Fireball at Sandy Point, Maine

View larger. | A bright meteor, or fireball, at Sandy Point, Maine by Mike Taylor Photo

View larger. | Finished shot, after processing of a bright meteor, or fireball, captured from Sandy Point, Maine on the morning of February 17 by Mike Taylor Photo. See original photo below.

Mike Taylor and Sonia MacNeil at Mike Taylor Photo in Maine submitted this photo to EarthSky. Mike wrote:

After a few months of planning our second astrophotography shoot of 2015, the frigid temperatures here in Maine didn’t stop us from going out to time-lapse the rise of the Milky Way over the Penobscot River next to the old pilings at Sandy Point Beach.

On the left side of this image a brilliant green fireball streaks down towards the horizon and leaves a bright reflection on the water.

Nikon D600 & 14-24mm @ 14mm

f/2.8 – 30 secs – ISO 3200

Processed through Lightroom & Photoshop CC

Thanks, Mike and Sonia!

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Meteor at Sandy Point, Maine by Mike Taylor Photo

View larger. | Before-and-after graphic of the meteor at Sandy Point, Maine via Mike Taylor Photo

Bottom line: Two photographers – Mike Taylor and Sonia MacNeil of Mike Taylor Photo – caught a bright meteor, or fireball, from an icy beach in Maine.

from EarthSky

View larger. | A bright meteor, or fireball, at Sandy Point, Maine by Mike Taylor Photo

View larger. | Finished shot, after processing of a bright meteor, or fireball, captured from Sandy Point, Maine on the morning of February 17 by Mike Taylor Photo. See original photo below.

Mike Taylor and Sonia MacNeil at Mike Taylor Photo in Maine submitted this photo to EarthSky. Mike wrote:

After a few months of planning our second astrophotography shoot of 2015, the frigid temperatures here in Maine didn’t stop us from going out to time-lapse the rise of the Milky Way over the Penobscot River next to the old pilings at Sandy Point Beach.

On the left side of this image a brilliant green fireball streaks down towards the horizon and leaves a bright reflection on the water.

Nikon D600 & 14-24mm @ 14mm

f/2.8 – 30 secs – ISO 3200

Processed through Lightroom & Photoshop CC

Thanks, Mike and Sonia!

Enjoying EarthSky so far? Sign up for our free daily newsletter today!

Meteor at Sandy Point, Maine by Mike Taylor Photo

View larger. | Before-and-after graphic of the meteor at Sandy Point, Maine via Mike Taylor Photo

Bottom line: Two photographers – Mike Taylor and Sonia MacNeil of Mike Taylor Photo – caught a bright meteor, or fireball, from an icy beach in Maine.

from EarthSky

Moon inside Winter Circle on February 27

Tonight’s waxing gibbous moon – February 27, 2015 – resides in or near a large asterism that we in the Northern Hemisphere often call the Winter Circle. It’s an incredibly large star configuration made of brilliant winter stars. From North America on this night, the moon is inside the Circle. From anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, look for the Winter Circle to fill up much of the eastern half of sky at nightfall. By mid-evening, the Winter Circle will swing to your southern sky, and then it will drift into the western sky around midnight. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere … although it’s not winter for you, these same stars appear near the moon.

Now look beyond the moon and Winter Circle. At early evening, there are two starlike objects shining more brilliantly than any of the Winter Circle stars. To the west, shortly after sunset, you’ll find the planet Venus. To the east of the Circle, throughout the night, you’ll find the planet Jupiter. At present, Jupiter shines in front of the rather faint constellation Cancer the Crab. Sometimes called the year star, Jupiter stays in front of a constellation of the Zodiac for roughly a year. Next year at this time, you’ll still see Jupiter in front of the constellation Leo the lion.

The Winter Circle – sometimes called the Winter Hexagon – is not one of the 88 recognized constellations. Rather, it’s an asterism – a pattern of stars that’s fairly easy to recognize. Our sky chart cannot adequately convey the Winter Circle’s humongous size! It dwarfs the constellation Orion the Hunter, which is a rather large constellation, occupying the southwestern part of the Winter Circle pattern.

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The Winter Circle in blue and the Winter Triangle in red. They’ll be out in the evening sky for several months to come! Image via Wikimedia Commons

Here’s how to locate the Winter Circle from mid-northern latitudes. At nightfall and early evening, look high overhead for the bright star Capella. This star marks the top (or more properly, the northern terminus) of the Winter Circle.

As Capella shines way overhead, the constellation Orion the Hunter is prowling in the southern sky. Draw a line downward through Orion’s Belt to find Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. This star marks the bottom (the southern tip) of the Winter Circle.

Click on this sky chart if you want to connect the Winter Circle stars.

By the way, tonight’s waxing gibbous moon shows you where the sun resides in front of the backdrop stars in late June or early July. So enjoy the Winter Circle. And contemplate the sun being in this part of the sky when summer returns to the Northern Hemisphere!

Bottom line: On the evening of February 27, 2015, the waxing gibbous moon shines inside of the huge pattern of stars known as the Winter Circle. Be sure to notice the variety in the colors of these stars!

More on the Winter Circle: Brightest winter stars

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from EarthSky

Tonight’s waxing gibbous moon – February 27, 2015 – resides in or near a large asterism that we in the Northern Hemisphere often call the Winter Circle. It’s an incredibly large star configuration made of brilliant winter stars. From North America on this night, the moon is inside the Circle. From anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, look for the Winter Circle to fill up much of the eastern half of sky at nightfall. By mid-evening, the Winter Circle will swing to your southern sky, and then it will drift into the western sky around midnight. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere … although it’s not winter for you, these same stars appear near the moon.

Now look beyond the moon and Winter Circle. At early evening, there are two starlike objects shining more brilliantly than any of the Winter Circle stars. To the west, shortly after sunset, you’ll find the planet Venus. To the east of the Circle, throughout the night, you’ll find the planet Jupiter. At present, Jupiter shines in front of the rather faint constellation Cancer the Crab. Sometimes called the year star, Jupiter stays in front of a constellation of the Zodiac for roughly a year. Next year at this time, you’ll still see Jupiter in front of the constellation Leo the lion.

The Winter Circle – sometimes called the Winter Hexagon – is not one of the 88 recognized constellations. Rather, it’s an asterism – a pattern of stars that’s fairly easy to recognize. Our sky chart cannot adequately convey the Winter Circle’s humongous size! It dwarfs the constellation Orion the Hunter, which is a rather large constellation, occupying the southwestern part of the Winter Circle pattern.

Enjoying EarthSky so far? Sign up for our free daily newsletter today!

The Winter Circle in blue and the Winter Triangle in red. They’ll be out in the evening sky for several months to come! Image via Wikimedia Commons

Here’s how to locate the Winter Circle from mid-northern latitudes. At nightfall and early evening, look high overhead for the bright star Capella. This star marks the top (or more properly, the northern terminus) of the Winter Circle.

As Capella shines way overhead, the constellation Orion the Hunter is prowling in the southern sky. Draw a line downward through Orion’s Belt to find Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. This star marks the bottom (the southern tip) of the Winter Circle.

Click on this sky chart if you want to connect the Winter Circle stars.

By the way, tonight’s waxing gibbous moon shows you where the sun resides in front of the backdrop stars in late June or early July. So enjoy the Winter Circle. And contemplate the sun being in this part of the sky when summer returns to the Northern Hemisphere!

Bottom line: On the evening of February 27, 2015, the waxing gibbous moon shines inside of the huge pattern of stars known as the Winter Circle. Be sure to notice the variety in the colors of these stars!

More on the Winter Circle: Brightest winter stars

EarthSky astronomy kits are perfect for beginners. Order today from the EarthSky store

Donate: Your support means the world to us

from EarthSky

Fry On the Problem Of Evil, Part Two [EvolutionBlog]

There’s lots of good blog fodder out there, but I don’t want to let too much time go by before finishing my discussion of Stephen Fry’s presentation of the Problem of Evil. See Part One for the full context.

Of all the responses I’ve seen to Fry’s interview, there was one that was so bizarre and demented that we just have to take a look at it. And it came from an unexpected source–Larry Moran:

This video is making the rounds and a lot of atheists are wetting their pants over Stephen Fry’s response to the question of what he would would say to “he, she, or it” if he encountered god when he dies.

My questions would be “Who are you? Which groups of humans (if any) got it right when making up a religion? Tell me about yourself and why you didn’t reveal yourself to me.”

That’s not what Stephen Fry would do. He makes the assumption that he knows the mind of god and attacks the god for not being nice to humans. In other words, he accepts the problem of evil and assumes that the god he is facing gives a damn about some obscure species on a minor planet in one of billions of galaxies. Later on Stephen Fry concedes that he could be talking to the Greek gods or some other gods but by then it’s too late.

What’s gotten into Larry? Where do we even begin to unpack all the crazy in those paragraphs?

Fry’s question is premised on not understanding the mind of God. One suspects that if he knew God’s mind, he would also understand why God allows evil.

Fry didn’t actually protest God not being nice to humans. He objected to afflicting children with dread diseases. Why do you need to understand the mind of God to attack Him for that? If it turns out that God just doesn’t care about human suffering, well, then there’s your answer. But that doesn’t make it a poor question.

I have no idea what it means to “accept” the problem of evil. The point of Fry’s question was simply that evil and suffering are facts of life, and we can reasonably wonder why an agent with the power to stop it nonetheless chooses not to. As for why we might think that God gives a damn about us, one possible reason is that He created us in the first place. Are we to assume He did that out of malice?

Fry “concedes” that he could be talking to the Greek gods? What interview was Larry watching? Fry initially took it for granted that his interviewer was referring to the Christian conception of God (the interviewer specifically mentioned the Pearly Gates after all), and then went on to muse about the way other civilizations regarded their Gods. How does this reflect poorly on Fry?

Larry excoriates Fry for not considering the possibility that God does not care about humans. Yet one of his own questions is premised on the idea that God ought to have revealed Himself to him.

But we’re just getting started:

The god he is addressing may or may not have done any of the things in the Bible. If he isn’t that god then he will know that Stephen Fry is attacking a strawman. If he is the god of the Bible then presumably he/she/it had his/her/its reasons for doing apparently evil things and Stephen Fry is about to get educated about the real mind of god. That may turn out badly for Stephen Fry.

It just gets weirder and weirder. Attacking a strawman? What? Fry was asked what he would say to God were he to meet Him. He replied that he would ask God why He allows children to suffer from horrible diseases. How does that constitute attacking a strawman?

Regardless of whether or not we are talking about the God of the Bible, we can assume that if He exists, He has His reasons for allowing evil. I, for one, would like to know what those reasons are. Why does that reflect poorly on me?

If Larry fears it will go badly for Fry when he asks such questions, why does he think it will go any better when Larry asks God petty questions about human religions and the problem of divine hiddenness?

There’s more!

Many of my atheist friends think that Fry’s response is fantastic because he really shocks the interviewer, Gay Byrne. That’s naive. Most intelligent Christians have developed some very good rationalizations concerning the problem of evil. They’ve heard it all before and they know how to respond. One of the classic responses is that cannot they know the mind of god. But Stephen Fry knows the mind of god and this is puzzling because Fry is an atheist.

We can debate how good those rationalizations really are (the very fact that Larry refers to them as rationalizations suggests that he doesn’t think much of them), but what has that to do with the merits of Fry’s questions?

It is, indeed, very common for Christians to respond by saying that we cannot know the mind of God. The prevalence of that response is an admission both that evil and suffering is a serious problem for theists, and also that we have no good answer for it. I would say that only lends urgency to Fry’s question. Given the chance to finally get a definitive answer to this difficult question, I would think that a lot of Christians would ask the same question as Fry.

But Larry wasn’t finished! He then opened a subsequent post with this:

I think it’s ridiculous for atheists to get dragged into the argument from evil. As soon as you start down that path you are conceding that you are willing to debate “sophisticated theology” and not whether god(s) actually exist. The atheist must then be prepared to read a massive amount of literature beginning with St. Augustine of Hippo through Thomas Aquinas and including the most famous “sophisticated” theologians of the 20th century like Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne. If you don’t engage the arguments made by those people, and many others, then you are not being honest.

The “problem of evil” is not simple and atheists do not do themselves any favors by pretending that it is. That’s exactly the criticism we level at theists who don’t even try to understand nonbelievers.

Okay, now he’s just messing with me. There’s no way a smart guy like Larry could believe anything he’s saying.

Atheists get dragged into the argument from evil? Really? I’m pretty sure we’re usually the ones who bring it up. We do that because it’s a good argument.

Larry notes that there is a massive literature on the problem of evil. Indeed there is! Does Larry think that’s evidence of the argument’s weakness? The reason theists have to write so voluminously about it, and the reason that theology and philosophy of religion journals to this day routinely publish new papers trying to defuse it, is that the argument is very strong.

Some of us have gone through that literature. Speaking for myself, it is precisely because I have spent so much time considering the panoply of responses on offer that I am so confident that there is no plausible refutation of the argument to be found. But why is it dishonest to raise the argument without having done that much homework? Am I not allowed to accept evolution until I have read and considered every argument that creationists have ever offered?

You don’t have to think the problem of evil is simple to think it’s a compelling argument against theism.

Larry sometimes lets his desire to be contrarian get the best of his good sense. Hopefully he will return to his senses soon.

from ScienceBlogs

There’s lots of good blog fodder out there, but I don’t want to let too much time go by before finishing my discussion of Stephen Fry’s presentation of the Problem of Evil. See Part One for the full context.

Of all the responses I’ve seen to Fry’s interview, there was one that was so bizarre and demented that we just have to take a look at it. And it came from an unexpected source–Larry Moran:

This video is making the rounds and a lot of atheists are wetting their pants over Stephen Fry’s response to the question of what he would would say to “he, she, or it” if he encountered god when he dies.

My questions would be “Who are you? Which groups of humans (if any) got it right when making up a religion? Tell me about yourself and why you didn’t reveal yourself to me.”

That’s not what Stephen Fry would do. He makes the assumption that he knows the mind of god and attacks the god for not being nice to humans. In other words, he accepts the problem of evil and assumes that the god he is facing gives a damn about some obscure species on a minor planet in one of billions of galaxies. Later on Stephen Fry concedes that he could be talking to the Greek gods or some other gods but by then it’s too late.

What’s gotten into Larry? Where do we even begin to unpack all the crazy in those paragraphs?

Fry’s question is premised on not understanding the mind of God. One suspects that if he knew God’s mind, he would also understand why God allows evil.

Fry didn’t actually protest God not being nice to humans. He objected to afflicting children with dread diseases. Why do you need to understand the mind of God to attack Him for that? If it turns out that God just doesn’t care about human suffering, well, then there’s your answer. But that doesn’t make it a poor question.

I have no idea what it means to “accept” the problem of evil. The point of Fry’s question was simply that evil and suffering are facts of life, and we can reasonably wonder why an agent with the power to stop it nonetheless chooses not to. As for why we might think that God gives a damn about us, one possible reason is that He created us in the first place. Are we to assume He did that out of malice?

Fry “concedes” that he could be talking to the Greek gods? What interview was Larry watching? Fry initially took it for granted that his interviewer was referring to the Christian conception of God (the interviewer specifically mentioned the Pearly Gates after all), and then went on to muse about the way other civilizations regarded their Gods. How does this reflect poorly on Fry?

Larry excoriates Fry for not considering the possibility that God does not care about humans. Yet one of his own questions is premised on the idea that God ought to have revealed Himself to him.

But we’re just getting started:

The god he is addressing may or may not have done any of the things in the Bible. If he isn’t that god then he will know that Stephen Fry is attacking a strawman. If he is the god of the Bible then presumably he/she/it had his/her/its reasons for doing apparently evil things and Stephen Fry is about to get educated about the real mind of god. That may turn out badly for Stephen Fry.

It just gets weirder and weirder. Attacking a strawman? What? Fry was asked what he would say to God were he to meet Him. He replied that he would ask God why He allows children to suffer from horrible diseases. How does that constitute attacking a strawman?

Regardless of whether or not we are talking about the God of the Bible, we can assume that if He exists, He has His reasons for allowing evil. I, for one, would like to know what those reasons are. Why does that reflect poorly on me?

If Larry fears it will go badly for Fry when he asks such questions, why does he think it will go any better when Larry asks God petty questions about human religions and the problem of divine hiddenness?

There’s more!

Many of my atheist friends think that Fry’s response is fantastic because he really shocks the interviewer, Gay Byrne. That’s naive. Most intelligent Christians have developed some very good rationalizations concerning the problem of evil. They’ve heard it all before and they know how to respond. One of the classic responses is that cannot they know the mind of god. But Stephen Fry knows the mind of god and this is puzzling because Fry is an atheist.

We can debate how good those rationalizations really are (the very fact that Larry refers to them as rationalizations suggests that he doesn’t think much of them), but what has that to do with the merits of Fry’s questions?

It is, indeed, very common for Christians to respond by saying that we cannot know the mind of God. The prevalence of that response is an admission both that evil and suffering is a serious problem for theists, and also that we have no good answer for it. I would say that only lends urgency to Fry’s question. Given the chance to finally get a definitive answer to this difficult question, I would think that a lot of Christians would ask the same question as Fry.

But Larry wasn’t finished! He then opened a subsequent post with this:

I think it’s ridiculous for atheists to get dragged into the argument from evil. As soon as you start down that path you are conceding that you are willing to debate “sophisticated theology” and not whether god(s) actually exist. The atheist must then be prepared to read a massive amount of literature beginning with St. Augustine of Hippo through Thomas Aquinas and including the most famous “sophisticated” theologians of the 20th century like Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne. If you don’t engage the arguments made by those people, and many others, then you are not being honest.

The “problem of evil” is not simple and atheists do not do themselves any favors by pretending that it is. That’s exactly the criticism we level at theists who don’t even try to understand nonbelievers.

Okay, now he’s just messing with me. There’s no way a smart guy like Larry could believe anything he’s saying.

Atheists get dragged into the argument from evil? Really? I’m pretty sure we’re usually the ones who bring it up. We do that because it’s a good argument.

Larry notes that there is a massive literature on the problem of evil. Indeed there is! Does Larry think that’s evidence of the argument’s weakness? The reason theists have to write so voluminously about it, and the reason that theology and philosophy of religion journals to this day routinely publish new papers trying to defuse it, is that the argument is very strong.

Some of us have gone through that literature. Speaking for myself, it is precisely because I have spent so much time considering the panoply of responses on offer that I am so confident that there is no plausible refutation of the argument to be found. But why is it dishonest to raise the argument without having done that much homework? Am I not allowed to accept evolution until I have read and considered every argument that creationists have ever offered?

You don’t have to think the problem of evil is simple to think it’s a compelling argument against theism.

Larry sometimes lets his desire to be contrarian get the best of his good sense. Hopefully he will return to his senses soon.

from ScienceBlogs

Please Don’t Paint Our Planet Pink! [Greg Laden's Blog]

Please Don’t Paint Our Planet Pink!: A Story for Children and their Adults ” is a new children’s book by Gregg Kleiner about global warming. The idea is simple. Imagine if you could see CO2? In the book, it is imagined to be pink. The imagining takes the form of a quirky father, one imagines him to be an inventor of some sort, coming up with the idea of making goggles that would allow you to see CO2 as a pink gas. This is all described by the man’s patient but clearly all suffering son, who eventually dons the prototype goggles and sees for himself.

I read this to Huxley, age 5, and he loved it. He kept asking questions, and saying things like, “Is that true? Really?” I knew he would enjoy the book for its witty chatter and excellent illustrations, but frankly I did not expect him to be enthralled. He is fairly laid back when it comes to matters of science, nature, and for that matter, mathematics. He tends to absorb, then, later makes up song about it or comes up with difficult questions. His reaction was unique.

Bill McKibben’s reaction was pretty strong too. He is quoted as saying, “I’ve often wondered what would happen if CO2 were visible. Now I know!” … except he already knew. There would be pink everywhere. At the density of about 400ppm. More than the 350 value that gives his organization its name!

I had only one small problem with the book, and that is the description of what fossil fuels are. The majority of oil probably formed in aquatic, mainly marine, environments as the detritus of mostly small organisms and invertebrates, not dinosaurs and old trees like the book says. Coal is probably most plant matter, but boggy plants and detritus formed in low spots. And so on. Had I edited the book, I would have asked for a sentence or two to broaden the concept of where fossil fuels come from, and maybe a sentence or two to underscore the fact that the fossil fuels we use today were deposited in fits and starts of many tens of millions of years. The process of painting our planet pink over just several decades has released a huge percentage of that Carbon, mainly as CO2. It is like taking five years to fill up a glass of milk then spilling half of it on the sofa in one second. (A proper analogy for the targeted reading age for this great book.)

People often ask me for a recommendation on a book about climate change for kids. This book is great for that purpose. It fits a wide range of ages, but primarily little kids and elementary school. This is not an explainer on global warming, but rather, a great story that gives a sense of the importance of climate change without totally freaking out the audience. The illustrations by Laurel Thomson are excellent.

Of you want to do something about climate change, buy a few copies and give them to your local school’s library (they probably call it a media center) or your local preschool. And your kid, of course. Or to your annoying climate denying cousin’s kids. That would be good.

Gregg Kleiner also wrote Where River Turns to Sky.

from ScienceBlogs

Please Don’t Paint Our Planet Pink!: A Story for Children and their Adults ” is a new children’s book by Gregg Kleiner about global warming. The idea is simple. Imagine if you could see CO2? In the book, it is imagined to be pink. The imagining takes the form of a quirky father, one imagines him to be an inventor of some sort, coming up with the idea of making goggles that would allow you to see CO2 as a pink gas. This is all described by the man’s patient but clearly all suffering son, who eventually dons the prototype goggles and sees for himself.

I read this to Huxley, age 5, and he loved it. He kept asking questions, and saying things like, “Is that true? Really?” I knew he would enjoy the book for its witty chatter and excellent illustrations, but frankly I did not expect him to be enthralled. He is fairly laid back when it comes to matters of science, nature, and for that matter, mathematics. He tends to absorb, then, later makes up song about it or comes up with difficult questions. His reaction was unique.

Bill McKibben’s reaction was pretty strong too. He is quoted as saying, “I’ve often wondered what would happen if CO2 were visible. Now I know!” … except he already knew. There would be pink everywhere. At the density of about 400ppm. More than the 350 value that gives his organization its name!

I had only one small problem with the book, and that is the description of what fossil fuels are. The majority of oil probably formed in aquatic, mainly marine, environments as the detritus of mostly small organisms and invertebrates, not dinosaurs and old trees like the book says. Coal is probably most plant matter, but boggy plants and detritus formed in low spots. And so on. Had I edited the book, I would have asked for a sentence or two to broaden the concept of where fossil fuels come from, and maybe a sentence or two to underscore the fact that the fossil fuels we use today were deposited in fits and starts of many tens of millions of years. The process of painting our planet pink over just several decades has released a huge percentage of that Carbon, mainly as CO2. It is like taking five years to fill up a glass of milk then spilling half of it on the sofa in one second. (A proper analogy for the targeted reading age for this great book.)

People often ask me for a recommendation on a book about climate change for kids. This book is great for that purpose. It fits a wide range of ages, but primarily little kids and elementary school. This is not an explainer on global warming, but rather, a great story that gives a sense of the importance of climate change without totally freaking out the audience. The illustrations by Laurel Thomson are excellent.

Of you want to do something about climate change, buy a few copies and give them to your local school’s library (they probably call it a media center) or your local preschool. And your kid, of course. Or to your annoying climate denying cousin’s kids. That would be good.

Gregg Kleiner also wrote Where River Turns to Sky.

from ScienceBlogs

Oklahoma’s Jim Inhofe throws a snowball in the Senate to throw cold water on global warming

How did Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe become so wise in the ways of science?

He produced a snowball on the floor of the Senate on Thursday. That’s it. The debate over global warming and climate change is done. Stick in a fork in it.

Yes, sir. The author of “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens You Future” has discovered frozen water. Outside!

The Hill reports on this eureka moment:

“In case we have forgotten, because we keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest year on record, I ask the chair, do you know what this is,” Inhofe said to Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), who was presiding over the Senate’s debate, as he removed the snowball from a plastic bag.

“It’s a snowball. And it’s just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out. Very unseasonable.”

He also said:

“We hear the perpetual headline that 2014 has been the warmest year on record,” he said, referring to a report last month from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

“But now the script has flipped,” he said .

Cold in February, who would have guessed?

He could have, of course, come to the Cascades in Washington, which often has the heaviest snowfall in the lower 48. He’d have a hard time making much of a snowball this winter. But he might be pleased to see all the daffodils and cherry blossoms out in Seattle — in February.

But that would be confusing weather with climate. And that would be wrong

from The Big Science Blog

How did Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe become so wise in the ways of science?

He produced a snowball on the floor of the Senate on Thursday. That’s it. The debate over global warming and climate change is done. Stick in a fork in it.

Yes, sir. The author of “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens You Future” has discovered frozen water. Outside!

The Hill reports on this eureka moment:

“In case we have forgotten, because we keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest year on record, I ask the chair, do you know what this is,” Inhofe said to Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), who was presiding over the Senate’s debate, as he removed the snowball from a plastic bag.

“It’s a snowball. And it’s just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out. Very unseasonable.”

He also said:

“We hear the perpetual headline that 2014 has been the warmest year on record,” he said, referring to a report last month from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

“But now the script has flipped,” he said .

Cold in February, who would have guessed?

He could have, of course, come to the Cascades in Washington, which often has the heaviest snowfall in the lower 48. He’d have a hard time making much of a snowball this winter. But he might be pleased to see all the daffodils and cherry blossoms out in Seattle — in February.

But that would be confusing weather with climate. And that would be wrong

from The Big Science Blog

How do Phobos and Deimos look from Mars?

Phobos, the larger and closer moon, occults Deimos, the smaller and more distant moon in the Martian sky. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems/Texas A&M Univ.

Phobos, the larger and closer moon, occults Deimos, the smaller and more distant moon in the Martian sky. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems/Texas A&M Univ.

What do the two Martian moons – Phobos and Deimos – look like from the surface of Mars? First of all, they don’t look at all like Earth’s moon does from Earth!

The Martian moons are tiny. The larger moon, Phobos, is only about about 14 miles (23 km) across. And Deimos is about half that size. Plus, these little moons orbit Mars more closely than our moon orbits Earth. But, of course, because they’re so tiny, they appear smaller than our moon does from the surface of their home world.

In fact, Deimos, the more distant moon, looks like a star in Mars’ sky. But it’s twice as bright as any starlike object seen in Earth’s sky. Deimos orbits at nearly the same speed Mars rotates, so it needs three Martian days to crawl from one side of Mars’ sky to the other. And, by the way, a day on Mars is about the same length as Earth’s day.

On the other hand, Phobos – the larger and closer of the two moons – zooms around Mars two and a half times every Martian day. Because it out-races Mars’ rotation, Phobos rises in the west and sets in the east. Phobos appears about a third as large in the Martian sky as our moon does in Earth’s sky. What’s more, Phobos isn’t round like our moon. It resembles a shining gray-white potato.

Phobos (larger moon) and Deimos moving in Mars' sky. Image via NASA

Phobos (larger moon) and Deimos moving in Mars’ sky, with the constellation boundaries of Sagittarius marked. Image via NASA

Phobos viewed from Mars, via NASA

Phobos has a nearly circular orbit along Mars’ equator. It orbits Mars so closely, however, that its apparent size changes for viewers on the equator. Near the horizon Phobos appears smaller – as it climbs in the sky, Phobos comes nearer the viewer until it’s directly overhead. Then it appears larger. Photos via NASA

Phobos transiting the sun. Image credit: NASA/JPL

For observers on the Martian equator, Phobos eclipses the sun nearly every day. Image via NASA/JPL

Another odd thing about Phobos – it’s not visible all over Mars. Phobos orbits above Mars’ equator so near the planet that it’s always hidden beneath the horizon in the Martian polar regions. Our moon, by contrast, can be viewed anywhere on Earth.

For observers on the Martian equator, Phobos eclipses the sun nearly every day. Eclipses last only about 30 seconds, so quickly does Phobos race across the sky. Because Phobos covers only a fraction of the sun’s disk, eclipses are never total.

For observers in the north and south mid-latitudes of Mars, Phobos never eclipses the sun – it always moves south of the sun (for northern observers) or north of the sun (for southern observers).

Deimos eclipses the sun much less often – about once a month. Because it’s smaller and farther away than Phobos, it would be barely visible against the sun’s disk.

As seen from Mars, Phobos and Deimos pass through phases, just like Earth’s moon. They pass from new to crescent to gibbous to full to gibbous to crescent to new again. However, Deimos’ phases are not terribly obvious – they are seen only as a slow change in brightness. Phobos’ phases are more apparent. Because Phobos is irregular, however, the phases look strange. For example, crescent Phobos looks squashed and jagged.

The surface material of Phobos and Deimos is rich in dark carbon – they are among the darkest moons in the solar system. They reflect about 5% of the light that strikes them – about half as much as Earth’s moon. To get a sense of how dark that is, keep in mind that our moon is about as reflective as asphalt. Phobos and Deimos, then, are half as reflective as asphalt. From the surface of Mars, however, the two moons still look bright and gray-white against the black night sky.

Phobos and Deimos seen from Mars surface. You can also see the star Aldebaran and the famous Pleiades star cluster.

Phobos and Deimos seen from Mars’ surface. You can also see the star Aldebaran and the famous Pleiades star cluster. Image via NASA

Phobos. Photo via NASA

This isn’t a view from Mars. It’s a close-up of the larger moon Phobos. Photo via NASA

Mars' moon Deismos. Photo via NASA

Here’s a closer look at Mars’ smaller moon, Deismos. Photo via NASA

Bottom line: The larger Martian moon, Phobos, is only about about 14 miles (23 km) across. The smaller one, Deimos, is about half that size. These little moons orbit Mars more closely than our moon orbits Earth, but remember … they’re small. Deimos looks like a bright star in Mars’ sky. Phobos looks like a shining gray-white potato!

from EarthSky

Phobos, the larger and closer moon, occults Deimos, the smaller and more distant moon in the Martian sky. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems/Texas A&M Univ.

Phobos, the larger and closer moon, occults Deimos, the smaller and more distant moon in the Martian sky. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems/Texas A&M Univ.

What do the two Martian moons – Phobos and Deimos – look like from the surface of Mars? First of all, they don’t look at all like Earth’s moon does from Earth!

The Martian moons are tiny. The larger moon, Phobos, is only about about 14 miles (23 km) across. And Deimos is about half that size. Plus, these little moons orbit Mars more closely than our moon orbits Earth. But, of course, because they’re so tiny, they appear smaller than our moon does from the surface of their home world.

In fact, Deimos, the more distant moon, looks like a star in Mars’ sky. But it’s twice as bright as any starlike object seen in Earth’s sky. Deimos orbits at nearly the same speed Mars rotates, so it needs three Martian days to crawl from one side of Mars’ sky to the other. And, by the way, a day on Mars is about the same length as Earth’s day.

On the other hand, Phobos – the larger and closer of the two moons – zooms around Mars two and a half times every Martian day. Because it out-races Mars’ rotation, Phobos rises in the west and sets in the east. Phobos appears about a third as large in the Martian sky as our moon does in Earth’s sky. What’s more, Phobos isn’t round like our moon. It resembles a shining gray-white potato.

Phobos (larger moon) and Deimos moving in Mars' sky. Image via NASA

Phobos (larger moon) and Deimos moving in Mars’ sky, with the constellation boundaries of Sagittarius marked. Image via NASA

Phobos viewed from Mars, via NASA

Phobos has a nearly circular orbit along Mars’ equator. It orbits Mars so closely, however, that its apparent size changes for viewers on the equator. Near the horizon Phobos appears smaller – as it climbs in the sky, Phobos comes nearer the viewer until it’s directly overhead. Then it appears larger. Photos via NASA

Phobos transiting the sun. Image credit: NASA/JPL

For observers on the Martian equator, Phobos eclipses the sun nearly every day. Image via NASA/JPL

Another odd thing about Phobos – it’s not visible all over Mars. Phobos orbits above Mars’ equator so near the planet that it’s always hidden beneath the horizon in the Martian polar regions. Our moon, by contrast, can be viewed anywhere on Earth.

For observers on the Martian equator, Phobos eclipses the sun nearly every day. Eclipses last only about 30 seconds, so quickly does Phobos race across the sky. Because Phobos covers only a fraction of the sun’s disk, eclipses are never total.

For observers in the north and south mid-latitudes of Mars, Phobos never eclipses the sun – it always moves south of the sun (for northern observers) or north of the sun (for southern observers).

Deimos eclipses the sun much less often – about once a month. Because it’s smaller and farther away than Phobos, it would be barely visible against the sun’s disk.

As seen from Mars, Phobos and Deimos pass through phases, just like Earth’s moon. They pass from new to crescent to gibbous to full to gibbous to crescent to new again. However, Deimos’ phases are not terribly obvious – they are seen only as a slow change in brightness. Phobos’ phases are more apparent. Because Phobos is irregular, however, the phases look strange. For example, crescent Phobos looks squashed and jagged.

The surface material of Phobos and Deimos is rich in dark carbon – they are among the darkest moons in the solar system. They reflect about 5% of the light that strikes them – about half as much as Earth’s moon. To get a sense of how dark that is, keep in mind that our moon is about as reflective as asphalt. Phobos and Deimos, then, are half as reflective as asphalt. From the surface of Mars, however, the two moons still look bright and gray-white against the black night sky.

Phobos and Deimos seen from Mars surface. You can also see the star Aldebaran and the famous Pleiades star cluster.

Phobos and Deimos seen from Mars’ surface. You can also see the star Aldebaran and the famous Pleiades star cluster. Image via NASA

Phobos. Photo via NASA

This isn’t a view from Mars. It’s a close-up of the larger moon Phobos. Photo via NASA

Mars' moon Deismos. Photo via NASA

Here’s a closer look at Mars’ smaller moon, Deismos. Photo via NASA

Bottom line: The larger Martian moon, Phobos, is only about about 14 miles (23 km) across. The smaller one, Deimos, is about half that size. These little moons orbit Mars more closely than our moon orbits Earth, but remember … they’re small. Deimos looks like a bright star in Mars’ sky. Phobos looks like a shining gray-white potato!

from EarthSky

New Research Suggests Global Warming Is About To Heat Up [Greg Laden's Blog]

A paper just published in Science Magazine helps explain variation we see in the long term Carbon-pollution caused upward trend Earth’s surface temperatures. The research also, and rather ominously, suggests that a recent slowdown in that trend is likely to reverse direction in the near future, causing the Earth’s surface temperature to rise dramatically.

The graph shown above represents the ongoing warming of the Earth’s surface owing to the increased atmospheric concentration of human generated greenhouse gas pollution, mainly CO2. But, have a look at the following graph of changes in concentration of CO2 in the Earth’s Atmosphere:


As you can see, the increase in CO2 is very steady, while the changes in Earth’s surface temperature is very squiggly. Why? In particular, the Earth’s surface temperatures seem to undergo a series of rapid increases or decreases, and now and then, seem to squiggle up and down along a slowly ascending plateau, as has been happening recently. Climate science deniers have taken this recent slowing in the increase of temperature as a signal that the link between CO2 concentrations and global surface temperatures is a hoax. But real climate scientists focus instead on actually explaining, rather than making up stories about, this variation.

There are several different factors that may cause the shorter term squiggles that we see superimposed on the longer term warming trend. The sun’s energy varies over decades, and this contributes a small amount to the variation. Aerosols (dust), either from human activities or volcanic activity, can produce a cooling effect, and this effect varies across time. If you look at the graph of temperatures, you’ll see a strong downward trend associated with the vast eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, for example. A third source of variation in the upward march of the Earth’s temperature is not really a source of cooling or heating at all, but rather, a shift in where the heat goes. The graph on the top of this post is of “surface temperature,” which is a combination of land-based thermometers at roughly head-height, located at weather stations around the world, and sea surface temperatures. But well over 90% of the heat added to the Earth’s system by the human-caused greenhouse effect actually ends up in the ocean. A small percentage of variation in how much heat goes into, or comes out of, the ocean can cause a large variation in the “surface temperature.” You can think of the surface temperature measurements as a relatively small tail attached to a rather large dog, where the dog is the ocean and the tail is the land based thermometers and the sea surface. (I’ve developed this analogy here.)

That the behavior of the ocean is important can be understood by noting that while surface temperature increase has slowed in recent years, the temperature in the top couple of kilometers of the world’s oceans has continued to increase apace. You can also look at the relationship between the squiggle of the surface temperature curve and El Niño and La Niña events. The former are periods of time when the Pacific ocean is sending heat out into the atmosphere, and the latter are periods of time when the Pacific is sucking more heat in. The following graphic from Skeptical Science illustrates this nicely.


“ENSO” refers to the El Niño-La Niña cycling. The top line, in red, represents the change over time in surface temperature just during El Niño periods, while the blue line, along the bottom, represents change over time in surface temperature just using La Niña years. As you can see, many of the ups and downs in the long term surface temperature trend seem to represent ENSO variation.

Now, to the recently published study. The paper is “Atlantic and Pacific multidecadal oscillations and Northern Hemisphere temperatures” by Byron Steinmann, Michael Mann, and Sonya Miller, and is published in tomorrow’s Science. (Yes, I have a time machine.) From the abstract:

The recent slowdown in global warming has brought into question the reliability of climate model projections of future temperature change and has led to a vigorous debate over whether this slowdown is the result of naturally occurring, internal variability or forcing external to Earth’s climate system. To address these issues, we applied a semi-empirical approach that combines climate observations and model simulations to estimate Atlantic- and Pacific-based internal multidecadal variability (termed “AMO” and “PMO,” respectively). Using this method, the AMO and PMO are found to explain a large proportion of internal variability in Northern Hemisphere mean temperatures. Competition between a modest positive peak in the AMO and a substantially negative-trending PMO are seen to produce a slowdown or “false pause” in warming of the past decade.

The research (also reviewed here by Chris Mooney) combines observational data (temperature records and the indices for the AMO and PMO) with sophisticated modeling techniques to parse out the contributions of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the big dogs of climate change (the Pacific being the much bigger dogs) on surface temperature variability. Essentially, they are trying to determine how much of the squiggling, specially the recent slowing down of temperature increase, is accounted for by “internal variability” as opposed to “forcings.” The former includes the interactions of the surface and the ocean. “Forced” variation is, according to Michael Mann, means “… governed by drivers, be they human (increased greenhouse gas concentrations, sulphate pollutants) or natural (volcanoes, solar output changes). The internal variability is what’s left, it is the purely natural oscillations in the system that have no particular cause, just as weather variations on daily timescales have no particular cause, they just happen.”

One of the findings of this paper, important in climate research but perhaps a bit esoteric, is that the Pacific and Atlantic have mostly independent effects as sources of internal variation. This is not really new, but confirmed by this work. More exactly, treating them as independent provided good results.

But the most important finding is summarized in the following figure, taken from Figure 3 and also reproduced in a writeup by author Mann at Real Climate:


This shows the AMO, PMO, and the derived (combining the two) NMO values over time. Assume that the highest and lowest values are close to the maximum and minimum that these measures normally reach. Note that there is something of a periodicity in these values. That there would be makes sense. These values represent the way in which the oceans interact with the air, and we know that although there is not perfect periodicity (regularity) in that relationship, historically, every year the ocean is in a phase of removing heat from the atmosphere there is an increased chance of a reversal in that relationship. Now, step back from the contentious issue of climate change for a moment, and imagine that these are values of a blue chip stock you are thinking of investing in. Remember the cardinal rule of getting rich on the stock market: Buy low, sell high! Now, decide if you want to put your hard earned money ito the AMO or the PMO. Clearly, the PMO is at a minimum. Buy now because it is going to go up soon!

Remembering that the PMO was found to be a much bigger source of internal variability than the AMO, and that it is a major player in determining surface temperatures, this can only mean one thing. Things are going to heat up soon. Study author Michael Mann told me, “The PMO appears to be very close to a turning point, based on the historical pattern. So we don’t expect it to continue to plunge downward. We expect a turning point soon.” In his summary of the work in Real Climate, Mann notes that “the most worrying implication of our study [is] that the “false pause” may simply have been a cause for false complacency, when it comes to averting dangerous climate change”

We just had the warmest calendar year on record. Last month, January 2015, was probably the second warmest January on record. Using a 12 month moving average (like in the graph at the top of this post), the last 12 months were the warmest 12 months on record. I hear rumors that February, the month we are in, is relatively warm. We have been seeing signs of the Pacific belching out more heat lately, with El Niño threatening. This could all be a very short term trend, as we expect to happen frequently with the general upward march of surface temperatures owing to greenhouse gas pollution. But this latest paper indicates that it might not be; it could be the beginning of a longer upward trend. Whatever effects of surface warming you might be concerned with — increased storms, drought, more rapid melting of glacial ice, killer heat waves — expect more over the next decade than we have over the last decade. And we had quite a bit of that over the last decade.

from ScienceBlogs

A paper just published in Science Magazine helps explain variation we see in the long term Carbon-pollution caused upward trend Earth’s surface temperatures. The research also, and rather ominously, suggests that a recent slowdown in that trend is likely to reverse direction in the near future, causing the Earth’s surface temperature to rise dramatically.

The graph shown above represents the ongoing warming of the Earth’s surface owing to the increased atmospheric concentration of human generated greenhouse gas pollution, mainly CO2. But, have a look at the following graph of changes in concentration of CO2 in the Earth’s Atmosphere:


As you can see, the increase in CO2 is very steady, while the changes in Earth’s surface temperature is very squiggly. Why? In particular, the Earth’s surface temperatures seem to undergo a series of rapid increases or decreases, and now and then, seem to squiggle up and down along a slowly ascending plateau, as has been happening recently. Climate science deniers have taken this recent slowing in the increase of temperature as a signal that the link between CO2 concentrations and global surface temperatures is a hoax. But real climate scientists focus instead on actually explaining, rather than making up stories about, this variation.

There are several different factors that may cause the shorter term squiggles that we see superimposed on the longer term warming trend. The sun’s energy varies over decades, and this contributes a small amount to the variation. Aerosols (dust), either from human activities or volcanic activity, can produce a cooling effect, and this effect varies across time. If you look at the graph of temperatures, you’ll see a strong downward trend associated with the vast eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, for example. A third source of variation in the upward march of the Earth’s temperature is not really a source of cooling or heating at all, but rather, a shift in where the heat goes. The graph on the top of this post is of “surface temperature,” which is a combination of land-based thermometers at roughly head-height, located at weather stations around the world, and sea surface temperatures. But well over 90% of the heat added to the Earth’s system by the human-caused greenhouse effect actually ends up in the ocean. A small percentage of variation in how much heat goes into, or comes out of, the ocean can cause a large variation in the “surface temperature.” You can think of the surface temperature measurements as a relatively small tail attached to a rather large dog, where the dog is the ocean and the tail is the land based thermometers and the sea surface. (I’ve developed this analogy here.)

That the behavior of the ocean is important can be understood by noting that while surface temperature increase has slowed in recent years, the temperature in the top couple of kilometers of the world’s oceans has continued to increase apace. You can also look at the relationship between the squiggle of the surface temperature curve and El Niño and La Niña events. The former are periods of time when the Pacific ocean is sending heat out into the atmosphere, and the latter are periods of time when the Pacific is sucking more heat in. The following graphic from Skeptical Science illustrates this nicely.


“ENSO” refers to the El Niño-La Niña cycling. The top line, in red, represents the change over time in surface temperature just during El Niño periods, while the blue line, along the bottom, represents change over time in surface temperature just using La Niña years. As you can see, many of the ups and downs in the long term surface temperature trend seem to represent ENSO variation.

Now, to the recently published study. The paper is “Atlantic and Pacific multidecadal oscillations and Northern Hemisphere temperatures” by Byron Steinmann, Michael Mann, and Sonya Miller, and is published in tomorrow’s Science. (Yes, I have a time machine.) From the abstract:

The recent slowdown in global warming has brought into question the reliability of climate model projections of future temperature change and has led to a vigorous debate over whether this slowdown is the result of naturally occurring, internal variability or forcing external to Earth’s climate system. To address these issues, we applied a semi-empirical approach that combines climate observations and model simulations to estimate Atlantic- and Pacific-based internal multidecadal variability (termed “AMO” and “PMO,” respectively). Using this method, the AMO and PMO are found to explain a large proportion of internal variability in Northern Hemisphere mean temperatures. Competition between a modest positive peak in the AMO and a substantially negative-trending PMO are seen to produce a slowdown or “false pause” in warming of the past decade.

The research (also reviewed here by Chris Mooney) combines observational data (temperature records and the indices for the AMO and PMO) with sophisticated modeling techniques to parse out the contributions of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the big dogs of climate change (the Pacific being the much bigger dogs) on surface temperature variability. Essentially, they are trying to determine how much of the squiggling, specially the recent slowing down of temperature increase, is accounted for by “internal variability” as opposed to “forcings.” The former includes the interactions of the surface and the ocean. “Forced” variation is, according to Michael Mann, means “… governed by drivers, be they human (increased greenhouse gas concentrations, sulphate pollutants) or natural (volcanoes, solar output changes). The internal variability is what’s left, it is the purely natural oscillations in the system that have no particular cause, just as weather variations on daily timescales have no particular cause, they just happen.”

One of the findings of this paper, important in climate research but perhaps a bit esoteric, is that the Pacific and Atlantic have mostly independent effects as sources of internal variation. This is not really new, but confirmed by this work. More exactly, treating them as independent provided good results.

But the most important finding is summarized in the following figure, taken from Figure 3 and also reproduced in a writeup by author Mann at Real Climate:


This shows the AMO, PMO, and the derived (combining the two) NMO values over time. Assume that the highest and lowest values are close to the maximum and minimum that these measures normally reach. Note that there is something of a periodicity in these values. That there would be makes sense. These values represent the way in which the oceans interact with the air, and we know that although there is not perfect periodicity (regularity) in that relationship, historically, every year the ocean is in a phase of removing heat from the atmosphere there is an increased chance of a reversal in that relationship. Now, step back from the contentious issue of climate change for a moment, and imagine that these are values of a blue chip stock you are thinking of investing in. Remember the cardinal rule of getting rich on the stock market: Buy low, sell high! Now, decide if you want to put your hard earned money ito the AMO or the PMO. Clearly, the PMO is at a minimum. Buy now because it is going to go up soon!

Remembering that the PMO was found to be a much bigger source of internal variability than the AMO, and that it is a major player in determining surface temperatures, this can only mean one thing. Things are going to heat up soon. Study author Michael Mann told me, “The PMO appears to be very close to a turning point, based on the historical pattern. So we don’t expect it to continue to plunge downward. We expect a turning point soon.” In his summary of the work in Real Climate, Mann notes that “the most worrying implication of our study [is] that the “false pause” may simply have been a cause for false complacency, when it comes to averting dangerous climate change”

We just had the warmest calendar year on record. Last month, January 2015, was probably the second warmest January on record. Using a 12 month moving average (like in the graph at the top of this post), the last 12 months were the warmest 12 months on record. I hear rumors that February, the month we are in, is relatively warm. We have been seeing signs of the Pacific belching out more heat lately, with El Niño threatening. This could all be a very short term trend, as we expect to happen frequently with the general upward march of surface temperatures owing to greenhouse gas pollution. But this latest paper indicates that it might not be; it could be the beginning of a longer upward trend. Whatever effects of surface warming you might be concerned with — increased storms, drought, more rapid melting of glacial ice, killer heat waves — expect more over the next decade than we have over the last decade. And we had quite a bit of that over the last decade.

from ScienceBlogs