View larger. | Gilbert Vancell Nature Photography – an EarthSky friend on Facebook – captured this image on June 1, 2019. He caught it over the fortified city of Mdina on the island of Malta. He wrote: “Oh this was tight! I overslept my alarm after a night at the festival … I was expecting Venus to be closer, so the super zoom turned out to be too tight for this, and 35mm to wide, so I had to work with what I had and stitched 4 images at 150mm to cover the area I wanted.” Thanks, Gilbert!

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | The June 1, 2019 dawn sky – with a waning crescent moon and (to the moon’s left) the planet Venus – and with virga extending down from the clouds. Photo taken by Mike Lewinski. Those are the Sangre de Cristo mountains near Taos, New Mexico. Thanks, Mike!

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Waning crescent moon and Venus at sunrise on June 1, as captured by Joan Mulcare in Apple Valley, California.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Jenney Disimon caught the moon and Venus on June 1, 2019 from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah N. Borneo. Thanks, Jenney!

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Another beautiful shot of the moon and Venus before sunrise May 31, 2019, by Stephanie Longo. See Venus on the left, just above the darkened foothill? Stephanie caught them as viewed from Eleven Mile Reservoir, Lake George, Colorado, USA. Also notice that the lit side of the moon points right at Venus. Thank you Stephanie!
Bottom line: Photos of the waning crescent moon and Venus – late May and early June, 2019 – from members of the EarthSky community. Submit your photos to EarthSky here.
from EarthSky http://bit.ly/2EMwQj4

View larger. | Gilbert Vancell Nature Photography – an EarthSky friend on Facebook – captured this image on June 1, 2019. He caught it over the fortified city of Mdina on the island of Malta. He wrote: “Oh this was tight! I overslept my alarm after a night at the festival … I was expecting Venus to be closer, so the super zoom turned out to be too tight for this, and 35mm to wide, so I had to work with what I had and stitched 4 images at 150mm to cover the area I wanted.” Thanks, Gilbert!

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | The June 1, 2019 dawn sky – with a waning crescent moon and (to the moon’s left) the planet Venus – and with virga extending down from the clouds. Photo taken by Mike Lewinski. Those are the Sangre de Cristo mountains near Taos, New Mexico. Thanks, Mike!

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Waning crescent moon and Venus at sunrise on June 1, as captured by Joan Mulcare in Apple Valley, California.

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Jenney Disimon caught the moon and Venus on June 1, 2019 from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah N. Borneo. Thanks, Jenney!

View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Another beautiful shot of the moon and Venus before sunrise May 31, 2019, by Stephanie Longo. See Venus on the left, just above the darkened foothill? Stephanie caught them as viewed from Eleven Mile Reservoir, Lake George, Colorado, USA. Also notice that the lit side of the moon points right at Venus. Thank you Stephanie!
Bottom line: Photos of the waning crescent moon and Venus – late May and early June, 2019 – from members of the EarthSky community. Submit your photos to EarthSky here.
from EarthSky http://bit.ly/2EMwQj4
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