AFTIC Status Report [A Few Things Ill Considered]

A gentle reader recently asked for a “status of the blog” report. As the two week delay between ask and answer can attest to, things are rather slow moving around here at the moment and I am mainly just my own lurker.  I do have some new content that I will offer very shortly and a post or two in the slow cooker.

I guess in general I have been feeling like I have over the years said what I needed to say and was now only repeating myself.  This is despite quite a few interesting developments over the past year ranging from juicy insider-blog gossip to political theatre to remarkable developments in climatology, both research and events.

I also realized that I was no longer being the example I intended in terms of How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic(tm). The key things I believe one must do/remember are:

  • Don’t get personal
  • Remain infinitely patient
  • Always write for the lurkers, not the current antagonist

I have slipped on all of those points.

I have also been wrestling with determining the best comment policy for this blog (there is no one size fits all such policy).  I have always taken a very hands-off approach and though I have been questioning that, I have not convinced myself there is clearly a better one.

Anyway, that is just some personal stream of consciousness stuff triggered by the above mentioned “what’s up?” comment. I’m happy to hear updates from formerly regular posters/lurkers here as well…what blogs to you spend time on? Are there topics you’d like to see covered?  Maybe there is a guest post someone has to offer -being on Science Blogs seems to guarantee at least a few hundred hits/day when content goes up.  Feel free to post some thoughts below.

As I said I really will have a post in the next few days and hope I have remained in a few RSS feeds.

from ScienceBlogs

A gentle reader recently asked for a “status of the blog” report. As the two week delay between ask and answer can attest to, things are rather slow moving around here at the moment and I am mainly just my own lurker.  I do have some new content that I will offer very shortly and a post or two in the slow cooker.

I guess in general I have been feeling like I have over the years said what I needed to say and was now only repeating myself.  This is despite quite a few interesting developments over the past year ranging from juicy insider-blog gossip to political theatre to remarkable developments in climatology, both research and events.

I also realized that I was no longer being the example I intended in terms of How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic(tm). The key things I believe one must do/remember are:

  • Don’t get personal
  • Remain infinitely patient
  • Always write for the lurkers, not the current antagonist

I have slipped on all of those points.

I have also been wrestling with determining the best comment policy for this blog (there is no one size fits all such policy).  I have always taken a very hands-off approach and though I have been questioning that, I have not convinced myself there is clearly a better one.

Anyway, that is just some personal stream of consciousness stuff triggered by the above mentioned “what’s up?” comment. I’m happy to hear updates from formerly regular posters/lurkers here as well…what blogs to you spend time on? Are there topics you’d like to see covered?  Maybe there is a guest post someone has to offer -being on Science Blogs seems to guarantee at least a few hundred hits/day when content goes up.  Feel free to post some thoughts below.

As I said I really will have a post in the next few days and hope I have remained in a few RSS feeds.

from ScienceBlogs

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