On Scientific Conferences, and Making Them Better [Uncertain Principles]

I’ve been doing a bunch of conferencing recently, what with DAMOP a few weeks ago and then Convergence last week. This prompted me to write up a couple of posts about conference-related things, which I posted over at Forbes. These were apparently a pretty bad fit for the folks reading over there, as they’ve gotten very little traffic relative to, well, everything else I’ve posted during that span. Live and learn.

Anyway, I’m fairly happy with how both of those turned out, and on the off chance that they’ll do better with the ScienceBlogs crowd, let me link them here:

What Are Academic Conferences Good For? Starts from the irony of presenting PER research on how lectures are suboptimal for student learning in a conference talk format, then argues that the real purpose of a standard conference talk isn’t information transfer but advertising.

Going To An Academic Conference? Here Are Some Tips: In response to a series of posts at the Owl_Meat blog, some advice for conference organizers, faculty advisors, and students on how to make going to conferences a better experience.

If either of those descriptions sounds relevant to your interests, follow the link and read the rest. And in future, I’ll probably put this sort of material over here to begin with…

from ScienceBlogs http://ift.tt/1eULgyz

I’ve been doing a bunch of conferencing recently, what with DAMOP a few weeks ago and then Convergence last week. This prompted me to write up a couple of posts about conference-related things, which I posted over at Forbes. These were apparently a pretty bad fit for the folks reading over there, as they’ve gotten very little traffic relative to, well, everything else I’ve posted during that span. Live and learn.

Anyway, I’m fairly happy with how both of those turned out, and on the off chance that they’ll do better with the ScienceBlogs crowd, let me link them here:

What Are Academic Conferences Good For? Starts from the irony of presenting PER research on how lectures are suboptimal for student learning in a conference talk format, then argues that the real purpose of a standard conference talk isn’t information transfer but advertising.

Going To An Academic Conference? Here Are Some Tips: In response to a series of posts at the Owl_Meat blog, some advice for conference organizers, faculty advisors, and students on how to make going to conferences a better experience.

If either of those descriptions sounds relevant to your interests, follow the link and read the rest. And in future, I’ll probably put this sort of material over here to begin with…

from ScienceBlogs http://ift.tt/1eULgyz

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