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Blog break

The Rocket Science blog will take a break between today and 5 January. During this time, there will be no new posts (well, unless anything extraordinary happens!) and commenting will be disabled. We'll be back in 2016 with news and updates on Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-1B, Galileo, Estrack, ExoMars/TGO, New Norcia 2 inauguration and much else. Best wishes to everyone for a restful year-end holiday and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year.

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

The Rocket Science blog will take a break between today and 5 January. During this time, there will be no new posts (well, unless anything extraordinary happens!) and commenting will be disabled. We'll be back in 2016 with news and updates on Sentinel-3A, Sentinel-1B, Galileo, Estrack, ExoMars/TGO, New Norcia 2 inauguration and much else. Best wishes to everyone for a restful year-end holiday and a safe, happy and prosperous New Year.

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En route to nothing

It's official! LISA Pathfinder is safely en route to a virtual point in space called the Sun-Earth Libration Point 1 (SEL1), 1.5 million km from Earth.

A main engine burn during the weekend provided the thrust needed to get there (see roughly the 00:23 sec point in the animation), and took place as planned on Saturday, 12 December at 06:18 CET. This was the 6th and final of the orbit-raising manoeuvres (#ARM6), and this one will take the craft all the way 'up' to L1.

Once there, without any further action, LISA pathfinder would 'fall back down' to Earth under the tug of our planet's gravity, so the mission operations team will have to perform a regular station-keeping manoeuvre (about once per week) to keep it 'up' at L1.

After Saturday's manoeuvre, an assessment of the actual burn results conducted by the flight dynamics team at ESOC showed an under performance of the planned change in speed by less than 1%, which is well within expectations. This means that a follow-on burn slot planned for the following day (Sunday) was used to give an additional push of 7 m/second.

This burn, too, was analysed and was found to have delivered a slight over performance of about 1-2% – and so there will be a further small transfer correction manoeuvre in approximately 1 week (which also provides time for a very detailed trajectory analysis).

LISA Pathfinder is now on a transfer orbit for a free drift into L1 orbit.

The activity this weekend marked the formal end of the critical Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP), and the start of approximately three months of commissioning.

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

It's official! LISA Pathfinder is safely en route to a virtual point in space called the Sun-Earth Libration Point 1 (SEL1), 1.5 million km from Earth.

A main engine burn during the weekend provided the thrust needed to get there (see roughly the 00:23 sec point in the animation), and took place as planned on Saturday, 12 December at 06:18 CET. This was the 6th and final of the orbit-raising manoeuvres (#ARM6), and this one will take the craft all the way 'up' to L1.

Once there, without any further action, LISA pathfinder would 'fall back down' to Earth under the tug of our planet's gravity, so the mission operations team will have to perform a regular station-keeping manoeuvre (about once per week) to keep it 'up' at L1.

After Saturday's manoeuvre, an assessment of the actual burn results conducted by the flight dynamics team at ESOC showed an under performance of the planned change in speed by less than 1%, which is well within expectations. This means that a follow-on burn slot planned for the following day (Sunday) was used to give an additional push of 7 m/second.

This burn, too, was analysed and was found to have delivered a slight over performance of about 1-2% – and so there will be a further small transfer correction manoeuvre in approximately 1 week (which also provides time for a very detailed trajectory analysis).

LISA Pathfinder is now on a transfer orbit for a free drift into L1 orbit.

The activity this weekend marked the formal end of the critical Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP), and the start of approximately three months of commissioning.

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LISA spotted!

LISA Pathfinder seen in orbit on 8 December:

ESA's LISA Pathfinder spacecraft seen in orbit 8 December 2015 at about 20:50 UT (21:50 CET) from the DeSS Deimos Sky Survey, Niefla Mountain, Spain. Image credit: Deimos/N. Sánchez-Ortiz, J. Nomen, M. Hurtado

ESA's LISA Pathfinder spacecraft seen in orbit 8 December 2015 at about 20:50 UT (21:50 CET) from the DeSS Deimos Sky Survey, Niefla Mountain, Spain. Image credit: Deimos/N. Sánchez-Ortiz, J. Nomen, M. Hurtado




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LISA Pathfinder seen in orbit on 8 December:

ESA's LISA Pathfinder spacecraft seen in orbit 8 December 2015 at about 20:50 UT (21:50 CET) from the DeSS Deimos Sky Survey, Niefla Mountain, Spain. Image credit: Deimos/N. Sánchez-Ortiz, J. Nomen, M. Hurtado

ESA's LISA Pathfinder spacecraft seen in orbit 8 December 2015 at about 20:50 UT (21:50 CET) from the DeSS Deimos Sky Survey, Niefla Mountain, Spain. Image credit: Deimos/N. Sánchez-Ortiz, J. Nomen, M. Hurtado




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Five down, one to go

The crucial series of six major engine burns – needed to get LISA Pathfinder to its final science orbit around L1 – continues to go well. Since the last blog post, the mission control team at ESOC have conducted the 5th burn as well as a smaller 'test' burn using the reaction control thrusters. Here's the latest update from Spacecraft Operations Manager Ian Harrison, sent in at 04:30 CET today:

LISA Pathfinder apogee-raising orbits, prior to departure for SEL1 Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder apogee-raising orbits, prior to departure for SEL1. We're now on the big one! Credit: ESA

The fifth orbit-raising engine burn, ARM#5, has been executed successfully and LISA Pathfinder is now in a highly elliptic orbit with apogee above 120 000 km. We also conducted a functional check of the 'CTCM' mode, which uses the reaction control thrusters to generate a push (aka 'delta-v') rather than the main engine*; this system will be used for small manoeuvres in the future.

The ARM#5 and CTCM burns both over-performed, and so during this long final orbit, all the burn performances are being analysed to plan the final Earth-escape burn with the best possible accuracy.

During the weekend, LISA Pathfinder will escape the Earth and be guided into a free-drift orbit towards L1.

Note*: The main engine delivers a thrust of around 400N, whereas the smaller thrusters provide around 10N thrust


from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

The crucial series of six major engine burns – needed to get LISA Pathfinder to its final science orbit around L1 – continues to go well. Since the last blog post, the mission control team at ESOC have conducted the 5th burn as well as a smaller 'test' burn using the reaction control thrusters. Here's the latest update from Spacecraft Operations Manager Ian Harrison, sent in at 04:30 CET today:

LISA Pathfinder apogee-raising orbits, prior to departure for SEL1 Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder apogee-raising orbits, prior to departure for SEL1. We're now on the big one! Credit: ESA

The fifth orbit-raising engine burn, ARM#5, has been executed successfully and LISA Pathfinder is now in a highly elliptic orbit with apogee above 120 000 km. We also conducted a functional check of the 'CTCM' mode, which uses the reaction control thrusters to generate a push (aka 'delta-v') rather than the main engine*; this system will be used for small manoeuvres in the future.

The ARM#5 and CTCM burns both over-performed, and so during this long final orbit, all the burn performances are being analysed to plan the final Earth-escape burn with the best possible accuracy.

During the weekend, LISA Pathfinder will escape the Earth and be guided into a free-drift orbit towards L1.

Note*: The main engine delivers a thrust of around 400N, whereas the smaller thrusters provide around 10N thrust


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LISA Pathfinder: Big burn burned

Working in the Main Control Room at ESOC tonight, ESA's Rolf Maarschalkerweerd, Deputy Spacecraft Operations Manager for LISA Pathfinder, sent in this report at midnight:

The fourth apogee-raising manoeuvre (ARM#4) is complete. The initial assessment again shows an excellent performance, similar to the three previous orbit-raising burns. The targeted 'delta V' (change in speed) of 806 m/sec was the largest within all the six planned orbit raising burns. ARM#4 raised the LISA Pathfinder apogee to about 430 00 km. Once a detailed orbit determination has been done by flight dynamics, the mission control team will start planning for the ARM#5 manoeuvre, set for 9 December at 23:55 UTC (10 December 00:55 CET).

LISA Pathfinder orbits to SEL1 Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder orbits to SEL1 Credit: ESA

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

Working in the Main Control Room at ESOC tonight, ESA's Rolf Maarschalkerweerd, Deputy Spacecraft Operations Manager for LISA Pathfinder, sent in this report at midnight:

The fourth apogee-raising manoeuvre (ARM#4) is complete. The initial assessment again shows an excellent performance, similar to the three previous orbit-raising burns. The targeted 'delta V' (change in speed) of 806 m/sec was the largest within all the six planned orbit raising burns. ARM#4 raised the LISA Pathfinder apogee to about 430 00 km. Once a detailed orbit determination has been done by flight dynamics, the mission control team will start planning for the ARM#5 manoeuvre, set for 9 December at 23:55 UTC (10 December 00:55 CET).

LISA Pathfinder orbits to SEL1 Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder orbits to SEL1 Credit: ESA

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LISA Pathfinder orbit manoeuvres: so far, so good!

Three done, three to go!

These updates were sent in by LISA Pathfinder Spacecraft Operations Manager Ian Harrison Monday evening and this morning, reporting on the results of the Nos. 2 and 3 apogee-raising engine burns (referred to as 'ARM' for 'apogee-raising manoeuvre' by the teams at ESOC) .

If you read our post yesterday, you'll recall that these are the second and third of six planned burns, and all are crucial for getting LPF safely en route to the 1st Sun-Earth libration point (L1), from where it will conduct its mission.

LISA Pathfinder's Ian Harrison Credit: ESA/K. Siewert - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

LISA Pathfinder's Ian Harrison Credit: ESA/K. Siewert - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

First, for the burn on Monday evening, Ian wrote:

ARM#2 was completed successfully at 2015/12/07 17:21 UTC [18:21 CET]. Evaluation of the burn performance showed an error of less than 0.3% against the planned deltaV - 'change in velocity'. The next burn, ARM#3, is planned for 2015/12/08 07:31 UTC [08:31 CET].

Next, as planned, ARM#3 took place this morning, and the results, like last night, were very good:

The ARM#3 burn was executed successfully on 2015/12/08 at 07:31 UTC [08:31 CET], and the spacecraft's signals were acquired on time via ESA's 15m Kourou ground station. Initial assessment of the acquisition show good agreement with prediction*, but a more detailed performance assessment is ongoing. LISA Pathfinder apogee is now above the inner radiation belts, and the next burn should take the apogee above the complete radiation belt. The next burn, ARM#4, is planned for 21:02 UTC [22:02 CET] tonight.

Note that ARM#4 will be the largest burn so far, expected to run about 34 minutes (the others have run or are planned to run for 28, 33, 20, 15 and 9 minutes, respectively, round to the nearest minute).

The craft remains in good shape and the mission control team at ESOC continue working, as they have since launch on 3 December, around the clock in the Main Control Room at ESOC.

Note*: If the ground station 'sees' the spacecraft's signals at the expected time, then that's a very strong indication that the most recent burn was substantially good (otherwise the acquisition would be sooner or later than expected). The mission control team will wait for flight dynamics to do a detailed orbit determination to formally confirm each burn.

By the way, while this is not the LPF main engine thruster, this video shows a test burn for a thruster using technology very similar to that on the LISA Pathfinder propulsion module. Note how hot the thruster throat gets!




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Three done, three to go!

These updates were sent in by LISA Pathfinder Spacecraft Operations Manager Ian Harrison Monday evening and this morning, reporting on the results of the Nos. 2 and 3 apogee-raising engine burns (referred to as 'ARM' for 'apogee-raising manoeuvre' by the teams at ESOC) .

If you read our post yesterday, you'll recall that these are the second and third of six planned burns, and all are crucial for getting LPF safely en route to the 1st Sun-Earth libration point (L1), from where it will conduct its mission.

LISA Pathfinder's Ian Harrison Credit: ESA/K. Siewert - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

LISA Pathfinder's Ian Harrison Credit: ESA/K. Siewert - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

First, for the burn on Monday evening, Ian wrote:

ARM#2 was completed successfully at 2015/12/07 17:21 UTC [18:21 CET]. Evaluation of the burn performance showed an error of less than 0.3% against the planned deltaV - 'change in velocity'. The next burn, ARM#3, is planned for 2015/12/08 07:31 UTC [08:31 CET].

Next, as planned, ARM#3 took place this morning, and the results, like last night, were very good:

The ARM#3 burn was executed successfully on 2015/12/08 at 07:31 UTC [08:31 CET], and the spacecraft's signals were acquired on time via ESA's 15m Kourou ground station. Initial assessment of the acquisition show good agreement with prediction*, but a more detailed performance assessment is ongoing. LISA Pathfinder apogee is now above the inner radiation belts, and the next burn should take the apogee above the complete radiation belt. The next burn, ARM#4, is planned for 21:02 UTC [22:02 CET] tonight.

Note that ARM#4 will be the largest burn so far, expected to run about 34 minutes (the others have run or are planned to run for 28, 33, 20, 15 and 9 minutes, respectively, round to the nearest minute).

The craft remains in good shape and the mission control team at ESOC continue working, as they have since launch on 3 December, around the clock in the Main Control Room at ESOC.

Note*: If the ground station 'sees' the spacecraft's signals at the expected time, then that's a very strong indication that the most recent burn was substantially good (otherwise the acquisition would be sooner or later than expected). The mission control team will wait for flight dynamics to do a detailed orbit determination to formally confirm each burn.

By the way, while this is not the LPF main engine thruster, this video shows a test burn for a thruster using technology very similar to that on the LISA Pathfinder propulsion module. Note how hot the thruster throat gets!




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LISA Pathfinder Burn 1 confirmed

This update sent in this morning by LISA Pathfinder Spacecraft Operations Manager Ian Harrison at ESOC:

The evaluation of this morning's main engine burn conducted by LPF – the first of the so-called apogee-raising manoeuvres (ARMs) – showed an error of less than 1% on the predicted 'deltaV' (change in speed). This is well within the expected performance of these ARM burns.

Five more ARMs before Escape to L1!

Read our earlier blog post for details on the ARM burns and LPF's journey to L1.

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

This update sent in this morning by LISA Pathfinder Spacecraft Operations Manager Ian Harrison at ESOC:

The evaluation of this morning's main engine burn conducted by LPF – the first of the so-called apogee-raising manoeuvres (ARMs) – showed an error of less than 1% on the predicted 'deltaV' (change in speed). This is well within the expected performance of these ARM burns.

Five more ARMs before Escape to L1!

Read our earlier blog post for details on the ARM burns and LPF's journey to L1.

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Getting to where we want to go: LISA Pathfinder’s journey

Today's post is contributed by Florian Renk and the Mission Analysis team at ESA's ESOC operations centre, Darmstadt. Florian did a lot of the planning work to analyse the 'hows' and 'whens' of LISA Pathfinder's trip to space.

On 3 December, a new mission joined ESA's fleet of spacecraft around Earth. Well, in this case, it's not exactly around Earth. Or is it?

LISA Pathfinder is travelling to an orbit around the so-called L1 Lagrange point, also called the Sun-Earth Libration Point 1. SEL1 is located about 1.5 million km toward the Sun from us, when looking at the Sun from the Earth. It lies in the ecliptic plane, the plane in which the Earth moves around the Sun, so like the Earth, the libration point also moves around the Sun, making a complete orbit in one year. While it's just a point in space, it exists because the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Earth provide just the right centripetal force in this spot to rotate with them.

The surface indicates the effective potential created by the two massive bodies and the rotation of the secondary body around the primary. The libration points are located at the saddle points.

The surface indicates the effective potential created by the two massive bodies and the rotation of the secondary body around the primary. The libration points are located at the saddle points.

Compared to previous ESA spacecraft travelling to one of the Sun-Earth libration points (there are five), the journey of LISA Pathfinder is a bit more complicated. Herschel and Planck were launched on the powerful Ariane 5 rocket and Gaia got a smooth ride on the Soyuz-Fregat launcher. LISA Pathfinder, however, has started its journey to SEL1 on Europe's smallest launcher, the Vega.

Europe's launchers from Kourou: Vega, Soyuz-Fregat and two versions of the Ariane 5

Vega is not powerful enough to directly propel LISA Pathfinder towards its destination at 1.5 million km from Earth. It can only provide the initial ride into space and delivered the spacecraft into a slightly elliptic Earth orbit with a perigee (the closest point to Earth) of about 200 km and the apogee (the furthest point from Earth) of about 1540 km.

Launchers at Europe's Spaceport Credit: ESA

Launchers at Europe's Spaceport Credit: ESA

From this initial orbit, LISA Pathfinder must now use its own propulsion module to travel to SEL1. And this journey is a tricky one!

ARMs 1 to 6

To travel to SEL1, LISA Pathfinder must raise its apogee to be near the 1.5-million-km point and to do so the spacecraft will perform a sequence of 'apogee raising manoeuvres' (ARMs) providing a velocity increment of more than 3000 m/sec (in comparison, when Rosetta came out of deep-space hibernation in January of 2014 to start slowing down to catch comet 67P/C-G, it only had to slow its speed by 800 m/sec.).

Further, the apogee cannot be raised in just one 'big burn', since LISA Pathfinder would need an extremely large main engine to perform this manoeuvre. Instead the craft's propulsion module is equipped with a 450-Newton main engine (which is still pretty big! Rosetta has 24 10N thrusters) and will conduct a series of six burns:

Planned Apogee-Raising Manoeuvres
(as of 4 December – subject to change)

  • 7 Dec ARM1, ARM2
  • 8 Dec ARM2, ARM3
  • 9 Dec ARM5
  • 12 Dec ARM 6
Note: Additional thruster burns are planned to trim and correct the final trajectory. But these are the biggies. Sometimes, spaceflight engineers say 'manoeuvre' when they mean 'thruster burn' or just 'burn' – these terms are all more or less equivalent wording.

To actually fire the main engine installed on LISA Pathfinder (actually, installed on a Propulsion Module attached to LPF, which will be jettisoned at the end of January), the mission control teams must adhere to some strict constraints.

One is the maximum burn duration the spacecraft can conduct; the burns usually take place in Earth eclipse (i.e. when the craft is in the darkness of Earth's shadow) and thus we have to be careful with the available battery power. A single burn cannot run too long before the spacecraft must again be pointed toward the Sun to recharge its batteries.

LISA Pathfinder spacecraft after propulsion module has been discarded Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder spacecraft after propulsion module has been discarded Credit: ESA

After each burn, we need some time to prepare for the next one. We need to schedule passes of the spacecraft over our tracking stations (see Note 1 below), which provide our flight dynamics team the radiometric data they need to determine how well the previous burn performed and to precisely determine the current orbit. They will then prepare the commands for the next apogee-raising burn and, after the commands have been generated, additional passes over the ground stations are required to allow the flight control team to upload the commands. This process repeats until we have executed the final apogee-raising manoeuvre.

Moreover, all the specialists at ESOC (see Note 2 below) have to work fast to perform the apogee-raising sequence of burns with LISA Pathfinder because the spacecraft is passing dangerous terrain on its way out to SEL1: The Van-Allen Radiation belts.

This image was created using data from the Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescopes on NASA's twin Van Allen Probes. It shows the emergence of a new third transient radiation belt. The new belt is seen as the middle orange and red arc of the three seen on each side of the Earth. Image Credit: APL, NASA

This image was created using data from the Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescopes on NASA's twin Van Allen Probes. It shows the emergence of a new third transient radiation belt. The new belt is seen as the middle orange and red arc of the three seen on each side of the Earth. Image Credit: APL, NASA

These are the reason why the manoeuvres to get to SEL1 are being executed as quickly after each other as possible: We want to limit the time the spacecraft spends in the radiation belts (so as to limit any deleterious effect on the craft's delicate electronics). It is also the reason why the manoeuvres to propel LPF toward SEL1 are not only optimised for fuel usage and burn duration, but also to limit the time spent in the zones where we expect the highest radiation to occur. For example, the fourth manoeuvre is particularly large, 'jumping' over one of the worst zones of the radiation belts.

LISA Pathfinder apogee-raising orbits, prior to departure for SEL1 Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder apogee-raising orbits, prior to departure for SEL1 Credit: ESA

Why Vega launched at 04:04:00 GMT on 3 December and no other

The time from lift-off to the time of the final apogee-raising manoeuvre is about nine days, and this time period actually determined the lift-off time of Vega from Europe's spaceport in Kourou. To put it simply, the lift-off time must be a time such that:

  • After this time, the line of apses (the line connecting the perigee and the apogee) must be oriented such that the final burn following the sequence will actually point the apogee toward the Sun, since we want to fly to SEL1, which is located toward the Sun
  • Vega doesn't know where the Sun is (it's just a rocket). No matter what lift-off time, it always flies the same trajectory with respect to the Earth's surface. However, the Earth is rotating and thus the time Vega leaves its launch pad determines the position of the apogee and perigee with respect to the Sun

So, it fell to ESA's Mission Analysis team to determine the time at which Vega optimally roared into space such that after nine days the line of apses will be oriented such that we can go to SEL1 and that we don't fly in the opposite direction (for that we'd launch about 12 hours later). Actually, the lift-off time was calculated such that even in case of delay or other contingencies during the immediate post-launch days (LEOP - the critical Launch and Early Orbit Phase) a correct orbit about SEL1 can still be reached.

In addition, the launch time and trajectory were carefully planned so that LISA Pathfinder stays well clear of the orbit of the International Space Station.

Note that we didn't have to exactly point toward the Sun to go into an orbit about SEL1, despite this point being located on the direct line between Earth and Sun. There is a certain range where this line-of-apses can point. Nonetheless, there are many other considerations that require us to pick only one specific lift-off time. For example, we want to ensure that the resulting orbit about SEL1 is optimal for communication with the Earth.

LISA Pathfinder orbits to SEL1 Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder orbits to SEL1 Credit: ESA

Once the spacecraft starts travelling on the trajectory towards SEL1, another difficult task must be accomplished by the flight dynamics and flight control teams. This relates to the fact that, despite what you always hear, libration point orbits are, unfortunately, unstable and the smallest perturbation can cause the spacecraft either to fall back toward Earth or escape into the inner Solar System.

Keeping our spacecraft up there

Thus, keeping LISA Pathfinder in its orbit about SEL1 is like balancing a pencil on its tip – except it's actually much more complicated than this because we can only thrust in the Sun direction (due to the design of the spacecraft) and we have very little thrust available on the spacecraft (using just its cold-gas control thrusters) after the science module has discarded the propulsion module.

So, we have to keep LISA Pathfinder in a very delicate balance: the craft must be kept in an orbit that is constantly 'falling back' toward Earth, with just very small puffs of gas to push it 'back up'.

Every week that LPF is at L1, we will have to give it a small push (these are the so-called 'station-keeping manoeuvres') so that it doesn't actually fall back toward Earth. But the push must be small enough so that we don't fall into the Sun direction either, because then the flight control team would have to conduct a rather complex manoeuvre, rotating the spacecraft so that thrust can be provided toward Earth to get the spacecraft back toward the 'Earth-falling' side -- and this would make us lose valuable science time.

Once en route to SEL1, a series of six thruster burns will ensure that we'll end up in exactly the right trajectory - not falling toward the Sun and not too quickly falling back toward Earth either.

This is post highlights just a few of the factors related to trajectory is only a small part of what makes LISA Pathfinder such a challenging - and fantastic! - mission for all teams working at ESOC.


  1. Initially, LPF is using ESA’s 15m tracking stations in Perth, Australia, Maspalomas, Spain, and Kourou, French Guiana. Once it is more than about 50 000 from Earth, it will use the three 35m deep-space tracking stations in Spain, Australia and Argentina. Read more about ESA’s Estrack network.
  2. LPF is operated from ESA’s European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany, where not only are the Flight Control Team located, but also the extended functional teams of experts in areas like flight dynamics, mission analysis, ground stations and software systems.

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

Today's post is contributed by Florian Renk and the Mission Analysis team at ESA's ESOC operations centre, Darmstadt. Florian did a lot of the planning work to analyse the 'hows' and 'whens' of LISA Pathfinder's trip to space.

On 3 December, a new mission joined ESA's fleet of spacecraft around Earth. Well, in this case, it's not exactly around Earth. Or is it?

LISA Pathfinder is travelling to an orbit around the so-called L1 Lagrange point, also called the Sun-Earth Libration Point 1. SEL1 is located about 1.5 million km toward the Sun from us, when looking at the Sun from the Earth. It lies in the ecliptic plane, the plane in which the Earth moves around the Sun, so like the Earth, the libration point also moves around the Sun, making a complete orbit in one year. While it's just a point in space, it exists because the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Earth provide just the right centripetal force in this spot to rotate with them.

The surface indicates the effective potential created by the two massive bodies and the rotation of the secondary body around the primary. The libration points are located at the saddle points.

The surface indicates the effective potential created by the two massive bodies and the rotation of the secondary body around the primary. The libration points are located at the saddle points.

Compared to previous ESA spacecraft travelling to one of the Sun-Earth libration points (there are five), the journey of LISA Pathfinder is a bit more complicated. Herschel and Planck were launched on the powerful Ariane 5 rocket and Gaia got a smooth ride on the Soyuz-Fregat launcher. LISA Pathfinder, however, has started its journey to SEL1 on Europe's smallest launcher, the Vega.

Europe's launchers from Kourou: Vega, Soyuz-Fregat and two versions of the Ariane 5

Vega is not powerful enough to directly propel LISA Pathfinder towards its destination at 1.5 million km from Earth. It can only provide the initial ride into space and delivered the spacecraft into a slightly elliptic Earth orbit with a perigee (the closest point to Earth) of about 200 km and the apogee (the furthest point from Earth) of about 1540 km.

Launchers at Europe's Spaceport Credit: ESA

Launchers at Europe's Spaceport Credit: ESA

From this initial orbit, LISA Pathfinder must now use its own propulsion module to travel to SEL1. And this journey is a tricky one!

ARMs 1 to 6

To travel to SEL1, LISA Pathfinder must raise its apogee to be near the 1.5-million-km point and to do so the spacecraft will perform a sequence of 'apogee raising manoeuvres' (ARMs) providing a velocity increment of more than 3000 m/sec (in comparison, when Rosetta came out of deep-space hibernation in January of 2014 to start slowing down to catch comet 67P/C-G, it only had to slow its speed by 800 m/sec.).

Further, the apogee cannot be raised in just one 'big burn', since LISA Pathfinder would need an extremely large main engine to perform this manoeuvre. Instead the craft's propulsion module is equipped with a 450-Newton main engine (which is still pretty big! Rosetta has 24 10N thrusters) and will conduct a series of six burns:

Planned Apogee-Raising Manoeuvres
(as of 4 December – subject to change)

  • 7 Dec ARM1, ARM2
  • 8 Dec ARM2, ARM3
  • 9 Dec ARM5
  • 12 Dec ARM 6
Note: Additional thruster burns are planned to trim and correct the final trajectory. But these are the biggies. Sometimes, spaceflight engineers say 'manoeuvre' when they mean 'thruster burn' or just 'burn' – these terms are all more or less equivalent wording.

To actually fire the main engine installed on LISA Pathfinder (actually, installed on a Propulsion Module attached to LPF, which will be jettisoned at the end of January), the mission control teams must adhere to some strict constraints.

One is the maximum burn duration the spacecraft can conduct; the burns usually take place in Earth eclipse (i.e. when the craft is in the darkness of Earth's shadow) and thus we have to be careful with the available battery power. A single burn cannot run too long before the spacecraft must again be pointed toward the Sun to recharge its batteries.

LISA Pathfinder spacecraft after propulsion module has been discarded Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder spacecraft after propulsion module has been discarded Credit: ESA

After each burn, we need some time to prepare for the next one. We need to schedule passes of the spacecraft over our tracking stations (see Note 1 below), which provide our flight dynamics team the radiometric data they need to determine how well the previous burn performed and to precisely determine the current orbit. They will then prepare the commands for the next apogee-raising burn and, after the commands have been generated, additional passes over the ground stations are required to allow the flight control team to upload the commands. This process repeats until we have executed the final apogee-raising manoeuvre.

Moreover, all the specialists at ESOC (see Note 2 below) have to work fast to perform the apogee-raising sequence of burns with LISA Pathfinder because the spacecraft is passing dangerous terrain on its way out to SEL1: The Van-Allen Radiation belts.

This image was created using data from the Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescopes on NASA's twin Van Allen Probes. It shows the emergence of a new third transient radiation belt. The new belt is seen as the middle orange and red arc of the three seen on each side of the Earth. Image Credit: APL, NASA

This image was created using data from the Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescopes on NASA's twin Van Allen Probes. It shows the emergence of a new third transient radiation belt. The new belt is seen as the middle orange and red arc of the three seen on each side of the Earth. Image Credit: APL, NASA

These are the reason why the manoeuvres to get to SEL1 are being executed as quickly after each other as possible: We want to limit the time the spacecraft spends in the radiation belts (so as to limit any deleterious effect on the craft's delicate electronics). It is also the reason why the manoeuvres to propel LPF toward SEL1 are not only optimised for fuel usage and burn duration, but also to limit the time spent in the zones where we expect the highest radiation to occur. For example, the fourth manoeuvre is particularly large, 'jumping' over one of the worst zones of the radiation belts.

LISA Pathfinder apogee-raising orbits, prior to departure for SEL1 Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder apogee-raising orbits, prior to departure for SEL1 Credit: ESA

Why Vega launched at 04:04:00 GMT on 3 December and no other

The time from lift-off to the time of the final apogee-raising manoeuvre is about nine days, and this time period actually determined the lift-off time of Vega from Europe's spaceport in Kourou. To put it simply, the lift-off time must be a time such that:

  • After this time, the line of apses (the line connecting the perigee and the apogee) must be oriented such that the final burn following the sequence will actually point the apogee toward the Sun, since we want to fly to SEL1, which is located toward the Sun
  • Vega doesn't know where the Sun is (it's just a rocket). No matter what lift-off time, it always flies the same trajectory with respect to the Earth's surface. However, the Earth is rotating and thus the time Vega leaves its launch pad determines the position of the apogee and perigee with respect to the Sun

So, it fell to ESA's Mission Analysis team to determine the time at which Vega optimally roared into space such that after nine days the line of apses will be oriented such that we can go to SEL1 and that we don't fly in the opposite direction (for that we'd launch about 12 hours later). Actually, the lift-off time was calculated such that even in case of delay or other contingencies during the immediate post-launch days (LEOP - the critical Launch and Early Orbit Phase) a correct orbit about SEL1 can still be reached.

In addition, the launch time and trajectory were carefully planned so that LISA Pathfinder stays well clear of the orbit of the International Space Station.

Note that we didn't have to exactly point toward the Sun to go into an orbit about SEL1, despite this point being located on the direct line between Earth and Sun. There is a certain range where this line-of-apses can point. Nonetheless, there are many other considerations that require us to pick only one specific lift-off time. For example, we want to ensure that the resulting orbit about SEL1 is optimal for communication with the Earth.

LISA Pathfinder orbits to SEL1 Credit: ESA

LISA Pathfinder orbits to SEL1 Credit: ESA

Once the spacecraft starts travelling on the trajectory towards SEL1, another difficult task must be accomplished by the flight dynamics and flight control teams. This relates to the fact that, despite what you always hear, libration point orbits are, unfortunately, unstable and the smallest perturbation can cause the spacecraft either to fall back toward Earth or escape into the inner Solar System.

Keeping our spacecraft up there

Thus, keeping LISA Pathfinder in its orbit about SEL1 is like balancing a pencil on its tip – except it's actually much more complicated than this because we can only thrust in the Sun direction (due to the design of the spacecraft) and we have very little thrust available on the spacecraft (using just its cold-gas control thrusters) after the science module has discarded the propulsion module.

So, we have to keep LISA Pathfinder in a very delicate balance: the craft must be kept in an orbit that is constantly 'falling back' toward Earth, with just very small puffs of gas to push it 'back up'.

Every week that LPF is at L1, we will have to give it a small push (these are the so-called 'station-keeping manoeuvres') so that it doesn't actually fall back toward Earth. But the push must be small enough so that we don't fall into the Sun direction either, because then the flight control team would have to conduct a rather complex manoeuvre, rotating the spacecraft so that thrust can be provided toward Earth to get the spacecraft back toward the 'Earth-falling' side -- and this would make us lose valuable science time.

Once en route to SEL1, a series of six thruster burns will ensure that we'll end up in exactly the right trajectory - not falling toward the Sun and not too quickly falling back toward Earth either.

This is post highlights just a few of the factors related to trajectory is only a small part of what makes LISA Pathfinder such a challenging - and fantastic! - mission for all teams working at ESOC.


  1. Initially, LPF is using ESA’s 15m tracking stations in Perth, Australia, Maspalomas, Spain, and Kourou, French Guiana. Once it is more than about 50 000 from Earth, it will use the three 35m deep-space tracking stations in Spain, Australia and Argentina. Read more about ESA’s Estrack network.
  2. LPF is operated from ESA’s European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany, where not only are the Flight Control Team located, but also the extended functional teams of experts in areas like flight dynamics, mission analysis, ground stations and software systems.

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

Update from Kourou tracking station

This just in from ESA's Dieter Amend at Kourou tracking station, our 15m ground station located not too far from the Vega launch pad. In fact, he and the on-site engineering team will shortly leave the station, as it is within the risk zone from liftoff. The station is fully configured for LISA Pathfinder launch on board Vega VV06, and will be remotely controlled from ESOC until the team returns after Vega has departed.

Some info from Kourou.

1. Kourou Station
- weather conditions: no rain, a few clouds
- Station manned since H0 - 06:00 to follow the Network Countdown

Kourou tracking station Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Kourou tracking station Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO


Vega VV06 on the pad Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Vega VV06 on the pad Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

2. Station Evacuation to CDL3 Bunker
At H0 -01:45 the station team has to evacuate the site because of safety reasons. Two members of the team will go to the bunker of the VEGA Control Centre Building, CDL3, ca. 1 km off the launch pad, to be back at the station in time for 1st acquisition of signals from LISA Pathfinder at 05:51 UTC (the Ground Operations Manager at ESOC will have remote control of the station).

Vega launch control at Kourou

Vega launch control at Kourou Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

3. Back at station
The Kourou local team will return to the station at about H0 + 01:00 and will again take over control to prepare the station for signal reception from the launcher and the spacecraft.

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

This just in from ESA's Dieter Amend at Kourou tracking station, our 15m ground station located not too far from the Vega launch pad. In fact, he and the on-site engineering team will shortly leave the station, as it is within the risk zone from liftoff. The station is fully configured for LISA Pathfinder launch on board Vega VV06, and will be remotely controlled from ESOC until the team returns after Vega has departed.

Some info from Kourou.

1. Kourou Station
- weather conditions: no rain, a few clouds
- Station manned since H0 - 06:00 to follow the Network Countdown

Kourou tracking station Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Kourou tracking station Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO


Vega VV06 on the pad Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Vega VV06 on the pad Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

2. Station Evacuation to CDL3 Bunker
At H0 -01:45 the station team has to evacuate the site because of safety reasons. Two members of the team will go to the bunker of the VEGA Control Centre Building, CDL3, ca. 1 km off the launch pad, to be back at the station in time for 1st acquisition of signals from LISA Pathfinder at 05:51 UTC (the Ground Operations Manager at ESOC will have remote control of the station).

Vega launch control at Kourou

Vega launch control at Kourou Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

3. Back at station
The Kourou local team will return to the station at about H0 + 01:00 and will again take over control to prepare the station for signal reception from the launcher and the spacecraft.

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LISA Pathfinder launch timeline

On Wednesday, a Vega rocket will boost LISA Pathfinder into space to pave the way to a future mission for detecting gravitational waves. Once aloft, ESA’s mission control teams will pace the ultra high-tech spacecraft through the critical first days of the journey to its final destination.

At 04:15 GMT (05:15 CET) on Wednesday, 2 December, ESA’s LISA Pathfinder is set to lift off on a 30 m-tall Vega rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, for a 105-minute ride into orbit.

LISA Pathfinder is a demonstrator to help open up a completely new window into the Universe: it will test new technologies needed to measure gravitational waves in space. Predicted by Albert Einstein, these waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime produced by massive celestial events, such as the merging of black holes.

Detecting gravitational waves would be an additional confirmation of General Relativity, and greatly improve our knowledge of the most powerful phenomena in the Universe.
Ariane 5 flight V188 rises above ESA's Estrack station in Kourou, French Guyana
Kourou tracking station

Separation from Vega is expected at 06:00 GMT (07:00 CET), marking the moment when controllers at ESA’s ESOC operations centre in Darmstadt, Germany, take over the satellite.

First contact is expected two minutes later, around 06:02 GMT (07:02 CET) via the ground station at Kourou.

After confirming LISA Pathfinder’s status and overall health, ground teams will start an intensive cycle of crucial and complex orbit-raising manoeuvres.

These will include firing the mission’s propulsion module six times during 6–11 December to raise its initial orbit, before beginning a six-week cruise phase to its operational orbit some 1.5 million km from Earth in a sunward direction.

After arriving at the final working orbit, the propulsion module will be discarded in later January, and, after about three months of setting-up and calibration, the science mission will begin in March.

The liftoff will be streamed live via two separate programmes on Wednesday: launch webcast live from Kourou, 03:55 GMT (04:55 CET) start; and a media briefing live from ESOC, 05:45 GMT (06:45 CET) start (links to each via

The timeline below is subject to change. An expanded version is available on ESA’s Rocket Science blog.

1-2 December 2015


LISA Pathfinder/ESOC Tracking stations
L-09:10:00 19:05:00 20:05:00 Flight Control Team ‘on console’ in ESOC Main Control Room; start of prelaunch activities (B-section)
L-09:00:00 19:15:00 20:15:00 ESOC teams begin monitoring spacecraft and ground systems, receiving live telemetry from LISA Pathfinder on top of Vega via umbilical
L-08:00:00 20:15:00 21:15:00 Start of Vega countdown
L-06:00:00 22:15:00 23:15:00 Start of ESOC network countdown; mission controllers continue monitoring LISA Pathfinder Ground tracking stations: Start of dedicated LPF launch support. Begin station check outs at ESA 15m stations at Perth (Aus), Maspalomas (Spain), Kourou (F. Guiana) plus ASI station Malindi (Kenya)
L-05:45:00 22:30:00 23:30:00 ESOC starts a series of data flow tests to confirm primary & backup data links between ESOC and tracking stations Data flow tests KRU, MAS, PER, MAL-X
L-05:30:00 22:45:00 23:45:00 Activation of Vega Multi Function Unit - MFU controls the launcher's critical systems (incl power distribution & pyrotechnics)
L-05:10:00 23:05:00 00:05:00 "Vega Inertial Reference System on;
Vega telemetry starts flowing"
L-05:05:00 23:10:00 00:10:00 ESOC Flight Director conducts first formal check of ground segment launch readiness: confirms that teams, systems and stations are ready Data flow tests contiune: test back-up links to stations
L-04:55:00 23:20:00 00:20:00 ESOC Flight Director reports ground segment status to Kourou launch control centre
L-04:50:00 23:25:00 00:25:00 Activation of Vega Safeguard Master Unit - SMU controls safety self-destruct, which can be commanded by ground or autonomously in case of degraded flight behaviour
L-04:20:00 23:55:00 00:55:00 Activation of Vega onboard computer and loading of flight program
L-03:45:00 00:30:00 01:30:00 End of data flow tests via back-up station links. Links now configured for actual LPF TM. Begin data flow tests on primary links.
L-02:40:00 01:35:00 02:35:00 Mobile gantry withdrawal (45 mins)
L-02:30:00 01:45:00 02:45:00 End of data flow tests via primary station links. Links now configured for actual LPF TM. All data flow tests complete; ground segment configured for actual LPF TM
L-02:00:00 02:15:00 03:15:00 Mission Control Team handover in ESOC MCR. A-Section engineers briefed by B-Section counterparts.
L-01:45:00 02:30:00 03:30:00 A-Section of Mission Control Team now on console in MCR Station engineer team at Kourou depart for safe area. From now until launch, KRU station operated remotely from ESOC.
L-01:55:00 02:20:00 03:20:00 Alignment and checks of Inertial Reference System (after withdrawal of gantry)
L-01:15:00 03:00:00 04:00:00 Vega telemetry transmitter on (after withdrawal of gantry)
Vega transponders on
L-00:55:00 03:20:00 04:20:00 ESA Flight Director conducts Go/NoGo roll call in Main Control Room
L-00:35:00 03:40:00 04:40:00 ESOC Spacecraft Operations Manager conducts final briefing with ground tracking stations All stations in conference with ESOC
L-00:34:00 03:41:00 04:41:00 Launcher system ready
L-00:25:00 03:50:00 04:50:00 ESOC Flight Director conducts final formal check of ground segment launch readiness: confirms that teams, systems and stations are ready
L-00:15:00 04:00:00 05:00:00 LISA Pathfinder on internal power ESOC Flight Director confirms ground segment ready for launch to Kourou launch control centre
L-00:10:00 04:05:00 05:05:00 Last Kourou weather report before launch
L-00:04:00 04:11:00 05:11:00 Start of Vega synchronized sequence
L-00:00:08 04:14:52 05:14:52 Last possible launch abort
00:00:00 04:15:00 05:15:00 Vega first stage ignition
00:00:01 04:15:01 05:15:01 LIFT OFF
L+00:01:53 04:16:53 05:16:53 Separation of first stage
L+00:01:54 04:16:54 05:16:54 Second stage ignition
L+00:02:30 04:17:30 05:17:30 All tracking stations configured for AOS - first acquisition of signal
L+00:03:37 04:18:37 05:18:37 Separation of second stage
L+00:03:49 04:18:49 05:18:49 Third stage ignition
L+00:04:03 04:19:03 05:19:03 Fairing jettisoned
L+00:06:30 04:21:30 05:21:30 Separation of third stage
L+00:07:29 04:22:29 05:22:29 Fourth stage first burn
L+00:16:23 04:31:23 05:31:23 Fourth stage shutdown
L+01:41:19 05:56:19 06:56:19 Fourth stage second burn
L+01:42:53 05:57:53 06:57:53 Fourth stage second shutdown
L+01:45:33 06:00:33 07:00:33 LISA Pathfinder release command
L+01:45:33 06:00:33 07:00:33 SEPARATION LISA Pathfinder separates from fourth stage; begins automatic sequence
L+01:47:03 06:02:03 07:02:03 Acquisition of signal (earliest) from satellite via Kourou station KRU AOS LPF
L+01:48:00 06:03:00 07:03:00 ESOC issues test command "KRU transmits test command
KRU starts ranging & Doppler for orbit determination"
L+01:55:10 06:10:10 07:10:10 Fourth stage third burn, for deorbiting
L+01:55:17 06:10:17 07:10:17 Fourth stage shutdown
L+02:10:00 06:25:00 07:25:00 LISA Pathfinder end of automatic sequence. In stable, Sun-pointing mode. ESOC teams continue checkout
CET offset = 01:00:00
Vega launcher is also tracked by separate dedicated stations. These are not indicated in this timeline.
LCC: Launcher Control Centre, Jupiter Control Room, Kourou, French Guyana
ESOC: European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany
OD: ESA Flight Operations Director in Main Control Room
VV06: Arianespace Vega launcher flight VV06
MET: Mission Elapsed Time - before/after liftoff times are -/+
LPF: LISA Pathfinder spacecraft
AOS: Acquisition of signal
LOS: Loss of signal
MCR: Main Control Room at ESOC
OM: ESA Ground Operations Manager in Main Control Room
SOM: ESA Spacecraft Operations Manager in Main Control Room


from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

On Wednesday, a Vega rocket will boost LISA Pathfinder into space to pave the way to a future mission for detecting gravitational waves. Once aloft, ESA’s mission control teams will pace the ultra high-tech spacecraft through the critical first days of the journey to its final destination.

At 04:15 GMT (05:15 CET) on Wednesday, 2 December, ESA’s LISA Pathfinder is set to lift off on a 30 m-tall Vega rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, for a 105-minute ride into orbit.

LISA Pathfinder is a demonstrator to help open up a completely new window into the Universe: it will test new technologies needed to measure gravitational waves in space. Predicted by Albert Einstein, these waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime produced by massive celestial events, such as the merging of black holes.

Detecting gravitational waves would be an additional confirmation of General Relativity, and greatly improve our knowledge of the most powerful phenomena in the Universe.
Ariane 5 flight V188 rises above ESA's Estrack station in Kourou, French Guyana
Kourou tracking station

Separation from Vega is expected at 06:00 GMT (07:00 CET), marking the moment when controllers at ESA’s ESOC operations centre in Darmstadt, Germany, take over the satellite.

First contact is expected two minutes later, around 06:02 GMT (07:02 CET) via the ground station at Kourou.

After confirming LISA Pathfinder’s status and overall health, ground teams will start an intensive cycle of crucial and complex orbit-raising manoeuvres.

These will include firing the mission’s propulsion module six times during 6–11 December to raise its initial orbit, before beginning a six-week cruise phase to its operational orbit some 1.5 million km from Earth in a sunward direction.

After arriving at the final working orbit, the propulsion module will be discarded in later January, and, after about three months of setting-up and calibration, the science mission will begin in March.

The liftoff will be streamed live via two separate programmes on Wednesday: launch webcast live from Kourou, 03:55 GMT (04:55 CET) start; and a media briefing live from ESOC, 05:45 GMT (06:45 CET) start (links to each via

The timeline below is subject to change. An expanded version is available on ESA’s Rocket Science blog.

1-2 December 2015


LISA Pathfinder/ESOC Tracking stations
L-09:10:00 19:05:00 20:05:00 Flight Control Team ‘on console’ in ESOC Main Control Room; start of prelaunch activities (B-section)
L-09:00:00 19:15:00 20:15:00 ESOC teams begin monitoring spacecraft and ground systems, receiving live telemetry from LISA Pathfinder on top of Vega via umbilical
L-08:00:00 20:15:00 21:15:00 Start of Vega countdown
L-06:00:00 22:15:00 23:15:00 Start of ESOC network countdown; mission controllers continue monitoring LISA Pathfinder Ground tracking stations: Start of dedicated LPF launch support. Begin station check outs at ESA 15m stations at Perth (Aus), Maspalomas (Spain), Kourou (F. Guiana) plus ASI station Malindi (Kenya)
L-05:45:00 22:30:00 23:30:00 ESOC starts a series of data flow tests to confirm primary & backup data links between ESOC and tracking stations Data flow tests KRU, MAS, PER, MAL-X
L-05:30:00 22:45:00 23:45:00 Activation of Vega Multi Function Unit - MFU controls the launcher's critical systems (incl power distribution & pyrotechnics)
L-05:10:00 23:05:00 00:05:00 "Vega Inertial Reference System on;
Vega telemetry starts flowing"
L-05:05:00 23:10:00 00:10:00 ESOC Flight Director conducts first formal check of ground segment launch readiness: confirms that teams, systems and stations are ready Data flow tests contiune: test back-up links to stations
L-04:55:00 23:20:00 00:20:00 ESOC Flight Director reports ground segment status to Kourou launch control centre
L-04:50:00 23:25:00 00:25:00 Activation of Vega Safeguard Master Unit - SMU controls safety self-destruct, which can be commanded by ground or autonomously in case of degraded flight behaviour
L-04:20:00 23:55:00 00:55:00 Activation of Vega onboard computer and loading of flight program
L-03:45:00 00:30:00 01:30:00 End of data flow tests via back-up station links. Links now configured for actual LPF TM. Begin data flow tests on primary links.
L-02:40:00 01:35:00 02:35:00 Mobile gantry withdrawal (45 mins)
L-02:30:00 01:45:00 02:45:00 End of data flow tests via primary station links. Links now configured for actual LPF TM. All data flow tests complete; ground segment configured for actual LPF TM
L-02:00:00 02:15:00 03:15:00 Mission Control Team handover in ESOC MCR. A-Section engineers briefed by B-Section counterparts.
L-01:45:00 02:30:00 03:30:00 A-Section of Mission Control Team now on console in MCR Station engineer team at Kourou depart for safe area. From now until launch, KRU station operated remotely from ESOC.
L-01:55:00 02:20:00 03:20:00 Alignment and checks of Inertial Reference System (after withdrawal of gantry)
L-01:15:00 03:00:00 04:00:00 Vega telemetry transmitter on (after withdrawal of gantry)
Vega transponders on
L-00:55:00 03:20:00 04:20:00 ESA Flight Director conducts Go/NoGo roll call in Main Control Room
L-00:35:00 03:40:00 04:40:00 ESOC Spacecraft Operations Manager conducts final briefing with ground tracking stations All stations in conference with ESOC
L-00:34:00 03:41:00 04:41:00 Launcher system ready
L-00:25:00 03:50:00 04:50:00 ESOC Flight Director conducts final formal check of ground segment launch readiness: confirms that teams, systems and stations are ready
L-00:15:00 04:00:00 05:00:00 LISA Pathfinder on internal power ESOC Flight Director confirms ground segment ready for launch to Kourou launch control centre
L-00:10:00 04:05:00 05:05:00 Last Kourou weather report before launch
L-00:04:00 04:11:00 05:11:00 Start of Vega synchronized sequence
L-00:00:08 04:14:52 05:14:52 Last possible launch abort
00:00:00 04:15:00 05:15:00 Vega first stage ignition
00:00:01 04:15:01 05:15:01 LIFT OFF
L+00:01:53 04:16:53 05:16:53 Separation of first stage
L+00:01:54 04:16:54 05:16:54 Second stage ignition
L+00:02:30 04:17:30 05:17:30 All tracking stations configured for AOS - first acquisition of signal
L+00:03:37 04:18:37 05:18:37 Separation of second stage
L+00:03:49 04:18:49 05:18:49 Third stage ignition
L+00:04:03 04:19:03 05:19:03 Fairing jettisoned
L+00:06:30 04:21:30 05:21:30 Separation of third stage
L+00:07:29 04:22:29 05:22:29 Fourth stage first burn
L+00:16:23 04:31:23 05:31:23 Fourth stage shutdown
L+01:41:19 05:56:19 06:56:19 Fourth stage second burn
L+01:42:53 05:57:53 06:57:53 Fourth stage second shutdown
L+01:45:33 06:00:33 07:00:33 LISA Pathfinder release command
L+01:45:33 06:00:33 07:00:33 SEPARATION LISA Pathfinder separates from fourth stage; begins automatic sequence
L+01:47:03 06:02:03 07:02:03 Acquisition of signal (earliest) from satellite via Kourou station KRU AOS LPF
L+01:48:00 06:03:00 07:03:00 ESOC issues test command "KRU transmits test command
KRU starts ranging & Doppler for orbit determination"
L+01:55:10 06:10:10 07:10:10 Fourth stage third burn, for deorbiting
L+01:55:17 06:10:17 07:10:17 Fourth stage shutdown
L+02:10:00 06:25:00 07:25:00 LISA Pathfinder end of automatic sequence. In stable, Sun-pointing mode. ESOC teams continue checkout
CET offset = 01:00:00
Vega launcher is also tracked by separate dedicated stations. These are not indicated in this timeline.
LCC: Launcher Control Centre, Jupiter Control Room, Kourou, French Guyana
ESOC: European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany
OD: ESA Flight Operations Director in Main Control Room
VV06: Arianespace Vega launcher flight VV06
MET: Mission Elapsed Time - before/after liftoff times are -/+
LPF: LISA Pathfinder spacecraft
AOS: Acquisition of signal
LOS: Loss of signal
MCR: Main Control Room at ESOC
OM: ESA Ground Operations Manager in Main Control Room
SOM: ESA Spacecraft Operations Manager in Main Control Room


from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

ESOC ground operations team ready for LPF

A happy and confident Ground Operations Team ready for LISA Pathfinder launch at ESOC! L-R (seated): Daniel Firre, our LPF Ground Operations Manager, Yves Doat, Guillermo Lorenzo, Fabienne Delhaise (standing): Gabriela Ravera, Justin Howard

LISA Pathfinder will ride into space on board a Vega rocket, expected to lift off at 04:15 GMT on 2 December from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou. LISA Pathfinder will separate from the final stage at around 06:00 GMT, moments before transmitting its first signals to the ground.

This is the team responsible for 'Acquisition of Signal' (AOS) - the first report from space from LPF. And it will be a challenge!

LISA Pathfinder Ground Ops Team Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

LISA Pathfinder Ground Ops Team Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

On launch day, grabbing the first signal from LISA Pathfinder will be particularly complicated because the spacecraft uses higher-frequency ‘X-band’ radio signals for its communications. This produces a much narrower beam than the traditional lower-frequency S-band radio waves normally used for missions to low Earth orbit.

“X-band is typical for a craft that will voyage 1.5 million kilometres from Earth,” says ground operations engineer Fabienne Delhaise, “but is not common for satellites in low orbit, which is where LISA Pathfinder starts out.”

She adds:

This means our ground stations must point especially accurately and use a special adapter to catch signals just after separation, when the craft is still near Earth.

An even more challenging part of the complex LEOP period will occur between four and ten days after launch, when the ground station teams, together with flight dynamics experts, will exercise carefully prepared strategies to re-acquire the spacecraft’s downlink signal after each of the apogee-raising manoeuvres. These may generate very large dispersions, meaning that the stations may not know precisely where to point to re-establish communications.

Later, once the LPF orbit orbit rises above about 45 000 km, mission controllers will use ESA’s powerful deep-space radio dishes in Australia, Spain and Argentina, which are designed just for such distant signalling.

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

A happy and confident Ground Operations Team ready for LISA Pathfinder launch at ESOC! L-R (seated): Daniel Firre, our LPF Ground Operations Manager, Yves Doat, Guillermo Lorenzo, Fabienne Delhaise (standing): Gabriela Ravera, Justin Howard

LISA Pathfinder will ride into space on board a Vega rocket, expected to lift off at 04:15 GMT on 2 December from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou. LISA Pathfinder will separate from the final stage at around 06:00 GMT, moments before transmitting its first signals to the ground.

This is the team responsible for 'Acquisition of Signal' (AOS) - the first report from space from LPF. And it will be a challenge!

LISA Pathfinder Ground Ops Team Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

LISA Pathfinder Ground Ops Team Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

On launch day, grabbing the first signal from LISA Pathfinder will be particularly complicated because the spacecraft uses higher-frequency ‘X-band’ radio signals for its communications. This produces a much narrower beam than the traditional lower-frequency S-band radio waves normally used for missions to low Earth orbit.

“X-band is typical for a craft that will voyage 1.5 million kilometres from Earth,” says ground operations engineer Fabienne Delhaise, “but is not common for satellites in low orbit, which is where LISA Pathfinder starts out.”

She adds:

This means our ground stations must point especially accurately and use a special adapter to catch signals just after separation, when the craft is still near Earth.

An even more challenging part of the complex LEOP period will occur between four and ten days after launch, when the ground station teams, together with flight dynamics experts, will exercise carefully prepared strategies to re-acquire the spacecraft’s downlink signal after each of the apogee-raising manoeuvres. These may generate very large dispersions, meaning that the stations may not know precisely where to point to re-establish communications.

Later, once the LPF orbit orbit rises above about 45 000 km, mission controllers will use ESA’s powerful deep-space radio dishes in Australia, Spain and Argentina, which are designed just for such distant signalling.

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To catch a speeding satellite: Estrack redevelopment down under

Editor’s note: The Estrack team at ESOC are redeveloping the network’s tracking capability in Australia. The existing tracking station at New Norcia (NNO), which hosts one of three Agency’s 35m deep-space antennas, will be improved by the addition of a smaller, 4.5-m antenna for signal acquisition and tracking during the critical initial orbits of new missions. The existing Estrack station at Perth, Australia, will be dismantled, as its location has become untenable due to urban sprawl and radio interference with TV broadcast trucks, among others.

We spoke with Gunther Sessler, the NNO-2 project manager (see also Tracking new missions from down under).

Q. What does the NNO2 project encompass?
Together with several other factors, the termination of the S-band frequency licence in Perth by end of 2015 is driving the decision to relocate to New Norcia the core X-band launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) functionality of ESA’s Perth station.

ESA's 4.5-m acquisition aid dish antenna at New Norcia tracking station, Western Australia Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

ESA's 4.5-m acquisition aid dish antenna at New Norcia tracking station, Western Australia Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

We are therefore deploying an acquisition aid antenna, to be known as NNO-2, to provide X-Band LEOP support from New Norcia (NNO). The NNO-2 terminal will allow acquisition and tracking during the critical initial phase of the LEOP (roughly up to 100 000 km range) and can also slave the 35m deep space dish (NNO-1), which then again can retrieve ranging and ‘high-rate’ telemetry data (i.e. transmissions sent from satellites moving quickly across the station’s field of view).

To be more specific, NNO-2 will provide an X-Band up- and down-link capability for newly launched spacecraft under ‘high dispersion spacecraft injection’ conditions – when we might not know the new satellite’s trajectory very well. Furthermore, an additional X-band wide-beam uplink functionality will allow for satellite emergency support in case we don’t know the satellite position shortly after separation from the launcher at all.

The new terminal – the antenna and related electronic equipment – also allows for S-Band reception at 2200 – 2300 MHz for launcher tracking, including Ariane 5, Vega and Soyuz.

Q. What’s the timeline for deployment?
The project got underway at the end of 2013. In 2014, while the new antenna was being designed and built, a suitable location was sought at the existing New Norcia site.

The chosen location was then prepared for antenna terminal deployment. In the middle of 2015, the antenna was installed; overall system testing took place in September and October, and completion of the development project is planned by the end of this year.

Q. Who is involved (at ESOC? from Industry? From NNO/Australia?)
We have a great team at ESA and in industry making this interesting project possible. The antenna front-end was the most complex part of the project, as the NNO-2 antenna had to be designed and built from scratch.

From the ESA side, Peter Droll was handling this critical part of the project and leading it to success, together with Vertex Antennentechnik GmbH, in Germany, to whom the NNO-2 front-end contract was awarded. In particular, the stringent requirements on pointing (to allow slaving of the big 35m NNO-1 dish) and the need for colocation of the S- and X-band feed in such a small antenna provided extra challenges. In the end, Michael Palecki and his team at Vertex, together with Peter Droll were able to ensure that the antenna can perform as desired and that it even exceeds the expected performance in many areas.

Also at ESA, Udo Kugel ran the deployment of the new infrastructure – the antenna and calibration tower foundation, electrical power, access tracks, cable ducts, etc. – via Inmarsat UK/Australia and Stratham Engineering Australia. This part turned out to be more challenging than expected, as numerous permits were needed and there was a lot of time-consuming administration before the actual work could start.

Once it finally started, Wayne Sheffield from Stratham Engineering, who was making things work on-site, and Udo could make up on the lost time and finish the infrastructure with the help of a number of local Australian companies.

The back-end changes for NNO-2, which included among other items the connection of the NNO-2 front-end signals to the existing NNO-1 back-end, was awarded to NDSatCom, in Germany, and handled from ESA side by Gérard Galtié and Matthias Lohnert. Andreas Scior, also at ESA, took care of the calibration tower, which is required for testing the new antenna.

The Inmarsat Maintenance and Operations team, who are responsible for operating ESA’s New Norcia site, helped with the deployment of the new antenna and performed testing; for this activity, Luca Foiadelli, the ESA station engineer for New Norcia, provided substantial support.

From ESA, as well as from the industry side, many others have and are contributing in the area of engineering, operations, administration and navigation. I would personally like to thank each for their contribution and dedication to the NNO-2 project.

The success of the project is a direct result of the great team we have at ESA and in industry!

Q. Does this upgrade at NNO replace Perth station?
Due to the closure of Perth, Estrack would lose its capability to support LEOPs from Western Australia, which is a critical location for most ESA satellite launches. For this reason, it was decided to build a small antenna dedicated to LEOPs at NNO.

It therefore replaces many of the Perth LEOP capabilities and adds additional functionalities that will be quite useful during a LEOP (e.g. wide-beam uplink). On the other hand, due to the smaller antenna dish size, routine tracking, telemetry and commanding operations will not be possible and these have to a large extent been transferred to commercial service providers, including SSC Australia operating the Western Australia Space Centre near Dongara/Geraldton.

Q. What are some of the features of the new antenna?
The beam width of the NNO-2 antenna is such that it can deal with high orbit insertion dispersion and can therefore more easily acquire a newly launched satellite, even if there has been a large over- or under-performance of the satellite launcher.

Moreover, high-precision tracking (< 30 mdeg) will allow slaving the 35m deep space antenna.

Furthermore, the site for the antenna terminal was chosen such that the horizon profile is close to 0° (or even below), such that the satellite can be detected very early – just as it rises above the horizon.

Finally, the terminal was designed for low maintenance and operation costs and the ability to go into a hibernation mode between LEOPs, which might be several months apart.

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Editor’s note: The Estrack team at ESOC are redeveloping the network’s tracking capability in Australia. The existing tracking station at New Norcia (NNO), which hosts one of three Agency’s 35m deep-space antennas, will be improved by the addition of a smaller, 4.5-m antenna for signal acquisition and tracking during the critical initial orbits of new missions. The existing Estrack station at Perth, Australia, will be dismantled, as its location has become untenable due to urban sprawl and radio interference with TV broadcast trucks, among others.

We spoke with Gunther Sessler, the NNO-2 project manager (see also Tracking new missions from down under).

Q. What does the NNO2 project encompass?
Together with several other factors, the termination of the S-band frequency licence in Perth by end of 2015 is driving the decision to relocate to New Norcia the core X-band launch and early orbit phase (LEOP) functionality of ESA’s Perth station.

ESA's 4.5-m acquisition aid dish antenna at New Norcia tracking station, Western Australia Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

ESA's 4.5-m acquisition aid dish antenna at New Norcia tracking station, Western Australia Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

We are therefore deploying an acquisition aid antenna, to be known as NNO-2, to provide X-Band LEOP support from New Norcia (NNO). The NNO-2 terminal will allow acquisition and tracking during the critical initial phase of the LEOP (roughly up to 100 000 km range) and can also slave the 35m deep space dish (NNO-1), which then again can retrieve ranging and ‘high-rate’ telemetry data (i.e. transmissions sent from satellites moving quickly across the station’s field of view).

To be more specific, NNO-2 will provide an X-Band up- and down-link capability for newly launched spacecraft under ‘high dispersion spacecraft injection’ conditions – when we might not know the new satellite’s trajectory very well. Furthermore, an additional X-band wide-beam uplink functionality will allow for satellite emergency support in case we don’t know the satellite position shortly after separation from the launcher at all.

The new terminal – the antenna and related electronic equipment – also allows for S-Band reception at 2200 – 2300 MHz for launcher tracking, including Ariane 5, Vega and Soyuz.

Q. What’s the timeline for deployment?
The project got underway at the end of 2013. In 2014, while the new antenna was being designed and built, a suitable location was sought at the existing New Norcia site.

The chosen location was then prepared for antenna terminal deployment. In the middle of 2015, the antenna was installed; overall system testing took place in September and October, and completion of the development project is planned by the end of this year.

Q. Who is involved (at ESOC? from Industry? From NNO/Australia?)
We have a great team at ESA and in industry making this interesting project possible. The antenna front-end was the most complex part of the project, as the NNO-2 antenna had to be designed and built from scratch.

From the ESA side, Peter Droll was handling this critical part of the project and leading it to success, together with Vertex Antennentechnik GmbH, in Germany, to whom the NNO-2 front-end contract was awarded. In particular, the stringent requirements on pointing (to allow slaving of the big 35m NNO-1 dish) and the need for colocation of the S- and X-band feed in such a small antenna provided extra challenges. In the end, Michael Palecki and his team at Vertex, together with Peter Droll were able to ensure that the antenna can perform as desired and that it even exceeds the expected performance in many areas.

Also at ESA, Udo Kugel ran the deployment of the new infrastructure – the antenna and calibration tower foundation, electrical power, access tracks, cable ducts, etc. – via Inmarsat UK/Australia and Stratham Engineering Australia. This part turned out to be more challenging than expected, as numerous permits were needed and there was a lot of time-consuming administration before the actual work could start.

Once it finally started, Wayne Sheffield from Stratham Engineering, who was making things work on-site, and Udo could make up on the lost time and finish the infrastructure with the help of a number of local Australian companies.

The back-end changes for NNO-2, which included among other items the connection of the NNO-2 front-end signals to the existing NNO-1 back-end, was awarded to NDSatCom, in Germany, and handled from ESA side by Gérard Galtié and Matthias Lohnert. Andreas Scior, also at ESA, took care of the calibration tower, which is required for testing the new antenna.

The Inmarsat Maintenance and Operations team, who are responsible for operating ESA’s New Norcia site, helped with the deployment of the new antenna and performed testing; for this activity, Luca Foiadelli, the ESA station engineer for New Norcia, provided substantial support.

From ESA, as well as from the industry side, many others have and are contributing in the area of engineering, operations, administration and navigation. I would personally like to thank each for their contribution and dedication to the NNO-2 project.

The success of the project is a direct result of the great team we have at ESA and in industry!

Q. Does this upgrade at NNO replace Perth station?
Due to the closure of Perth, Estrack would lose its capability to support LEOPs from Western Australia, which is a critical location for most ESA satellite launches. For this reason, it was decided to build a small antenna dedicated to LEOPs at NNO.

It therefore replaces many of the Perth LEOP capabilities and adds additional functionalities that will be quite useful during a LEOP (e.g. wide-beam uplink). On the other hand, due to the smaller antenna dish size, routine tracking, telemetry and commanding operations will not be possible and these have to a large extent been transferred to commercial service providers, including SSC Australia operating the Western Australia Space Centre near Dongara/Geraldton.

Q. What are some of the features of the new antenna?
The beam width of the NNO-2 antenna is such that it can deal with high orbit insertion dispersion and can therefore more easily acquire a newly launched satellite, even if there has been a large over- or under-performance of the satellite launcher.

Moreover, high-precision tracking (< 30 mdeg) will allow slaving the 35m deep space antenna.

Furthermore, the site for the antenna terminal was chosen such that the horizon profile is close to 0° (or even below), such that the satellite can be detected very early – just as it rises above the horizon.

Finally, the terminal was designed for low maintenance and operation costs and the ability to go into a hibernation mode between LEOPs, which might be several months apart.

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Europe comes together for space weather

Working with scientists in 14 countries across Europe, ESA is developing a warning network that will help protect us from the effects of our Sun’s activity.

ESA’s Space Situational Awareness efforts now generate almost 60 ‘products’ – including high-quality measurements, forecasts, alerts and expert analysis – from teams participating in the Agency’s space weather network, heading for over 140 next year.

This illustration shows a CME blasting off the Sun's surface in the direction of Earth (objects are not drawn to scale). Credit: SOHO/LASCO/EIT (ESA & NASA)

This illustration shows a CME blasting off the Sun's surface in the direction of Earth (objects are not drawn to scale). Credit: SOHO/LASCO/EIT (ESA & NASA)

Many use realtime data on our Sun and the resulting disturbances detected in the environment around Earth, our atmosphere and down to the surface.

The raw information is gathered from a large and increasing number of ground and space sensors, and delivered through a network of Expert Service Centres, established by ESA to combine and build on existing facilities in Member States.

“The Centres federate the wealth of space weather expertise and capabilities that exist at the national level,” says ESA’s Alexi Glover, responsible for network development.

“This provides a large added value not only to our Member States and their industries but to Europe as a whole.”

Watching out for space weather

Numerous sectors are potentially affected by space weather in Europe’s economy, ranging from telecoms, broadcasting, drilling, exploration, navigation and power distribution, the latter especially at northern latitudes.

ESA’s Space Situational Awareness Space Weather Coordination Centre, Spacepole, Brussels

ESA’s Space Situational Awareness Space Weather Coordination Centre, Spacepole, Brussels

The Sun causes ‘storms’ within Earth’s magnetosphere when giant eruptions from the Sun’s outer atmosphere – Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – wash across our planet. The most recent very large event occurred in 2012, though it missed Earth. Lesser CMEs happen regularly and do reach the planet, affecting daily economic activities.

ESA launched its space awareness effort in 2009 in part to develop a Europe-wide capability to monitor, study and warn about such space weather effects.

Building a robust European network

“The current expansion of the network, interconnected via ESA’s Space Weather Coordination Centre in Brussels, Belgium, brings to fruition several years of work,” says Juha-Pekka Luntama, ESA’s space weather manager.

Today, the available products provide information on realtime solar activity, solar flare forecasting, geomagnetic activity, ionospheric activity and radiation levels both for satellites in orbit and, closer to the ground, at aircraft altitudes.

These products rely on data gathered by sensors developed and operated by industry, national space agencies and academic institutes across Europe.

Data gathered by ground and space sensors are processed and presented to the users as targeted space weather products by the five Centres, one each focused on solar weather (coordinated by the Royal Observatory Belgium), heliospheric weather (STFC RAL Space, UK), space radiation (BIRA-IASB, Belgium), ionospheric weather (DLR Germany) and geomagnetic conditions (Tromsø Geophysical Observatory, Norway).

(Access PDF map showing planned expansion 2015-16)

ESA’s Proba-2 Sun-watching satellite also contributes. In the near future, instruments on satellites operated by a number of ESA partners will be flown, and the Agency is studying a dedicated mission for early warning of coronal mass ejections and other space weather events.

Effects on people and industry

ESA Space Weather ESCs in 2016 - forecast

ESA Space Weather ESCs in 2016 - forecast

ESA’s network is providing data that indicate solar effects on diverse economic activities including aviation (polar flights are sometimes diverted when solar radiation levels are high); navigation and telecommunications (satellite radio signals are especially sensitive to space-weather-induced disturbances in the upper atmosphere); pipeline and power grid operations (geomagnetic activity can induce electrical currents disturbing operation of power grids and cause increased corrosion in pipelines); and precision oil and gas drilling.

In 2016, ESA’s space weather network will grow to encompass over 140 separate products providing scientific and pre-operational applications as part of 39 services provided to users.

Space weather business

“The development of space-weather precursor services in Europe is a growing success, and also promises commercial opportunities that we could not foresee just a few years ago,” says Juha-Pekka.

In addition to business and government agency uses of space weather data, he points to opportunities for application developers who could use realtime information to serve, for example, the tourist industry, as many Nordic hotels and tour operators would like to offer predictable aurora viewing.

The next steps for the space weather network include developing and federating additional data sources, integrating new models and tools as well as ensuring that the network is robust, redundant and able to provide actionable information on demand.

“Europe has a wealth of scientific expertise in space weather,” says Juha-Pekka. “Our SSA efforts aim to coordinate existing activities and resources, foster the development of new capabilities and move services onto a real-time footing. And that will be valuable for all Europeans.”

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

Working with scientists in 14 countries across Europe, ESA is developing a warning network that will help protect us from the effects of our Sun’s activity.

ESA’s Space Situational Awareness efforts now generate almost 60 ‘products’ – including high-quality measurements, forecasts, alerts and expert analysis – from teams participating in the Agency’s space weather network, heading for over 140 next year.

This illustration shows a CME blasting off the Sun's surface in the direction of Earth (objects are not drawn to scale). Credit: SOHO/LASCO/EIT (ESA & NASA)

This illustration shows a CME blasting off the Sun's surface in the direction of Earth (objects are not drawn to scale). Credit: SOHO/LASCO/EIT (ESA & NASA)

Many use realtime data on our Sun and the resulting disturbances detected in the environment around Earth, our atmosphere and down to the surface.

The raw information is gathered from a large and increasing number of ground and space sensors, and delivered through a network of Expert Service Centres, established by ESA to combine and build on existing facilities in Member States.

“The Centres federate the wealth of space weather expertise and capabilities that exist at the national level,” says ESA’s Alexi Glover, responsible for network development.

“This provides a large added value not only to our Member States and their industries but to Europe as a whole.”

Watching out for space weather

Numerous sectors are potentially affected by space weather in Europe’s economy, ranging from telecoms, broadcasting, drilling, exploration, navigation and power distribution, the latter especially at northern latitudes.

ESA’s Space Situational Awareness Space Weather Coordination Centre, Spacepole, Brussels

ESA’s Space Situational Awareness Space Weather Coordination Centre, Spacepole, Brussels

The Sun causes ‘storms’ within Earth’s magnetosphere when giant eruptions from the Sun’s outer atmosphere – Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – wash across our planet. The most recent very large event occurred in 2012, though it missed Earth. Lesser CMEs happen regularly and do reach the planet, affecting daily economic activities.

ESA launched its space awareness effort in 2009 in part to develop a Europe-wide capability to monitor, study and warn about such space weather effects.

Building a robust European network

“The current expansion of the network, interconnected via ESA’s Space Weather Coordination Centre in Brussels, Belgium, brings to fruition several years of work,” says Juha-Pekka Luntama, ESA’s space weather manager.

Today, the available products provide information on realtime solar activity, solar flare forecasting, geomagnetic activity, ionospheric activity and radiation levels both for satellites in orbit and, closer to the ground, at aircraft altitudes.

These products rely on data gathered by sensors developed and operated by industry, national space agencies and academic institutes across Europe.

Data gathered by ground and space sensors are processed and presented to the users as targeted space weather products by the five Centres, one each focused on solar weather (coordinated by the Royal Observatory Belgium), heliospheric weather (STFC RAL Space, UK), space radiation (BIRA-IASB, Belgium), ionospheric weather (DLR Germany) and geomagnetic conditions (Tromsø Geophysical Observatory, Norway).

(Access PDF map showing planned expansion 2015-16)

ESA’s Proba-2 Sun-watching satellite also contributes. In the near future, instruments on satellites operated by a number of ESA partners will be flown, and the Agency is studying a dedicated mission for early warning of coronal mass ejections and other space weather events.

Effects on people and industry

ESA Space Weather ESCs in 2016 - forecast

ESA Space Weather ESCs in 2016 - forecast

ESA’s network is providing data that indicate solar effects on diverse economic activities including aviation (polar flights are sometimes diverted when solar radiation levels are high); navigation and telecommunications (satellite radio signals are especially sensitive to space-weather-induced disturbances in the upper atmosphere); pipeline and power grid operations (geomagnetic activity can induce electrical currents disturbing operation of power grids and cause increased corrosion in pipelines); and precision oil and gas drilling.

In 2016, ESA’s space weather network will grow to encompass over 140 separate products providing scientific and pre-operational applications as part of 39 services provided to users.

Space weather business

“The development of space-weather precursor services in Europe is a growing success, and also promises commercial opportunities that we could not foresee just a few years ago,” says Juha-Pekka.

In addition to business and government agency uses of space weather data, he points to opportunities for application developers who could use realtime information to serve, for example, the tourist industry, as many Nordic hotels and tour operators would like to offer predictable aurora viewing.

The next steps for the space weather network include developing and federating additional data sources, integrating new models and tools as well as ensuring that the network is robust, redundant and able to provide actionable information on demand.

“Europe has a wealth of scientific expertise in space weather,” says Juha-Pekka. “Our SSA efforts aim to coordinate existing activities and resources, foster the development of new capabilities and move services onto a real-time footing. And that will be valuable for all Europeans.”

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ESA sponsors WT1190F observations

Editor's note: We received word late this afternoon that ESA's Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Programme office will sponsor a European team to join an airborne observation campaign to track and observe the reentry of WT1190F, an unidentified object thought to be a discarded rocket body. It is forecast to enter Earth's atmosphere high above the Indian Ocean on 13 November. Here is a short update from Dr Stefan Löhle, lead scientist on the University of Stuttgart team that will conduct the observations.

Two researchers from the High Enthalpy Flow Diagnostics Group (HEFDiG), Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany, will participate in an airborne observation campaign to track and record the reentry of the unknown object dubbed WTF1190F, expected to reenter over the Indian Ocean at 06:19 GMT (11:49 local; 07:19 CET) on 13 November 2015.

Dr Stefan Löhle and Dr Fabian Zander, both experienced researchers in optical diagnostics of aero-thermodynamic phenomena, will deploy their instruments on board an aircraft that will observe WTF1190F reentry. ESA is sponsoring this mission, which will complement other space- and ground-based observation efforts and is expected to provide valuable data on reentry physics.

WT1190F seen from ground. The object was observed by B. Bolin, R. Jedicke and M. Micheli from the University of Arizona in their Catalina Sky Survey Program.

WT1190F seen from ground. The object was observed by B. Bolin, R. Jedicke and M. Micheli from the University of Arizona in their Catalina Sky
Survey Program.

Object WTF1190F was observed by B. Bolin, R. Jedicke and M. Micheli via the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey Program (red arrow in the image).

It is not yet known what the object is, exactly. From its behaviour, it can be surmised that, due to its low density, it is possibly hollow and thus probably a man-made piece of space junk. The size is approximately 2 m. From analysis performed so far, it is thought that object will enter (i.e. re-enter) the Earth's atmosphere on 13 November 2015, around mid-day, with an entry velocity of about 11 km/s. The entry interface angle is predicted to be 30°.

Thus, a very steep, high-speed entry is expected, so that most probably the object will be destroyed in the upper atmospheric layers.

The interest in observing such objects is, on the one hand, that this could serve as a 'test case' for future asteroid entries, and, on the other hand, the data collected can be used to improve our understanding of space debris behavior.

In the past, the University of Stuttgart's HEFDiG group has participated in the airborne observations of Hayabusa (2010) and ESA's ATV-1 (2008). Most recently, Stefan was the science team lead in the mission to observe the re-entry of the last ATV, Georges Lemaître, which was cancelled due to technical issues and which was a joint ESA-NASA activity.

The Gulfstream 450 business jet to be deployed for the observation. Image courtesy M. Shawkat Odeh

The Gulfstream 450 business jet to be deployed for the observation. Image courtesy M. Shawkat Odeh

The WT1190F observation mission will be conducted from a Gulfstream 450 business jet, sponsored by United Arab Emirates and coordinated by Mohammad Shawkat Odeh from the International Astronomical Center, Abu Dhabi. There are only five windows available to observe the object. The observation teams Comprise:

  • Peter Jenniskens, Mike Koop, Jim Albers (SETI Institute): High dynamic range imaging, exact timing, flight path optimisation
  • Ron Dantowitz, Forrest Gasdia (Clay Center Observatory): High resolution imaging, IR spectral imaging
  • Stefan Löhle, Fabian Zander (HEFDiG): Simple VIS spectroscopy
  • Mohammad Shawkat Odeh (IAC): Imaging cameras

The goal of the observations is to acquire video sufficiently resolved to provide data for modelling this reentry, which will then be used to improve our understanding of the reentry physics of space debris.

At the Institute of Space Systems in Stuttgart, HEFDiG routinely simulates these processes in ground-testing facilities, and so getting live data would be very helpful for improving these efforts.

Experimental set up of HEFDiG in the laboratory in Stuttgart. L: Dr S. Loehle, R: Dr F. Zander. Image courtesy S. Loehle

Experimental set up of HEFDiG in the laboratory in Stuttgart. L: Dr S. Loehle, R: Dr F. Zander. Image courtesy S. Loehle

The system we have foreseen (the laboratory installation is seen above) is a combination of video imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy in visible wavelengths using a fibre-fed Echelle spectrograph. It will be a very challenging endeavour, because the reentry will last, perhaps, not much longer than 8 seconds.


from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

Editor's note: We received word late this afternoon that ESA's Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Programme office will sponsor a European team to join an airborne observation campaign to track and observe the reentry of WT1190F, an unidentified object thought to be a discarded rocket body. It is forecast to enter Earth's atmosphere high above the Indian Ocean on 13 November. Here is a short update from Dr Stefan Löhle, lead scientist on the University of Stuttgart team that will conduct the observations.

Two researchers from the High Enthalpy Flow Diagnostics Group (HEFDiG), Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany, will participate in an airborne observation campaign to track and record the reentry of the unknown object dubbed WTF1190F, expected to reenter over the Indian Ocean at 06:19 GMT (11:49 local; 07:19 CET) on 13 November 2015.

Dr Stefan Löhle and Dr Fabian Zander, both experienced researchers in optical diagnostics of aero-thermodynamic phenomena, will deploy their instruments on board an aircraft that will observe WTF1190F reentry. ESA is sponsoring this mission, which will complement other space- and ground-based observation efforts and is expected to provide valuable data on reentry physics.

WT1190F seen from ground. The object was observed by B. Bolin, R. Jedicke and M. Micheli from the University of Arizona in their Catalina Sky Survey Program.

WT1190F seen from ground. The object was observed by B. Bolin, R. Jedicke and M. Micheli from the University of Arizona in their Catalina Sky
Survey Program.

Object WTF1190F was observed by B. Bolin, R. Jedicke and M. Micheli via the University of Arizona's Catalina Sky Survey Program (red arrow in the image).

It is not yet known what the object is, exactly. From its behaviour, it can be surmised that, due to its low density, it is possibly hollow and thus probably a man-made piece of space junk. The size is approximately 2 m. From analysis performed so far, it is thought that object will enter (i.e. re-enter) the Earth's atmosphere on 13 November 2015, around mid-day, with an entry velocity of about 11 km/s. The entry interface angle is predicted to be 30°.

Thus, a very steep, high-speed entry is expected, so that most probably the object will be destroyed in the upper atmospheric layers.

The interest in observing such objects is, on the one hand, that this could serve as a 'test case' for future asteroid entries, and, on the other hand, the data collected can be used to improve our understanding of space debris behavior.

In the past, the University of Stuttgart's HEFDiG group has participated in the airborne observations of Hayabusa (2010) and ESA's ATV-1 (2008). Most recently, Stefan was the science team lead in the mission to observe the re-entry of the last ATV, Georges Lemaître, which was cancelled due to technical issues and which was a joint ESA-NASA activity.

The Gulfstream 450 business jet to be deployed for the observation. Image courtesy M. Shawkat Odeh

The Gulfstream 450 business jet to be deployed for the observation. Image courtesy M. Shawkat Odeh

The WT1190F observation mission will be conducted from a Gulfstream 450 business jet, sponsored by United Arab Emirates and coordinated by Mohammad Shawkat Odeh from the International Astronomical Center, Abu Dhabi. There are only five windows available to observe the object. The observation teams Comprise:

  • Peter Jenniskens, Mike Koop, Jim Albers (SETI Institute): High dynamic range imaging, exact timing, flight path optimisation
  • Ron Dantowitz, Forrest Gasdia (Clay Center Observatory): High resolution imaging, IR spectral imaging
  • Stefan Löhle, Fabian Zander (HEFDiG): Simple VIS spectroscopy
  • Mohammad Shawkat Odeh (IAC): Imaging cameras

The goal of the observations is to acquire video sufficiently resolved to provide data for modelling this reentry, which will then be used to improve our understanding of the reentry physics of space debris.

At the Institute of Space Systems in Stuttgart, HEFDiG routinely simulates these processes in ground-testing facilities, and so getting live data would be very helpful for improving these efforts.

Experimental set up of HEFDiG in the laboratory in Stuttgart. L: Dr S. Loehle, R: Dr F. Zander. Image courtesy S. Loehle

Experimental set up of HEFDiG in the laboratory in Stuttgart. L: Dr S. Loehle, R: Dr F. Zander. Image courtesy S. Loehle

The system we have foreseen (the laboratory installation is seen above) is a combination of video imaging and high-resolution spectroscopy in visible wavelengths using a fibre-fed Echelle spectrograph. It will be a very challenging endeavour, because the reentry will last, perhaps, not much longer than 8 seconds.


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Spotting the Halloween asteroid

Details on how backyard astronomers in W. Europe, with clear skies, a telescope and a bit of luck, can spot asteroid 2015 TB145 on 31 October. Michael Khan, working at ESA's Mission Analysis Office at ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, contributed to this blog post. The diagram was prepared by ESA's NEO Coord Centre, ESRIN, Italy.

Background on the Halloween asteroid

An asteroid four times the size of a football pitch will miss Earth on All Hallows’ Eve. Asteroid 2015 TB145, an object some 400 m across, will pass safely by at around 17:00 GMT (18:00 CET) on 31 October. The space rock was discovered only on 10 October from Hawaii. On 11 October, just 12 hours after its discovery, the object was first confirmed by ESA from its observatory in Tenerife, Spain (full report via ESA web).

Halloween asteroid trajectory

Halloween, according to some, is a time to be afraid, but no one need fear asteroid 2015 TB145, a 400 m-class near-Earth object (NEO) that will pass safely by at 17:00 GMT (18:00 CET) on 31 October. Credit: ESA

Spotting it from Western Europe

Michael Khan writes

I just let JPL Horizons calculate the visibility from Darmstadt; granted, the observation conditions are different for other locations in Europe, but Darmstadt is pretty much smack in the middle, so that's not a bad place to start from (anyone can compute visibility using their specific location)

Using JPL Horizons, which is a web application hosted by NASA/JPL, and using numerically computed (i.e. accurate) trajectories, asteroid 2015 TB145 will be geometrically observable – above the horizon after sunset – on 31 October 2015 between 16:10 UTC and 20:50 UTC.

At 16:10 UTC (17:10 CET) it will be closer than 500 000 km, but also, the sky will still be rather bright. This will be during twilight and the asteroid will be located in the sky toward North by North-West. The apparent magnitude given by Horizons is +10.24 mag (which is fairly faint).

At 18:00 UTC (19:00 CET) twilight will be over, but the asteroid will have reached a magnitude of +11.2 mag (fainter) and it will continue moving farther away and getting fainter from then on.

What's more, the asteroid will be visible only at a fairly low elevation on that evening – distinctly less than 20 degrees above the horizon from Germany (so the chances of observing it may be hampered by a lingering evening haze).

Even with a really dark sky, we can see objects down to around mag +6. We won't have a dark sky at these times, but even if we did, it wouldn't make a difference for the naked-eye observability.

Every digit of increase in the magnitude means a decrease in the brightness by a factor of 2.5. This means that between +6 mag and +10 mag, we have a factor of almost 40. The asteroid would have to be at least 40 times brighter than it is in order to stand even a fighting chance of becoming visible to the naked eye. In fact, even 40X brighter wouldn't be enough on 31 October because the sky won't be dark.

I'd rule out binoculars, too.

So, while it won’t be visible to the naked eye, for anyone with a telescope, it should be visible, observation conditions (haze, etc.) permitting.

Editor’s note: If you spot it, and get a photo, post it via Twitter (using the #HalloweenAsteroid hashtag), or send us the link as a comment to this blog post (below), and we'll share the best ones!

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Details on how backyard astronomers in W. Europe, with clear skies, a telescope and a bit of luck, can spot asteroid 2015 TB145 on 31 October. Michael Khan, working at ESA's Mission Analysis Office at ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany, contributed to this blog post. The diagram was prepared by ESA's NEO Coord Centre, ESRIN, Italy.

Background on the Halloween asteroid

An asteroid four times the size of a football pitch will miss Earth on All Hallows’ Eve. Asteroid 2015 TB145, an object some 400 m across, will pass safely by at around 17:00 GMT (18:00 CET) on 31 October. The space rock was discovered only on 10 October from Hawaii. On 11 October, just 12 hours after its discovery, the object was first confirmed by ESA from its observatory in Tenerife, Spain (full report via ESA web).

Halloween asteroid trajectory

Halloween, according to some, is a time to be afraid, but no one need fear asteroid 2015 TB145, a 400 m-class near-Earth object (NEO) that will pass safely by at 17:00 GMT (18:00 CET) on 31 October. Credit: ESA

Spotting it from Western Europe

Michael Khan writes

I just let JPL Horizons calculate the visibility from Darmstadt; granted, the observation conditions are different for other locations in Europe, but Darmstadt is pretty much smack in the middle, so that's not a bad place to start from (anyone can compute visibility using their specific location)

Using JPL Horizons, which is a web application hosted by NASA/JPL, and using numerically computed (i.e. accurate) trajectories, asteroid 2015 TB145 will be geometrically observable – above the horizon after sunset – on 31 October 2015 between 16:10 UTC and 20:50 UTC.

At 16:10 UTC (17:10 CET) it will be closer than 500 000 km, but also, the sky will still be rather bright. This will be during twilight and the asteroid will be located in the sky toward North by North-West. The apparent magnitude given by Horizons is +10.24 mag (which is fairly faint).

At 18:00 UTC (19:00 CET) twilight will be over, but the asteroid will have reached a magnitude of +11.2 mag (fainter) and it will continue moving farther away and getting fainter from then on.

What's more, the asteroid will be visible only at a fairly low elevation on that evening – distinctly less than 20 degrees above the horizon from Germany (so the chances of observing it may be hampered by a lingering evening haze).

Even with a really dark sky, we can see objects down to around mag +6. We won't have a dark sky at these times, but even if we did, it wouldn't make a difference for the naked-eye observability.

Every digit of increase in the magnitude means a decrease in the brightness by a factor of 2.5. This means that between +6 mag and +10 mag, we have a factor of almost 40. The asteroid would have to be at least 40 times brighter than it is in order to stand even a fighting chance of becoming visible to the naked eye. In fact, even 40X brighter wouldn't be enough on 31 October because the sky won't be dark.

I'd rule out binoculars, too.

So, while it won’t be visible to the naked eye, for anyone with a telescope, it should be visible, observation conditions (haze, etc.) permitting.

Editor’s note: If you spot it, and get a photo, post it via Twitter (using the #HalloweenAsteroid hashtag), or send us the link as a comment to this blog post (below), and we'll share the best ones!

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Assigning the ‘WTF’ to WT1190F

We contacted Eric Christensen, Principal Investigator at the Catalina Sky Survey, which discovered object WT1190F, and he provided some excellent detail on how CSS assigns alphanumeric designations to newly discovered objects.

Since CSS reports millions of asteroid positions per year to the Minor Planet Center (MPC), we need a way to automatically assign unique identifiers to each object we detect.  If we were to accidentally assign the same identifier to two separate objects, the observations could cause problems for the linking routines used by the MPC.  CSS has been using the following convention for several years:


  • Character 1: W is for the year 2015 (2014 was V, 2013 was U.  Next year we'll roll over to X)
  • Character 2: T is for the half-month, like MPC uses (A+B for January, C+D for February…T+U for October.  Capital "i" is skipped)
  • Character 3: 1 is in the range assigned to the telescope that detected the object (0-3 is the Catalina Schmidt, 4-7 belonged to the Siding Spring Survey that we previously operated in Australia, 8-B is for the Mt. Lemmon Survey, and C-F is reserved for laboratory reprocessing or a future survey)
  • Characters 4-7: A simple hexadecimal counter from 0000 to FFFF.

So, actually, one out of every 16 objects we reported in the first half of October received a temporary designation that started with "WT" and ended with "F".  This is a combination that only could have appeared between 1-15 October 2015. We're now assigning designations that begin with "WU," and next month that will increment to "WV," etc.

It doesn't seem to be well-understood in the news stories that WT1190F is only the latest designation that we assigned to this object.

It was observed twice in 2013, receiving the designations UDA34A3 and UW8551D.  Now that you know the naming algorithm, you can work out when and where this was assigned, at least to the half-month (late February 2013 and late November 2013, from the Mt. Lemmon Survey telescope).

Note that for asteroids, after they are designated by the Minor Planet Center, nobody refers to the survey-assigned temporary designation any more.

But since WT1190F is not an asteroid, it got stuck with our automatically generated designation.


-- Eric J. Christensen
Principal Investigator
Catalina Sky Survey
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
The University of Arizona




from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

We contacted Eric Christensen, Principal Investigator at the Catalina Sky Survey, which discovered object WT1190F, and he provided some excellent detail on how CSS assigns alphanumeric designations to newly discovered objects.

Since CSS reports millions of asteroid positions per year to the Minor Planet Center (MPC), we need a way to automatically assign unique identifiers to each object we detect.  If we were to accidentally assign the same identifier to two separate objects, the observations could cause problems for the linking routines used by the MPC.  CSS has been using the following convention for several years:


  • Character 1: W is for the year 2015 (2014 was V, 2013 was U.  Next year we'll roll over to X)
  • Character 2: T is for the half-month, like MPC uses (A+B for January, C+D for February…T+U for October.  Capital "i" is skipped)
  • Character 3: 1 is in the range assigned to the telescope that detected the object (0-3 is the Catalina Schmidt, 4-7 belonged to the Siding Spring Survey that we previously operated in Australia, 8-B is for the Mt. Lemmon Survey, and C-F is reserved for laboratory reprocessing or a future survey)
  • Characters 4-7: A simple hexadecimal counter from 0000 to FFFF.

So, actually, one out of every 16 objects we reported in the first half of October received a temporary designation that started with "WT" and ended with "F".  This is a combination that only could have appeared between 1-15 October 2015. We're now assigning designations that begin with "WU," and next month that will increment to "WV," etc.

It doesn't seem to be well-understood in the news stories that WT1190F is only the latest designation that we assigned to this object.

It was observed twice in 2013, receiving the designations UDA34A3 and UW8551D.  Now that you know the naming algorithm, you can work out when and where this was assigned, at least to the half-month (late February 2013 and late November 2013, from the Mt. Lemmon Survey telescope).

Note that for asteroids, after they are designated by the Minor Planet Center, nobody refers to the survey-assigned temporary designation any more.

But since WT1190F is not an asteroid, it got stuck with our automatically generated designation.


-- Eric J. Christensen
Principal Investigator
Catalina Sky Survey
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
The University of Arizona




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Will WT1190F reentry be visible?

A number of questions have come into ESA's NEO Coord Centre, ESRIN, Italy, concerning the forecast reentry on 13 November of an unknown object designated WT1190F (see: Reentry data will help improve prediction models).

The rare reentry of a suspected rocket body from a very high orbit offers an excellent opportunity to gather data to improve our knowledge of how objects interact with Earth’s atmosphere. The reentry poses very little risk to anyone but could help scientists improve our understanding of how any object – man-made or natural – interacts with Earth’s atmosphere.

It is now predicted to reenter Earth's atmosphere around 06:19 GMT (11:49 local; 07:19 CET) on 13 November 2015. A significant fraction if not all of it can be expected to completely burn up in the atmosphere; whatever is left is expected to fall into the ocean about 100 km off the southern coast of Sri Lanka.

One question that has come in is, What uncertainties can be expected for the reentry, and will it be visible?

ESA's NEOCC answers:

It is not easy to predict from where the reentry might be visible, because it's unclear how far up in the atmosphere the object would start to disintegrate, and this is reflected in an uncertainty in the actual re-entry point of as much as 100-200 km.

Being local noon in the area, only the brightest part of the trajectory may become observable. We would therefore expect observations to be possible from land only from the southern province of Sri Lanka; Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, is ~200 km away, which may be a bit too far.

ESA NEO Coordination Centre team

from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

A number of questions have come into ESA's NEO Coord Centre, ESRIN, Italy, concerning the forecast reentry on 13 November of an unknown object designated WT1190F (see: Reentry data will help improve prediction models).

The rare reentry of a suspected rocket body from a very high orbit offers an excellent opportunity to gather data to improve our knowledge of how objects interact with Earth’s atmosphere. The reentry poses very little risk to anyone but could help scientists improve our understanding of how any object – man-made or natural – interacts with Earth’s atmosphere.

It is now predicted to reenter Earth's atmosphere around 06:19 GMT (11:49 local; 07:19 CET) on 13 November 2015. A significant fraction if not all of it can be expected to completely burn up in the atmosphere; whatever is left is expected to fall into the ocean about 100 km off the southern coast of Sri Lanka.

One question that has come in is, What uncertainties can be expected for the reentry, and will it be visible?

ESA's NEOCC answers:

It is not easy to predict from where the reentry might be visible, because it's unclear how far up in the atmosphere the object would start to disintegrate, and this is reflected in an uncertainty in the actual re-entry point of as much as 100-200 km.

Being local noon in the area, only the brightest part of the trajectory may become observable. We would therefore expect observations to be possible from land only from the southern province of Sri Lanka; Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, is ~200 km away, which may be a bit too far.

ESA NEO Coordination Centre team

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WT1190F: what’s in a name?

ESA's Space Situational Awareness programme supports Europe's independent utilisation of, and access to, space through the provision of timely and accurate information, data and services regarding the space environment, and particularly regarding hazards to infrastructure in orbit and on the ground. More via Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

ESA's Space Situational Awareness programme supports Europe's independent utilisation of, and access to, space. More via Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

Reentry data will help improve prediction models

ESA website, 23 Oct 2015: A rare reentry of a suspected rocket body from a very high orbit next month offers an excellent opportunity to gather data to improve our knowledge of how objects interact with Earth’s atmosphere. The expected 13 November reentry of what is likely to be a rocket body poses very little risk to anyone but could help scientists improve our understanding of how any object – man-made or natural – interacts with Earth’s atmosphere (full report).


Editor’s note: We asked Ettore Perozzi, manager of ESA’s NEO Coordination Centre, ESRIN, Italy, to provide some background on how WT1190F got its name. Yes, like anyone else who has spent anything more than about five minutes on the Internet in the past decade, we, too, noticed that the asteroid’s designation contains a popular sequence of three English letters that is used colloquially – and often! – to express consternation. And we, too, smiled.

So, we thought we’d explain how the designation came about, and try to determine if there’s any actual meaning in christening a suspected rocket body ‘WT1190F’.

The fact is that when you use a state-of-the-art telescope for surveying the sky, in particular if equipped with wide-field, highly sensitive sensors, you are likely to find in each image many moving objects. Most of the detections will turn out to be already known objects (e.g. asteroids, comets, space debris) that need to be carefully checked before an actual discovery can be announced.

This is a non-trivial task, so, for internal reference, every observing programme or organisation (e.g. like ESA’s own partner, the TOTAS survey in Spain, or any one of hundreds of amateur star-gazing groups worldwide) assigns an arbitrary sequence of letters and numbers to every object spotted in the sky during any observing run. This object (with its 'observer-defined temporary designation') then gets reported to the Minor Planet Center, USA, the International Astronomical Union (IAU)'s official international body for such observations; any further observations are then temporarily labelled with this designation purely for identification purposes.

In general, this internally assigned name sticks to the object only until it is recognized to be either a known celestial body or a new discovery. In the latter case, the naming procedure follows different paths depending on the nature of the object.

In the case of WT1190F, its provisional designation was assigned by the Catalina Sky Survey. And it was just that: arbitrary.

Natural objects

If it is an asteroid, then, by IAU rules, it is assigned a ‘provisional designation’, which is a code composed by the year of the discovery followed by letters indicating the time of the year when it was spotted, followed by a progressive number.

A simpler sequential number is then assigned once the orbit is known well enough, and from that time the discoverer has 10 years to propose the final, actual name.

Artificial objects

If it is a man-made object, then its trajectory is analysed in order to determine to which space mission it originally belonged; the designation will then be assigned based on that mission’s name.

WT1190F, however, is a rare case. It is still in the ‘limbo’ of heavenly bodies: even if there are strong indications that it is a man-made object, this is not yet fully certain and the final confirmation must still be provided by on-going observations.

Yet naming (permanently) WT1190F won’t be easy even if it is recognized to be space debris generated by an earlier mission.

We know that its peculiar and very elongated orbit has brought it close enough to the Moon to be ‘perturbed’ (shaken by the Moon’s gravitational pull) in such a way that it is no longer possible to extrapolate backwards along its past orbital evolution to determine which mission it came from with any degree of accuracy.

So, not knowing which mission it belongs to, WT1190F is very likely fated to go down in history known only by its provisional name.

But then not all names have a root meaning, do they?

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ESA's Space Situational Awareness programme supports Europe's independent utilisation of, and access to, space through the provision of timely and accurate information, data and services regarding the space environment, and particularly regarding hazards to infrastructure in orbit and on the ground. More via Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

ESA's Space Situational Awareness programme supports Europe's independent utilisation of, and access to, space. More via Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

Reentry data will help improve prediction models

ESA website, 23 Oct 2015: A rare reentry of a suspected rocket body from a very high orbit next month offers an excellent opportunity to gather data to improve our knowledge of how objects interact with Earth’s atmosphere. The expected 13 November reentry of what is likely to be a rocket body poses very little risk to anyone but could help scientists improve our understanding of how any object – man-made or natural – interacts with Earth’s atmosphere (full report).


Editor’s note: We asked Ettore Perozzi, manager of ESA’s NEO Coordination Centre, ESRIN, Italy, to provide some background on how WT1190F got its name. Yes, like anyone else who has spent anything more than about five minutes on the Internet in the past decade, we, too, noticed that the asteroid’s designation contains a popular sequence of three English letters that is used colloquially – and often! – to express consternation. And we, too, smiled.

So, we thought we’d explain how the designation came about, and try to determine if there’s any actual meaning in christening a suspected rocket body ‘WT1190F’.

The fact is that when you use a state-of-the-art telescope for surveying the sky, in particular if equipped with wide-field, highly sensitive sensors, you are likely to find in each image many moving objects. Most of the detections will turn out to be already known objects (e.g. asteroids, comets, space debris) that need to be carefully checked before an actual discovery can be announced.

This is a non-trivial task, so, for internal reference, every observing programme or organisation (e.g. like ESA’s own partner, the TOTAS survey in Spain, or any one of hundreds of amateur star-gazing groups worldwide) assigns an arbitrary sequence of letters and numbers to every object spotted in the sky during any observing run. This object (with its 'observer-defined temporary designation') then gets reported to the Minor Planet Center, USA, the International Astronomical Union (IAU)'s official international body for such observations; any further observations are then temporarily labelled with this designation purely for identification purposes.

In general, this internally assigned name sticks to the object only until it is recognized to be either a known celestial body or a new discovery. In the latter case, the naming procedure follows different paths depending on the nature of the object.

In the case of WT1190F, its provisional designation was assigned by the Catalina Sky Survey. And it was just that: arbitrary.

Natural objects

If it is an asteroid, then, by IAU rules, it is assigned a ‘provisional designation’, which is a code composed by the year of the discovery followed by letters indicating the time of the year when it was spotted, followed by a progressive number.

A simpler sequential number is then assigned once the orbit is known well enough, and from that time the discoverer has 10 years to propose the final, actual name.

Artificial objects

If it is a man-made object, then its trajectory is analysed in order to determine to which space mission it originally belonged; the designation will then be assigned based on that mission’s name.

WT1190F, however, is a rare case. It is still in the ‘limbo’ of heavenly bodies: even if there are strong indications that it is a man-made object, this is not yet fully certain and the final confirmation must still be provided by on-going observations.

Yet naming (permanently) WT1190F won’t be easy even if it is recognized to be space debris generated by an earlier mission.

We know that its peculiar and very elongated orbit has brought it close enough to the Moon to be ‘perturbed’ (shaken by the Moon’s gravitational pull) in such a way that it is no longer possible to extrapolate backwards along its past orbital evolution to determine which mission it came from with any degree of accuracy.

So, not knowing which mission it belongs to, WT1190F is very likely fated to go down in history known only by its provisional name.

But then not all names have a root meaning, do they?

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First-time gathering under Big Iron

As part of the events celebrating 40 years of Estrack, several days of workshops are being held at Cebreros station, Spain, this week.

Yesterday, we saw an interesting group shot: This is the first time that engineers from all of ESA's ground station maintenance and operations teams – the folks working on site at the stations themselves  – have met for training in one location.

Estrack M&O teams under Big Iron Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

Estrack M&O teams under Big Iron Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0


The group photo includes representatives from New Norcia and Perth (Australia), Malargüe (Argentina), Kourou (French Guiana), Redu (Belgium), Santa Maria, Azores (Portugal), Kiruna (Sweden) and Villafranca, Cebreros and Maspalomas (Spain).


from Rocket Science » Rocket Science

As part of the events celebrating 40 years of Estrack, several days of workshops are being held at Cebreros station, Spain, this week.

Yesterday, we saw an interesting group shot: This is the first time that engineers from all of ESA's ground station maintenance and operations teams – the folks working on site at the stations themselves  – have met for training in one location.

Estrack M&O teams under Big Iron Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0

Estrack M&O teams under Big Iron Credit: ESA - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0


The group photo includes representatives from New Norcia and Perth (Australia), Malargüe (Argentina), Kourou (French Guiana), Redu (Belgium), Santa Maria, Azores (Portugal), Kiruna (Sweden) and Villafranca, Cebreros and Maspalomas (Spain).


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Galileo 9 & 10 handover complete

The Galileo 9/10 LEOP at ESOC is complete!

On 20 September at 18:22 CEST, the joint ESA/CNES team at ESOC confirmed that handover of Galileo satellites 9/10 to the Galileo Control Centre near Munich for continuation of their mission was complete.

Artist's view of a Galileo Full Operational Capability (FOC) satellite. Credit: ESA/Pierre Carril, 2015

Artist's view of a Galileo Full Operational Capability (FOC) satellite. Credit: ESA/Pierre Carril, 2015

After a flawless orbit injection by Soyuz on 11 September, the critical launch & early orbit phase (LEOP) went extremely well, and both satellites are in excellent health and now enroute to their final operational orbits.

The formal hand-over time corresponds to the time that the second of the two was handed over; the first was handed over on 19 September.

The spacecraft were fully nominal at the time of handover.

While LEOP at ESOC for the mission operations team is now completed, ESA's Flight Dynamics team will continue supporting the two spacecraft until they are in their final orbital slot, in a few weeks.


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The Galileo 9/10 LEOP at ESOC is complete!

On 20 September at 18:22 CEST, the joint ESA/CNES team at ESOC confirmed that handover of Galileo satellites 9/10 to the Galileo Control Centre near Munich for continuation of their mission was complete.

Artist's view of a Galileo Full Operational Capability (FOC) satellite. Credit: ESA/Pierre Carril, 2015

Artist's view of a Galileo Full Operational Capability (FOC) satellite. Credit: ESA/Pierre Carril, 2015

After a flawless orbit injection by Soyuz on 11 September, the critical launch & early orbit phase (LEOP) went extremely well, and both satellites are in excellent health and now enroute to their final operational orbits.

The formal hand-over time corresponds to the time that the second of the two was handed over; the first was handed over on 19 September.

The spacecraft were fully nominal at the time of handover.

While LEOP at ESOC for the mission operations team is now completed, ESA's Flight Dynamics team will continue supporting the two spacecraft until they are in their final orbital slot, in a few weeks.


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