors used gene editing to engineer immune cells in the lab so they could seek out and attack cancer cells when injected into Layla’s body (an approach we’ve written about here). It’s too early to say how effective the treatment will be in the long-run, but Layla’s initial response was extremely encouraging, and made headlines worldwide.

“The beauty of this treatment was the fact that the cells were edited in a way to make them invisible to drugs that suppress the patient’s immune system, and also to prevent them attacking normal patient cells,” says Professor Adrian Thrasher, from the Institute of Child Health and whose team treated Layla.

“So these cells, which were made from a donor, can be used to treat many patients. This is something that we wouldn’t have been able to do before without these new gene editing techniques.”

While not carried out by CRISPR, Layla’s treatment was created using a similar, slightly older gene editing toolkit called TALENs.

As Saurian explains, while TALENs used to be one of the ‘hot’ gene editing tools, CRISPR has really stolen scientists’ hearts. “When TALENs came along, experiments were difficult and expensive to set up,” he says.

“For a small lab, it took two the three months to get them working in cells reliably. But with CRISPR, I can get the same cells edited and growing in the lab in just one week.”

If this technology is to have any impact in terms of treatment, a boost in efficiency like this could be really important.

And early research from the US is beginning to show how CRISPR might help make the type of immune therapy used to treat Layla more efficient – and thus, perhaps cheaper.

A family affair?

As with any exciting new technology, it’s easy to get a bit overexcited in prophesying what CRISPR might be used for.

From engineering malaria-fighting mosquitoes to gene editing crops to be resistant to pests, there’s lots of potential. There has even been talk of resurrecting the woolly mammoth (although this is perhaps rather further off). And, of course, there has also been interest in how this type of approach might one day be used to tackle genetic disorders, including cancer.

But to echo Jurassic Parks’ Dr Ian Malcolm – played by Jeff Goldblum in the movie – it’s really important to consider both the ‘could’ and the ‘should’. And experts across the worlds of research, policy and ethics are taking this very seriously, including promoting the need for clear public discussions on these technologies.

But while the debate rages, if we allow our minds to wander, we can speculate that if this technology became accurate enough, it might one day be possible to edit cancer risk out of a family’s genome.

Some families carry gene faults that put them at particularly high risk of developing cancer. And over the last few decades, researchers have uncovered hundreds of weaker but more common genetic variations, called SNPs, which influence everyone’s risk of developing cancer to some degree.

We need to understand the impact of these genetic changes first. Then we can think about correcting them

– Dr Maya Ghoussaini, University of Cambridge

Editing out this cancer risk sounds like Sci-Fi – and so far it is.

But researchers are using CRISPR to find out just how important these faults are. “We have this big catalogue of genetic changes that increase the risk of cancer,” says Dr Maya Ghoussaini, whose team at the University of Cambridge is studying genetic changes associated with breast cancer. “But we don’t know how they increase the risk.”

Ghoussaini is editing the faults seen in cancer patients into lab-grown cells, and looking at how this affects gene expression and cells’ behaviour.

And she believes this approach could one day work the other way around, offering the potential to correct the faults that matter in patients’ DNA. But she stresses that “we need to understand the impact of these genetic changes first. Then we can think about correcting them”.

For this type of approach to come even close to the clinic, the technology would need to become even more accurate. And years of research in the lab would be needed to test the idea and prove it was safe and effective.

“We still don’t know how efficient CRISPR will need to be to fix faulty genes in people,” says Ghoussaini.

“There are exciting years to come, but figuring out how this might one day work in people is going to be a big challenge.”

And there would also be a number of hugely important ethical questions to consider, including the implications of making changes to the human genome that can be passed on from generation to generation.

And because this type of therapy – even if you can define it as that – would involve editing human embryos destined to become babies, it would also need to be proven that no alternative method could achieve the same result without altering embryos.

But as things stand, any attempt to carry out this type of human cell editing outside the lab is illegal in the UK.

So, as exciting as this idea is, and as fast as the field is moving, this is still – we think – one for the longer term future. But that just reinforces the need to have these important conversations now.

A final edit

So what of today’s announcement? Is it a cause for concern? UK laws are among the most rigorous in the world when it comes to research using human embryos. And the decision about the proposed research at the Francis Crick Institute underscores this.

In the UK, the balance – we think – has been struck well between proper regulation and research progress. The team at the Crick has the potential to carry out research that will uncover the details of the earliest moments of human development – vital information that could one day lead to new ways of improving IVF and limiting miscarriages.

For now, this won’t directly offer insights into cancer. But the potential is there as the technology develops, which is why we have signed up to a joint statement describing the use of this technology in human cells and committing to public discussion.

Editing humans – whether for improvements in fertility or to tackle cancer – is a big challenge, with huge responsibilities. If CRISPR is going to help researchers and doctors get there, experts and the public will need to be absolutely sure it’s up to the job. In the meantime, for researchers working day-to-day to study human disease, this ground-breaking new technology looks set to revolutionise our understanding. And that can only be a good thing.


from Cancer Research UK - Science blog

The first draft of the human genome was published 16 years ago. And since then, scientists have scoured its three billion-odd letters for clues to cancer’s origins.

To carry out this biological text-analysis, researchers have employed virtually every method of manipulating DNA they can get their hands on, learning a huge amount along the way. They’ve torn out pages, spell-checked lines, written in the margins of cellular history, and stuck bits back in – all in the hope of understanding how genes work and, crucially, how they can go wrong.

But to do this scientists have relied on some imperfect, albeit vital, lab tools, which can be expensive and labour-intensive. And this has meant that entire research groups have often been limited to studying single genes.

Add to this the fact that many cancers’ root cause lies in combinations of multiple faulty genes, and it’s clear there’s a long way to go. While the previous generation of gene editing techniques have helped scientists document many chapters of cancer’s history, it’s fair to say the ink would also sometimes run, or glued pages might slip.

So the precise function of many genes – and, importantly, how they collude with others in cancer – has been left unclear and smudged.

But in the last 12 months, a potential solution to these challenges has emerged. Labs across the world are trading in their weathered toolkits in exchange for something much shinier.

And it’s called CRISPR.

Short for ‘Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats’, the technique promises a cheaper, quicker and more accurate way of studying the inner workings of our genes – a bit like exchanging a stone tablet and chisel for a fast laptop running modern publishing software.

But, as with any new technology, there are important considerations before making the trade – and these are all the more important if the technique becomes something that could be used to permanently change humanity’s DNA.

There are tough ethical questions, some of which have been in the spotlight today as the Human Fertility and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has given a licence to UK researchers at London’s Francis Crick Institute, allowing them to study human development by genetically altering human embryos donated from couples undergoing IVF.

But while our scientists aren’t doing research that involves editing human embryos (and away from the associated debate), they are already putting the technology to work on lab-grown cancer cells and other more conventional research models. And this is showing extraordinary potential to transform research on cancer.


The DNA code. Credit: Flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Until recently, researchers working with cells in the lab, or with animals, had a handful of DNA editing approaches to choose from.

In cancer cells, for example, they might insert short chunks of genetic material into the cells, designed to seek out and switch off genes.

But there were problems. Sometimes these approaches would miss the target, or hit another gene at the same time. This made interpreting the results tricky, and experiments would become more cumbersome and time-consuming as extra checks were put in place to ensure the results were true.

There were also efficiency problems, meaning that the gene might not be fully switched off. Again, this would make monitoring the effects of these changes difficult.

While improvements arose as scientists turned to newer proteins, able to snip away chunks of DNA and replace them with different ones, these techniques were expensive to set up, and very complicated to use. So they never really caught on.

And researchers working with mice could use techniques to insert edited DNA into the animals’ stem cells, using these to develop genetically-engineered animals.

But, once again, there have been problems. While researchers have learned a lot from this technique, it doesn’t always work, and it’s time-consuming to develop.

Here’s where CRISPR comes in.

What is CRISPR anyway?

We have bacteria’s immune systems to thank for CRISPR.

And behind the acronym sit two molecules, which effectively work as a pair of scissors and a microscopic sat nav.

The ‘scissors’ are a protein called Cas9, which can chop up DNA. But precisely where it does so is directed by the ‘sat nav’: a short piece of DNA’s molecular cousin, RNA.

These two components evolved to protect against invading viruses, by helping bacteria spot – and destroy – viruses’ DNA.

But researchers have worked out how to isolate and adapt these primeval tools to let them edit any gene they wish, in any cell they like, with unprecedented precision.

First, the RNA sat nav precisely matches up with a particular stretch of DNA. And it brings the Cas9 molecule along with it, allowing the scissors to cut at that exact point in the DNA sequence.

CRISPR’s power as a research tool comes from being able to engineer bespoke versions of the RNA sat nav, allowing Cas9 to be directed to any gene a researcher wishes.

But it’s what happens next that makes the CRISPR system a cellular version of the ‘find & replace’ tool in a word processor: once Cas9 has cut the DNA, the cell’s built-in repair machinery swings into action.

Researchers can use this response to disrupt the gene that has been cut, essentially switching it off to see what happens.

Or they can do more sophisticated experiments that precisely change the DNA code. Here they can make spelling mistakes in a gene, like certain faults seen in cancer cells, which alter the gene’s function rather than merely scrambling it.

It’s hard to overstate how powerful this precision editing could be for lab scientists. “It’s revolutionised the research we are doing,” says Dr Adrian Saurin, a Cancer Research UK-funded expert in cancer cell biology from the University of Dundee.

And this revolution has seen researchers around the world upgrading their old tools to get a more precise look at cancer.

Can CRISPR help us understand cancer?

Genes carry the recipes for proteins, and Saurin’s team want to understand the particular proteins that control when a cell divides – a process that goes haywire in cancer.

“Traditionally we would have had to make cells artificially produce excess amounts of these proteins, and look and see what happened,” says Saurin.

We can observe biology, without artificially interfering with it, and then make changes just to the DNA and examine the consequences

– Dr Adrian Saurin, University of Dundee

“Now, with CRISPR, we can directly edit the DNA inside cells to see what happens to the proteins. We can really change what these proteins are doing and watch them at a natural level inside the cells.”

The implications of this will be enormous, particularly for studying faulty proteins in cancer. “We can observe biology, without artificially interfering with it, and then make changes just to the DNA and examine the consequences,” Saurin adds.

“That’s the only true way to get cause from effect. It’s going to open up a whole load of new questions that we just weren’t able to address before.”

And researchers around the world are already putting the techniques to good work.

Two independent teams – one in Canada and one in the US – recently used CRISPR to switch off almost every gene in a handful of lab-grown cell lines, one by one. This allowed the teams to test how essential each gene is for the cells’ ability to grow. Their analysis included cancer cells, offering one of the most comprehensive pictures to date of how certain genes may be vital in helping these cells grow uncontrollably.

“Those studies were great,” says Saurin. “They were able to use these tools to find genes that only affect the growth of cancer cells, and not healthy ones, which is really important.”

Another study from last year used CRISPR to test whether switching off different genes in cancer cells increased the cells’ ability to spread to the lungs of mice. Led by Professor Feng Zhang, one of several pioneers of CRISPR research, it was a clear example of how the technology could help unpick the complex process of how cancer spreads.

It’s early days, but we’re beginning to see the potential power of CRISPR as a tool to study cancer in the lab. And researchers will now be able to build on these studies and uncover weaknesses in these cells that may lead to new treatments.


Precision editing. Credit: Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0


Away from cells in a dish, there’s also a lot of interest in putting CRISPR to work in developing newer, more efficient ways of studying how different types of cancer develop in organisms. And that’s something Ian Rosewell, who heads up a team at the Francis Crick Institute working on  developing animal models of cancer, is quick to point out.

“In terms of efficiency, we can achieve a faster result, but working with fewer mice,” he says.

This is a really important part of the work they do, following very strict guidelines on finding ways to replace, reduce and refine the work done with animals in research.

So far the team have used the technique to speed-up and hone the work they were already doing. But Rosewell is particularly excited about research that just simply wasn’t possible before.

“The next generation of experiments suddenly look a lot easier. We have the potential to switch multiple genes on or off, introduce multiple different faults in genes we’re interested in, or even make larger scale changes to big chunks of DNA ,” he says.

This type of research will be vital for accurately recreating the complicated genetic picture found in many cancers.

But, as with any new technology, it’s not perfect… yet. And as Rosewell points out, boosting the system’s efficiency and accuracy is a crucial next step. This means addressing the same shortcomings of previous techniques. Researchers need to be sure that the approach is only targeting the gene they’re interested in.

“There are lots more developments in the pipeline,” says Rosewell, “so this promises to just keep moving.”

And it already is. Researchers have been combing bacterial immune systems for alternatives to Cas9, which may be more accurate. And while high-level legal debates rage on over who ‘owns’ the technique, a team based in the US recently published a study on an upgrade to Cas9 that could make CRISPR even more efficient.

“In 15-20 years of working in the lab I can’t think of anything that has moved so fast,” says Saurin.

“I’ve only just started my own research group, so I have to think very carefully about what I can afford to do.

“The beauty of this technology is that it’s actually relatively cheap. It’s also really easy to do. And that’s exciting for me, because it means that I can compete with some of the biggest labs in the world. The questions we could ask are endless.”

And it’s this simplicity and cost-effectiveness that has left the door open for people to speculate on what this approach might make possible in the future.

What about treating patients?

CRISPR will undoubtedly speed up research. But with so-called ‘biological’ therapies becoming more and more important, what about using it to create new cancer treatments?

Some of the earliest signs that gene editing might find a use in treating people with cancer have come from the high-profile story of Layla – a young girl with leukaemia treated with an experimental immune therapy at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital in late 2015.

The beauty of this treatment was the fact that the cells were edited in a way to make them invisible to drugs that suppress the patient’s immune system, and also to prevent them attacking normal patient cells

– Professor Adrian Thrasher, Institute of Child Health, London

Her doctors used gene editing to engineer immune cells in the lab so they could seek out and attack cancer cells when injected into Layla’s body (an approach we’ve written about here). It’s too early to say how effective the treatment will be in the long-run, but Layla’s initial response was extremely encouraging, and made headlines worldwide.

“The beauty of this treatment was the fact that the cells were edited in a way to make them invisible to drugs that suppress the patient’s immune system, and also to prevent them attacking normal patient cells,” says Professor Adrian Thrasher, from the Institute of Child Health and whose team treated Layla.

“So these cells, which were made from a donor, can be used to treat many patients. This is something that we wouldn’t have been able to do before without these new gene editing techniques.”

While not carried out by CRISPR, Layla’s treatment was created using a similar, slightly older gene editing toolkit called TALENs.

As Saurian explains, while TALENs used to be one of the ‘hot’ gene editing tools, CRISPR has really stolen scientists’ hearts. “When TALENs came along, experiments were difficult and expensive to set up,” he says.

“For a small lab, it took two the three months to get them working in cells reliably. But with CRISPR, I can get the same cells edited and growing in the lab in just one week.”

If this technology is to have any impact in terms of treatment, a boost in efficiency like this could be really important.

And early research from the US is beginning to show how CRISPR might help make the type of immune therapy used to treat Layla more efficient – and thus, perhaps cheaper.

A family affair?

As with any exciting new technology, it’s easy to get a bit overexcited in prophesying what CRISPR might be used for.

From engineering malaria-fighting mosquitoes to gene editing crops to be resistant to pests, there’s lots of potential. There has even been talk of resurrecting the woolly mammoth (although this is perhaps rather further off). And, of course, there has also been interest in how this type of approach might one day be used to tackle genetic disorders, including cancer.

But to echo Jurassic Parks’ Dr Ian Malcolm – played by Jeff Goldblum in the movie – it’s really important to consider both the ‘could’ and the ‘should’. And experts across the worlds of research, policy and ethics are taking this very seriously, including promoting the need for clear public discussions on these technologies.

But while the debate rages, if we allow our minds to wander, we can speculate that if this technology became accurate enough, it might one day be possible to edit cancer risk out of a family’s genome.

Some families carry gene faults that put them at particularly high risk of developing cancer. And over the last few decades, researchers have uncovered hundreds of weaker but more common genetic variations, called SNPs, which influence everyone’s risk of developing cancer to some degree.

We need to understand the impact of these genetic changes first. Then we can think about correcting them

– Dr Maya Ghoussaini, University of Cambridge

Editing out this cancer risk sounds like Sci-Fi – and so far it is.

But researchers are using CRISPR to find out just how important these faults are. “We have this big catalogue of genetic changes that increase the risk of cancer,” says Dr Maya Ghoussaini, whose team at the University of Cambridge is studying genetic changes associated with breast cancer. “But we don’t know how they increase the risk.”

Ghoussaini is editing the faults seen in cancer patients into lab-grown cells, and looking at how this affects gene expression and cells’ behaviour.

And she believes this approach could one day work the other way around, offering the potential to correct the faults that matter in patients’ DNA. But she stresses that “we need to understand the impact of these genetic changes first. Then we can think about correcting them”.

For this type of approach to come even close to the clinic, the technology would need to become even more accurate. And years of research in the lab would be needed to test the idea and prove it was safe and effective.

“We still don’t know how efficient CRISPR will need to be to fix faulty genes in people,” says Ghoussaini.

“There are exciting years to come, but figuring out how this might one day work in people is going to be a big challenge.”

And there would also be a number of hugely important ethical questions to consider, including the implications of making changes to the human genome that can be passed on from generation to generation.

And because this type of therapy – even if you can define it as that – would involve editing human embryos destined to become babies, it would also need to be proven that no alternative method could achieve the same result without altering embryos.

But as things stand, any attempt to carry out this type of human cell editing outside the lab is illegal in the UK.

So, as exciting as this idea is, and as fast as the field is moving, this is still – we think – one for the longer term future. But that just reinforces the need to have these important conversations now.

A final edit

So what of today’s announcement? Is it a cause for concern? UK laws are among the most rigorous in the world when it comes to research using human embryos. And the decision about the proposed research at the Francis Crick Institute underscores this.

In the UK, the balance – we think – has been struck well between proper regulation and research progress. The team at the Crick has the potential to carry out research that will uncover the details of the earliest moments of human development – vital information that could one day lead to new ways of improving IVF and limiting miscarriages.

For now, this won’t directly offer insights into cancer. But the potential is there as the technology develops, which is why we have signed up to a joint statement describing the use of this technology in human cells and committing to public discussion.

Editing humans – whether for improvements in fertility or to tackle cancer – is a big challenge, with huge responsibilities. If CRISPR is going to help researchers and doctors get there, experts and the public will need to be absolutely sure it’s up to the job. In the meantime, for researchers working day-to-day to study human disease, this ground-breaking new technology looks set to revolutionise our understanding. And that can only be a good thing.


from Cancer Research UK - Science blog

Trump is going to lose the Iowa Caucus, and here’s why [Greg Laden's Blog]

I’m privileged to live in Minnesota, which is Iowa’s neighbor and thus not so different from Iowa, except our college football teams are better.

And it isn’t just the corn, but also, the caucus. We do that here too. Our caucus system is similar enough to Iowa that one can have a sense of what goes on over the border just with some local experience.

So let me tell you a story. I volunteered one day to help out a friend with a local campaign. The idea was to show up at the local VFW post and engage in a caucus to determine a DFL (that’s what we call Democrats in Minnesota) candidate for a local election. I met the candidate and the other volunteers in the parking lot, and coffee was passed around. As we stood around sipping our coffee, the other candidate’s team showed up, parked their van with that candidates name on it near the door, and attacked the VFW hall in the prescribed way. They plastered signs up everywhere, and positioned themselves around to meet and greet everybody who walked into the hall, giving them literature and buttons.

I asked the person who seemed to be in charge of our team where our signs were, suggesting that we needed to get in there and take some wall space before it was all used up. The response, “Well, people shouldn’t really be picking a candidate on the basis of signs, but rather, on where they stand on the issues.”

A little while later, I suggested that we get in position around the entrance ways and by the food table and bathrooms and such in order to hand out buttons and literature. “We didn’t make any literature, but here’s some buttons, if you want to hand them out. It shouldn’t really matter, though, our candidate is so much better that we don’t need to do that.”

A little while later each candidate got to make a speech outlining their respective positions. My candidate was indeed way better. Articulate, intelligent, made sense. The other candidate mainly talked about her inexperience, and how she didn’t really want this job but her neighbors talked her into it.

Then the process started. We were creamed. We got something like single digit support.


No signs. No buttons. No literature.

Here’s the thing. A caucus is a commitment of time. It takes a few hours. The majority of caucus goers are party activists or people otherwise motivated to spend a few hours in a confusing and sometimes frustrating environment. There are elements to the caucus process, at least in Minnesota, that seem to be designed to weed out the less committed or interested individuals, such as votes on who should be in this or that job that nobody ever even heard of, or resolutions that everyone already supports, etc.

So when you get a room full of activists and they are trying to decide who to put up for election, what do they base that decision on? Well, first, they eliminate the candidates that are simply untenable. At another caucus a few years ago, a candidate who would be running against Michele Bachmann got up and explained that she was the best DFL candidate because she was anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage and such, and so she was the only Democrat that could get those votes away from Bachmann. The room remained silent as she exited the stage, and not another word was said about her. (That is the modern day Minnesotan method of drawing and quartering someone.)

Once the untenable candidates are suitably ignored, we then get to the number one actual question we must ask of this candidate: Can this candidate win?

In a general election, it has been suggested that lawn signs and such matter little. Everybody knows that most of the literature ends up in the recycling. In fact, too much lit can annoy people. Campaign buttons don’t do much either, because once you’ve handed them out most people will not wear them again. None of that really means much in a general election.

But in a caucus it means everything. These are signals a candidate sends out the the activists indicating that they have a clue as to how the process works. I know this does not make much sense at first, but then again, the giant schnoz on the front end of a male elephant seal does not make much sense either. Nor does the giant tail on a male peacock, which mainly serves to make it hard to get away from predators. But these are signals sent out to indicate not too indirectly some aspect of quality.

Sexual selection in animals often causes the evolution of traits that make no sense in most contexts, but end up serving as honest advertisements of some innate quality that females will prefer. Union printed wall and lawns signs, literature and buttons, and having a lot of volunteers standing around clearly identified as working for a given candidate are honest indicators of seriousness, ability, knowledge of the process, support, and so on.

At the local caucus for my friend, the activists saw a candidate that knew the ropes, and a candidate that did not. They picked the one who sent out the proper signals, even though the choice based on positions, speaking ability, etc. should have gone the other way.

Why will Donald Trump lose the Iowa Caucus?

The word on the street in Iowa is that the Cruz campaign is running a tight and effective ground game. They have all the parts. People have arrived from hundreds of miles away to phone bank and door knock … having someone at your door telling you they just drove in from Montana to visit their grandmother in the ancestral Iowa home, oh and caucus for this candidate please, is effective.

Meanwhile Trump is not letting the press near or in the local headquarters. They are playing the ground game totally differently, more like the run up to the latest greatest reality TV show. Trump is inviting random children to tour his private plane. His daughter made a video on how to caucus, as though anyone in Iowa needs to know how to caucus. In short, Trump is sending almost none of the proper signals, and if anything, is sending bad signals. Iowans don’t care about someone’s private plane and they don’t need to be told how to do their jobs.

Iowans, today, will see on the news Cruz’s machine pulling out all the stops and doing all the things. They will see some dude in the parking lot outside of the blacked out windows of what appears to be Trump’s headquarters saying that they have no comment about anything, asking the press to go away. Caucus delegates who might have been leaning towards Trump will caucus instead for someone else, most likely Cruz. And Cruz will trounce trump.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. For now. I’ll delete this post in shame if I’m wrong. Which is a distinct possibility. Becauase you never know with a caucus…

from ScienceBlogs

I’m privileged to live in Minnesota, which is Iowa’s neighbor and thus not so different from Iowa, except our college football teams are better.

And it isn’t just the corn, but also, the caucus. We do that here too. Our caucus system is similar enough to Iowa that one can have a sense of what goes on over the border just with some local experience.

So let me tell you a story. I volunteered one day to help out a friend with a local campaign. The idea was to show up at the local VFW post and engage in a caucus to determine a DFL (that’s what we call Democrats in Minnesota) candidate for a local election. I met the candidate and the other volunteers in the parking lot, and coffee was passed around. As we stood around sipping our coffee, the other candidate’s team showed up, parked their van with that candidates name on it near the door, and attacked the VFW hall in the prescribed way. They plastered signs up everywhere, and positioned themselves around to meet and greet everybody who walked into the hall, giving them literature and buttons.

I asked the person who seemed to be in charge of our team where our signs were, suggesting that we needed to get in there and take some wall space before it was all used up. The response, “Well, people shouldn’t really be picking a candidate on the basis of signs, but rather, on where they stand on the issues.”

A little while later, I suggested that we get in position around the entrance ways and by the food table and bathrooms and such in order to hand out buttons and literature. “We didn’t make any literature, but here’s some buttons, if you want to hand them out. It shouldn’t really matter, though, our candidate is so much better that we don’t need to do that.”

A little while later each candidate got to make a speech outlining their respective positions. My candidate was indeed way better. Articulate, intelligent, made sense. The other candidate mainly talked about her inexperience, and how she didn’t really want this job but her neighbors talked her into it.

Then the process started. We were creamed. We got something like single digit support.


No signs. No buttons. No literature.

Here’s the thing. A caucus is a commitment of time. It takes a few hours. The majority of caucus goers are party activists or people otherwise motivated to spend a few hours in a confusing and sometimes frustrating environment. There are elements to the caucus process, at least in Minnesota, that seem to be designed to weed out the less committed or interested individuals, such as votes on who should be in this or that job that nobody ever even heard of, or resolutions that everyone already supports, etc.

So when you get a room full of activists and they are trying to decide who to put up for election, what do they base that decision on? Well, first, they eliminate the candidates that are simply untenable. At another caucus a few years ago, a candidate who would be running against Michele Bachmann got up and explained that she was the best DFL candidate because she was anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage and such, and so she was the only Democrat that could get those votes away from Bachmann. The room remained silent as she exited the stage, and not another word was said about her. (That is the modern day Minnesotan method of drawing and quartering someone.)

Once the untenable candidates are suitably ignored, we then get to the number one actual question we must ask of this candidate: Can this candidate win?

In a general election, it has been suggested that lawn signs and such matter little. Everybody knows that most of the literature ends up in the recycling. In fact, too much lit can annoy people. Campaign buttons don’t do much either, because once you’ve handed them out most people will not wear them again. None of that really means much in a general election.

But in a caucus it means everything. These are signals a candidate sends out the the activists indicating that they have a clue as to how the process works. I know this does not make much sense at first, but then again, the giant schnoz on the front end of a male elephant seal does not make much sense either. Nor does the giant tail on a male peacock, which mainly serves to make it hard to get away from predators. But these are signals sent out to indicate not too indirectly some aspect of quality.

Sexual selection in animals often causes the evolution of traits that make no sense in most contexts, but end up serving as honest advertisements of some innate quality that females will prefer. Union printed wall and lawns signs, literature and buttons, and having a lot of volunteers standing around clearly identified as working for a given candidate are honest indicators of seriousness, ability, knowledge of the process, support, and so on.

At the local caucus for my friend, the activists saw a candidate that knew the ropes, and a candidate that did not. They picked the one who sent out the proper signals, even though the choice based on positions, speaking ability, etc. should have gone the other way.

Why will Donald Trump lose the Iowa Caucus?

The word on the street in Iowa is that the Cruz campaign is running a tight and effective ground game. They have all the parts. People have arrived from hundreds of miles away to phone bank and door knock … having someone at your door telling you they just drove in from Montana to visit their grandmother in the ancestral Iowa home, oh and caucus for this candidate please, is effective.

Meanwhile Trump is not letting the press near or in the local headquarters. They are playing the ground game totally differently, more like the run up to the latest greatest reality TV show. Trump is inviting random children to tour his private plane. His daughter made a video on how to caucus, as though anyone in Iowa needs to know how to caucus. In short, Trump is sending almost none of the proper signals, and if anything, is sending bad signals. Iowans don’t care about someone’s private plane and they don’t need to be told how to do their jobs.

Iowans, today, will see on the news Cruz’s machine pulling out all the stops and doing all the things. They will see some dude in the parking lot outside of the blacked out windows of what appears to be Trump’s headquarters saying that they have no comment about anything, asking the press to go away. Caucus delegates who might have been leaning towards Trump will caucus instead for someone else, most likely Cruz. And Cruz will trounce trump.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. For now. I’ll delete this post in shame if I’m wrong. Which is a distinct possibility. Becauase you never know with a caucus…

from ScienceBlogs

A calm, rational reaction to the Zika virus [Pharyngula]

Peter Doherty explains the likely outcomes of the Zika virus pandemic.

What we are seeing in the Americas is a classic “virgin soil” epidemic. Enormous numbers of people and mosquitoes are being infected, the virus is transmitting at a very high level, and there may be as many as 4×106 cases. Apart from affected neonates, all will likely recover, with increasing “background” immunity progressively limiting the number of new infections in subsequent years. The current molecular technology is such that making a protective vaccine should be technically straightforward, but the process of safety testing and evaluation could take several years.

The long-term prospect with Zika virus is that we will live reasonably comfortably with it, especially if there is a vaccine to protect women of reproductive age. The principal decision for responsible authorities, like National Governments in endemic areas and the WHO, is whether there is a case for fast-tracking, then funding, a vaccine to protect all young women. For the present, pregnant women are advised not to travel to these countries and, for those where this in not an issue, insect repellant also offers some protection against much nastier viruses like dengue and Chikungunya.

It’s spreading rapidly, and one contributor to that is the ridiculous attitudes of conservative Christianity, but this one, tragic as its consequences can be, isn’t the big pandemic that will kill us all. And the answer to it lies in natural properties of adaptive immunity and vaccines.

from ScienceBlogs

Peter Doherty explains the likely outcomes of the Zika virus pandemic.

What we are seeing in the Americas is a classic “virgin soil” epidemic. Enormous numbers of people and mosquitoes are being infected, the virus is transmitting at a very high level, and there may be as many as 4×106 cases. Apart from affected neonates, all will likely recover, with increasing “background” immunity progressively limiting the number of new infections in subsequent years. The current molecular technology is such that making a protective vaccine should be technically straightforward, but the process of safety testing and evaluation could take several years.

The long-term prospect with Zika virus is that we will live reasonably comfortably with it, especially if there is a vaccine to protect women of reproductive age. The principal decision for responsible authorities, like National Governments in endemic areas and the WHO, is whether there is a case for fast-tracking, then funding, a vaccine to protect all young women. For the present, pregnant women are advised not to travel to these countries and, for those where this in not an issue, insect repellant also offers some protection against much nastier viruses like dengue and Chikungunya.

It’s spreading rapidly, and one contributor to that is the ridiculous attitudes of conservative Christianity, but this one, tragic as its consequences can be, isn’t the big pandemic that will kill us all. And the answer to it lies in natural properties of adaptive immunity and vaccines.

from ScienceBlogs

Here’s One Issue Ted Cruz Actually Gets Right

And the Democrats get it wrong.
Ted Cruz

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) navigate through an Iowa corn field during a 2013 hunt. Nati Harnik/AP

With the Iowa caucuses just a week away, Ted Cruz is duking it out with Donald Trump. But Cruz is also taking a beating from a less well-known opponent: the biofuel industry.


The problem is Cruz’s stance on the Renewable Fuel Standard, a federal mandate that requires fuels made from corn, sugarcane, and other biological sources to be mixed into the nation’s gasoline supply. The most prominent of these fuels is ethanol made from corn. Cruz wants to abolish the RFS (along with all government mandates and subsidies for energy, including for fossil fuels and renewables). Last week in New Hampshire he described the RFS as yet another way in which the government is “picking winners and losers.”

That position sets him apart from the other Iowa front-runners, Republican and Democrat alike. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have both expressed support for the RFS. Trump recently said he wants to increase the mandate.

Cruz’s opposition to ethanol mandates puts him in a place you’d never expect to find him: on the right side of a debate about climate change.

Cruz’s position could be a major liability in Iowa, where the RFS has become one of the most important corn-related federal programs and is a major fixture in the state’s politics. Iowa produces by far the most corn-based ethanol and thus arguably benefits more than any other state from the RFS. Last week, Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) called for Cruz’s defeat in the caucuses, specifically citing Cruz’s “anti-renewable fuel stand.” (Branstad’s son works for the ethanol trade group America’s Renewable Future, the organization in the Twitter photo above.) Last week, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley (R), a longtime proponent of the RFS, said he agreed with Branstad’s criticism of Cruz. Of course, Iowa Republicans aren’t all single-issue voters, and it remains to be seen how much ethanol will matter to caucus-goers.

Still, Cruz’s opposition to ethanol mandates puts him in a place you would never expect to find him: on the right side of a debate about climate change. Throughout the campaign, the Texas senator has been second only to Trump in his outspoken denial of mainstream global warming science. He has repeatedly used his Senate position to espouse blatantly misleading data that purportedly shows global warming stopped two decades ago. In August, he accused climate scientists of “cooking the books” and later told Glenn Beck that at this point climate change activists resemble a “religion.”

But on ethanol, Cruz is on the right track.

To understand why, let’s back up a bit. At the global climate talks in Paris in December, the United States committed to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 26-28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. That goal mainly hinges on slashing pollution from coal-fired power plants. But the president’s plan also calls for filling the tanks of the nation’s cars and trucks with ever more fuel made from plants. The same day the Paris talks got underway, the Obama administration increased the requirements of the RFS. The new rules guarantee a growing market for corn-based ethanol, as well as for cutting-edge biofuels made of everything from grass to algae.

Only about 5 percent of the country’s transportation fuel currently comes from biofuels (another 3 percent comes from natural gas, and the rest from petroleum). But that small number masks a rapid upward trend: Biofuel’s share has grown fourfold in just the last decade. Roughly 80 percent of that supply comes in the form of corn-based ethanol, production of which has skyrocketed 320 percent over that period. Today, one of every three bushels of corn grown in the United States ends up as ethanol. The remaining volume of biofuels comes largely from imported Brazilian sugarcane ethanol and soy-based biodiesel. A tiny splash comes from so-called “cellulosic” biofuels made from grass, cornhusks, and other nonfood sources (the term refers to lignocellulose, the material that comprises much of the mass of plants).

The nation’s love affair with biofuels dates back to the final years of the George W. Bush administration, when Congress passed the current version of the RFS. That law set ambitious long-term targets for biofuels and tasked the Environmental Protection Agency with keeping the industry on pace—hence the new requirements announced in November.

When corn ethanol started to take off in the mid-2000s, it was supposed to be an easy climate win, projected to have 20 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions per gallon than petroleum. But real-life experience proved murkier. By 2011, the EPA’s own estimates showed that corn ethanol production resulted in emissions that were anywhere from 6 percent to 66 percent higher than petroleum, depending on the kind of power source used to convert it from a cob into fuel.

The original promise of biofuels was based on a basic accounting error, explains Tim Searchinger, a researcher at Princeton University and the World Resources Institute. Burning biofuels still produces tailpipe emissions; the climate benefit was supposed to come from the carbon dioxide emissions sucked out of the air as the corn grew. But the EPA’s early estimates assumed that the corn diverted to biofuel wouldn’t be replaced in the food supply. In other words, Searchinger explains, “the offset is that people and livestock eat less.” Instead, the opposite happened: As ethanol boomed and corn prices climbed, farmers in Iowa and elsewhere planted millions of new corn acres, sometimes at the expense of grasslands and forests that did a better job of capturing carbon than rows of corn do.

“If you have any amount of land use change to replace the crops, that wipes out the [climate] gain,” Searchinger says.

A similar problem arose with soy-based fuels, as soy diverted from cooking oil to biodiesel was largely replaced with palm oil from Southeast Asia. Deforestation to produce palm oil is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Still, some energy analysts remain hopeful about the climate benefits of more advanced, cellulosic biofuels.

“Definitely there are lots of environmental problems with corn ethanol, but turning back to oil isn’t the solution either,” says Jeremy Martin, a senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists. “Advanced biofuels are an important part of a multipart strategy to cut emissions from the transportation sector.”

Today, cellulosic biofuels are still a bit player, though they’re growing quickly; production is expected to double this year. But they’re still lagging far behind the production levels Congress first envisioned when it created the RFS. In 2015, production of cellulosic biofuels was 96 percent below the original target. Behind that delay is a complex blend of factors. The technology needed to produce cellulosic biofuels at an industrial scale took longer to develop than originally anticipated, in part because the EPA was so far behind schedule on its RFS planning that the 2014 requirement wasn’t even announced until 2015. Delays like that have spooked investors, who were left wondering what the future market for cellulosic biofuels would look like. Meanwhile, the 2008 recession led to an across-the-board dip in gasoline consumption, further reducing market opportunities.

Cellulosic biofuels have also been crowded out by corn ethanol. Gasoline refiners are only required to mix their product with about 10 percent biofuels (the so-called “blend wall”), and they have fought vigorously against an increase in that requirement, claiming that most car engines aren’t equipped to handle anything more. Ethanol has taken up most of that share, leaving cellulosic biofuels with nowhere to go; new flex-fuel cars that can run on much higher volumes of biofuel are still a small market.

“It’s challenging to market biofuels beyond 10 percent at the moment,” Martin said. “That probably more than anything caused the difficulty with how to proceed. Without a solution to the blend wall, that’s a real problem for the cellulosic plants.”

One of the most promising developments for cellulosic biofuels is underway just outside Ames, Iowa, where Sarah Palin delivered her rambling endorsement of Trump last week. Here, one of the country’s first commercial cellulosic biofuel plants opened in October with much fanfare, including appearances by Gov. Branstad and Sen. Grassley. The plant, operated by chemical giant DuPont, aims to convert corn “stover” (husks and other nonedible byproducts left in the field) into a fuel that the company claims will have up to 90 percent lower emissions than petroleum.

Jan Koninckx, director of biofuels at DuPont, says that after years of false starts his industry is finally poised to deliver, at scale, a biofuel with solid environmental credentials.

“This is really the only realistic way in the foreseeable future to substantially decarbonize transportation,” he says.

Of course, one of the most promising options for climate-friendly cars might not rely on liquid fuel at all. The market for electric vehicles is growing by leaps and bounds. And according to Searchinger’s research, an acre of solar panels can produce up to 300 times more energy for vehicles than the same acre planted with corn. Using electricity instead of gasoline could drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce America’s dependence on oil imports—without the concerns about land use.

“Things that are slightly better than fossil fuels aren’t the solution,” Searchinger says. “You need things that are 100 percent better than fossil fuels.”

Right, Senator Cruz?

from Climate Desk
And the Democrats get it wrong.
Ted Cruz

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) navigate through an Iowa corn field during a 2013 hunt. Nati Harnik/AP

With the Iowa caucuses just a week away, Ted Cruz is duking it out with Donald Trump. But Cruz is also taking a beating from a less well-known opponent: the biofuel industry.


The problem is Cruz’s stance on the Renewable Fuel Standard, a federal mandate that requires fuels made from corn, sugarcane, and other biological sources to be mixed into the nation’s gasoline supply. The most prominent of these fuels is ethanol made from corn. Cruz wants to abolish the RFS (along with all government mandates and subsidies for energy, including for fossil fuels and renewables). Last week in New Hampshire he described the RFS as yet another way in which the government is “picking winners and losers.”

That position sets him apart from the other Iowa front-runners, Republican and Democrat alike. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have both expressed support for the RFS. Trump recently said he wants to increase the mandate.

Cruz’s opposition to ethanol mandates puts him in a place you’d never expect to find him: on the right side of a debate about climate change.

Cruz’s position could be a major liability in Iowa, where the RFS has become one of the most important corn-related federal programs and is a major fixture in the state’s politics. Iowa produces by far the most corn-based ethanol and thus arguably benefits more than any other state from the RFS. Last week, Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) called for Cruz’s defeat in the caucuses, specifically citing Cruz’s “anti-renewable fuel stand.” (Branstad’s son works for the ethanol trade group America’s Renewable Future, the organization in the Twitter photo above.) Last week, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley (R), a longtime proponent of the RFS, said he agreed with Branstad’s criticism of Cruz. Of course, Iowa Republicans aren’t all single-issue voters, and it remains to be seen how much ethanol will matter to caucus-goers.

Still, Cruz’s opposition to ethanol mandates puts him in a place you would never expect to find him: on the right side of a debate about climate change. Throughout the campaign, the Texas senator has been second only to Trump in his outspoken denial of mainstream global warming science. He has repeatedly used his Senate position to espouse blatantly misleading data that purportedly shows global warming stopped two decades ago. In August, he accused climate scientists of “cooking the books” and later told Glenn Beck that at this point climate change activists resemble a “religion.”

But on ethanol, Cruz is on the right track.

To understand why, let’s back up a bit. At the global climate talks in Paris in December, the United States committed to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 26-28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. That goal mainly hinges on slashing pollution from coal-fired power plants. But the president’s plan also calls for filling the tanks of the nation’s cars and trucks with ever more fuel made from plants. The same day the Paris talks got underway, the Obama administration increased the requirements of the RFS. The new rules guarantee a growing market for corn-based ethanol, as well as for cutting-edge biofuels made of everything from grass to algae.

Only about 5 percent of the country’s transportation fuel currently comes from biofuels (another 3 percent comes from natural gas, and the rest from petroleum). But that small number masks a rapid upward trend: Biofuel’s share has grown fourfold in just the last decade. Roughly 80 percent of that supply comes in the form of corn-based ethanol, production of which has skyrocketed 320 percent over that period. Today, one of every three bushels of corn grown in the United States ends up as ethanol. The remaining volume of biofuels comes largely from imported Brazilian sugarcane ethanol and soy-based biodiesel. A tiny splash comes from so-called “cellulosic” biofuels made from grass, cornhusks, and other nonfood sources (the term refers to lignocellulose, the material that comprises much of the mass of plants).

The nation’s love affair with biofuels dates back to the final years of the George W. Bush administration, when Congress passed the current version of the RFS. That law set ambitious long-term targets for biofuels and tasked the Environmental Protection Agency with keeping the industry on pace—hence the new requirements announced in November.

When corn ethanol started to take off in the mid-2000s, it was supposed to be an easy climate win, projected to have 20 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions per gallon than petroleum. But real-life experience proved murkier. By 2011, the EPA’s own estimates showed that corn ethanol production resulted in emissions that were anywhere from 6 percent to 66 percent higher than petroleum, depending on the kind of power source used to convert it from a cob into fuel.

The original promise of biofuels was based on a basic accounting error, explains Tim Searchinger, a researcher at Princeton University and the World Resources Institute. Burning biofuels still produces tailpipe emissions; the climate benefit was supposed to come from the carbon dioxide emissions sucked out of the air as the corn grew. But the EPA’s early estimates assumed that the corn diverted to biofuel wouldn’t be replaced in the food supply. In other words, Searchinger explains, “the offset is that people and livestock eat less.” Instead, the opposite happened: As ethanol boomed and corn prices climbed, farmers in Iowa and elsewhere planted millions of new corn acres, sometimes at the expense of grasslands and forests that did a better job of capturing carbon than rows of corn do.

“If you have any amount of land use change to replace the crops, that wipes out the [climate] gain,” Searchinger says.

A similar problem arose with soy-based fuels, as soy diverted from cooking oil to biodiesel was largely replaced with palm oil from Southeast Asia. Deforestation to produce palm oil is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Still, some energy analysts remain hopeful about the climate benefits of more advanced, cellulosic biofuels.

“Definitely there are lots of environmental problems with corn ethanol, but turning back to oil isn’t the solution either,” says Jeremy Martin, a senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists. “Advanced biofuels are an important part of a multipart strategy to cut emissions from the transportation sector.”

Today, cellulosic biofuels are still a bit player, though they’re growing quickly; production is expected to double this year. But they’re still lagging far behind the production levels Congress first envisioned when it created the RFS. In 2015, production of cellulosic biofuels was 96 percent below the original target. Behind that delay is a complex blend of factors. The technology needed to produce cellulosic biofuels at an industrial scale took longer to develop than originally anticipated, in part because the EPA was so far behind schedule on its RFS planning that the 2014 requirement wasn’t even announced until 2015. Delays like that have spooked investors, who were left wondering what the future market for cellulosic biofuels would look like. Meanwhile, the 2008 recession led to an across-the-board dip in gasoline consumption, further reducing market opportunities.

Cellulosic biofuels have also been crowded out by corn ethanol. Gasoline refiners are only required to mix their product with about 10 percent biofuels (the so-called “blend wall”), and they have fought vigorously against an increase in that requirement, claiming that most car engines aren’t equipped to handle anything more. Ethanol has taken up most of that share, leaving cellulosic biofuels with nowhere to go; new flex-fuel cars that can run on much higher volumes of biofuel are still a small market.

“It’s challenging to market biofuels beyond 10 percent at the moment,” Martin said. “That probably more than anything caused the difficulty with how to proceed. Without a solution to the blend wall, that’s a real problem for the cellulosic plants.”

One of the most promising developments for cellulosic biofuels is underway just outside Ames, Iowa, where Sarah Palin delivered her rambling endorsement of Trump last week. Here, one of the country’s first commercial cellulosic biofuel plants opened in October with much fanfare, including appearances by Gov. Branstad and Sen. Grassley. The plant, operated by chemical giant DuPont, aims to convert corn “stover” (husks and other nonedible byproducts left in the field) into a fuel that the company claims will have up to 90 percent lower emissions than petroleum.

Jan Koninckx, director of biofuels at DuPont, says that after years of false starts his industry is finally poised to deliver, at scale, a biofuel with solid environmental credentials.

“This is really the only realistic way in the foreseeable future to substantially decarbonize transportation,” he says.

Of course, one of the most promising options for climate-friendly cars might not rely on liquid fuel at all. The market for electric vehicles is growing by leaps and bounds. And according to Searchinger’s research, an acre of solar panels can produce up to 300 times more energy for vehicles than the same acre planted with corn. Using electricity instead of gasoline could drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce America’s dependence on oil imports—without the concerns about land use.

“Things that are slightly better than fossil fuels aren’t the solution,” Searchinger says. “You need things that are 100 percent better than fossil fuels.”

Right, Senator Cruz?

from Climate Desk

Red Rectangle’s unearthly beauty

The Red Rectangle Nebula, via ESA

The Red Rectangle Nebula, via the Hubble Space Telescope, ESA and NASA.

ESA re-released this image this week (February 1, 2016). It’s called the Red Rectangle Nebula. ESA commented:

Straight lines do not often crop up in space. Whenever they do, they seem somehow incongruous and draw our attention. The Red Rectangle is one such mystery object.

It first caught astronomers’ attention in 1973. The star HD 44179 had been known since 1915 to be double, but it was only when a rocket flight carrying an infrared detector was turned its way that the red rectangle revealed itself.

This image was taken later, in 2007, by the Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. It focuses on wavelengths of red light, in particular highlighting the emission from hydrogen gas …

The Red Rectangle is some 2,300 light-years away in the constellation of Monoceros. It arises because one of the stars in HD 44179 is in the last stages of its life. It has puffed up as the nuclear reactions at its core have faltered, and this has resulted in it shedding its outer layers into space …

The X-shape revealed in this image suggests that something is preventing the uniform expansion of the star’s atmosphere. Instead, a thick disc of dust probably surrounds the star, funnelling the outflow into two wide cones.

The edges of these show up as the diagonal lines.

Thankfully, while that explains the mystery of the object, it does not detract from its unearthly beauty.

Bottom line: The Red Rectangle Nebula is a star in the last stages of its life. The star has puffed up and begun to shed its outer layers. The X-shape probably means something is preventing the uniform expansion of the star’s atmosphere, but what? No one knows for sure.

from EarthSky
The Red Rectangle Nebula, via ESA

The Red Rectangle Nebula, via the Hubble Space Telescope, ESA and NASA.

ESA re-released this image this week (February 1, 2016). It’s called the Red Rectangle Nebula. ESA commented:

Straight lines do not often crop up in space. Whenever they do, they seem somehow incongruous and draw our attention. The Red Rectangle is one such mystery object.

It first caught astronomers’ attention in 1973. The star HD 44179 had been known since 1915 to be double, but it was only when a rocket flight carrying an infrared detector was turned its way that the red rectangle revealed itself.

This image was taken later, in 2007, by the Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys. It focuses on wavelengths of red light, in particular highlighting the emission from hydrogen gas …

The Red Rectangle is some 2,300 light-years away in the constellation of Monoceros. It arises because one of the stars in HD 44179 is in the last stages of its life. It has puffed up as the nuclear reactions at its core have faltered, and this has resulted in it shedding its outer layers into space …

The X-shape revealed in this image suggests that something is preventing the uniform expansion of the star’s atmosphere. Instead, a thick disc of dust probably surrounds the star, funnelling the outflow into two wide cones.

The edges of these show up as the diagonal lines.

Thankfully, while that explains the mystery of the object, it does not detract from its unearthly beauty.

Bottom line: The Red Rectangle Nebula is a star in the last stages of its life. The star has puffed up and begun to shed its outer layers. The X-shape probably means something is preventing the uniform expansion of the star’s atmosphere, but what? No one knows for sure.

from EarthSky

How to catch a speeding star (Synopsis) [Starts With A Bang]

“Most people don’t know what’s happening around them because they’re just speeding through life. And before they know it, they’re just old. So I just try to slow it down.” -Tracy Morgan

Travel fast enough through the air, and you’ll exceed the speed of sound. The compressed air in front of you builds up, denser and denser, creating a shock wherever you’ve exceeded the sound barrier. In interstellar space, stars that move fast enough do the exact same thing.

Image credit: GALEX, NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer.

Image credit: GALEX, NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer.

There doesn’t need to be sound in space for runaway stars to compress gas, heating it and causing it to radiate. Our infrared space telescopes, like NASA’s Spitzer and WISE, are ideal for identifying and imaging these stellar bow shocks. Hundreds have been identified so far, with thousands to millions likely in every galaxy overall.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA, WISE spacecraft, via

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA, WISE spacecraft, via

Go get the whole story in pictures and no more than 200 words on today’s Mostly Mute Monday!

from ScienceBlogs

“Most people don’t know what’s happening around them because they’re just speeding through life. And before they know it, they’re just old. So I just try to slow it down.” -Tracy Morgan

Travel fast enough through the air, and you’ll exceed the speed of sound. The compressed air in front of you builds up, denser and denser, creating a shock wherever you’ve exceeded the sound barrier. In interstellar space, stars that move fast enough do the exact same thing.

Image credit: GALEX, NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer.

Image credit: GALEX, NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer.

There doesn’t need to be sound in space for runaway stars to compress gas, heating it and causing it to radiate. Our infrared space telescopes, like NASA’s Spitzer and WISE, are ideal for identifying and imaging these stellar bow shocks. Hundreds have been identified so far, with thousands to millions likely in every galaxy overall.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA, WISE spacecraft, via

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA, WISE spacecraft, via

Go get the whole story in pictures and no more than 200 words on today’s Mostly Mute Monday!

from ScienceBlogs

Zika [Aetiology]

As you’ve probably seen, unless you’ve been living in a cave, Zika virus is the infectious disease topic du jour. From an obscure virus to the newest scare, interest in the virus has skyrocketed just in the past few weeks:

I have a few pieces already on Zika, so I won’t repeat myself here. The first is an introductory primer to the virus, answering the basic questions–what is it, where did it come from, what are its symptoms, why is it concerning? The second focuses on Zika’s potential risk to pregnant women, and what is currently being advised for them.

I want to be clear, though–currently, we aren’t 100% sure that Zika virus is causing microcephaly, the condition that is most concerning with this recent outbreak. The circumstantial evidence appears to be pretty strong, but we don’t have good data on 1) how common microcephaly really was in Brazil (or other affected countries) prior to the outbreak. Microcephaly seems to have increased dramatically, but some of those cases are not confirmed, and others don’t seem to be related to Zika; and if Zika really is causing microcephaly, 2) how Zika could be causing this, whether timing of the infection makes a difference, and whether women who are infected asymptomatically are at risk of medical problems in their developing fetuses.

The first question needs good epidemiological data for answers. This can be procured in a few ways. First, babies born with microcephaly, and their mothers, can be tested for Zika virus infection. This can be looked at a few ways: finding traces of the virus itself; finding antibodies to the virus (suggesting a past infection–but one can’t know the exact timing of this); and asking about known infections during pregnancy. Each approach has advantages and limitations. Tracking the virus or its genetic material is a gold standard, but the virus may only be present in body fluids for a short time. So if you miss that window, a false negative could result. This could be coupled with serology, to look at past infection–but you can’t be 100% certain in that case that the infection occurred during pregnancy–though with the apparently recent introduction of Zika into the Americas, it’s likely that infection would be fairly recent.

Serology coupled with an infection in pregnancy that has symptoms consistent with Zika (headache, muscle/joint pain, rash, fever) would be a step up from this, but has some additional problems. Other viral infections can be similar in symptoms to Zika (dengue, chikungunya, even influenza if the patient is lacking a rash), so tests to rule those out should also be done. On the flip side, about 80% of Zika infections show no symptoms at all–so a woman could still have come into contact with the virus and have positive serology, but she wouldn’t have any recollection of infection.

None of this is easy to carry out, but needs to be done in order to really establish with some level of certainty that Zika is the cause of microcephaly in this area. In the meantime, there are a few other possibilities to consider: that another virus (such as rubella) is circulating there. This is a known cause of multiple congenital issues, including microcephaly. This could explain why they’re seeing cases of microcephaly in Brazil, but none have been reported thus far in Colombia. Another is that there is no real increase in microcephaly at all–that, for some reason, people have just recently started paying more attention to it, and associated it with the Zika outbreak in the area–what we call a surveillance bias.

This is a fast-moving story, and we probably won’t have any solid answers to these questions for some time. In the interim, I think it’s prudent to take this as a possibility, and raise awareness of the potential this virus *may* have on the developing fetus, so that women can take precautions as they’re able. Public health is about prevention, and there have certainly been cases in the past of links between A and B that fell apart under further scrutiny. Zika/microcephaly may be one, but for now, it’s an unfortunate case where “more research is needed” is about the best answer one can currently give.

from ScienceBlogs

As you’ve probably seen, unless you’ve been living in a cave, Zika virus is the infectious disease topic du jour. From an obscure virus to the newest scare, interest in the virus has skyrocketed just in the past few weeks:

I have a few pieces already on Zika, so I won’t repeat myself here. The first is an introductory primer to the virus, answering the basic questions–what is it, where did it come from, what are its symptoms, why is it concerning? The second focuses on Zika’s potential risk to pregnant women, and what is currently being advised for them.

I want to be clear, though–currently, we aren’t 100% sure that Zika virus is causing microcephaly, the condition that is most concerning with this recent outbreak. The circumstantial evidence appears to be pretty strong, but we don’t have good data on 1) how common microcephaly really was in Brazil (or other affected countries) prior to the outbreak. Microcephaly seems to have increased dramatically, but some of those cases are not confirmed, and others don’t seem to be related to Zika; and if Zika really is causing microcephaly, 2) how Zika could be causing this, whether timing of the infection makes a difference, and whether women who are infected asymptomatically are at risk of medical problems in their developing fetuses.

The first question needs good epidemiological data for answers. This can be procured in a few ways. First, babies born with microcephaly, and their mothers, can be tested for Zika virus infection. This can be looked at a few ways: finding traces of the virus itself; finding antibodies to the virus (suggesting a past infection–but one can’t know the exact timing of this); and asking about known infections during pregnancy. Each approach has advantages and limitations. Tracking the virus or its genetic material is a gold standard, but the virus may only be present in body fluids for a short time. So if you miss that window, a false negative could result. This could be coupled with serology, to look at past infection–but you can’t be 100% certain in that case that the infection occurred during pregnancy–though with the apparently recent introduction of Zika into the Americas, it’s likely that infection would be fairly recent.

Serology coupled with an infection in pregnancy that has symptoms consistent with Zika (headache, muscle/joint pain, rash, fever) would be a step up from this, but has some additional problems. Other viral infections can be similar in symptoms to Zika (dengue, chikungunya, even influenza if the patient is lacking a rash), so tests to rule those out should also be done. On the flip side, about 80% of Zika infections show no symptoms at all–so a woman could still have come into contact with the virus and have positive serology, but she wouldn’t have any recollection of infection.

None of this is easy to carry out, but needs to be done in order to really establish with some level of certainty that Zika is the cause of microcephaly in this area. In the meantime, there are a few other possibilities to consider: that another virus (such as rubella) is circulating there. This is a known cause of multiple congenital issues, including microcephaly. This could explain why they’re seeing cases of microcephaly in Brazil, but none have been reported thus far in Colombia. Another is that there is no real increase in microcephaly at all–that, for some reason, people have just recently started paying more attention to it, and associated it with the Zika outbreak in the area–what we call a surveillance bias.

This is a fast-moving story, and we probably won’t have any solid answers to these questions for some time. In the interim, I think it’s prudent to take this as a possibility, and raise awareness of the potential this virus *may* have on the developing fetus, so that women can take precautions as they’re able. Public health is about prevention, and there have certainly been cases in the past of links between A and B that fell apart under further scrutiny. Zika/microcephaly may be one, but for now, it’s an unfortunate case where “more research is needed” is about the best answer one can currently give.

from ScienceBlogs