It's Skeptical Science's 10th Birthday!

Ten years ago, when Skeptical Science (SkS) first went live, John Cook had no inkling of what he had set in motion with the push of the proverbial button. Sifting through the material we have on SkS while putting this post together, I'm quite amazed at what our global team of volunteers has tackled and accomplished over the years. In this article, we'll take a look back and recount some of the pivotal moments in the history of SkS as it evolved from a personal database to a website reaching thousands of people around the globe each day.


As this turned into a fairly long post, you can jump to individual years via these links or the respective buttons:

2007 - SkS goes live

2008 - The calm before the storm

2009 - Going social and international2009 2010 - From one blogger to a big team2010
 2011 - Peak in blogs and an award2011 2012 - Getting hacked and striking back2012
2013 - The year of the 97%2013  2014 - More publications and projects2014
2015 - Countering Denial with a MOOC2015 2016 - Making lemonade from lemons2016

2017 - Onwards and upwards

You'll notice the "ornamental" graphics at the bottom of each year's post and in case that you are wondering what these are, here is the overall picture. It shows the evolution of SkS from a "one-man-blog" to a big and global team effort. 


Shown are the number of blogs written per author in a year. Numbers for 2017 go to the end of June.

 Thanks to John Garrett (jg) for creating the artwork accompanying this series of articles!

from Skeptical Science

Ten years ago, when Skeptical Science (SkS) first went live, John Cook had no inkling of what he had set in motion with the push of the proverbial button. Sifting through the material we have on SkS while putting this post together, I'm quite amazed at what our global team of volunteers has tackled and accomplished over the years. In this article, we'll take a look back and recount some of the pivotal moments in the history of SkS as it evolved from a personal database to a website reaching thousands of people around the globe each day.


As this turned into a fairly long post, you can jump to individual years via these links or the respective buttons:

2007 - SkS goes live

2008 - The calm before the storm

2009 - Going social and international2009 2010 - From one blogger to a big team2010
 2011 - Peak in blogs and an award2011 2012 - Getting hacked and striking back2012
2013 - The year of the 97%2013  2014 - More publications and projects2014
2015 - Countering Denial with a MOOC2015 2016 - Making lemonade from lemons2016

2017 - Onwards and upwards

You'll notice the "ornamental" graphics at the bottom of each year's post and in case that you are wondering what these are, here is the overall picture. It shows the evolution of SkS from a "one-man-blog" to a big and global team effort. 


Shown are the number of blogs written per author in a year. Numbers for 2017 go to the end of June.

 Thanks to John Garrett (jg) for creating the artwork accompanying this series of articles!

from Skeptical Science

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